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vietnam with the 101st airborne. >> when do you think those public hearings will be held? >> i think it would have to be before the end of the year. it makes less sense if it were to happen next year. >> are we going to have -- are we going to see an impeachment vote on the floor of the house before the end of the year? >> that is -- if we're going to go down that path, i think we have to do something before the end of the year, yes. >> and do you expect any of your republican colleagues to vote with democrats or is this going to be a party line vote? if it is, is it worth it? >> if republicans put country above party, then you would expect a large number of them to. some of them have been saying, well, there's no quid pro quo. ambassador bill taylor pretty much drove a stake through that defense. and now you see republicans acting like children. they're acting out because they have no other move left. they're basically trying to stop these witness depositions from happening. >> congressman ted lieu. congressman, thank you very

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