Mutated animals show up all the time in episodes of The Simpsons, from the laser-eyed squirrel in “Marge Vs. The Monorail” to Blinky, the three-eyed fish
Bart catches in “Two Cars In Every Garage And Three Eyes On Every Fish” in season 2. Of course, these animals’ misfortune is always traced back to Mr. Burns’ nuclear power plant and his repeated disdain for environmental protection laws. When the writers introduced Blinky the three-eyed fish in 1990, it’s safe to say they didn’t
actually believe three-eyed fish would be swimming around in our lakes and streams.
However, in 2011, 21 years after the episode’s original air date, a fisherman caught a three-eyed fish near a local power plant in Argentina. More sightings have occurred as well, including a three-eyed catfish caught off the Hamilton Avenue Bridge in Brooklyn and another Blinky look-alike caught in Canada’s Lake Nippissing. While some may say this is just a classic case of