way. seems almost certain now that there's not going to be a fight over the budget, that they're going to pass a short-term budget that includes funding for planned parenthood and talk that boehner no longer under the thumb of the hardline part of the gop caucus may do business with democrats on raising the debt limit or extending the highway bill. it will be interesting to see what happens. and look, the basic balance of power in washington isn't going to change, whether it's john boehner or ronald reagan, who's the speaker of the house, the fact is that democrats have enough votes in the sflaenate t sustain a filibuster and president obama still can -- has his veto pen in the white house. it's not like because boehner is out, that conservatives in the house and the senate are now going to get their way in terms of government action in washington. >> no. and they might get kevin mccarthy i have to think is the frontrunner by any measure. do you think if he becomes the
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