EVESHAM Cherokee High School music teacher Earl Phillips has been recognized as the 2020 New Jersey Jazz Educator of the Year.
Phillips directs the Cherokee Jazz Ensemble, Music Theory, and Music Technology departments and is an adjunct faculty member of Rowan University. This prestigious award is given out each year to one deserving New Jersey jazz educator who has demonstrated the highest standards of teaching excellence and dedication to the jazz education community.
Phillips has been commissioned to write for and work as a clinician with many local high school and collegiate programs and has also been commissioned by the Jazz Orchestra of Philadelphia, led by artistic director Terell Stafford. He is a composer, arranger, educator, and bass trombonist in the greater Philadelphia area. Phillips has led the Earl Phillips Big Band 17-piece big band since 2007 and joined the Jazz Orchestra staff in 2014. Most recently, Phillips was commissioned to write music for the Philadelphia
Earl Klugh
Captain Caribe
Felicia (5 out of 5 stars) I first heard Earl Klugh when he was the opening act for Bob James at the Lansing (Michigan) Civic Center in 1978. Although I didn t know of him at the time, I was immediately captivated by his talent. Unfortunately, a large number of his albums (back in the days when vinyl was king) released after this simply don t have the emotion that this CD has. A stellar ensemble of musicians was gathered in the studio for recording this CD in the mid 70s, including Steve Gadd, Will Lee, Louis Johnson, David Grusin etc. Patti Austin and Vivian Cherry are the vocalists on Living Inside Your Love. The first three tracks are fusion at its best. The balance of the tracks are more mellow, but have a geat sense of emotion, and are testament to Earl s tremendous talent. Other Earl Klugh CD I enjoy is Finger Paintings, which was recorded shortly after this one.
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