How a virtual movie club has helped me survive the pandemic
How a virtual movie club has helped me survive the pandemic
I can t see my friends in person, but at least we can still argue about David Fincher.
Every Sunday around 7:30 p.m., I strap on my mask and cross the street to my favorite bodega to buy Pabst Blue Ribbon, some sour gummy worms, and a box of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. A year ago, I would have picked all these snacks up in the movie theater lobby, but now the plan is to head right back up to my apartment, plop down on the couch, cue up a movie on Netflix (last time it was “Lady Bird”) and log into a familiar GroupMe Chatroom where between 10-15 of my friends are waiting. I know that at 8 o’clock, with a few perfectly synchronized taps of the “play” button, the same movie will suddenly stream simultaneously across TVs, laptops and cell phones all around the country in a ceremony we’ve somewha