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Transcripts For DW The Bundesliga - Your Team Your League Your Show. 20180115 00:15:00

a disappointment for the eighty thousand fans at signal they do know part dormant internal disarray will that play into wolfsburg favor let's see. you know comedians absent seventeen year old jayden sanchez was given his first ever open disney get starts and he played a role right from the beginning the youngster was a whisker away from giving his side that lead after twenty minutes. two minutes later the same child was involved again but andre ya mean like oh fluff he's finished next in both books of the who wants more. the wolves they got their first real chance with you know smiley played in daniel day davi but the twenty seven year old couldn't be to keep. up and remained dominant throughout the first half but an exam to ease that was foiled by the post and the school's remains level at the break. the second half brought more of the same with what would create some chances but failing to convert the malenko just couldn't find a target that it was centuries turn to mississippi by shinji kagawa the englishman hit the post with four minutes to go ghost book keeper cullen castillo's went on a wild adventure up the pitch but when the ball eventually landed at near a shot in st he was unable to take advantage of the empty net no win for sunshine on his debut in the starting eleven but the jewel means that peter stuka remains on the tour and as to coach. still unbeaten well it's time for our match day eighteen powwow and for that i'm joined by two guests the most travelled footballer in the world author and scout for hoffenheim looks funny and stale and in house but as they get specialist ali. all right let's all start with you according to reports dorman's obama young missed an important team meeting was left off the today's squad is this the end of the black and yellow road for the striker no i don't think it's the end but obviously you know if a professional in the overall kind of game and you want someone setting a really good example or not doing things like this missing team meeting on such a regular basis is a good point so you definitely buy the argument that he simply forgot you don't buy that probably he probably did but it just shows that frova lease mind is no time to present there and for looking at the media i mean these transfer that transfer you never know really what's happening i think it's really important for daughter now to focus on that focus on the team focus on winning games and focusing on actually finishing high up in the league ok now speak keep on this topic let's talk peter he said sometimes with the club in players right now ali his only loss of the german cup against buyer do you see him sticking around until the end of the season we know his contract is limited i don't see being the kind of rebuild this deal and say you know and i do think goldman need to kind of hit the reset button in the summer we might be looking at them losing obame yang royce's always injured there are a lot of links between they can enlist clubs especially liverpool already you know we saw in in this guy know about me i know royce and i party and so they need to get at the very least and goalscorers it but i don't think that is the. to be behind that rebuilding job you know it's the man to really kind of get a new philosophy into this team and make goldman's compete with bind again so i think it's really just the rest of the season man in charge and i think they need to get someone younger perhaps at fresh and at the end of the season ok all right great words from ali let's move on you've got to love rival rays in football at the right darby between cologne and is among the most heated in the bundesliga cologne is the worst team in the league by far you can't really debate that plus the lot have dominated in this match up but you can't put a price tag on what this one means to both sides who would win the bragging rights . close play is still believe in a miracle escape that much was clear before the right job but the game initially looked like it would run to foam with glass but christophe karma going close after a quarter of an hour. cologne grew into the match though and frederic sarrasin had sons jumping for joy with the opener after sixty four minutes we'll know for the hosts in that biggest game of the season. the second half so glad that threatened again but first they could not take advantage of poor cologne defending. the level that was coming however and the rafael finally managed it the second that sent the by even the staff he goes mad in a prestige stubby five foot there was to be a twist in the tail and want to twist deep into stuff his time simonton rather got the win afic alone in his first game since rejoining the club by the win is just a lone second of the bundesliga season but hope springs eternal for the basement sign to get to safety is now eight points and they have the local bragging rights. our mad state check continues ali let's talk a load two wins in a row victory in the darby have they given themselves a chance at survival there's a glimmer of hope that crest isn't that a glimmer know much more than that now definitely have given the whole club a boost by. you know rivalry and everything now get the players going get the fans going to be for the rest of the season there's some other you know positives that's a build on as well to rada coming back and scoring for colline and also turning a negative into a positive so it's of no more europa league for then they're not kind of split in the five because they can just focus solely on survival in the bundesliga but they really have made it difficult for themselves on that without first off the season and still seven points off of the relative safety of the relegation play off place so basically they need some of the clubs above them to have a real stinker of a record if that is survive ok now over to you know what about khloe do you concur do they have any shot of state of the tough like in your opinion very difficult because they get visual really huge but you know such a game like today against when you go for who corrado i think it gets the club going to play a start to believe in themselves again plus the new young coach so i think everything is possible to have a very special atmosphere in cologne or own the town it's a football town and if they will go down i think the bonus league you really miss a very very important piece of entertainment ok now let's stay with you it's all hoffenheim you being a scout. seems that they're giving away some key players wagner to buy or mark to shot at caesars in what's going on is their game plan moving forward you know everything i think pretty normal i mean you know if you called a play like thunder won't know who actually comes from munich he supported brett that he grew up in the club his wife pregnant third kid coming i think for him it was the biggest dream to return they come so he's a good offer comes with a player a good offer comes for the club. you can't say no about lots of asian for the players that are left there that's i mean when you lose three players at sabai and in the in space it's a transfer windows and then you know that another player is leaving at the end of the season on a free how hard is it you're not as man to get the players that still they fired up for another push to make europe well i think you need to look at it from a different angle because we are developing club to be introduced the shia are from push very young players from the used to tennis giger. player in the center of midfield correctible mo came back from this and overload many many young players who come from our youth so be developing that is what we want to do in the end of the day if a bigger club really comes are you losing these players also for most of the last players to bottom and it is not just us so we need to refocus on the youth people to build our own team and we have is no one in mt piñon by a mile the best coach in germany he's a special coach you know what he did with the club is unbelievable and very important don't forget the moaning of years ago often and was nearly get it the last he was brilliant he finished fourth and now everything is perfect in order he still up there fighting for the european places everybody is happy is that realistic a realistic goal if you're giving away key players to continually return to europe it compete do you see that happening do you feel that there's a talent pool that often have to make that i really believe they know you know you see portman you know we've proved that we actually have one of the best in germany had to be developing our own players and these guys they making the jump from the use directly into the first team not many teams in the bundesliga milledge that so in the end of the day i think we going on the right way and of course you can't guarantee international football every year but i think we're on the right way and the last you just showed you can do a very very good job with young players and. we have year you the inside guy in-depth reports and interviews with specialists. in good shape next on d w. i mentioned nicky has no children which makes her feel worthless and incomplete. in a society that expects them to be children this is a burden many married yet childless women in niger suffer from. a wife is only fully accepted upon the author of. a very personal film about the suffering of childless women in the rich or the fruitless tree in forty five minutes on d w. are you up to speed on the latest technology. know when it may be time for an upgrade become part of the future become a cyborg i must say words and design my perception of reality implants that make every day life easier. i use my implants on a daily basis that optimize the human body and connect people more effectively. i. hopefully this will make us more ethical persons what would life be like as a cyborg. what do you think will happen society does the 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Transcripts For DW The Bundesliga - Your Team Your League Your Show. 20181029 02:02:00

