Yesterday. I said in this studio that what is happening in ukraine is a sacrifice, a sacrifice by the kiev regime to the people of ukraine. I say , i had no idea that not even a day would pass before a new new episode would be committed. These are sacrifices. This is a blow to konstantinovka , a blow, absolutely intended. Now this has actually been proven in konstantinovka, which is temporarily under the occupation of the kiev regime. The sacrifice is timed to coincide with the visit of blinkins envoy of these washington gods, but its generally a monstrous sight that i saw today, this absolutely sad, blinkin uttering some absolutely. Theres porridge in your mouth, some sour words on duty. You see, i use this methodological term extinguished. A man portraying himself as fighting more and more strainedly as the president , mmm, once a state of fiftytwo million, as they say, the game was equal. This is very scary. And in this sense, of course, it is very good that we are on an instinctive level. We understand who is who this is a stranger, indeed, i agree with the military daughter. But somehow we have to rationalize it. I dont know, maybe i m wrong, but somehow we have to. First of all, im not talking about philosophy. I was never capable of this, but we must somehow describe ourselves in this future world. Im still more about studying. What confronts us , where we will live, where we will build, if i have very serious questions. Well, we are now discussing the time. Well, here comes damn, well, there are some things inside inside the United States, some senators are talking about what it means, lets not give me a cent to ukraine. Lets be, then, lets have some processes happen. So, we understand the mechanism of formation of these processes, we understand the internal logic of american policy today, or we also describe it at the level of sensations. Well , i cant say that, i cant help but say it. So when i entered graduate school at the institute with shai canada, there were still classical works, and you opened the books. Now andrey will probably react, probably absolutely as american benjamin israeli lana yes about the then United States, yes and with all that they wrote from certain modern United States and e class of america and Political Parties and with all that they were filled with quite clear ideological content, but in the seventies and sometimes and the thirties of work, but there the mechanisms of how american policy is formed were revealed. What are classes, and what are classes in the United States, what social groups, and maybe not social, but religious ethnoreligious groups today have a decisive influence what factors form, and what factors destroy, and the internal political consensus of the United States this needs to be studied, it seems to me that we will probably say a dangerous thing, but in order to formulate who we are in this world, we are not good enough we know this world and our opponents, because well, sorry, but i also have to say. Well, what are we, the usa . Sorry for the rude russian word in canada tie. What do we mean, europe knows well, but lets rewind two years ago, who could and experts on europe to seriously predict give a mediumterm forecast, because what europe will do now what will happen to germany well, just come on, i m not discussing anyone now, but let s read the works of specialists who talked about german business, economic interdependence, and the symbiotic russian european market. Thats all. Gone somewhere. Well, that means there were factors in the same German Economy in german politics, and in french, and in turkish , and so many, where in european politics, which contributed to the fact that our forecast for europe , including mine, i dont separate myself, it did not coincide with reality almost completely and we have a europe that , unlike the United States, where they at least think about whether its worth getting into a great european war, and in europe, look at this naisman, yes or no . Is this what spring . But, in my opinion, he doesnt even think about it. The mansky elite, about whom they said that they are rational, that they understand the value of cooperation with russia rushing into a big european war. There, in such square brackets, russia is written with absolutely virtually no brakes, and in this sense, we must answer our question. And where, i apologize, did these new dogmas of new european politics come from . Why did we overlook them . And we heard this, of course, we have a very serious task before us. By the way, look at the last thing i would like to say, and look at the gap between our forecast results for the United States and europe. For example, for the far east across the middle east. There are also some discrepancy errors, but this is an order of magnitude different level in china, there is also a lot of things that can be done in the near my beloved east. As someone who failed, unfortunately, this is personal to me, my tragedy arabis, i can say that for the middle east, forecasting is somewhat closer to reality. Why were we so wrong about the west . Yes, although it would seem that we studied it, we ate it, we drank it. We generally reproduced the concepts that were in the west. Or maybe we just believed it. In that what they told us, they wrote that the books that we translated here were published by the prowestern world, maybe we simply did not relate to the river, and therefore, in general, from the point of view of predicting the policy of the United States for predicting the development of euroatlanticism, but we failed and now the task is to get out of this failure; maybe the institutions of study have turned into institutions of adoration. Yes, very good form. Quietly, we are observing to a greater extent , we are reconnaissance, we are looking for the enemy, we have a lot of experience shows that when there is silence after that there is always a storm, those people who did not come to war yesterday and there is