Portsmouth Herald
SANFORD - Sanford Community Garden is now accepting applications for the 2021 gardening season.
Sanford-Springvale Mousam Way Land Trust in partnership with University of Maine Extension’s Master Gardener Volunteers will be offering 24 raised beds, each 4-feet by 12-feet, for folks to grow their own fresh food, herbs and flowers. Three additional raised beds will be used to grow food for a local food pantry.
The first year of gardening fun was featured in the October issue of UMaine Extension’s “Maine Home Garden News”: extension.umaine.edu/gardening/2019/10/01/maine-home-garden-news-october-2019/#funchallenges .
Beginning April 1, Master Gardeners and Trust volunteers will jointly oversee the project and will be available to offer guidance as needed, in accordance with established COVID-19 protocols.