تمارس المهمات كما ارادها الله تبارك وتعالى من مهمه حمل البندقيه لمواجهه الاعداء وطردهم من ارضنا الى مهمه الانسان الجاع الهاشم له دلاله في ان اي مسؤول لحدي لن يكون في مئمن وان المقاومه تستطيع ان تصل. at that time in de lebanon there was a consensus on the resistance which confronted the enemy of lebanes, but the traiter had no religion. when former patriarch's fair sent to representative to the occupied region participate in the burial procession of alhashim, he around debate, which prior to that had been absent in lebanon. every nation in every region now has decision to make, either you are with us or you are with terrorists. the us government immediately attached a september 11th event to what they branded the war on terror and launched quickly into an illegal. invasion of afghanistan, which was late discovered to have been pre-planned years prior. the invasion of afghanistan and the installment of israel's defense shield courtesy of the us ended palin self-rule and throughout the region opened the door to a string of country invasions by america, in its new aggression conquered the middle east. on the 19th of march 2003, the united states started its invasion of iraq. and quickly took over the country and its political center, the invasion of iraq led to a plant nationwide conflict to prolong the devastation, a division which had been absent from the arab scene. groups related to al-qaeda appeared in iraq and executed suicide operations on civilian targets. المشروع الاسرائيلي يقضي يريح اسرائيل اذا استطاعت ان تخلق حروب اهليه داخليه حولها لا لما تعمل حرب هي مع هذه الانظمه تخلق فتن وحروب داخل كل الدوله يعني لبنان اي فتنه طائفيه او مذهبيه تشجعها اصل سوريا اي فتنه علويه سنيه تشجعها داخل الاردن اي خلاف اردني فلسطيني على المملك ان هناك حركه دوليه المنطقه بدات تغير المنطقه قادمه على تغيير المنطقه ابرز ملامعها الدخول الامريكي الى العراق واحتلال العراق. it was agreed by israel that that would take part take place during the agreement, then what happened afterwards was when the agreement was put to the cabinet in in jerusalem that netanyahu objected to his, and israeled on their agreement with hisb and refused to to... to release him, even though it had been part of the form agreement and يجب على العدو ان يغلق سم, ولانه لم يفعل، انا اؤكد لكم انه سوف يندم في المستقبل, سمحت السيد في خطاب استقبال الاسرى وضح هذا الموضوع واعلل انه في حال فشرت. of key lebanese government figures aside of in restoring the prisoners and the presence the general secretary of the party are enough to trigger alarm in the american israel lobbies and their response was to instigate a new strategy that would teach you listen to the resistance. نعم نحن كنا نشعر ان الطريق اللي ماشي فيه المقاومه طريق محفوف المخاطر وان الدول الكبرى وخاصه امريكا المناصرين لاسرائيل بالكامل كما تريد سيكونون حربا شعواء علينا لكن ما هو الحل ليس لنا خيار الا الدفاع وهذا ما استمر. france, which left irak empty-handed, was rearranging her agenda and searching for new role in the middle east under the oberbation america. the french ambassador in washington at the time, john david levit, also former advisor of french president jack shack, played a prominent role in the drafting of resolution 1559. à un moment donné, la relation personnelle entre jean-david abrahams et toute la bande. conservateurs qui ont fabriqué eux aussière relativement secrète parallèle cette ces machines de docteur qui qui ont déclencher les drames, le processus de non seulement de toutes les les les victimes de cette nouvelle guerre en iraq mais de toutes ces conséquences d'effets déstabilisateurs et la troisième solution avancée par jean-david levit était de dire les américains s en irak sont ont un vrai problème avec l'irak. est en train de monter, de quelle façon peut-on les aider, les soutenir, les les désengagés de l'irak, et c'est là où il a décidé de proposer à irak d'intervenir sur le volet, ce qu'on appelle le volet libano-syrien, en reprenant des éléments des accords de nf, de faire des propositions aux américains pour dire: "nous français, nous avons une influence encore au liban, nous pouvons vous aider à, je dirais décentrer le problème irak". of local and regional politics in the middle east long meeting between and prime minister ended with an agreement which opened to new phase, a homogeneous phase between the government and the resistance, all to the disappointment of those who desired the opposite. الاخيره من فتره حياته ما قبل الانتخاباتيه، كان واضح رايه بالمقاومه والتعامل مع المقاومه بصفتها مقاومه، مش بصفت ميليشيا، وانها تبقى الى اخر. on the 14th of february 2005, huge explosion rock b, it would be determed later that prime minister was assassinated in the bomb blast. it seems from the first moment, goal of this assassination was to the b secterian strife to rain down on his bulla to cuts popularity in the arab world. dans le cadre large de l'instabilité constructive des américains. eux-même créé dans le cadre de de de de de cristallisation la comptation entre