About Town The Gainesville Sun
Editor s note: The Guardian no longer accepts fliers as information for events that appear under About Town.
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The Eastside High School football team will travel to Alachua to play Santa Fe High School in a spring football game.
ABC Airs New Crime Special About 1990 Gainesville Murders, City Representatives Respond
By Jessica Seldner
April 13, 2021
On Friday, ABC News broadcast a new episode of their 20/20 series, calling it “the Devil in Gainesville.” It details the murder spree that left five local college students dead in Aug 1990.
Promotional content was simply called “Gainesville,” which some say is misleading. Scott Costello, Guide to Greater Gainesville publisher, would rather label the show with a description of what happened, rather than the location.
“No city wants to be ― or region wants to be ― represented by a singular incident that happened,” Costello said. “Whether it’s good or bad.”
Akito Kawahara says, We can’t live without insects. They’re in trouble. And there’s something all of us can do to help.
Kawahara’s research has primarily focused on answering fundamental questions about moth and butterfly evolution, according to a news release from the Florida Museum of Natural History. Kawahara is increasingly haunted by studies that sound the alarm about plummeting insect numbers and diversity.
While scientists differ on the severity of the problem, many findings point to a general downward trend, with one study estimating 40% of insect species are vulnerable to extinction. In response, Kawahara has turned his attention to boosting people’s appreciation for some of the world’s most misunderstood animals.
UF student receives prestigious Guy Harvey award
Elizabeth Duermit -Moreau, a Ph.D candidate at the University of Florida, is one of two recipients of the 2020 Guy Harvey Ocean Scholarship Award, which comes with a $5,000 scholarship for each recipient. They also received a certificate designed and signed by the world-renowned marine wildlife artist, biologist and conservationist. The Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to saving the seas, supporting groundbreaking research and helping foster the next generation of ocean conservationists.
Duermit-Moreau is studying fisheries and aquatic sciences. Her research is focused on how both Florida spiny lobster and stone crab habitat degradation and fishing impact parasite/disease prevalence in these species.