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This is bbc world news. The headlines millions are preparing to return to work in virus hit china after the extended Lunar New Year break. But severe travel restrictions remain in place and many workplaces are still closed. Coronavirus has now killed more people than sars. Thousands of mourners have attended a vigil in thailand for 29 People Killed in a mass shooting. The gunman a rogue soldier was shot dead after a standoff lasting several hours. Irelands Political Landscape has been transformed by a surge in support for the left wing Republican Party sinn fein in the countrys general election. The two centre right parties have each secured about 22 of the vote, while sinn fein has 24 . Switzerland has voted decisively to make discrimination on the basis of Sexual Orientation illegal. More than 63 of voters backed a new law banning discrimination. Just under 37 opposed it. At 10 oclock, clive myrie will be here with a full round up of the days news. First its time for our world journey to the doomsday glacier. Antarctica the worlds most remote and inhospitable continent. This is the story of a team of scientists who are trying to get to thwaites, the so called doomsday glacier. No ones has really been under thwaites, and what icefins going to do is get up and close to the sea floor and allow us to see what is happening in a real way. Oh, oh look at that 0h yeah what happens to thwaites affects us all because as it melts it will drive up the sea level around the world. This glacier is part of a system. If all of that goes, you could end up with upwards of three metres of sea level rise. But first, the scientists need to get there. Its so difficult to operate here all of the planes are grounded. They say we wont fly anywhere. One only does anything in antarctica with the cooperation of the weather. Antarctica is a place of extremes. It is the coldest, highest, driest and windiest continent on earth. Capped by an ice sheet of up to five kilometres thick, this continent contains 90 of the worlds ice. I begin myjourney in new zealand. I dont need your passport, thats all good. They say travelling to antarctica is like travelling to another planet. So, here goes. The us air force provides the planes. The safety briefing may be familiar, but nothing else about this flight is. Im travelling with professor david vaughan, the director of science at the British Antarctic survey. After flying due south for five hours, i get my first glimpse of antarctica, snow and ice stretching as far as the eye can see. Finally, our destination. We are heading to mcmurdo. Which is pretty much straight off over there. It is the last fingerhold of civilisation, the most southerly town on earth, and the largest centre for Scientific Research on the continent. And out across the sea ice, the first peaks of the mighty the sea ice. Tra nsa ntarctic mountains. Keep it staying in place. It is here in mcmurdo that our expedition to the thwaites glacier begins. So, thwaites glacier is vulnerable and there is nothing stopping a collapse once it really takes hold. Thwaites glacier is the size of britain and already accounts for 4 of global sea level rise. The fear is if the melt rate increases, much of the west Antarctic Ice sheet could go, too. That could raise world sea levels by more than three metres. Why is the glacier changing, why is it being eaten away . Its being eaten away because there are winds on the oceans surface that are actually driving currents away from this ice sheet. When that happens, this water comes in underneath like this. This deep ocean water is really warm. And that eats away at the glacier . This normally doesnt happen. These winds have been increasing and so more of this water has been coming up onto the Continental Shelf and interacting with this glacier. The Scientists Say Global Warming has changed the wind patterns and sea currents, bringing warm ocean water to the front of the glacier. We have loaded the atmosphere with carbon dioxide, we have set the temperature going up, and. Doctor Britney Schmidt is in charge of a nasa robot submarine called icefin. The plan is to lower it almost half a mile through the ice to map conditions in the seawater below. So, britney, give me a tour of icefin . So, up at the front we have sensors that are going to make measurements of the oceanography, telling us what the temperature is, and the salinity of the water and how much oxygen is there. In addition to that we have a forward looking sonar here that allows us to map the three dimensional cavities, so it allows us to see the shape of the ice and its texture. No ones really been under thwaites, and what icefins going to do is get up and close to the physics, get really close to the ice, really close to the sea floor and allows to see what is happening in a real way. How much of a challenge do you think this is going to be . Well, its always an impressive challenge to do anything here in antarctica and much more so when you are you know 1,200 miles from mcmurdo. When you think about drilling through 600 metres of ice, drilled by the best people in the world just to make an observation, its quite a challenge. And then to operate a moving platform through is pretty special, actually. Icefin may have a big task ahead, but not the one as big that faced but not as big as the one faced by the men who stayed in this heart. Heart so this is a truly unique historical site literally frozen in time. Heart rally frozen in time. It is the base camp of captain scotts ill fated 1911 attempt to reach the south pole. Whispering look at this this is amazing. Thats incredible. Ill tell you what strikes