chiit et sunnites que les américains et les israéliens ont eux-même favoriser et que justement dans ce contexte là d'instabilité constructive tout est possible y compris l'assasinat de ses propres alliés puisque là on entre dans une démocrite une matière élites une matière élienne où je répète tout est possible. اول قسم اخراج سوري من لبنان تم انه قرار دولي سوريا تعرف اللعبه الدوليه وتعرف انها دخلت بقرار دولي وخرجت بقرار دولي بس للحق رفيق الحريري لم يكن يرى مع الجيش السوري كما جرى. and in positioning then army since the leban civil war. the arabs delegated syria to stand up to the israeli occupation and to promote the presence of allies to syria, supporting what it proclaimed was an occupation. now there was an illusion that it is important because of so called serder revolution, because the americans had. of democratization in the middle east and it filled everywhere, so for some time they had the illusion that it is succeeding in lebanon. finally we see an arab state in which there is a true real democracy movement and it is having successes, they on the elections, the drop theans out of lebanon, so the us administration liked it very much. and it made libanon important for them at the end of the you know the the bush administration and even now they have this kind of feeling that it is an important experiment in lebanon and mission i'll help them. the commission of international investigation began its work. its first step was to arrest four lebanese officers of block 14 march alliance or part of the joint security system the lebanese syrian union. the partition creased between the groups in lebanon and it was clear that the majority was moving towards encircling the resistance, but an exceptional thing happened to alter the partition map in the badan. here in marmichel church, the former touchline between the southern suburb and his christian neighbor, a signed political agreement changed the interior alliances and reshuffled the car. uh, بين التيار الوطني الحر وحزب الله ليؤكد. حقيقه وضروره يعني النهضه القوميه في الشارع المسيحي اللبناني بشكل خاص والذي كان يعني رائدا في دعم المقاومه الفلسطينيه ودعما القوميه العربيه وللعوبه في مراحل طويله من حياته انكفات وانحصرت هذه الفوق ابان الحرب الاهليه اللبنانيه ثم عادت مع عوده الجنرال ميشيل هون الذي بوعي. وقدرته على قراءه التاريخ وقراءه الحاضر والمستقبل ان تبني تفاهما استراتيجيا مع حزب الله انما اليوم بلش يصير فيه جمهور مسيحي مؤيد للمقاومه بوجه اسرائيل ومرد للتيار العونيشغله هي وهي الشغله بدايه بدايه طريق حلوه جدا بدايه طريق رح حقيقه توحدنا وتجمعنا مع لانه نهار اللي بنحس بوجع غيرنا خينا few days after the understanding was reached and the anniversary of al's assassination was held in the form of a carnival in marter square where a skating campaign was launched against the quadripartite agreement and this was interpreted. as attempt to turn back the clock لجميع بنيه لن نتركه ورقه في مهب الريح ونحن the declarations of the 14th of mar return to the dispute over the resistance and showed the different views amongst turning their role in the israeli-arab conflict after the lebanese were split into two groups that related two clashing factions. فريق يربي المشروع الامريكي عدو ويريد احباط على المشروع الامريكي للتزاع الحقوق وحمايه مصالح لبنان بالتعاون مع قوى معاده لهذا المشروع بتطلع عندي سوريا بتطلع عندي ايران بيطلع عندي روسيا بيطلع عندي يمكن الصين بيطلع عندي فريق اخر يرتهن كليا للمشروع الامريكي المتحالف مع اسرائيل كل اللي جاره. من ضغط على كسب او ضغط اطراف لبنانيه داخليه لوقف للوقوف في وجه حزب الله يدخل في مشروع عند الامريكان مكافحه الارهاب عند الاسرائيليين الشرق الاوسط الجديد وفي الواقع تحويل لبنان الى ساحه صراع عربي اسرائيلي the skis appeared widely apparent when prime ministera delegitimized the resistance الساعه الى الوراء الى الهيمنه الى التسلط الى النظام المخابراتي تحت حجه الدفاع عن المقاومه نحن ندافع عن المقاومه اكثر من الجميع ولم يزاين علينا احد خصوصا من تاجر بالمقاوم في الخط بيان وزاري دوله الرئيس انت عم تحكم بموجب بيان وزاري. ادليت فيه الان ادليت فيه بمجلس النواب واقذت الثقه على اساسه وحدك ما لك حق انك تغيره ولا مجلس الوزراء الا تيرجع يقدم مره ثانيه امام المجلس النيابي تاخذ تققه على اساس على اساس بيان وزاري جديد انا بقول لك يعني بدي بدي اهنيك انا من قلبي بشغله دوله الرئيس انا كنت اعتقد انه جدوه المقاومه موجوده في لبنان اكثر من عند العرب اكتشفت انها موجوده عند العرب. في international community used all means for the senior government in the face of the resistance. say the darkest hour is just before dawn, but not here in yourmuk soon on press tv, you're watching, i'm your host. policening just say is really forces or targeting hospitals and firing in patients rooms. as regimes genocide war enters its 69th day. speaking at press tv, a senior hamas official says the movement will not give up resistance against the israel regime and is ready for a long war in gaza. an israel is violence attacks against palestinians in the occupied west bank prompts the regime's european allies to call for sanctions.
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