The story of someone living in the category of Access Limited, Income Constrained, Employed might be yours.
Or it could be your elderly neighbor’s story or the person who hands you food at your favorite fast food establishment.
There are so many variations of who might have an income just above the poverty level, while employed, but that person still struggles to meet even the bare minimum cost of basic household needs.
And that was before COVID-19 hit last year.
In Lycoming County with 44,585 households or a population of 113,664, the median household income is $55,045 compared to the state average of $60,905. Of those households, 24 percent are in the Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed category and 14 percent are in the poverty level.
Over 1.3 million Pennsylvania households, or 27 percent, were already struggling financially when COVID-19 hit last year, according to Kristen Rotz, president o