you first. Its its the smell, it really smells of. Kind of smoked fish. So there are all sorts of objects. The tin cans and the food they ate on the expedition. So weve got, tinned salmon . That looks like a can of sardines. Here we have cocoa, a huge drink for them, that was the drink of the polar explorers, they make cocoa. And dry, hard biscuits ships biscuits, baking powder. This is seal blubber. What they would do is kill the seals on the ice, bring them back here, eat the meat and use the blubber to burn their stoves to keep them warm. Which is why it smells like smoked fish in here, because it is covered, you can see it is just covered with soot from the blubber fire. Its actually really ghostly because you get a sense of the people being here. Scott himself leaving from here with that great ambition to get to the pole and then of course dying on the way back. And like captain scott before us, our plans are frustrated by the antarctic weather. I am beginning to understand why doing science here is so difficult. Then i hear a crisis meeting has been called. The delays have got so bad theyre going to have to scale back some of the science. I want to find out whats going on. I managed to track down david vaughan. Well, i think theres a lot of ambitions at stake here. People have been working on these projects for several years already. So, when the bad news comes, i dont think it is quite yet but, the delays are continuing. Things are going to change and that is going to mean a lot for some people. Can i come to the meeting . I would rather you did not on this one, justin. Let me . Im not allowed in . No. So youre not expecting a difficult meeting, but . No, no, i think but we just to people let people get that news and process it and think about what theyre going theyre actually going to when they actually get to do when they actually get finally get in the field. Thank you very much. Good luck. Thank you. When the meetings over, i learned the weather is hampering efforts to supply spare parts to the plane we need to get to thwaites glacier. Theres parts coming down from new zealand to get those plans from new zealand to get those planes functional again. So we have to sit and wait. How many days behind schedule are we now . Uh, i dont really even i dont know, actually. Why count . I think we can still imagine that we can still do 100 of the tasks but. You can still imagine . I can still imagine that we could do with the following wind 100 of the tasks but time is getting very, very tight. People are getting a little itchy and a little bit concerned. One only does anything in antarctica with the cooperation of the weather. Suddenly the weather clears and miraculously it seems the project is back on track. Its all hands on deck to get the kit boxed up and transported to the airfield, ready to go. And the team are there, itching to get cracking. So we are super excited. Were out at lilyfield and were finally about to get to the plane out to thwaites divide. I cant wait to get out and start the next phase of the melt project. You cant fly straight to thwaites, theres no ice runway that can take these big planes. So the 1,300 milejourney is done in stages. Thwaites divide is the projects staging post in the middle of the west Antarctic Ice sheet. This is where passengers fuel and cargo are dropped off before being ferried on to the field sites on the glacier itself. The plan is only to stay here for a couple of days, but this being antarctica, its not long before the weather changes again. So weve been out here for like, i dont know, an hour and a half, and this is the result. It gives you an idea of why it is so difficult to operate here. All the planes are grounded, theyre saying we wont fly anywhere for at least three days. Keeping the camp from being overwhelmed by snow is a full timejob for the snowploughs. The wind is gusting up to 50 miles an hour and the temperature is 20. Check the snotcicles on this oh, my god, thats absolutely horrible. Oh, god. Ergh. I cant get it off. I do manage to warm up but i realise something isnt quite right. My finger has gone all kind of white and it looks a bit burnt. I think you should go and see the doctor to see if it needs a dressing on it because it doesnt look right to me. David is worried it could be the early stages of frostbite, commonly known as frostnip. Can you feel that . I can feel it but it doesnt feel the same as. It doesnt feel the same as the other fingers. It feels a bit numb. Frostnip is a freezing of the tissue but not a permanent freezing of the tissue. No ice crystals in the deep tissue like you would with full frostbite. So i havent actually killed the top of my thumb just yet . Not just yet. For the next couple of days, its going to be more likely to get frostbite. The cold and the wind and the vast distances here make the logistics of a project like this very challenging. Two ice hardened ships brought hundreds of tons of fuel and cargo to a remote ice shelf. Then, specialists snow vehicles hauled it a 1000 miles over land. Everything that was previously done by aircraft and then as science projects grew and equipment grew, there became the need to do it more efficiently and cost effectively. Each machine could pull up to 70 tons. These vehicles transformed the science we can do in antarctica, increasing the scale, the number of people, the number of scientists we can bring to bear on these problems. Six people can deliver all the cargo for maybe 30 scientists and then we can deliver the fuel that can operate five or six airplanes. We just truck along, day from day, nobody knows where we are and then we just turn up. Delivering bounty, bladders of fuel instead of sacks of presents. Presents would be very welcome because even in these extreme conditions, there are some traditions that have to be kept up. What are you doing . Im preparing us for christmas at the south pole. And christmas is not christmas without a few carols. They tried to get us to sing but we didnt practice. Because we dont have a song so we told somebody else. Who are we competing against . Lower thwaites. How many people at lower thwaites . Less than here. How many . Five people. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to ride on one horse open sleigh. Cheering and it doesnt stop there, i knew i was spending christmas on the ice and was all set to have to forgo my turkey dinner how wrong i was. And i made some salmon, turkey, ham. That is quite a christmas spread. 0reo cheesecake. It looks amazing, hey. Its great. All in west antarctica. All in the middle of nowhere christmas is over and the storm has blown itself out. Time to load up for the final 400 miles to the glacier. Not in one of the big planes this time, in something much smaller. This is a twin 0tter rugged, reliable and great on short runways, perfect for working out here on the ice. Were headed to the place where the base of the glacier goes afloat. Its called the grounding line, and is where this glacier is melting. An advance party are already on thwaites glacier. Theirjob to map the area where the scientists are going to be deployed to make sure its safe. The glacier is littered with deep crevasses, which could be lethal. This is actually the first open crevasse weve driven into. You can see the layers here dont connect with these layers over here. This is a void, the actual crevasse itself, which is the one right here. Another team survey the site to pinpoint exactly where the grounding line is. It has taken almost five weeks but were finally at the front of the glacier. Until this year, only four people had ever been here before. We made it oh, my god hello, friend. This is where icefin is going to be deployed but first, they need to drill a hole, or rather melt one, using hot water to bore down almost half a mile into the ice. So task one create a vast reservoir of water using this huge rubber bath which the scientists call a flubber. We need ten tons of water again. 10 tons . So 10,000 litres of water . When we want to do the drilling, well pump that water using these large borehole pumps through those heaters over there. Theyre essentially boilers. Theyre like an oversized domestic boiler. Heat the water, get it hot enough to melt the ice, put it down the hole. Its taken us what, five, six weeks to get here. Huge amounts of resources have gone into bringing the fuel and all the stuff you need. How does it feel to be, kind of, the top of the. The cutting bit. Theres a serious sense of responsibility. Theres a huge amount of money, time and effort gone into this by a lot of people to get us here. Simple things can go wrong and if you lose the borehole, then youve lost all the fuel you need to make the borehole. Youre ultimately fuel limited. Youve got a certain number of drums that we can use and once thats gone, its game over. With the snow melted, it is time to start drilling and that involves unwinding the longest hosepipe youve ever seen. Threading the hose through the winch, it goes around this capstan and then that drives the hose up and down the hole. They fire up the boilers and it is melting time. This is an historic moment the first time anyone has tried to drill down through the front of what is the most important glacier in the world in terms of future sea level rise. Slowly, slowly, the drill melts a 30cm hole down through tens of thousands of years of ice deposits. You can see its looking 0k. Its not looking bad. A bit glazed. Probably better than we both expected. After 36 hours, they finally break through to the sea below mission accomplished. Now it is time for icefin to take centre stage. As its lowered through the glacier, brittany and the team ready themselves to pilot the robot submarine. Its more than a mile to where the warm ocean water meets the ice, and along the way icefin gathers crucial data. Were driving forward slowly. Its a real moonscape. It almost looks like it has craters on it. That is weird. It is weird. We rolled up on this maybe half a metre of this very clear ice, and you could see the sediment rich ice right above it through the ice layer, which was something id never seen before. This is incredible. Its seriously like another planet. What is going on . We should let other people know, because this is really cool. Are you ready for weird . Dude, im so excited. Get ready to have your brain blown. So this is a clear layer of ice. This part has a bunch of sediment particles in it. But let me introduce you to your new friend. There is a whole bunch of anenome things burrowing out of the ice. Wow see the little tentacles . Piloting your own vehicle underneath the ice is a pretty cool experience. To get to the grounding zone, you can kind of see the water column narrowing, the ice coming down at you, the sea floor coming down to you and there is a huge rush of energy. Look at that she sings we do see warm water making it all the way back to the grounding zone, which is changing the base of the glacier right near the grounding zone. We are coming right up to the grounding zone now. No one else is above us. Thats ok, were the only people in the world right now. Were seeing a whole new crazy thing. That place is really important because it controls how much ice is coming off the continent and at what rate. So taking a vehicle like this right there to map it out in detail means that we can