Educational visit from deaf sailor teaches Pontefract pupils about hearing loss
As part of ‘Deaf Awareness Week’, pupils at The Rookeries Carleton Junior, Infant & Nursery School received a virtual visit from British sailor, Gerry Hughes.
Gerry was the first profoundly deaf British sailor to sail single-handedly across the Atlantic Ocean.
During the visit the pupils learned about Gerry’s achievements and watched his documentary, Silent Odyssey.
As part of ‘Deaf Awareness Week’, pupils at The Rookeries Carleton Junior, Infant & Nursery School received a virtual visit from British sailor, Gerry Hughes
Gerry said: “I thoroughly enjoyed my time meeting the children as part of their Deaf Awareness Week activities.
Fri 18 Dec 2020 02.00 EST
Nine-year-old Elijah Versteeg is sad about his Christmas choral concert this year. Instead of singing carols with his friends in a tinsel-strewn Inverness church with his family and friends in the audience, he’ll sit down in his living room, mute his computer, don headphones and sing into the void.
Battered by shifting and complex Covid restrictions, children’s choirs across the country have tried to come up with alternatives to their traditional Christmas concerts. Some have triumphed but others say they are exhausted, “hanging by a thread” after nine months of restrictions and at risk of closure.