Parks and Recreation and
The Good Place, is responsible for this lighthearted sitcom available on Peacock. The show explores familiar territory, and the comedy remains light despite taking on difficult subjects. Like other Schur projects, this show also involves a small town with a kooky past.
Rutherford Falls stars Ed Helms as Nathan Rutherford, a descendant of the townâs namesake. He is also a staunch protector of his familyâs history and lives in their historic home, which doubles as a museum. The show follows him as he is constantly at odds with the local government, citizens and neighboring Indigenous community, the fictional Minishonka Nation.
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Writer and producer Sierra Teller Ornelas learned some of the skills she needed to succeed in Hollywood in an unlikely place: growing up working in the booth at Native American art markets. Just being at art markets and being able to sell, and trying to quickly distill the story of your nation, your family, this piece that you re selling and explaining the importance of it, it really did help in terms of pitching, she told NPR s
Ask Me Another host Ophira Eisenberg.
In addition to her career as an accomplished television writer, Ornelas is a sixth-generation Navajo weaver. Her mother s art has been displayed all over the world, and each piece could take years to finish. To help pass the time while she worked, Ornelas s mom would send her to the video store.