sure there grows only buying. a house with no roof. design highlights you can make yourself. trims tips and tricks that will turn your home a special. upgrade yourself with d. w.'s interior design channel on you tube. welcome to the bundesliga here on t.w. i'm pablo fogy and yes much day nine is a wrap we have plenty of action to discuss joining me to do that are former professional footballer and that's fine and still welcome lots to the show. and indeed w.'s very own abs mccambridge welcome mat. well this is what's coming up in the show. brave men are alive themselves to dream big again can they win the bundesliga title for the first time since two thousand and four a win against labor kooser would push them to second. and we'll take a closer look at the need leaders dortmund's the black and yellow drop points at home for the first time this season. or the start of a familiar story. let's start with the high stakes clash between high flying braman and a leverkusen side that can't seem to find their form this season vetter are reliving the glory years of the mid two thousand is when they also won the bundesliga title a win on sunday would move them up to second and within a whisker of dortmund a loss for a buyer would leave them teetering on the edge of the relegation zone all the ingredients for a juicy bottle. braman were flying high on the floor in colfax before this game and a win would have sent them via munich but the absence of injured center back nicholas moyes hurt the hosts and after just eight minutes he took advantage of some disorganised defending to set up kevin folland playbook using continue to find themselves with acres of space going forward and in the thirty eighth minute they made braman pay once more brand with the emphatic final touch to this move. next to exploit the gaping holes in braman back line was carrying better robbie a fine chip over keeper you repaired lenka to make it three nil at the break. in the second half the hosts finally seem to wake up and it was local legend cloudy zero point zero who brought braman back into the game the oldest player in the league bringing his side fresh hope a comeback really seemed to be on the cards when you're a psycho turned this scrappy corner in just two minutes later but braman continued to offer their guests space behind the defense at this time it was have a spook capitalized the nineteen year old with his second league goal of the season . and still there were more goals to come later cusins alexander drag a bitch nipping in front of sebastian lang camp to save the brain and center back from knocking into his own net. still seem determined to score an own goal but this effort five minutes later it was officially awarded to cry have a six to the final score on a disastrous evening for braman laver accuser meanwhile celebrate their first away win of the season in style. well braman have given us plenty to discuss i'm going start with you lots they still build to say the least now are we wrong to think that it could lift the trophy this season i think you very wrong i believe that britain play some nice that they can football you have to brazen miniature golf introducing the new way of freeman's football but to compare themselves is the big boys interest a lot missing and yes they may be trying to stretch the european places but it's too early to really say that they did fell on a bring ed in because of course. it was an amazing result for laver because of their season this season has been appalling to say the least now could this finally be the moment they turn things around well i'm not really convinced that is going to be the case i mean anybody that watches the bundesliga regularly will tell you that when things click later cues and have got the talent an escort to blow teams away but i don't think it's a heavy flash in the pan result like this one that's really going to turn this season around i think. all they need is a bit of consistency that's what they've been lacking all season all they've got blood back in the cup in the middle in midweek and they've got hoffenheim next week a very tough going but if they can pick up points there as well that's the type of result we're going to see you know turn the season around because if it doesn't go well i think would you be sat here next week wondering what's gone wrong again so consistency is the key and obviously for a woman in particular i'm sure this is given him well a little bit of will say he's probably a little bit more relaxed and that is of course heiko helis do you think this is going to help him keep his job definitely for now. or is that it perfect the right . to be in the league during the week in the cope to very very heavy games there is lots of pressure on him no doubt but i think the way he handles the pressure to go to collect a very cold i like it and i think if you talking again around the week's time we will know how low or if he will be still image for the moment he is still the manager leverkusen but let's cast our minds now back to last season guys with a new coach at the helm the black and yellows of course dormant got off to a roaring start and they found themselves three points ahead of new nick now dortmund reached their peak at the end of september with a convincing six one win over atlanta but then things started to go wrong for coach peter bush eight games without a win saw his side slip down to eight in the table. a lot of course everybody and of course we're told my brain men just before they were potentially going to be pushed up to second behind dortmund do you think history is going to repeat itself or do you think dorman dortmund are made of sterner stuff this time around completed different situation last year to having these losers top manager a really good take titian i think that's the key men but also the way they did the transfer is the bringing in. absolute top player also has the mean you don't have to talk about him he's goes left right and center and the young guns like police each but of course also some untrue that he told police so the mix of discord is so strong at the moment there's a lot to come in the new future now ed you just heard our man here let's mention of course seems to be a big fan of his do you think he's found the right method for the team to win because i mean they have that great results are in the week of course against you know they've been in the europe and let it go against the let it go madrid ok they stumble against had a brilliant but you think something is really clicked with the manager and he knows how to make them go the whole hog and when i do and i think one of the key things he's instilled in this pursuit dalton's court is balance we all know how great i've been going forward this season it's called the most goals of any team in the bundesliga this season but also at the back it's been fantastic that they've conceded the second fewest now there's been a lot of stars in the squad and let's just mention but one of them for me has been kimi kimi he was brought in from real madrid as a nineteen year old moroccan you know starting again basically a big club in germany never been there before brought the right back he's been playing left back now started five games in the bundesliga season he scored wants he's got three assists and europe of course he's played one game there three assists against let's come a druid so it's not just the players going for the fans i think that those at the back of chipping in brilliantly as well and they all are started the season very well having just joined for months in the summer too so there's a real balance across the squad here which they didn't have when things fell apart last season and i think if the defense can keep chipping in just as well as the attack they could be dark horses in europe and i certainly think the bundesliga could be the to lose. of c. there's plenty of positive comments there for from you guys about dortmund because we really need to take a look at the rest of the day's action your birds clash with frogs first provided a chance for both clubs to put pressure on their rivals albeit a diff. ends of the table now promoted side nuremberg are looking to avoid relegation while frankfurt have their eyes set on european qualification and it was the home side who took the lead nuremberg fans thought they'd snatch the winner when adam. not at home in the seventy eighth minute the simplest of finishes from the slovakian but frankfurt it back sebastian stretching to reach a pinpoint danny de costa cross well into injury time all square in the end not really the result either side was hoping for now one team so for a spectacular fall from grace is shall last season's runners up are languishing in the bottom half of the table they've scored a measly five goals in nine games worse than any club in the bundesliga now their clash against leipzig was yet another disappointment the royal blues rarely looked dangerous only this corner from korea and came so more out close to helping the league strugglers find the back of the net leipsic two were far from impressive nil all the final score and know their first writing week for shelter now let's see have those results affect the table dortmund are still top this weekend by or creep up to second followed by an braman who missed their chance to take second down the other end of the table laver koos and move up to twelfth shall also move up ever so slightly well stuttgart remain bottom of the table. now let's i want to ask you a question about these this table that we've just seen it's still shocking to me anyway to see shall go down in the relegation zone what do they need to do to bounce back. it's not the best of starts of course but i think i don't agree with you when you see it was a bad game today drawing zero zero in life big i think that's a big result for them they do pick up points the i believe in the right way they're on the right track they have problems courting but they definitely don't fight for really gratian old adult they would be up in the top three again but i think the do this as well as hydel they really believe in it they don't panic and i think it will get it right in the end of the day and the end of the day ok well i want to talk about another team which is of course stand there stood guard now they beds back after spending some time down in the second division they have been back now but they're stuck down there at the bottom of the table now what's gone wrong with them while i think it's quick it's all what's gone right because i think is they've been absent pathetic and we were just talking about the dominica of saying how brilliant have been all over the pitch while still got an awful all over the pitch they've already fired their coach a season it's called twit they've concede it's only twenty one goals in the opening nine games they've scored just six and mario gomez has got half of those and he's a thirty three year old and beyond him there's no gold anywhere else in the squad and if your defense is that porous and you're not getting goals then you'll definitely be heading down to the second division and i think they've got a very long slog in store for them until january but hopefully they can bring in some fresh faces yeah well they are still a few months left until of course that comes around in january guys i'd love to be able to talk to you for hours about this book of course we are near the end of the show lots fun still of course former goalkeeper who spent time all over the world thank you as always for joining us and it's very own ed and the cambridge for me and the rest of the bundesliga team here in berlin thank you and goodbye. come. to me. the first goal is a twentieth century. the war to end all wars cost millions of lives. world. the barcelona hundredth anniversary of its length.


Transcripts For DW The Bundesliga - Your Team Your League Your Show. 20181028 22:15:00

will be bringing you the action in just a few minutes here and you find out of shell combative city and a disappointing start to the season around it my decision how grim and fate against a struggling leverkusen side. that's a new structure that is again at the top of the hour i have more news than see it at. every journey begins with the first step and every language with the first word emerged from the cool. rico is in germany to learn german and why not with him simple online on your mobile phone and free up the w z e learning course nikos speak german meetings. climate change. waste. pollution. isn't it time for good. eco africa people and projects that are changing no one environment for the better it's up to us to make a difference let's show her. the going to be environment magazine. long d w. welcome to the bundesliga here on t.w. i'm pablo phony and yes much they nine is a raw power and we have plenty of action to discuss joining me to do that if our form or fashion of. fun is still welcome lots to the show. and you don't use very own ads mccambridge well. well this is what's coming up in the show. brave in our lives themselves to dream big again can they. when the bundesliga titles for the first time since two thousand and four a win against labor would push them to second. and we'll take a closer look at league leaders dortmund black and yellow drop points at home for the first time this season. for the start of a familiar story. let's start with the high stakes clash between high flying braman and a leverkusen side that can't seem to find their form this season there are reliving the glory years of the mid two thousand when they also won the bundesliga title a win on sunday would move them up to second and within a whisker of dortmund a loss for buyer would leave them teetering on the edge of the relegation zone all the ingredients for a juicy battle. were flying high on the floor and go for it before this game and a win would have sent them above by a munich but the absence of injured center back nicholas moyes underhook the hosts and after just eight minutes curry better robbie took advantage of some disorganised defending to set up kevin folland playbook using continue to find themselves with acres of space going forward and in the thirty eighth minute they made braman pay once more brands with the emphatic for a new touch to this move. next to exploit the gaping holes in brakeman's back line was kareem better robbie a fine chip over keeper you reprieve lenka to make it three nil at the break in the second half the hosts finally seem to wake up and it was local legend cloudy zero point zero who brought back into the game the oldest player in the league bringing his saw it fresh hope. a comeback really seemed to be on the cards when sacco turned this scrappy corner in just two minutes later but braman continued to offer their guests space behind the defense at this time it was car i have a scoop capitalized the nineteen year old with his second league goal of the season . and still there were more goals to come later cusins alexander drag a bitch nipping in front of sebastian lang camp to save the brain and center back from knocking into his our net. still seem determined to score no goal but this effort five minutes later it was officially awarded to cry have a six to the final score on a disastrous evening for braman laver cruiser meanwhile celebrate their first away win of the season in style. well braman have given us plenty to discuss and i'm sorry you've lots they stumbled to say the least now are we wrong to think that it could lift the trophy this season i think you very wrong i believe to play some nice that they can football you have to brazen miniature golf elsewhere julie introducing that new way of football but to compare themselves is the big boys and i think there is still a lot missing and yes they may be trying to stretch the european places but it's too early to really say that they did bring ed in because of course really it was an amazing result for laver because of their season this season has been appalling to say the least now could this finally be the moment they turn things around well i'm not really convinced that is going to be the case i mean anybody that watches the bundesliga regularly will tell you that when things click leyva cures and have got the talent in their squad to blow teams away but i don't think it's a heavy flash in the pan result like this one that's really going to turn their season around i think what they need is a bit of consistency that's what they've been lacking all season other got blood back in the cup in the middle in midweek and they've got hoffenheim next week a very tough going but if they can pick up points there as well that's the type of result the. see slowly you know turn this season around because if it doesn't go well i think would you be sat here next week wondering what's gone wrong again as a consistency is the key and obviously for one man in particular i'm sure this is given him well a little bit of will say he's probably a little bit more relaxed and that is of course high go ahead do you think this is going to help him keep his job definitely for now at the ready said it's perfect the right. to be in the league during the week in the cope to very very heavy games there is lots of pressure on him no doubt but i think the way he handles the pressure being very collective very calm i like it and i think if you talking again in the weeks time we will know how low or if he will be still a manager for the moment he is still the manager leverkusen but let's cast our minds now back to last season guys with a new coach at the helm the black and yellows of course dormant got off to a roaring start and they found themselves three points ahead of munich. dortmund reached their peak at the end of september with a convincing six one win over bath but then things started to go wrong for coach peter bosch eight games without a win so his side slipped down to eight in the table. a lot of course everybody and of course we're told by brain men just before they were potentially going to be pushed up to second behind dortmund do you think history is going to repeat itself or do you think dorman dortmund are made of sterner stuff this time around completed different situation than last year to having this loser top manager a really good take titian i think that's the key men but also the way they did the trains this year bringing in so absolute top player also. i mean you don't have to talk about him he's goes left right and center and the young guns like police each but of course also son joe that's absurd. so the mix of discord is so strong at the moment there's a lot to come in the near future now ed you've just heard our man here let's mention of course seems to be a big fan of his do you think he's found the right method for the team to win because i mean they had that great result or in the week of course against you know they've been in the europe and let it go again so let it go madrid ok they stumbled against had a brilliant do you think something is really clicked with the manager and he knows how to make them go the whole hog and when i do and i think one of the key things he's instilled in this pretty daunting squad is balance we all know how great i've been going forward this season it's called the most goals of any team in the league of the season but also at the back it's been fantastic that they have conceded the second fewest now there's been a lot of stars in the squad and looks just mentioned but one of them for me has been kimi kimi he was brought in from real madrid nineteen year old moroccan you know starting again basically a big club in germany never been there before though it is a right playing left back now he started five games in the book is a good season he scored once he's got three assists and europe of course he's played one game there three assists against athletico madrid so it's not just the players going for the fans i think it's those at the back of chipping brilliantly as well and the olive started the season very well having just joined for months in the summer too so there's a real balance across the squad here which they didn't have when things fell apart last season and i think if the defense can keep chipping in just as well as the attack they could be dark horses in europe and i certainly think that is the it could be this the lose. of seed there's plenty of positive comments there for from you guys about dortmund because we really need to take a look at the rest of the day's action your birds clash with frankfurt provided a chance for both clubs to pressure on their rivals albeit at different ends of the table and promoted side nuremberg are looking to avoid relegation while frankfurt have their eyes set on european qualification and it was the home side who took the . nuremberg fans thought they'd snatch the winner when adam. not at home in the seventy eighth minute the simplest of finishes from the slovakian but frankfurt it back sebastien hala stretching to reach a pinpoint diamond acosta crossed well into injury time all square in the end not really the result either side was hoping for now one team so for a spectacular fall from grace is shall last season's runners up are languishing in the bottom half of the table they've scored a measly five goals in nine games worse than any club in the bundesliga now their clash against leipzig was yet another disappointment the royal blues rarely looked dangerous only this corner from korea and came so more close to helping the league strugglers find the back of the net leipzig two were far from impressive nil all the final score and another first writing week for. now let's see have those results affect the table dortmund are still top this weekend biron creep up to second followed by an braman who missed their chance to take second down the other end of the table laver coups and move up to twelfth shall go also move up ever so slightly or stuttgart remain bottom of the table. now let's i want to ask you a question about these this table that we've just seen it's still shocking to me anyway to see shall go down in the relegation zone what do they need to do to bounce back. it's not the best of starts of course but i think i don't agree with you when you see it was a bad game today drawing zero zero in life big i think that's a big result for the next two to go points the i believe still in the right way they're on the right track they have problems scoring but they definitely won't fight for really geisha noles adult they will be up in the top three again but i think the do this as well as high level they really believe in it they don't panic and i think it will get it right in the end of the day and the end of the day ok well i don't want to talk about military which is of course stand there stood guard now they beds back after spending some time down in the second division they have been back now but they're stuck down there at the bottom of the table now what's gone wrong with them while i think it's quick it's off what's going right because i think it's been absolute pathetic and we were just talking about dortmund a minute guys saying how brilliant they've been all over the pitch while still got in awful all over the pitch they've already fired their coach a season it's called twit they've conceded sorry twenty one goals in the games they've scored just six and mario gomez has got half of those and he's a thirty three year old and beyond him there's no gold anywhere else in the squad and if your defense is that porous and you're not getting goals then you'll definitely be heading down to the second division and i think they've got a very long slog in store for them until january but hopefully they can bring in some fresh faces while they are still a few months left until of course that comes around in january because i'd love to be able to talk to you for hours about this book of course we are near the end of the show looks fun still of course former goalkeeper who spent time all over the world thank you as always for joining us and needs very own ed like a bridge for me and the rest of the bundesliga team here in berlin thank you and goodbye. it's lowering that the range and. lower for. generally is most of the long distance hiking trail. it's going to be exhausting and maybe even my shoes it will look like vis. a vis in style eleven hundred and seventy kilometer trail unspoiled nature. next d.w. . enter the conflict zone confronting the powerful the opinion is on the great n.t.e.u. populace are making gains across the continent this week conflict zone using prong one hogshead pull it off with colic still the form of finish prime minister has loads to conflate the conflicts president of the you feel information and any think syria conflict so for sixty minutes on g.w. . was a human made cataclysm. the first global disaster of the twentieth century. the one. that marks the hundredth anniversary of it's a book. what is humankind learned from the great war