no need to explain a lot of things. M135 amazed amazed boys well done to the brigade, theres nothing like that for me to demand something supernatural, thats all that war needs. Here, be kind. You must dig yourself to save your life and complete your task. Here they talked about forecasting by smell. Yes, the postsoviet space is well forecast. This is generally, this is generally a former, integral part of our country and constituting a more vital direction. Why europe listen to this, there s no escape. Now, are we going to be in the south caucasus . In this studio, for 5 years since 1918, i warned about precisely this kind of development. And you seem to have ethers. I even managed to give an accurate assessment, specifically last name, first name, who is from where . What and so on . Where is this all going . And until the eighteenth year before pashinyan came to power. Yes , it was there that he warned such a parish, yes, the people responsible for this direction, neighboring structures. They predicted it. They are did. They give an account of russias withdrawal from the south caucasus, as it has been said here many times again, that we have very big geopolitical problems. More serious than joining finland or Something Like that, the west will start joining nato because then the southern flag must be formally informal, it will become more dangerous for us than, excuse me, the northwestern one. Compare the capabilities of the Turkish Armed forces. What changes will occur in the south caucasus , that is, we will be forced to. Excuse me , some new troops will be concentrated there then already means to contain the military direction. Im not even talking about the possibility of special work by our enemy in the southern region. It means that our country is right in the north caucasus, we just remember the nineties , who worked there . And then, even without spending great strength, of course, even the enemy can discipline. Yes, and no one has forgotten how the head of the nationalist party gave the Turkish Parliament a map of the erdogans, look there, the south is very good. What we shall do . What does it mean, well , ill tell you what to do, well need new people people. I dont know where to get them. Well, we need to take them. With a very serious degree of responsibility, if you fail the case, you will answer according to the entire program. And we still have a chance to correct this situation. It is difficult for us to choose a situation. In georgia they say, although there is a current leadership there. We must pay tribute. This means he is trying to more or less take a normal position. It is difficult for us to express in azerbaijan, because in many respects, the component part is that Turkish Military relations, the component of turkish standards , go over these nato standards, even the standards militaryindustrial complex. Yes, there are special advisers. Well, i stayed in armenia in 1918. Here they say what it will lead to if we leave there now, but all the prerequisites are there and in fact taken, the final guide before that, something will have to be done. We have several levers. Here. The first is the armenian diaspora. In the russian federation, they cleaned more than the population. There are a lot of active people in armenia who are able to solve many problems. Second market. Euro6 is the russian market 126 , e growth the gdp of fantastic armenia is due to this market. And the third is a significantly large number of the population in armenia and coming from prorussian sentiments. Yes, once russia was the absolute leader in the rating, which means that relations are now in third place for us after france iran well, there are still a lot of people there, not all of them are hunted down by russophobic propaganda that people close to the current leadership openly does it again i say, americans know how to invest money, and then receive dividends when we are here chuckle. Haha says that, in 2005, it turns out to be in armenia the largest embassy in the world in terms of area. The huge embassy of small armenia was included in the guinness records, and in terms of the number of staff the second place. After iraq where there was a war at the time. Yes . Well, they put something together, they invested there, they appoint. Yes, firstlevel diplomats went to armenia , little one, now i went to the russian federation. I am like i once was at work in a costus, a cook, a heroic woman. She says i wont leave it, that is they why is it they they understood that he would squeeze russia out of russia from armenia, then the south caucasus as a large bridgehead could be used against the russian federation, and money was not needed for this. Zhauh, means sorry. Here we get everything we get, so the personnel issue on this issue is very important. We should not allow any headon in the subject. Enough there are other political types of magical special questions that can be solved , i cant answer the average ones, so that we dont come up with a second front for ourselves again. Well now i i say you dont need a second front. Can we figure it out ourselves . Ill tell you right now , im not blaming anyone. Ill just listen when he became more frequent, some comrades, that means, well, first of all, ill Say Something about the xhosa. Why do you need to go to afghanistan . Afghanistan is needed on one very important issue . Drugs in the reduction of drugs, from which thousands of people die in our country, yes, this is what the leadership in kobul is doing now, everyone admits that 98 of the passive ones went to the provinces. Helminth destroyed 80 of all passive opiumac, by all destroyed 450 500,000 peasants were left without work. Why do they do this . Why do i take the risk they want International Knowledge to recognize. And this is beneficial for us. Well, what is happening now in the month of august i visited moscow. This means that there were two delegations on the same front, which means that i am very