IFJ 15 December 2020
US: Freelancers secure second major deal securing rights and benefits in digital media
The National Writers Union (NWU) has joined forces with the subscription-based online publication Defector to agree a set of shared principles for their freelance workers. The IFJ welcomes the agreement which will ensure guaranteed standards and enhanced rights for the company s freelance workforce. Defector is the second website that creates a list of shared principles for freelance workers alongside NWU. Credit: Detector
The principles, developed as part of the NWU s Freelance Solidarity project, will deliver guaranteed base pay rates, transparent conditions and the right of freelances to be represented by the NWU under a new grievance procedure.
Detail from Michelangelo s Jeremiah on the ceiling of the Cistine Chapel.
Henry (Hank) Millstein is a long-time peace, interfaith, and labor activist living in Northern California. He’s a fiction writer and journalist whose work often appears in
People’s World, and he’s a longtime member of the National Writers Union. Staff writer Eric A. Gordon sat Hank down for a friendly chat about his newest book.
People’s World: The biblical world opens a ripe and rich field for writers to extrapolate for their own readers and their own time many of the social issues that concern them. I’m thinking of
Residents from their neighbor’s slowly
fading cries for help…
Fathers “ finding evidence locker guns,
knives, drugs magically appearing at
shootings or in poor peoples’ pockets?
Are we funding the epithets fired through
donut holes like ‘rubber’ bullets shred-
ding the 1st Amendment?
care for killers masquerading as ‘peace’ officers?
Are we paying pensions for the privilege of ’10-
ring’ targeting on lethal 9-1-1 calls?
Are we suckers and losers, bankrolling blu klux
klansmen death squads slaughtering 1,000 a year
Sucking up .50 cents of our every dollar?
Are we underwriting Rotten Orchard bad
apples protecting/serving the 1%? Are we
bankrolling badges breaking bones “earning