PTA Receives Rs. 15.82 Billion Against Second Installment Of License Renewal Fee
Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has received Rs 15.82 billion (the equivalent of USD 103.17 million) against the second installment of license renewal fee from two Cellular Mobile Operators (CMOs); Telenor Pakistan and Pakistan Mobile Communication Ltd. (Jazz).
The amount is being deposited in Federal Consolidated Fund (FCF) as per practice under Pakistan Telecom Re-organization Act 1996, said PTA in an official handout.
PTA has so far deposited Rs 135.81 billion (the equivalent of USD 862.22 million) with the government, received against 50 percent of the total license renewal fee and first installment of the same from three CMOs. With the amount of the second installment received from two CMOs now, the total receipts on this count have become Rs 151.63 billion (USD 965.39 million). The second license renewal fee installment of CMPAK (ZONG) for USD 54.086 is due in October 2021.
Mon, 04, 21
The Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication (MoITT) has issued a draft National Broadband Policy 2021 for consultation. The past policies, coming out of the ministry, were of high quality and praised internationally especially the Deregulation Policy 2003, Mobile Cellular Policy 2004 and Universal Service Fund Policy 2006.
The Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication (MoITT) has issued a draft National Broadband Policy 2021 for consultation. The past policies, coming out of the ministry, were of high quality and praised internationally especially the Deregulation Policy 2003, Mobile Cellular Policy 2004 and Universal Service Fund Policy 2006.
The Telecommunication Policy of 2015, though shied away from addressing most of the industry issues, it did pave the way for rapid uptake of mobile broadband by addressing the supply side. In this background, it was genuinely expected that the new sector policy will match the quality of previous p