much like this for a free afghanistan. Well, ill be brief. Yes, so that there is no time, who is this . Well, one of the positions not in this one was simpler deputy head of ukraine for National Security of afghanistan, what is it . No need to explain. This is the Main Intelligence Service of afghanistan which is under the full control of the United States department of Homeland Security and all its employees. It was especially true that we had an internship there, so he came here and met with him. And they even talked to something. Yes, you will believe it in the last minute, then akhmat came to us on the route. The great ahmadshak masud met with him, including in the famous, which means ours. So, the legislative structure there was told to hold a large table, who are they . Because, firstly, akhmatmat himself. This is advertising. This a socalled person, yes, a man who is larger than the life of britain now, graduated from three british universities, including the Royal Military academy, there is no need to explain who he is for whom he works, probably no need to waste time yet. Yes, its real, that means, uh , that means that power really means, and he communicates with other people who were one and live in the ministry of equipment. Under the american regime, there is no need to explain who she gets drunk on, who she works with. Yes, and the Stock Exchange was e and therefore the former first vicepresident , this is who went to our kobula, a wonderful person a citizen of the United States called it a poisonous antibody, and so on is not necessary, that is, such things are not necessary. By the way, one of the ideologists. This means our philosophers. This means this movement. Europe is coming out. Eh, everyone who knows bernard levy doesnt need him, hes also a known russophobe. Yes, he just promotes them there and so on. Who are you meeting here, by the way, i cant stop talking about the personality of ahmadshaham from here, who exists during the afghan war. I understand. Do you know who cut off the heads of our Border Guards in twelfth border outpost of the moscow program. Yes, there was happiness in the radical tajik opposition, but the main blow was dealt on personal orders to the matcha from here by the commander of the fiftyfifth cabin with a watermelon in the nearest barn. Although they killed our Border Guards and you live the hand of his son. You communicate with these people, what do they want . Well, they want to democratize afghanistan, create an inclusive government and make afghanistan a confederation following the example of switzerland. How do you like it, that is , eliminate august like the afghan the state is an ideology and will not exist. I uh, fuck, what can happen, boss, like this, so that feeding doesnt happen in the south caucasus and that we are on our own my second front, yes, and you can carry out the following by the way, china, which borders afghanistan , sinjago, ingush autonomous region by province. He doesnt accept anyone. He works with those who are in cowbon solving their problems, fossil infrastructures and so on, but we at the publishers have some very smart people who decided that maybe, and the phone maybe, so their there are serious prerequisites for this. Tomorrow there will be a whole series of terrorist groups of central origin, like the Islamic Movement in uzbekistan in the union of Islamic Jihad and so on and so forth. And that itself means an islamic state. I said, its good to say you are doing something, we are opening the border for them. Go home. Go home, guys, and explain there that no one knows what will happen. I ll tell you that in 1999, either 500 or 600. According to my data, well, somewhere around 400 people crossed the border and after passing several hundred kilometers around the world, went to black money. Now put a few thousand and it will be 2,000. Here we are, we are pushing them out. What are we, we are not thoughts. No, were not going, after all. We also did this when politics was an example with you, which means that the author of this was done before you, which means this reconciliation. We said, many didnt want to say, we said the Islamic Movement in uzbekistan and no, we open the border to vertical combat groups , went to afghanistan, go to afghanistan and leave, and they can do the same in the opposite way paths, then they are made. In the ninth year, returning. Thats kind of a different story. And what are we going to do, someone special . The chinese , no, they have agreements on Mineral Resources infrastructure. And i 100 guarantee the security of the chinese border, because there is also an organization, the icelandic movement of east turkestan, unloading an Islamist Organization and the taliban. Ill squeeze them. No, dont go there. Youll go here again. Thats it, yes, you are not an asian government, no one is bothering you. Nobody will go, kyrgyzstan is 100 years old. No, its all uzbekistan will be engaged in a very wise policy, which means they would not agree. The railway is the protection of modern borders and much more. Although the uzbek community in afghanistan is the fourth largest after the pashtun tajik and khazarian ones. Well, they understand that its better not to deal with them. Why are we asking for this, someone can explain to us, and then, when god forbid this happens, no one will find the author of these things. This one kicks, i dont know what someone said, they called, well, we met and held a round table. What, a this irritates the genesis of the taliban movement. They wont just leave it like that. They say dont interfere with us. We solve your problem with drugs. We want it ourselves. Dont come join us. Why do you need these separatist organizations . By the way , they left the territory controlled by the front that they had access to the afghan baksan and mountain bahts. Tajikistan passes through one of our traffic. Nothing makes anyone think about this. This is specifically the security of our country. Its our enemys dream to tie us up somehow recognize the conflict, the conditions are extremely tense in the south caucasus and drag it there. Im not saying that, but information from this region, which everyone is finishing, by the way, in tanks in bags, this means starting there, well go to the border. So to finish, that means its 64,000 m², like 2. 