Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - BBCNEWS - 20200103:18:45:00 :

Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - BBCNEWS - 20200103:18:45:00

for me. i can't wait to rejoin the squad on monday after what has been a really difficult 18 months and sometimes felt like i would never get to this point. i can't wait to rejoin the group. because what kind of steps have you had to do to make you realise that you are ready to return? it's been very slow. the first six months of my head injury, i could do very, very little. i was in hospital. when i came out, i could hardly get to the bathroom. it's been very, very gradual. i slowly integrated getting outside, getting to shops, communicating with people, up to doing some exercise. soi people, up to doing some exercise. so i feel now is the right time to rejoin, even though i still have a few symptoms. to be back with the group in that environment i think will be good for my health and hopefully will get me back to hockey. it certainly will be. now, just on concussion, is it one of the ha rd est just on concussion, is it one of the hardest injuries you have had to deal with? without question, this has been the most difficult 18 months in my 18 year career, without a shadow of a doubt. it's the

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