Transcripts For DW The Bundesliga - Your Team Your League Your Show. 20181219 23:02:00

well terms of the bridges leading here on d.w.i. make mechanic look we've got more madness from match day sixteen with these two massive clashes coming up in the show. i mean its fans were hoping for three early christmas points from the word the bulls giving mood. and there were red hot emotions on the show a shocker marks the end of an era and try to open a new one on the label equally desperate for a change in fortune. now off to tuesday so do some top takedown dortmund were hoping for more surprises in wednesday's games to go through all of wednesday's action i have with me you are striking victoria of course work for us here sports welcome to the show dinner thank you great to have you here and i've got one question before you get started what were you looking forward to most ahead of wednesday's matches and actually i was looking forward to and after dortmund last i was especially looking forward to because you know i've been talking about this all season and they have indeed that's why we want to start with bind as well they headed into their match knowing that they could cut the gap to six points but their opponents on wednesday were leipzig who were just behind them in the table and eager to keep up the chase themselves. both coaches knew this was a chance for their teams to pull back some ground at the top of the table by and enjoyed the best of the opening exchanges and they were a whisker away from going in front of break through the first half of it live in just before a free by session gnabry gets a night by the post takes you to lash in the light c. go with an all important touch. up the other end like sick had their own encounter with the woodwork macondo headed against the crossbar to be maximals to the ball but unfortunately for the businesses without rewards. the tight stress topham not much for these fans to discuss during the break she's fingertips helping to keep things level and he was busy again in the second half thomas miller played the ball and he's eventually found its way to your sewer kimmage. flashy see reflexes catch a mouse. the hosts were ramping up the pressure it was only so much you actually could stop him he's only talking right now to sanchez but not from pretoria. i. suppose touches by the french wing of one's control want to take it past his man and wants to finish with seven minutes to go joy unconfined in munich. match ended in ugly scenes stefano sanker was given a straight match for this foul. sanchez also given his marching orders for his role in the ensuing medway. to finish one nail advice or three points for by and. by left incredibly late in that match did fine deserve the three points well as a footballer i always look at it in this way i don't care if i deserve this your points or not as long as i got three points and i think all that by and. one is going to be happy that they got three points of course i mean in life that did have their chances but i think i had more chances so yeah they deserved it and i'm thinking to have it they got it. especially important is that now that the big close to dortmund we mentioned. he's had a bit of a bumpy start to his life a by munich as a footballer yourself do you think that this win today was his doing or have the players finally taking responsibility well i never think that it's the fault solely of the coach or solely of the players and a lot of criticism was put on call back to the beginning of season throughout the season it's difficult being barn coach we know that but i don't think that everything was his fall and i don't think that you know he should be held responsible for everything i think the players were underperforming and now everything's just going to click this is his first season as a coach there were going to be ups and downs older players injuries all that happens but what's important is that right now they look like they're clicking they've got important three points today dortmund drop three points i think there had to know where they are. they've played lucky today as we know and. have been the ones they can have the season they've never scored a goal in munich they've never had a points in munich do you think they'll be disappointed after today's match coming so close yeah i think definitely i mean you saw the red card you could see the disappointment because you know they hit the wood where they did come pretty close to the eighty third minute the goal was scored right so yeah they're going to be extra disappointed but i think you know like i said the three points went to the team who deserved it you mentioned before i mean talking about behind you said they've got some older players i mean leipzig could have attacked some of those other players frankly very happens in school today why is it the leipzig so far haven't been able to make it through by the defense and find a chink in the armor of this. second be. a lot of things i mean the goal today that everybody scored that was a pretty big error on the defender's part he literally cleared it right on his foot so. i mean if that didn't have been a good set of thousand mistake that didn't happen at zero zero and i think you can be happy walking away with a point there so if i don't think that big. and that case we're going to move on from life say to the other game that we have today the region around has not only an impressive history of football but also pride proud history of mining for two hundred years the pits were the heart and soul of the region at the end of this year the very last coal mine in the area will close and shaka pay tribute to their heritage on wednesday evening. while at the stadium of the coal miners anthem ahead of the team's final home match of twenty a team of all the tribes in the valley shall have some of the strongest tight ties to mining the players the fans and the miners groups united to mark the end of an era. of course wasn't the only thing happening girls in cation on wednesday leverkusen were in town in what was to be a hotly contested match. your fans regularly produce displays that would do the miners who founded the club proud so far this season the same can hardly be said of the players. at the start of this one they looked as sloppy as ever the defense failed to deal with this early free kick and the ball eventually landed back at the on by the st the hosts were saved by the post but slow to react and alexander drug abuse from the rebound straight through out famines legs. and minutes later. made it to new classy control from the argentinian to deal with each but fair man once again less than his best. through blues pulled one back when western mckinney's head was knocked into the net by had the right to twenty year olds first ever been disney could go came right on. the stroke of half time. but a scrappy second half brought nothing new substitute. charms but they've accused of off the hook with this staggering mess from just ten metres out. so dominica to disclose was continue to one hundred defeats and a frustrating and to shelters emotional evening. big big disappointment after the fans in the arena another defeat for the last bonus be legal when came in the beginning of november in the space of half a season mean second at the end of last in this league season now they're in the second off the table dominic is gone from hearts to absolutely not why do you think that it's ok well i think this is a pretty big discussion but last year he was a new coach so i think you could say that his results from last season were a little bit of overachievement say ok so he's not the most experienced in the blue sea and yes although we know that he was very good in the coaching courses is a top of his class but there's no substitute for experience and i think this year it's not all his fault because they've had injuries players aren't performing it's kind of like the perfect storm of a lot of bad things happening that's just giving schalke a hard time i mean so far he said ok we don't want to talk about relegation we need to keep our heads in the right place and think about the next game one of the time but i think as a shock a fan maybe the board as well you can't help but think ok we're kind of closer allegation do we want to risk it and keep him there or do we want to maybe bring someone else in and save us because hard do you think was the big problem for the shock of them does the fact that they're playing in the champions league mean that's an extra six games they've had so far this season the other clubs i mean how does that huge factor for the club the champions league and going to sega three competitions the. it's very difficult i mean not a lot of teams in the world have the depth to play three competitions and do well ok they did advance the champions league so that's that's a plus for them then the poke out i think obviously they are starting to feel that struggle that where in tear on the players i mean you see we see an injury so that definitely has an effect on every team usa the shock interest rate occasionally on doing so well this season either they're in the bottom of the table but are they safe do you think. they're not safe but i am somebody who looks like the glass half full so they're not out of europe either i think if i will ever coups and right now i'm thinking ok so we qualified for euro you know we've won we've only lost one of our last five games we're in a pretty good place what my focus is going to be on is you know going into the break when. coming into january with the mentality of we're going to make europe this league this season and i think there's a lot of teams underneath them that have bigger worries like you know shall go for example so i don't think that leverages should be looking at relegation i think they should be looking ahead and looking for europe in that case thanks for that we're going to look at results from state sixty five of course the grounds of that late win against life's if they've got an all important when you know days matches braman home to hoffenheim frankfurt and also share the spoils the dobie and all square after four goals in minds on tuesday we sorts dusseldorf with our arguably the shock of the season against dortmund be numbered all spoke so of gods and berlin a true home with out. and with match day sixteen now done and dusted let's see what that means for the bundesliga table. combined cut open city to six points no further changes in the top five or so of move up while hoffenheim and half of both drop off the bedrooms. out of the other end of the table level who is not the tenth today's heroes dusseldorf out of the relegation zone while stuck got dropped back into the bottom three nuremburg rock bottom. now quick on civilian out of the scene the table off the season's over how do you think the rest of season is going to go i'm excited for the next half this season because this is something that the german football fans have wanted see for a long time a title race and i think that's all we have so i can't wait to see how it shapes up right where all the can for the title race that's all we have time for tonight's thank you don about salerno for being here with me in the studio that was match day sixteen of the biggest thing is back on saturday for me and the rest the team here in berlin thank you and goodbye. climate change. waste. pollution. and isn't it time for good news eco and africa people and projects that are changing no one fireman to for the better hurry it's up to us to make a difference let's inspire each other. going to work on the environment magazine. on d. w. . i'm secure in the value work that's hard and in the end it's a me you're not allowed to stay here anymore we will send you back. are you familiar with this. with a smuggler as well lions and. what's your story. on what numbers women especially in victims of violence. take part and send us your