5 armenia 44. 5 of the territory of tajikistan in this territory, where did they go from behind our consulate . So you will at least open a consulate on the base. What will you do with this information . Someone is throwing it to you. By definition, you have no information maybe if you dont have a new source of information, these are the basics, how to do it twice 24, its better to do this. We have one ally, this is an ally, we are our own. Yes, i listened to semyon arkachi, i recall the expression of ekaterina vileyka, friends in politics are fellow travelers who run to the turn they need and you need to have the strength to make them turn where you need, therefore, you need to be unconditionally strong in order to concentrate those efforts that are now opposed to resisting them; the efforts that we are now using biden will meet with the leaders of the Central Asian republics in a week of high politics in e. In washington when there is a general assembly, what will he say to them, most likely to say that he will no longer be able to provide you with security and the security of russias prosperity. Come on, talk to my sonic, and we will agree on this, but in any case , the fact that he is now in the south caucasus is a rather big problem. I would like, of course, to say a little about so and medicines, and he also disappointed me a little, because the man was walking. Uh, he had complaints. They are not like the journalists, he even had them to a certain extent. Well, political or something, requests and it seemed to me you know, when journalists, including americans, spoke with such pride even that we are the second oldest profession, the first what is known and now it seems to be, well, what the first is first. E that prostitution turned out that the first one is actually, probably, crop production, that is agricultural economic. Yeah hunter. Maybe if then then the geography of the soul first find the trail geographer and then yes, at least. Uh, Tucker Carlson followed the path of those journalists who, remember , interviewed stephanie clifford, but with us she is known more, as daniels showed mushrooms there, but the truth is, here it is here. This was also discussed, the question was discussed, in principle. Of course, this is what is happening in the United States, including with american journalism. Its like. Well, what are we all time we are talking, here in the political system of the United States , including the public system, that is , reports, and information from above to the population in a certain interpretation. All this is bursting at the seams, but again i will approve the work systems. Right now , there are american places on the two final hmm of the eurasian continent, because yes, blinkin, of course, uh man. In general, by the way, he should, probably was, most likely in jakarta, but its probably kamola to let him go to kiev. It was even too much for the state department and now the official explanation that he will discuss with the ukrainian leadership the course of the offensive, further armament plans, or even announce that there is another billion you will allocate, this somehow does not go. Here you can think. Why did he really come there, i think that now it is very important for the americans in order to freeze this conflict well, because what is happening now will have to happen in the future on opposite ends in the pacific ocean. More important for them and they need the ukrainian topic now to be the counteroffensive, which , in fact, the offensive turned to me into marking time. So he did not interfere with the achievement, supposedly the administrations at the opposite end of the eurasian shadow, of course, sent kamaluharis there. I think that e was sent on purpose so that she could not say anything like that. She, in principle, can laugh, but she can hardly spoil anything, because they are able to quote him and fervent laughter. Always had success. Well, maybe he can she is likely to laugh, but more in degree. Here is her last statement about the need to bring to justice the thoughtful ones who started the rebellion. This also indicates what she is now actually doing. But what blinkina will discuss is most likely these security guarantees, because they were thrown in in midjuly. Uh, big seven group. See the guarantee. Discussed with in between americans and ukrainians, and they should be broader get broad discourse. Have you already guessed . We have to talk about some kind of unseen Power Industry through the far east. This is not an optical illusion of pontoons, it is not an asymmetric response to solar panels on claims from abroad that have nothing to cover. As far as i understand, we are the first journalists who are filming here the potential for average siberian farflung juice to provide not only the number of kwh. And also instantly every second, so that there is as much as needed, if you have a hammer, the solution is in milk to wonder what else happens here on the surface. Lets translate from clerical, but understandable , everything is not so scary if there is an instruction. Felttip pens calendars for the ninetyfourth year mens apartments in moscow pomenyalinskogo this does not take into account one position that more or less serious american analysts draw attention to there, that russia at this time may not sit still. Well , the british are thoughtful, remember, yes, with the bushes, this is the whole offensive, because the bushes interfered with the bushes, so the americans did not succeed. Now they are based on that it seems, as we are also very exhausted and interested, in a certain period of such calm