Enough prayers? Why is supposed Catholic Joe Biden suggesting that Congress ought to stop praying for after someone commits acts of gun violence?
On Friday, Stu Burguiere and Pat Gray filled in for Glenn and discussed President Joe Biden s remarks during his speech on gun control. Enough prayers. Time for some action, Biden said. Stu and Pat were surprised how dismissive Biden appeared to be on the idea of prayer.
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Just days after Canadian pastor James Coates was released from prison for refusing to bow to COVID-19 lockdown restrictions, several police officers showed up at another church to ensure restrictions were being followed. But Polish pastor Artur Pawlowski of the Cave of Adullam Church in Alberta, Canada, knew his rights, telling the cops not to come back until they had a warrant in hand. Filling in for Glenn Beck on the radio program this week, Pat Gray and Stu Burguiere played a video of the interaction. Please get out. Please get out of this property immediately. Get out! Pawlowski can be heard yelling at the six officers who entered his church.
As critical race theory spreads across the country, California recently has approved a new ethnic studies curriculum for K-12 students that are chock full of it. But at least one state is standing up against this poison. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sharply condemned this push to teach kids to hate our country and to hate each other based on race. So, could a 2024 presidential run be in his future? And, if he does run, will he win over Trump voters? ,e.captions.style.display= none ,n.insertBefore(e.captions,n.firstChild),e.captionsText=e.captions.querySelector( . +r.options.classPrefix+ captions-text ),e.captionsButton=i.default.createElement( div ),e.captionsButton.className=r.options.classPrefix+ button +r.options.classPrefix+ captions-button ,e.captionsButton.innerHTML=
Why Biden’s $15 minimum wage could DESTROY our suffering economy
President Biden s $1.9 trillion dollar relief plan includes calls to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 dollars an hour, something Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, Brian Riedl, tells Glenn is economic malpractice. During his discussion with Glenn, Riedl explains WHY a minimum wage so high could destroy already suffering businesses (like restaurants), how much it would cost, and why it doesn t make ANY sense for states like Mississippi. Plus, Riedl reveals the latest, SHOCKING federal government spending numbers, adding that at some point, the system just can t hold up.
During day two of The Davos Agenda 21 on Tuesday, the world s biggest and most powerful business leaders, CEOs, and politicians continued to push the idea of stakeholder capitalism, which is part of The Great Reset. They continued to lie, arguing it s a type of economic system that benefits not on.