Transcripts For DW The Bundesliga 20190318 06:30:00

the result reverse culture shock. you realize how strangely artificial little's really connected to life. the prize winning documentary from the forest starts first on t.w. . twenty six is done and dusted and the big question is who is the league leader going into the international break after dortmund's win on saturday they retook tough spot biron snatch it back. or they wrapped up the weekend's action with a home tie against the lowly minds we'll see if it was plain sailing for by. the time current labor couzin continue their quest for a champions league spot by seeing off a solid better brain. welcome to the bundesliga here on t w i'm pablo foley yes and joining me in the studio are former bundesliga player michel didn't say. very own bundesliga reporter yannick speight so welcome to both of you i think we need to wear get down to business and take a look at some football and let's start with barnes clash against mites despite their early exit from the champions league during the week munich don't have time to lick their wounds and have flipped their focus to the bundesliga after taking the top spot the last weekend level on points with dortmund but superior on goal difference biron needed a win against mediocre minds if they were to take the top spot back from dortmund after their victory on saturday. mine said only one win in six going into this game and by zero never looked like losing from the moment robot live in ducks keep them in front of three minutes was thomas rodrigo's made it to nil in thirty three minutes was before kingsley c'mon funded one home to send by and then three nil at half time and on course for the stroll the craved after their midweek lushington liverpool. retreat is made at the hammers sandwich with a fourth six minutes after the break was before the colombian took advantage of some comical mights defending to seal his hat trick four minutes later. alfonso davis rounded off the road on seventy minutes. six no and another shot in the arm for byron's goal difference. they might be looking second rate in europe but by on a still a cut above domestically and once again there but the top of been does lee go. beyond what their fire munich six goals it's easy to say and easy to think perhaps that their title defense is on track michelle now it was an odd week for them because of course they were lock knocked out of the champions league but why do you think they've actually struggled in europe considering we've just seen that result there. maybe there was an oppression too much on the persia but in the end off today little was better they scored more goals and here you can see maybe it's about the money they spend more money in england and germany waiting for just money but there are enough today it's it's a good thing for live up loric specially for england but really not a good thing of course for the bundesliga german clubs and yanick it's actually the first time in thirteen years that at german club actually hasn't made it to the quarter final stages now is this a crisis for german football on the surface that it definitely looks like it all three bonus they detained cluster dortmund and blind in their clashes against premier league clubs and as does he said maybe it comes down to the money you know the winners they get clubs don't have the t.v. money of the premier league clubs and there is that gulf in finances but you know it's always been the case the premier league clubs of had more money for the past decade at least and still managed to complete the made seven out of ten semifinals in the champions league so they have been out to do it i think rather than put the push the panic button inside this is across think it's more dominant buyer and transition new coaches they're bringing in some new young new players and it takes time and i think this is just a bit of a bit of a dip but with good management i think they can get back to the top of europe well i mean sticking with sort of you know football on a sort of an international stage on friday of course fief announced at that to be this new club world cup and it's going to start in twenty twenty one firstly what is it exactly and how do you think it's going to affect well byron dormant for example yes i mean this is a tournament that is almost the baby of johnny of the tina fey for president he's reportedly negotiated a very big deal with a lot of money to to put on this competition and so it's the club a couple basically replaced the confederations cup which was an in international tournament and it will bring. together the twenty four best clubs in the world of which is supposed to come from europe and they will compete every four years for the world club cup total to buy an adult and two clubs from germany that could make it it could be extremely lucrative they're looking at sixty million euros for competing in this tournament so that's huge money and it's clear that they for doing this because you know they want to i guess cash in on their best clubs and get some cash out of it and i think it's concerning our belief because you wife a opposed to the club suppose in europe and still and yet it's still going ahead and i think it brings up some issues about play welfare as well yeah and i want to actually stick to what you said that there's a lot of concerns firstly michelle how do you feel about it but also want to know because in fact the players' union in europe is very much against this so how do you see it here it's clear of course you see all the rich teams and to fourteenth and up to date all four teams have nothing from the k. to the point. for me i don't think really that we need this world cup whatever it is of course more games are coming up and players have to. take a rest and that means an end of today more injuries are coming and for big tournaments the big players are not available yeah i mean it's well we'll see how it pans out really when it starts i think we need to move on because. of course there is more bones league action under coach peter bush isn't have been creeping up the table and now have their eyes on a champions league spot now going into this weekend they've won well they won six of their previous seven league games but could they keep the momentum going against a vertebrae and side who have europa league aspirations. labor couldn't have been on the upswing on their pager bus but they had big problems against braman maxie setting up max cruiser who opened the scoring in the thirteenth minutes by no chance for a keeper look astride jet ski. the laver cozen defense looks porous and braman made them pay cruiser turned provider this time and me in the rush it's hammered home shoot me oh i'm in the second half labor goes and fought their way back into the game leon bailey hitting the target with a glorious spray can keep a year republic i could only stand and watch frame and kept their cool however and max crews a sealed the deal in injury time with his second of the day three one the final score i'm frame and put the breaks on laver cozens rebirth and put themselves back into the battle for europe. while in sunday's other game frankfurt took on nuremberg and the only goal of the game came from nineteen into a guy in the thirty first minute it was frankfurt's fourth one in a row and seventeenth last season. seventeen losses impressive for all the wrong reasons now let's take a look at the standings after much day twenty six and bahrain regained the top spot after their demolition of mines dortmund are level on points but with a worse goal difference braman move up after their win and down the other end shall drop to within a whisker of the relegation zone move up as to freiburg doesn't move than first like. now i want to go over to you michel because it's a little bit shocking still to see shall be doing so poorly and let's not forget of course that they have this new coach can you who's been there this is third stands now can hope stevens rescued their season it's a very very difficult situation for him of course he's a legend in this team and this club and everybody expected now that maybe the team will change as attitude on the field and is playing a different football than before but it was a little bit. to see but i don't i don't think so if they can make it so three days three points to a realization. this is very critical very critical very critical indeed and i mean yeah nic it's it is like you know as michel said it's critical it's dangerous they're very very very close and it's shocking to think that just last season things were so very different what's gone wrong or what what's actually if they do anything right this is yeah i mean it's difficult to pinpoint exactly i mean obviously last season i finished second and of course you know a lot of clubs around them had dropped their level and so they gave them a chance to get up there but it still doesn't explain how father dropped this season the they look at different so i think last season they didn't school too many goals so i think the disco tried to bring in a new formation of the saw the year it didn't work they lost five games in a row and from there they just haven't recovered but i also think this comes down to bad management i don't think you can completely blame the coach i don't think they've made the best out of the transfer dealings they sold a few players that were quite of crucial to the tane and i mean astonishingly this is stevens now returned since he's lost in that had six coaches in six years so that's not a healthy club and that's going to come down to management as well so you know on the coaching problem i think a cultural problem in the club as well and they need to turn things around because you know you have the. cliche clubs too big to go down but looking dangerously close to relegation now a coach who has just told a coach is ok and you are not the coach of. this here is not germany just to make it clear to our to our viewers this is where you are now going to be coaching tell us more congratulations to start with thank you there it's. a very great place that sedation for me right now i'm the head coach all for antigua and barbuda and yeah i have a great team overall and they're the players are great if they do everything for me and. it's a lot of work football is down over there and they put so much hope in me and that's why after the show i have to go back and where you mix makes for a new club paradise i think you know you're free just to let you know so you can take us to any time. ok i'll take you up on that offer but you know it's obviously a big challenge for you as well it's a year and have a lot of work to do and how you finding it. yeah it's not easy but an end of today i will have a little team are all me to help me a lot especially also the players they're coming very close to me and there's a lot of trust they gave me and i'm giving them back to them and it's not only the it's a woman seemed to go it's team building big teams have to make their way and yeah phil i think a lot of miles are coming up for me and well you're going to do i'm sure an absolutely wonderful job and we should all the best staff from all the team here on the most leadership so we have time for this week i'd like to thank my guests on so next much day for me the rest of the team here in. every journey begins with the first step and every language with the first word published in the. rico is in germany to learn german and why not learn with them simple online on your mobile and free to sell d w z e learning course speak german. what's the connection between bread. and the european you. know guild motto e.w. correspondent and the baker. turn. about the recipes for success strategies that make a difference. taking bread. on g.w. . the floods have taken everything. now despair he's got left climate refugees. they seek shelter in the cup. but. i see. the floods are coming. starts going to. double. the. last dam cry for help of a whole generation feel. ya know linder is calling for better climate protection policies he's joining tens of thousands of young people all over the world the protest movement was inspired by sixteen year old political activist gratitude bag from sweden. the goal to force politicians to take action on climate change you know lindner is planning to take the protests to his small hometown of


