Pōneke-based Daniel Vernon is a man of many talents. He’s an artist, a podcaster, and is in a band. He writes and plays music in Dartz, makes political satire comics as yeehawtheboys, and talks about sex, love, and relationships on the Just The Tips podcast. Daniel took some time out of
Chairman Council of Outdoor
Recreation Associations of NZ
An Otago Daily Times
report (23 January) that nearly two-thirds of Dunedin
residents think public consultation is lacking at the
Dunedin City Council, according to the latest Dunedin
Residents Opinion Survey is yet another example of the
erosion of the public’s voice
Underlining the
diminishing of democracy. was Dunedin mayor Aaron Hawkins’
reaction to seems to ignore public concern and seek solace
in other convenient angles of his choosing.
Council of Outdoor Recreation Associations has been aware of
the quelling of public opinion in the bowels of both local
government and central government