OPINION: We must support our young people
Thomas J. Putnam
Like many, I was comforted by President Biden’s inaugural address and its plainspoken call for unity which is so sorely needed to rebuild our democracy.
And then, on its heels, came the inspiring poem of 22-year old Amanda Gordon providing “light in this never-ending shade.”
I had a similar experience the day before here in Concord.
Later this spring, the Concord Museum will open a new exhibit “Every Path Laid Open: Women of Concord and the Quest for Equality.” Organized to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, the title comes from Margaret Fuller who once remarked that not only did suffragists demand the right to vote but they also advocated that “we would have every path laid open to woman as freely as to man.”
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Photo: Eliel Thomaz on Unsplash
I only hope they come to realize that the vanquishing of Trump wasn’t the first time America showed its greatness
Going into Election Day last November, less than three months ago, the image of America in the eyes of the country’s progressives, its left-liberals, was of a white cop’s knee on a black man’s neck, choking the life out of him. Statues of American heroes had been pulled down all summer and progressives either joined in, watched and cheered, or kept silent.
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It is easy conclude that a socially conscious investor should simply avoid holding shares of any oil producer or even any company perceived to be contributing to global warming. But many ESG money managers believe advocacy may be a better approach than divestiture, as Debbie Carlson explains.
Netflix Inc. NFLX is close to hitting an important financial milestone, as Therese Poletti explains.
Courtesy Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge
Silvia Ascarelli helps two disabled military veterans who wish to retire in a rural area on at least 10 acres of land. They have a limited budget, but no debt. Here are three possible destinations.