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December 15, 2020
California Giant Berry Farm’s 13-week digital fundraiser, Spreading Smiles, has culminated to $40,000 distributed to 13 non-profit organizations throughout the greater Pajaro Valley area.
Due to restrictions around in-person events, California Giant’s annual fundraiser events and other activities throughout the year that support its communities’ non-profits had to be re-imagined.
“California Giant has always been invested in our neighbors. With an emphasis on giving back and putting smiles on the faces who really need it, we were not going to let this year’s new restrictions prevent our fundraising efforts,” said Joe Barsi, president of California Giant Berry Farms.
California Giant forecasts steady blueberry volumes
December 10 , 2020
California Giant Berry Farms growers are reporting peak volumes of a promotable organic and conventional blueberry supply for the start of the new year.
New grower partnerships, along with expanded organic acreage and varieties out of Chile, Peru and Argentina have allowed California Giant to offer a steady supply of organic and conventional South American grown blueberries to its customers from October through March 2021.
“What’s even more exciting is the growth of supply that will be reflected in future seasons,” Nader Musleh, director of international business development for California Giant said.
“Our growers have recently invested in state-of-the-art inspection equipment that eliminates defects and classifies only the best quality. They also continue to explore the latest varieties available in order to deliver on the best possible flavor.