Transcripts For DW The Bundesliga - Your Team Your League Your Show. 20181220 03:02:00

well. d.w.i. make we've got more. match day sixteen with these two. coming up in the show. we're hoping for three christmas points from the bulls being moved. and they were red hot emotions on the show and. try to open a new one. equally desperate for a change. now off to tuesday's takedown dortmund were hoping for more surprises in wednesday's games to go through all of. the. of course work for us here sports welcome to the show thank you great to have you here and i've got one question before you get started what were you looking forward to most ahead of wednesday's matches and actually. after last i was especially looking forward to because you know i've been talking about this. they have indeed that's why we want to start with binah as well they headed into them knowing that they could cut the six points but their opponents. would just behind them in the table eager to keep up the chase themselves. both coaches knew this was a chance for their teams to pull back some ground at the top of the table by and enjoyed the best of the opening exchanges and they were a whisker away from going in front of grace for the first half of it live in just the phrase free by says gnabry to tonight by the post thank you lash in the light c. go with an all important touch. up the other end right sick have their own encounter with the woodwork macondo headed against the crossbar to be mats who moves to the ball but unfortunately for the visitors without rewards. it's high priced hof and not much for these fans to discuss during the break you actually fingertips helping to keep things level and he was busy again in the second half thomas miller played the ball in and he's eventually found its way to us they were kimmage. last she sees her reflexes catch him out. the hosts were ramping up the pressure it was only so much you ashley could stop on his own blocking renounces sanchez not from pretty. cool touches by the french winger once contro want to take it past his man and wants to finish with seven minutes to go joy unconfined in munich. match and did an ugly scenes stefano sanker was given a straight match for this foul. times has also given his marching orders for his role in the ensuing medway. is finished one nail a vital three points for brian. by a left incredibly late in that match did fine deserve the three points well as a footballer i always look at it in this way i don't care if i deserve this your points or not as long as i got three points and i think all that by and. one is going to be happy that they got three points of course i mean in life that did have their chances but i think i have more chances so yeah they deserved it and i'm thinking to have that they got it is especially important is that now that the speak close to dortmund we mentioned. he's had a bit of a bumpy start to his life by munich as a footballer yourself do you think that this win today was his doing or have the players finally taking responsibility well i never think that it's the fault solely of the coach or solely of the players and a lot of criticism was put on call back to the beginning of season throughout the season it's difficult being barn coach we know that but i don't think that everything was his fall and i don't think that you know he should be held responsible for everything i think the players were underperforming and now everything's just going to click this is for a season as a coach there were going to be ups and downs older players injuries all that happens but what's important is that right now they look like they're clicking they've got important three points today dortmund drop two points i think they're happy where they are. they've played lucky today as we know and. have been in the business they can have the season they've never scored a goal in munich they've never had a points in munich do you think they'll be disappointed after today's match coming so close yeah i think definitely i mean you saw the red card you could see the disappointment because you know they hit the wood where they did come pretty close to the eighty third minute the goal was scored right so yeah they're going to be extra disappointed by i think you know like i said the three points went to the team who deserved it you mentioned before i mean talking about behind you said that they've got some older players i mean leipzig could have attacked some of those older players frankly very happens in school today why is it the leipzig so far haven't been able to make it through by the defense and find a chink in the armor of this. can be. a lot of things i mean the goal today that everybody scored that was a pretty big error on the defender's part he literally cleared it right on his foot so. i mean if that didn't have been a good set of thousand mistake that didn't happen at zero zero and i think you can be happy walking with a plant there so if i don't think. in that case we're going to move on from leipzig to the other game that we have today the region around has not only an impressive history of football but also pride proud history of mining for two hundred years the pits were the heart and soul of the region at the end of this year the very last coal mine in the area will close and shaka pay tribute to their heritage on wednesday evening. a minus while at the stadium of the coal mine is the man of the team's final home match of twenty a team of all the tribes in the valley shall have some of the strongest tight ties to mining the players the fans and the miners groups united some on the end of an era. but that one of course wasn't the only thing happening girls in cation on wednesday leverkusen were in town in what was to be a hotly contested match. your fans regularly produce displays that would do the miners who founded the club proud so far this season the same can hardly be said of the players. at the start of this one they looked as sloppy as ever the defense failed to deal with this early free kick and the ball eventually landed back at the on baby's feet the hosts were saved by the post but slow to react and alexander drug abuse to the rebound straight through famines lakes. and minutes later. made it to new classy control from the argentinean to deal with. but famine once again less than his best. group blues pulled one back when western mckinney's head was knocked into the net by how do you write a twenty year old's first ever been disney could go came right on. the stroke of half time. but a scrappy second health brought nothing new substitute. homesites best charms but they refuse of the hoot with this staggering from just ten meters out. so dominica to disclose was continue to one hundred defeats and a frustrating and to shelters in motion a. big big disappointment after the finals and they were in another defeat for the last bonus be legal when it came in the beginning of november in the space of half a season mean second at the end of last in this league season now they're in the second off the table domenica gone from hot to absolutely not why do you think that it's ok well i think this is a pretty big discussion but last year he was a new coach so i think you could say that his results from last season were a little bit of an over achievement and say ok so he's not the most experienced in the blue sea and yes although we know that he was very good in the coaching courses is a top of his class but there's no substitute for experience and i think this year it's not all his fault because they've had injuries players aren't performing it's kind of like the perfect storm of a lot of bad things happening that's just giving schalke a hard time i mean so far he said ok we don't want to talk about relegation we need to keep our heads in the right place and think about the next game one of the time but i think as a shock a fan maybe the board as well you can't help but think ok we're kind of closer allegation do we want to risk it and keep him there or do we want to maybe bring someone else in and save us because it's hard do you think also a big problem for the shock of him does the fact that they're playing in the champions league mean that's an extra six games they've had so far this season other clubs haven't had as a huge factor for the club yet champions league and buena sega three competitions. it's very difficult i mean not a lot of teams in the world have the depth to play three competitions and do well ok they did advance the champions league so that's that's a plus for them they're in the book i think obviously they are starting to feel that struggle that where and tear on the players i mean you see we've seen injuries so that definitely has an effect on every team you're saying the sharpest read occasionally on doing so well this season either they're in the bottom off the table but are they safe do you think. they're not safe but i am somebody who likes look at the glass half full so they're not out of europe either i think if i will ever cruise and right now i'm thinking ok so we qualified for euro you know we've won we've only lost one of our last five games we're in a pretty good place what my focus is going to be on is you know going into the break when again coming into january with the mentality of we're going to make europe this late this season and i think there's a lot of teams underneath them that have bigger worries like you know shelter for example so i don't think that leverages should be looking at relegation i think they should be looking ahead and looking for europe in that case thanks for that we're going to look at the results from the states sixteen by of course the grounds that late winner against life's if they've got an all important win in shaka you know these matches braman home to home from hi i'm frank and also share the spoils the dobie and all square after four goals in minds on tuesday we sorts this although of with our arguably the shock of the season against dortmund numbered all spoke so off shotguns and berlin a true home with out. and with match day sixteen now done and dusted let's see what that means for the brands league table. combine cut open v to six points no further changes in the top five or so but move up while hoffenheim and half of both drop off the bedrooms. down at the other end of the table level who is not the tenth today's heroes doesn't go far out of the relegation zone while stuck got dropped back into the bottom three nuremberg awsome. quick on civilian i will be seeing the table off the season's over how do you think the rest of season is going to go i'm excited for the next half the season because this is something that german fall fans have wanted to see for a long time a title race and i think that's all we have so i can't wait to see how it shapes up all right so we're all the king for the title race that's all we have time for tonight's thank you donna basilan a for being here with me in the studio that was match day sixteen of the biggest thing is back on saturday for me and the rest the team here ballin thank you and goodbye from. natural riches of precious resources. and a rewarding investment. farmland has been called ethiopia's green gold the country has an abundant supply and leases it to international giants. the government is after high export revenues to corporations high profit margins. but not everyone benefits from the booming business. creation environmental destruction starvation. the selling out of a country dead donkey. starts december twenty ninth on t.w. . eco india. how can


