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this weapon is that they have no way to shoot it down. of the more than 200, they say have been fired at this territory, not a single one has been shot down. pam? >> scott mclean, thank you. devastating news out of nepal. a commercial plane carrying 72 passengers crashed during a short flight from the capital. 68 of the 72 people on board are confirmed dead in what appears to be the country's worst air disaster in 30 years. the cause of this crash is not clear, but footage circulating on social media shows the twin engine turbo prop turning on its side moments before slamming into a deep gorge. nepal's government has declared monday a national public day of mourning to honor those victims. the white house is scrambling tonight after more classified documents were found at president biden's home in delaware. how serious will this become? i'll ask former republican congressman and new cnn political commentator, adam

Related Keywords

Way , One , News , Pam , Scott Mclean , Weapon , Territory , 200 , People , Country , Flight , Plane , Air Disaster , Passengers , Nepal , 68 , 30 , 72 , Crash , Side , Gorge , Government , Social Media , Day Of Mourning , Footage , Cause , Engine Turbo Prop , Joe Biden , Republican , Documents , Cnn , White House , Adam Kinzinger , Congressman , Victims , Home , Political Commentator , Delaware ,

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