Jul 9, 2021
Here s today s feel-good story:
When we are feeling down, leave it to man s best friend to help us feel better.
Nine golden retrievers have been dispatched to Miami to aid the first responders with the emotional toll of searching for people trapped in the Miami Surfside condo collapse.
These therapy dogs are trained to help rescuers cope with their struggles.
“These dogs are here for you,” said Bonnie Fear, of the Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry. “A lot of times they [first responders] come up, they’ll fall to their knees, they’ll start crying or they’ll smile. We try not to say anything, we let the dog be the bridge for those people to grieve the loss, whatever they’re feeling.”
Jul 9, 2021
Here s today s feel-good story:
When we are feeling down, leave it to man s best friend to help us feel better.
Nine golden retrievers have been dispatched to Miami to aid the first responders with the emotional toll of searching for people trapped in the Miami Surfside condo collapse.
These therapy dogs are trained to help rescuers cope with their struggles.
“These dogs are here for you,” said Bonnie Fear, of the Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry. “A lot of times they [first responders] come up, they’ll fall to their knees, they’ll start crying or they’ll smile. We try not to say anything, we let the dog be the bridge for those people to grieve the loss, whatever they’re feeling.”
Tragödie in Florida – 14 weitere Leichen nach Hauseinsturz geborgen
Die Zahl der Todesopfer nach dem eingestürzten Wohnhaus in Miami steigt auf 78. Noch immer werden 62 Menschen vermisst.
Publiziert: 09.07.2021, 22:46
Foto: Pedro Porto (Miami Herald via AP/Keystone/8. Juli 2021)
Rettungskräfte haben aus den Ruinen des eingestürzten Hochhauses in Florida 14 weitere Leichen geborgen. Die Zahl der Todesopfer steige damit auf 78, sagte die Verwaltungschefin des Bezirks Miami Dade, Daniella Levine Cava am Freitag. «Es ist eine erschütternde und herzzerreissende Zahl, die uns alle sehr, sehr stark berührt.»
Von den 78 Opfern seien 42 identifiziert, fügte Levine Cava hinzu. 62 Menschen würden noch vermisst. Es ist allerdings noch nicht vollkommen sicher, ob sie sich alle tatsächlich zum Unglückszeitpunkt in dem Hochhaus aufhielten.
Jul 9, 2021
Here s today s feel-good story:
When we are feeling down, leave it to man s best friend to help us feel better.
Nine golden retrievers have been dispatched to Miami to aid the first responders with the emotional toll of searching for people trapped in the Miami Surfside condo collapse.
These therapy dogs are trained to help rescuers cope with their struggles.
“These dogs are here for you,” said Bonnie Fear, of the Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry. “A lot of times they [first responders] come up, they’ll fall to their knees, they’ll start crying or they’ll smile. We try not to say anything, we let the dog be the bridge for those people to grieve the loss, whatever they’re feeling.”
Jul 9, 2021
Here s today s feel-good story:
When we are feeling down, leave it to man s best friend to help us feel better.
Nine golden retrievers have been dispatched to Miami to aid the first responders with the emotional toll of searching for people trapped in the Miami Surfside condo collapse.
These therapy dogs are trained to help rescuers cope with their struggles.
“These dogs are here for you,” said Bonnie Fear, of the Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry. “A lot of times they [first responders] come up, they’ll fall to their knees, they’ll start crying or they’ll smile. We try not to say anything, we let the dog be the bridge for those people to grieve the loss, whatever they’re feeling.”