Transcripts For DW DW News 20190415 13:30:00

everyone. is equally dangerous. so they can plant crops and. floods and droughts climate change become the main driver of mass migration you can write any kind of peace not if you want. the climate exodus starts. on t w. this is. coming up on the program indonesia prepares for general elections wednesday as it is a logistical nightmare but. on the very question of democracy in the country. in india as election any citizen over the age of twenty five without a criminal record. even in the face of certain defeat. and seasonal. hits t.v. screens. unlike. welcome to do the show it's good to have you with us we begin in indonesia which is headed to the polls on wednesday in what has been called the most complicated ballot in global history and here's why around one hundred ninety two million indonesians have to vote in five separate elections ranging from the presidential and parliamentary to provincial and local this would happen across the country with more than seventeen thousand islands. thread across three time zones and if that isn't challenging enough there are about two hundred forty five thousand candidates in total in the running all this on one day but the headline contest will be between these two men president your korver daughter and former military general brabo vasile beyond they faced off against each other in the last election in twenty four to an election joe cory as the current president won by a whisker but this time around the stakes are even higher and campaigning that ended on the weekend has been crucial chaotic and creative. elvis presley indonesian style but instead of classic rock n roll this version prefers infused beats. the popular local music culture dang dude is here to drum up support for candidates in the upcoming election. when there's music we come alive and there are also islamic clerics preaching. yeah she's a supporter of probably to be until the former son in law of indonesia is then dictator. sitting a nationalist and populist tone the retired military general banks on the support of conservative voters. his rival djoko we don't know if in this more of a moderate the incumbent seeking a second term as president to carry on with the reforms he promised five years ago with heavy metal music and wishes to capture the hearts of young voters which he says is crucial to win the poll. a third of indonesia's one hundred ninety million voters a millennial among. five million will be first time voters like angelica she hopes to choose a government that cares about the welfare of the people. may believe but as a first time voter i feel happy and proud that now my voice can help determine the future of this country it's my duty as a good citizen. other voters care about the religious tolerance that was once taken for granted in the majority muslim country buddhist leader and diesel want to hopes religion can be kept out of indonesian politics despite the rise of hardline political islam in recent years. do not use religion as a political tool we should be actively involved in ensuring harmony among followers of different religions. but no matter how diverse the country is there something many indonesians share their desire for a better future and the love for music. let's get more graphic indonesian service he's in jakarta to cover the elections it's good to see you know it's a complicated enough election as it is but what are the key. well there are three key issues to watch in this election in egypt namely own democratic future because of the defies if campaign strategy human rights violation and also economy get the latest being the most important ones for the others china has become a contentious issue forward for this because for many to metion chinese involvement in their own economy is hugely unpopular but unluckily for both candidates. whoever wins this election will be dependent on china's chinese vestment to boost the economy growth because indonesia is not an easy country to infest specially for many westerners because of the infrastructure and also the massive corruption problems and so far china is the only big investors who are reeling to manage those risks in terms of managing these risks into egypt because at the current president your cover dawdle has been balancing it well somewhat because infrastructure appears to have been one of the things that he's been preaching to his voters is that's something that is going to stand him in good stead. well the president jokingly going to try to put infrastructure policy or his infrastructure policy on the center office agenda as the big achievement of they're here for his government but. human rights activists. say that this policy also has also created many human rights for rhaetian especially online the positions they are simply too many problems for them to call infrastructure policy to be a big achievement. and we still see many environmental activists being arrested for example going to try to. introduce indigenous. rights for indigenous people against big mining companies for example and they say it's one change in the next five years who have a reinstate election. now it's indonesia is also the world's largest muslim majority country besides being the third most populous democracy how important is the most tone that political rhetoric has increasingly taken in indonesia in these elections. well it also it's created. a hostile environment especially for minorities for special forces u.t.i. people when i talk to them this state whoever wins the election got the big losers because. both candidates will not risk their own future political future for them and in fact. the international said since two thousand and sixteen indonesia has experience more persistent acts of intimidation and marginalization against people such as public shaming for example right and we haven't even there for the time being from our indonesian service speaking to us from jakarta thank you very much thank you. from the wild most populous democracy to the most populous which is also holding elections india where any of its one point five billion citizens who are over the age of twenty five and don't have a criminal record can run for office that ensures a host of candidates entering the elections with little to no chance of winning. a veteran candidate on the campaign trail here in the city of mature new products such as running for office again it's the seventeenth time that the holy man has been on the ballot at state and national level. as i've been contesting since one thousand nine hundred seventy six he predicted that i'd win my twentieth election. long road in politics has been a test of faith. in india candidates fulford they were just ration fee if they perform badly policy to discourage no hopers. he's lost his deposit every single time but he knows that he's day is coming soon. never lose my twentieth election it's a challenge but i'll never lose it it would be a stain on my reputation i will win and it will be. all reached the parliament even if i'm on a stretcher or a funeral pyre. guy. to a tea stall in delhi where one man is making a bid from beyond the grave. make the candidate known as the dead man. is officially listed as deceased the victim he says of a scam. thank you seeing onesies death record set straight so he's contesting prime minister unseat environ s.c. . i am fighting against a system trying to hold a mirror to the system. i don't worry about winning or losing. but at least people will know that the man is running against a popular leader prime minister narendra modi. he knows he has little chance of success but like thousands of candidates he too hopes for a voice in the in politics in this life or the next. everyone but me watches it and on sunday sees an eight. game of thrones is back on t.v. and with it one of its most well known face is peter dinklage who plays. a widely noble man but now fans of the show have spotted an uncanny lookalike in a rather surprising location. waiting tables at a restaurant in marvel pindi northern pakistan rosie khan has become somewhat of a little celebrity customers at the restaurant first noticed cannes resemblance to actor peter dinklage who plays nobleman tyrian lannister in the emmy winning t.v. series game of thrones. they said he looks like you i said yes there are people who resemble each other they said we work on t.v. and i said no i'm not on t.v. i live right here in pakistan. it is like the fact that. it's proved a big pull for customers. and i. have be i feel to have made with lannister in real. can had never heard of game of thrones but since the show has become hugely popular he regularly gets stopped by strangers in the street wanting to take pictures of him many of which have made it onto social media. if i did that there's a lot of pitches have been taken off may. become famous everywhere in. the wherever i go we raffled pindi my pitches of that. and while maisie khan small restaurant is a wild away from the fantastical adventures of the seven kingdoms he says he would love to meet his look alike one day. and maybe that dream comes true that story and more on our website that's it other dot com forward slash and you can check us out on facebook as well. that's our show for today we're leave you with pictures of the run up to indonesia's travel to election. candidates and charisma through next time but. sometimes books are more exciting than real life. bring two. points there's no escape. list. streets. here's what's coming up the good news more truman's a complete absence of the. plenty here. it's going to take a look at all that means for the take her. to sleep every weekend here on t w. four years on and diesel scandal gets serious prosecutors indict former c.e.o. vinter conte on fraud charges. appreciations continue over in his ailing jet airways the protests to pilots haven't been paid in four months. and


