BBC News
image captionThe man told paramedics he was attacked by a saltwater crocodile
A man has survived a crocodile attack in northern Australia by prising the animal s jaws from his head, according to health officials.
The 44-year-old told medics he was swimming in Lake Placid in Queensland when he was attacked by a saltwater crocodile that he described as being 1.5m to 2m (4.9ft to 6.5ft) long.
He was taken to hospital with multiple minor lacerations .
Officials said the man was lucky to escape without more serious injuries.
Critical care paramedic Paul Sweeney said the man was remarkably calm when emergency responders arrived at the scene on Thursday.
CONCERNS have been raised after footage showing a crocodile lunge at a fisherman was captured on the banks of the Ross River. The video which was shared to YouTube last week was captured at Kelso and shows what is believed to be a freshwater crocodile lying still in the water before it lunges at the man unprovoked. Wildlife officers from the Department of Environment and Science investigated a crocodile sighting in that area after a member of the public reported a potential crocodile sighting at Framara Park. A department spokeswoman said the sighting was reported on December 31, 2020 and no further action was taken following the investigation.
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3m croc spotted near Fitzroy Barrage
Rockhampton Regional Council is reminding people that the Fitzroy River is known crocodile habitat, after a 3m croc was filmed on the bank of the river near the Barrage earlier this week. You can watch the footage on our Facebook page.
Acting Mayor Councillor Neil Fisher said the Department of Environment regularly receives sighting reports along the Fitzroy River, and urged people to be crocwise whenever they are near the water.
“Although this crocodile has not displayed any threatening behaviour we are urging people to be vigilant and practice crocwise safety,” he said.