A highly-detailed VLA image indicates that the jets of material propelled outward by young stars much more massive than the Sun may be very different from those ejected by less-massive young stars.
IMAGE: The two holes are confined to the germanium-rich layer just a few nanometers thick. On top, the electrical gates are formed by individual wires with voltages applied. The positively charged. view more
Credit: Daniel Jirovec
Quantum computers with their promises of creating new materials and solving intractable mathematical problems are a dream of many physicists. Now, they are slowly approaching viable realizations in many laboratories all over the world. But there are still enormous challenges to master. A central one is the construction of stable quantum bits - the fundamental unit of quantum computation called qubit for short - that can be networked together.
WASHINGTON - The OSA Foundation and Corning Incorporated (NYSE:GLW) announce the grand prize winner of the 2021 Corning Outstanding Student Paper Competition. Xiaosheng Zhang, University of California, Berkeley, U.S. received a USD 1,500 grand prize and will present his research at the virtual Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibition (OFC) on 11 June at 11:00 PDT (UTC - 07:00).
Xiaosheng Zhang was recognized for his innovation, research excellence, and overall presentation in optical communications. Two honorable mention awardees, Vinod Bajaj, Nokia Bell-Labs, Delft University of Technology, Germany and George Mourgias-Alexandris, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece each received USD 1,000.
Annually, the OSA Foundation and Corning present the Corning Outstanding Student Paper Competition prize to undergraduate or graduate students in optical communications and networking. Six finalists presented their papers at OFC.
A group at HZB has worked out theoretically how the communication between two quantum dots can be influenced with light. The team led by Annika Bande also shows ways to control the transfer of information or energy from one quantum dot to another. To this end, the researchers calculated the electronic structure of two nanocrystals, which act as quantum dots. With the results, the movement of electrons in quantum dots can be simulated in real time.
A research team led by Osaka University precisely set the number of layers in multilayer graphene nanoribbons, controlling the semiconducting and metallic properties of field effect transistors and establishing a design guideline for the practical applications of graphene devices.