In the twenty-first century, humanity is undergoing revolutionary transformations, including rapid urbanization, the advent of disruptive mobility technology services, and new data sources created and consumed by urban and mobility processes.
The EFS was established in 2017 to investigate the possible effects of extensive electrification across all economic sectors in the United States, including commercial and residential structures, transportation, and industry.
Over the next decade, the North Sea's fast-growing renewable energy sector will overshadow the UK's half-century history as a leading offshore oil and gas center.
Despite the pandemic, global renewable energy output increased by 45 percent to 280 gigawatts in 2020, owing to an "unprecedented surge" in wind and solar energy, according to a recent study from the International Energy Agency. It's the biggest spike in a single year since 1999.
Feb 15, 2021 05:00 AM EST
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison s attempt to pursue better climate policies faces opposition from the nation s ruling Liberal-National coalition. This puts Morrison in a tough spot because the international community is also putting pressure on him to do something.
Australia s fight on net-zero emissions
(Photo : Photo by Stefan Postles/Getty Images)
Australia s Ruling Party Opposes Prime Minister s Climate Policy; PM Put in a Tough Spot
Mr. Morrison, a longtime critic of taking hard actions against climate change, has recently shown a willingness to step towards a net-zero emissions goal, although gradually.
He implied earlier this month that he was open to pursuing a zero-emissions target, a path adopted by increasing numbers of major economies. However, it was resisted by Australia s ruling coalition.