Transcripts For DW DW News - News 20181220 13:00:00

w. . this is news coming to you live from berlin president orders american troops out of syria and provokes a storm of protest the president declares victory over so-called islamic states but senior republicans on the pullout as a costly mistake find. our allies in europe are reacting also coming. back to earth a safe landing for the crew of the international space station but their six month mission was marred by technical problems. and. put more pressure on top of the table it. was to read cards my own fault their way to a tightly contested. hello i'm terry martian good to have you with us present a surprise decision to announce big tree over so-called islamic state and withdraw american forces from syria has been met with criticism from both parties in congress leading republicans are calling it a premature and costly mistake one that would benefit iran in russia others question whether the militant group has in fact been defeated two of america's allies britain and friends say isn't finished yet and the battle to clear them out should go on. have invited. president trump gets his way the american troops currently in syria will start leaving the country as soon as possible trump posted a video on twitter explaining his move i've been president for almost two years and we've really stepped it up and we have won against isis we've beaten them and we've beaten him badly we've taken back the land and now it's time for our troops to come back home i get very saddened when i have to write letters or call parents or wives or husbands of soldiers who have been killed fighting for our country it's a great honor we cherish them but it's heartbreaking there's no question about it it's heartbreaking now we've won it's time to come back they're getting ready you're going to see him soon these are great american heroes about two thousand american soldiers are currently stationed in syria officially as instructors and advisers to rebel forces that includes kurdish troops with the city and democratic forces the s.d.f. who have led the fight against the so-called islamic states the move has sparked surprise and outrage from republican lawmakers who called chums actions rash and dangerous. it's a terrible thing for our nation and it's a terrible thing for the. for the allies that we've been working with this terrible thing for the s.p.f. and it's just. it's hard to imagine that any president would wake up and make this kind of decision with this little communication with this little preparation i mean mohnish standing as we're. beginning to move out right now. yes. entirely. the withdrawal of u.s. troops is also called the other nations involved in the coalition offguard britain for its part said it continued to view i asked as a threat. and britain is not alone friends too is convinced that the job of fighting i.s.i. is not finished here's what french defense minister flaunts polly had to say on twitter she acknowledged that islamic state are weaker than ever that they've gone into hiding and are fighting is insurgents islamic state of lost more than ninety percent of their territory she says they don't have the logistics they once had but she continues islamic state have not been obliterated nor have the roots we must defeat the last pockets of this terrorist organization with military force. so that's the view from paris let's go over to brussels now or d.w. is teri schultz is standing by terry any other reaction from european governments. yes well the other government that has troops in syria the u.k. also very much disagrees with president trump's decision we've seen the u.k.'s junior defense minister toby was say this he says i strongly disagree isis has morphed into other forms of extremism and the threat is very much alive now that something that we're likely to hear from other european governments as well people are are just starting to react to this news it took everyone by surprise as i understand it even u.s. diplomats were not given much of a heads up that this was coming and so had very little to explain to allies and partners around the world. also has its quarter headquarters there in brussels of course what do nato officials make a surprise move to pull u.s. troops out of syria. and from my discussions with people at nato headquarters it was very much of a surprise i'm not sure whether they got any heads up at all that the announcement would be coming nato does not have troops in syria doesn't have a training mission or anything there as it does in in neighboring iraq so this is less relevant than it would be if nato was actually running some operations on the ground that said it is a member of this global coalition to defeat isis as are all the nato members and so people are very much wondering what happens to the u.s. led coalition are they going to be also stepping down from such a leadership role in this the white house has put out a statement saying that the coalition will will not be not be weakened by this move but at the same time with the when the u.s. has troops on the ground there has surveillance knows what's happening in syria to a greater extent than it will now after the pullout of course there are many questions remaining about what kind of leadership that will be for the thirty one nations that make up this global coalition and i think we'll be hearing more hearing more from from governments themselves but also i'm hearing that nato is expected to put out a statement reacting to the news here shortly. also understand terry that we're expecting a statement very soon from the european union foreign policy chief. actually federica marine he has just spoken after a meeting with the egyptian foreign minister and they they did not speak about syria they had a very very brief press conference and that wasn't one of the subjects unfortunately d.w. was there ready to ask a question but it with a press conference was quite short and curtailed thank you so much for that update teri schultz there in brussels. now to some of the other stories making news around the world today. people have taken to the streets in sudan to oppose price hikes demonstrators are particularly angered by months of red shortages after prices more than tripled this year reporters say reports say the demonstrators have set fire to government buildings a state of emergency was declared in the city of. after protests erupted on wednesday. four men have been arrested with possible links to the killing of two european tourists the bodies of the danish and norwegian women were discovered near their tent in an isolated mountain region according to police one of the suspects had links to an extremist group. and plates from london's gatwick airport are suspended after drones were spotted flying above the airfield late on wednesday and again today on thursday numerous incoming flights have been diverted to other airports flying a drone within one kilometer of an airport is illegal in britain anyone convicted of the offense could spend five years in jail. and british artist banksy has confirmed that a new graffiti piece in the welsh town of port talbot is indeed his cold season's greetings the image appears on two sides of a garage locals have now put up a fence to protect this latest work by the famous artist who strives to keep his identity secret. three astronauts several turns safely to earth after spending more than six months on the international space station their mission proved to be problematic for technical reasons but german command center guest said the return trip went smoothly. back from space the soyuz capsule landed in a remote area of kazakhstan german alexander guest american serena anon chancellor and russian sergei procopio have all doing well the f.b.i. today things were much better they were easier than it really is wonderful to be here again to smell the smell of snow in the it's an incredible feeling after having not had it for half a year. the capsule had been docked onto the international space station the i assess home to the astronauts for the past six and a half months things were looking good when the team took off in june but then came a series of problems the replacement teams failed launch meant that many of the planned experiments to be carried out after a full months in space guest became the first german to take over command of the i assess. russian astronauts had to carry out a grueling were paying on a mysterious hole in the soyuz capsule the craft that would ultimately bring them safely back to a. store selling in the biggest league win by in munich headed into their match with leipzig they knew they could cut the gap at the top of the league to six points leaders dortmund slipped up on to saying good bye and that chance. most coaches knew this was a chance for their teams to claw back some ground at the top of the table by and enjoyed the best of the opening exchanges and they were a whisker away from going in front of a breakthrough the first half of it live in just the phrase free by says gnabry it's a night by the post takes a good lashing the lights go with him on impulse and touch. at the other end right sick have their own encounter with the woodwork macondo headed against the crossbar to beat mats hummels to the full time fortunately for the businesses without recourse. to type fast hof and not much for these fans to discuss during the break you ashley's fingertips helping to keep things level and he was busy again in the second half thomas miller played the ball again and he's eventually found its way to us they were kimmage. last she sees her reflexes catch a mouse. the hosts were ramping up the pressure was on he said matched the last she could stop on his outing docking ring out a sanchez no from progress i. suppose touches by the french ring out once control want to take it past his man and wants to finish with seven minutes to go joy unconfined in munich. the match and did an ugly scenes stefano sanker was given a straight match for this foul. sanchez will say given his. marching orders for his role in the ensuing mad i i just finished one nail a vital three point stop by a. world of swimming is losing one of his most prominent figures due to retirement at the tender age of twenty three missy franklin won five olympic gold medals during a stellar career but the u.s. star has decided to quit because of a chronic shoulder problem. baseball and as you may know it's the most popular sport in the u.s. but it's also popular in cuba now the u.s. major league and the cuban baseball federation have reached a historic agreement it allows players from cuba to sign contracts with in the u.s. without effecting depending on the quality of future players the agreement could mean millions of dollars in income for the cash poor cuban federation cuba is a baseball hotbed but its patchy relationship with the united states has long served as a stumbling block for cubans hoping to call a major league baseball home this looks set to change after cuba's baseball federation in major league baseball announced a historic deal which could have widespread diplomatic ramifications. nice it's a good day for cuban baseball for world baseball people for the american people i mean a gun the agreement should be a homerun for both sides as it provides cubans with a safe regulated path to playing in the u.s. while compensating the cuban baseball federation for any players making the jump as it currently stands cuban players have to defect and give up their citizenship for a chance at making it in the majors which is lead to criminal organizations trafficking players. fans in havana are pleased with the deal if not it's timing. it's a step forward for the cuban game it's something the cuban state should have done years ago that's the reality of it. but political relations could still put the brakes on the deal baseball was an important diplomatic tool as then u.s. president barack obama sought to normalize relations with cuba and he even called again with raul castro while visiting havana tensions have reached a higher pitch under donald trump who has rolled back most of the agreements made by his predecessor american politicians from republic as. we follow someone who's been trying to live on a russian pension more on that coming up business with. bringing you up to date on the fallout from the latest rate hike by the u.s.


Transcripts For DW The Bundesliga 20190420 23:15:00

check out our website d.w. dot com for the latest news headlines i'm calling aspen. good morning to one official estimates more than one point two million venezuelans live in colombia legally and illegally. i'd return to venezuela. to visit friends is that i don't think i'd ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i don't know so i'm not sure. bearing witness to global news that matters. made for mines. and on demand. in which course a. video and or you. talk. w. . it was wall to wall sunshine in germany on saturday so that means the summer is on its way and abundantly the season is heating up at the top and the bottom of the table coming up we'll see if biron could avoid slipping up against the brain and avoid the possibility of losing their slim lead at the top of the bundesliga table. i'm glad are within a whisker of a champions league spot but could inform leipzig dash their hopes of moving up the tech. published on a.b.'s welcome to the bundesliga the big clash on saturday tied bahrain and braman anything other than a victory for munich would have piled the pressure on the league leaders they kicked off their match just one point ahead of second place dortmund saturday's clash was also the first of two encounters with bremen in less than a week they face them again in the german cup and are well aware that verdict is a side capable of causing an upset let's take a look and see if that was the case this time around. raymond's team morale had been unbeatable this year and florian cofield was deterred. aminta dent pines title aspirations they certainly threw themselves into the tussle from the very first whistle. by and had the first real chance of the match search cannot break going close after twenty six minutes. a tidy spin and shot from the germany international but she is the past like i was equal to the task braman was standing strong in the face of binds onslaughts which left me coco vetch looking for answers by in turn the screw up to half time. but they found braman to fence in an imperious mood. have lanka was in particular on top of his game. the match turned on its head after fifty eight minutes though. neil us felt of it sent off for a second yellow card the strike elbow ending his saturday afternoon early. down to ten men have lanka continued to reel out the highlights. but he was palace today not nicklaus. on seventy five minutes i've wickeds a flexion leaving him stranded one goal enough to hand by in a hard fought one victory that's right now in the second half we were able to step up a gear absent let's hope they had a man sent off and we laid siege to their goal i got one on that but i missed a lot of chances and the win was fully deserving it as it's my family could have had a more comfortable end to the game. if it's an inch ponderous was fun as it was forced into. an important win for bahrain they will be looking to repeat the job when the two teams meet up again in the german cup on wednesday. are hungry for a champions league spot next season their victory last weekend against hanover gave them a boost of confidence in what has been a rather erratic twenty nineteen but it was also bittersweet as their captain was injured and will miss the rest of the campaign but back to this much they and their form would be put to the test against high flying leipsic a team that is also unbeaten against so let's see how the game panned act. for. on a farewell tour and d. to hacking both want to leave their successor tickets to european football it was visitors like they could threaten first and you'll forsberg testing young. blood banks keeper came into this one with twelve shots to his name this term. was only one keeper has more opposite number. the hungry and made light work of some players shot. chances of another clean sheet were at risk of to just fifteen minutes. back fell in the box i don't see was the last in the face of football superstition by taking the kick him self and slammed it comfortably home i'm one of the more penalty misery for summer who stopped only one in twenty four from the spot and has been does he get career. just after half time popped up again and bloodbaths books and promptly made it to nail of my third of the season for the young germany international and his first from open play. with many writing glad they suddenly showed signs of life was playing a house of the deficit just after the hour was ten minutes later passed up the chance to seal the points for leipzig. back then laid siege to goloshes goal but after talking. to panic stations cameron couldn't find the equaliser my leg held on for an away when that all but guarantees a champions league place for a run nick successor. meanwhile still has a lot to do before he clinches a year for his replacement. my let's take a look at some of the other clashes on saturday in a moment we'll see. european hopefuls leverkusen got on against rovers in europe burg but first shift our travel to one objective beat their hosts and give their fans some hope that they'll be spared relegation the time is running out and their recent form has been dreadful they'd only managed to pick up two points in their previous five games now stuttgart coach mike course was feeling the heat so let's watch the action now. stuttgart sort of a rotten rolonda marcus vine zero and out made them suffer early the hosts were deservedly ahead after eleven minutes. ronnie kidd era was left completely alone to slot home shook up were all over the place defense of the again soon afterwards this time under a handsome good vantage to know for out. it was a fine finish from the forward but he was given so much time still got had no plan going forward and were even worse about to let match making it three now after less than half an hour the game was practically over the hapless stockcar but it was the same story in the second half got again showed where they were stranded in the relegation playoff spots marco victor did not fall for. max then grabbed his second on the out. and out did not let up as they look to secure their bunkers legal status thanks to crowning a super display to score the six. martin schmidt is working wonders it out. got meanwhile in a real mess and sacked coach vines deal after their joint heaviest bonus league defeat ever. that loss meant nuremberg at the chance to leapfrog their relegation rivals and leave stuck out in the automatic drop zone but nuremberg struggled in leverkusen with chi habits rattling the power. kristin martin you're also getting on to it but just after the hour mark sanny was finally beaten by lucas allow rio. replay shown the ball had clearly crossed the line. they've accused and then wrapped up the win lights on. kevin full on thing as the home side mounts and right champions league charge. in contrast nuremberg failed to capitalize on slumping stock gods. well it's the end of the road for marcos vines feel at stuttgart and here's a little start for you and this is the fourth time in six seasons that a stuttgart coach has been sacked after losing to albert now it gets more interesting because the first three times that happened mark was vine seal was the coach and now he's on the receiving end and the one who has given his marching orders but moving on now to another team having a poor season they have the chance to distance themselves from the relegation zone all they needed was a positive result against huff and haim but it was another disappointing performance from shell shock bells for dale and andrei crime marriage but haas and haim to mill up in the first half. yuri pulled one back for shelter after the break of goals from. mary and another from belfort deal sealed the win for the visitors tito birch tyler scored a late consolation goal five to the final score and hope stevens shelter remain in trouble. let's get a round up of old results so far from much day thirty as you can see there byron edged braman glad lost to life sick smashed six past stuttgart leverkusen beat nuremberg two. shell and hoffenheim as you can see there absolutely well the great when there are four hundred and i'm and mights they took on the door in a mid table clash and dusseldorf haven't even touched the ball before john believe my tits are scored in the first minutes. just the doors back to life with an equaliser on nineteen minutes i the belgian turned a villain by missing a second half penalty. kareem on his roommate to one and a second from a tighter seal the win for mines three one runs from. now on sunday dortmund travel to freiburg have to take on hanover and as you can see there on monday votes for it will host frankfurt now it's at a table defending champions byron munich xtend their lead at the top to four points as you can see from dorgan to leipsic still in third frankfurt in force of course but they're playing they still yet to play though their movement their live labor has moved up braman move down at the other end of the table no change at the bottom shall come missed out on their chant chance to extend their lead and minds move up . now it's time for the bun this latest play off the day as voted by you our followers on twitter and your winner with fifty three percent of the vote is byron's nick glass sudha the big defender was byron's unlikely hero clinching a vital three points for the champions as the title rights heats up it might not have been the prettiest of stripes but no one in byron colors was complaining. it's just our from him well that's all from us here on the bundesliga we'll be back on sunday with more bundesliga action and of course plenty of analysis until then we'll leave you with some of the best scenes from saturday's games so for me and the rest of the team here in berlin by. place. to. play if. so you're looking for history and culture. shopping and wellness you want tranquility and nature. anything else yes tony when the john karr. anything is possible and bob and bob. is trying to go. in spite of on rest abductions and murders the rangers are still here. they've chosen this work and we're ready to give our lives to save the mountain gorillas from extinction. rangers and for a longer national park in congo trying to fight off thousands of heavily armed rebels who rob the land of its natural resources. protecting resources ingo rely have attacked in sixty minutes on d. w. . what secrets lie behind these moves.