really start to figure out exactly what is going on. Weve been talking about this for seven years, and to finally actually make it there isjust incredible. Oh, yes thats so cool because of all the delays, the time spent at the grounding zone is shorter than planned, but icefin managed to complete five missions one more than expected and collected a huge amount of data. The thwaites team is delighted. This season has been tremendously successful. Weve seen the warm water coming up from the Continental Shelf and making contact with the ice, and weve measured the rate of that melt. And to know that we are in a position to begin to understand those changes in a way that actually can shape the future of policy, and of peoples lives, thats a humbling thing. As we leave, we fly over the main front of the glacier. The epic forces that are tearing the ice apart are all too obvious here. In some places, the ice has broken up completely, collapsing into a jumble of icebergs. Im surprised myself, sitting here thinking about it, how emotional i am. I think it is, yeah, its shocking and we should all be upset by whats happening here. Do you come away feeling upset that what youve seen is a process of destruction, of destroying a huge body of ice . No, ifeel like i understand the planet, hopefully better. Its better to know how things are happening than to guess at it, or to hope it goes away. We know theres been change that well have to accommodate, and this story is about how do we get together and try to fix things to make the world sustainable for ourselves and future generations . Hello. All parts of the uk took a battering on sunday, thanks to storm ciara. Coastal flooding for some as high tides combined with strong winds. Inland flooding as rivers burst their banks or in some instances there was just so much rain there was nowhere for it to go. Many trees and branches down, too, and i know there has been a lot of disruption to transport. You would hope for the start of the new week things would become dramatically quieter but that is not quite the case. It will still be windy for monday and tuesday, not as windy as sunday, but still with the risk of gales, gusts up to 60 mph. The biggest change for monday and tuesday is that it is going to turn colder. Here is why it stays windy. We still keep the jet stream off the Atlantic Plumbing straight into the uk so that continues to allow us to be dominated by areas of low pressure, but we shift into air to the north of the jet, the colder polar side of the jet, and that is why our temperatures fall away. Here is what that looks like on a pressure chart. Ciara, the low Pressure Centre that is ciara, sweeps off into scandinavia, but we keep tightly packed isobars and notice what is happening to the showers, they are turning white as the colder air really digs in. Monday, a much colder day, some sunshine around times, but some heavy showers of rain running across southern england and into parts of wales through the morning, into the midlands and Eastern England come the afternoon. Further north, the showers are of snow. For northern england, for Northern Ireland, and for scotland. Anywhere above 100, 150 metres, and there is more of those to come monday into tuesday. In fact, this little feature here will bring a band of more organised showers, so that could mean by the end of tuesday, for parts of scotland, Northern Ireland and northern england, with the highest ground, accumulations of up to 20 centimetres of snow. The odd wintry flurry is possible further south, too, but generally, some sunshine across the remainder of england and wales. Chilly, though. Temperatures 5, 6, 7 degrees. 0vernight tuesday into wednesday, the isobars start to spread out. A little ridge of High Pressure moves in. That will mean much lighter winds for wednesday. A frost possible, though, quite widely first thing on wednesday, thanks to the lighter winds, so a cold start to what will be a cold day, but a day with much lighter winds. That will be quite noticeable. Still some wintry showers to the far north west, but sunshine for many. There comes the next one for thursday. Another area of low pressure starting to roll its way across the uk as we move into thursday, so windy once again, particularly to the south of the uk, some wet weather around here as well. Further north, it could well be snow that causes us some problems through the central belt of scotland as we still keep some colder air to the far north of the uk. A little warmer, with temperatures of 8 or 9 degrees to the south. Thursday into friday, another ridge of High Pressure briefly, so that sets us up for a chilly night to go into friday, and then for friday daytime, we are looking at this area of low pressure approaching from the atlantic. After a chilly start, a lot of dry weather with sunshine for central and eastern areas. Wind kicking up in the west, the rain moving in through the afternoon but much milder air arriving as temperatures return to double figures. And then, looking further ahead, it still looks like things will stay quite unsettled on into next weekend. It looks like we may well stay on the milder, warmer side of thejet, but look what the jet does, it plumbs straight in from the west once again. I think more wet and windy weather awaits. This programme contains scenes of repetitive flashing images. Tonight at 10 00pm, storm ciara batters the uk with heavy rain theres been widespread flooding, and thousands of homes, have been left without power. Ive been here eight and a half years and this is the worst. Never had this before. Just a massive cloudburst, and everythings all came

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