Transcripts For DW The Bundesliga 20190420 21:15:00

games find out how iron you ticked fared at home against better braman as the title race in the bundesliga comes down to the wire that and more in just a couple of minutes coming up on the board as. you're watching t.v. news live from berlin more news at the top of the hour i'm carl aspen thanks for watching sports is up next they don't. think. i'm secure in that my work not hard and in the end this is a me you're not allowed to stay here anymore we will send you back. are you familiar with this. new smugglers we're alliance and. what's your story. on what numbers and women especially of victims of violence. take part and send us your story we are trying in all with to understand this new culture. you are not a visitor nothing yet you want to become a citizen. in for migrants your platform for reliable information. it was wall to wall sunshine in germany on saturday it's about means the summer is on its way and above this league a season is heating up at the top and the bottom of the table coming up we'll see if iron could avoid slipping up against the grain and avoid the possibility of losing their slim lead at the top of the buddhist. the table. and club are within a whisker of a champions league spot but could inform leipzig dash their hopes of moving up the tech. yes welcome to the bundesliga the big clash on saturday tied bahrain and braman anything other than a victory for munich would have piled the pressure on the league leaders they kicked off their match just one point ahead of second place dortmund saturday's clash was also the first of two encounters with braman in less than a week they faced him again in the german cup and are well aware that verdict is a side capable of causing an upset let's take a look and see if that was the case this time around. bremen steamroll had been unbeatable this year and florian cofield was determined to dent points talks last for a sions they certainly threw themselves into the tussle from the very first whistle . and had the first real chance of the match serge cannot break going close after twenty six minutes. i tried to spin and shot from the germany international judges ipad like i was equal to the task braman was standing strong in the face of byron's onslaughts which left nico covert looking for answers by in turn the screw up the half time. they found braman to the fence in an imperious mood. have lanko was in particular on top of his guy. the match turned on its head after fifty eight minutes though. the rush bilk of it stands off for a second yellow card the stray elbow ending his saturday afternoon early. down to. ten men have lanka continued to reel out the highlights. but he was powerless to deny nicholas saw her on seventy five minutes i could deflection leaving him stranded one dollar nuff to hand fly and a hard fought one victory that's why in the second half we were able to step up a gear they had a man sent off and we laid siege to their goal. we missed a lot of chances and the win was fully deserving it as it so often we could have had a more comfortable end to the game. if there's an edge pundit it was far as it was forced into. an important win for by and they will be looking to repeat the job when the two teams meet up again in the german cup on wednesday. are hungry for a champions league spot next season their victory last weekend against hanover gave them a boost of confidence in what has been a rather erratic twenty nineteen but it was also bittersweet as their captain last stand always injured and will miss the rest of the campaign but my back to this match day and their form would be put to the test against high flying leipsic a team that is also unbeaten against bath so let's see how the game panned act. two coaches on a farewell tour from mick and di to hacking both want to leave their successor take it to european football it was visitors like so you could threaten first and you'll forsberg testing young designer. glad box keeper came into this one with twelve shots to his name is tara or was i only one keeper has more opposite number. one gary and made light work of allison play a shot i almost chances of another clean sheet were at risk of to just fifty minutes marcel house fell in the box i don't see i am the last in the face of football superstition by taking the kick himself and slammed it comfortably home i'm one nil to light safe and more penalty misery for saumur who stopped only one in twenty four from the spot and has been just a good career but just after half time popped up again and bloodbaths box and promptly made it to nail i had third of the season for the young germany international and his first from open play. with many writing gladbach off they suddenly showed signs of life i player how of the deficit just up to the hour was ten minutes later to move veron or passed up the chance to seal the points for light. but then laid siege to she's goal but after talking us our shot lead to panic stations catch a cameron shouldn't be equalizer i like saying held on for no way when that's all but guarantees a champions league place for a run its successor. checking meanwhile still has a lot to do before he clinches a euro police spot for his replacement. was well let's take a look at some of the other clashes on saturday in a moment we'll see how european hopefuls laver couzin got on against nuremberg but first travel to one objective beat their hosts and give their fans some hope that they'll be spared relegation the time. it is running out and their recent form has been dreadful they'd only managed to pick up two points in their previous five games now start our coach my course zion seal was feeling the heat so let's watch the action that. stuck up sort of a rotten roman democracy. and outs the made them suffer early the hosts were deservedly ahead after eleven minutes. ronnie kidd era was left completely alone to slot home shook up were all over the place defensively again soon afterwards this time under a hans a good vantage to know for out. it was a fine finish from the forward but he was given so much time stuff got had no plan going forward and were even worse about if you let match making it three now after less than half an hour the game was practically over the hapless stockcar but it was the same story in the second half not again showed where they're stranded in the relegation playoff spots. victor adding the fall of the big macs then grabbed his second only our. my and out didn't let up as they look to secure that bonus legal status thanks to crowning a super display to score the six. martin smith is working wonders it out. still got meanwhile they are in a real mess and sacked coach vines deal after their joint heaviest bones as they get their feet. above that last many nuremberg got the chance to leapfrog their relegation rivals and leave stuck out in the automatic drop zone but nuremberg struggled in leverkusen with chi habits rattling the post christian martin you're also getting a hand to it but just after the hour mark sanny was finally beaten by lucas allow rio my replay showed the ball had clearly crossed the line be. they've accused and then wrapped up the win later on. came in full on netting as the home side mounts only champions league charge. in contrast nuremberg failed to capitalize on slumping stock god. well it's the end of the road for marcos vine still at stuttgart and here's a little start for you and this is the fourth time in six seasons that a stuttgart coach has been sacked after losing to albert that it gets more interesting because the first three times that happened marcos vine seal was the spirit coach and now he's on the receiving end and the one who is given his marching orders but moving on now to another team having a poor season shout they have the chance to distance themselves from the relegation zone all they needed was a positive result against hoffenheim but it was another disappointing performance from shell shock belfour deal and under a crime r.h. put hoffenheim two nil up in the first half and you know yuri pulled one back for shell after the break but goals from. mary and another from bell for a deal sealed the win for the visitors tito birch tyler scored a late consolation goal five to the final score and hope stevens shelter remain in trouble. let's get a round up of all the results so far for much day thirty as you can see there fire in edged braman glad lost to life sake i smashed six past stuttgart leverkusen beat nuremberg two nil shell and hoffenheim as you can see there absolutely well a great win there for heart and i'm and my they took on dusseldorf in a mid table clash and haven't even. puts the ball before john to leave my tits are stored in the first minute don't need new kit backyard shock just the doors back to life with an equalizer on nineteen minutes i think the belgian turned a villain by missing a second half penalty. kareem honestly we made it to one and a second from a tighter seal the win for minds. on school. now on sunday dortmund travel to freiburg have to take on hanover and as you can see there on monday votes for it will host frankfurt nights at a table defending champions byron munich xtend their lead at the top to four points as you can see from dorgan to leipsic still in third frankfurt in fourth of course but they're playing they still yet to play the bit of movement their late labor has moved up braman move down at the other end of the table no change at the bottom shall come missed out on their child chance to extend their lead and minds move up . now it's time for the bun this latest play off the day as voted by you our followers on twitter and your winner with fifty three percent of the vote is byron's nick glass. the big defender was byron's unlikely hero clinching a vital three points for the champions as the title rights heats up it might not have been the prettiest of stripes but no one in byron colors was complaining. it's just our from him well that's all from us here on the bundesliga we'll be back on sunday with more action and of course plenty of analysis until then we'll leave you with some of the best scenes from saturday's games so for me and the rest of the team here in berlin by. the. ico africa. yes on camera we'll explain. and hopes to save the country's mangroves. the coastal forests i'm being used to so production they're also being damaged by cattle heads. yes the camera has a plan. next. they're the latest fashion in chocolate easter eggs part of a special easter collection. created by correction or by time was called. to his concept this year in what cultural modeled on designs by greek means. eggs twisted easter creation.


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