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The love that appreciate the love that everybody in here and the state of minneapolis, yall adapted my brother and showed him so much love and we feel that love in your city and we feel that love in your city and thankfully. Hello you are watching outside source for bbc news reviewers in the uk and around the world. This is the memorialfor george floyd which is currently under way in minneapolis. George floyd whose death in Police Custody has triggered a wave of protests gcioss has triggered a wave of protests across america and the world. Lets listen in to george foweys younger brother rodney floyd is speaking now. You make the best grilled cheese. Can you please make it for me. If i tell you all as a six or seven year old kid i did that numerous times. You alljust using me. But you know, ijust happen to be doing it. But my big brother i mean, great guy, great gentleman, great man and as a child without no father figure he was a big great man and as a child without no fatherfigure he was a big brother. But i didnt see the stuff he was doing the best he can, and the m ista kes doing the best he can, and the mistakes he made and watching him, followed him corrected my sense is a grown man vels up as a followed him corrected my sense is a grown man vels up as a teenager growing up. Learning from him how to bea man, growing up. Learning from him how to be a man, everything hes taught us he was doing him but he was teaching us he was doing him but he was teaching us how to be a man because he was in the world already before us. He gave us the world already before us. He gave usa the world already before us. He gave us a lot of great lessons. And i mean, one thing about a man responsibility, he would stand up for his family and friends and i wa nt for his family and friends and i want you guys to know that he would stand up for want you guys to know that he would stand upforany want you guys to know that he would stand up for any injustice for everyone. Can i please say his name . Thank you. Applause applause. Im brandon williams. Im georges nephew. Even though we happen to share the same middle name for some reason my mama wa nted middle name for some reason my mama wanted to name all of us after some of her siblings and coincidently i ended up with george. Growing up im a lot younger than him but my grandmother raised me and i have a fatherfigure. Grandmother raised me and i have a father figure. We are hearing from a number of George Floyds family members. This is brandon well as his nephew. Weve heard from his youngest brother rodney and pa learners and also a cousin speaking at this Memorial Service most my colleague jane obrien is at this Memorial Service most my colleaguejane obrien is outside at the scene where many flowers are being laid. And paint reese next to george floyd. They are indeed. What i think is remarkable about what were hearing is that how george floyd is being fleshed out as a real person. A very ordinary person somebody who came from a large family, had a life, had people who loved him. And this i think gets to the essence of what im hearing from people who are at this makeshift memorial. On the site where he died just around the corner there. They say that he could have been anyone. And thats what this is all about. This is about yet another African American man who has died at the hands of police in america. And thatis the hands of police in america. And that is why george floyd has become a symbol of not just that is why george floyd has become a symbol of notjust a tragedy here in minneapolis but a symbol of a global protest, a call and a cry that things have to change. And there is a real hope that because of there is a real hope that because of the global outcry they might now change in america. The three men who had just appeared in court, prosecuted for aiding and abetting the officer who is being charged with murder. Who is been in charge of kneeling on his neck, asphyxiating him while he was arresting him at this site. So, very poignant moments at this Memorial Service. A very formal service. While im at a place where people are informally gathering to pay their respects to pay tribute to george floyd. To say his name and to bring this man back to life and hearts and minds. Jane, this is one of the first advance to take place with the funeral, a private funeral eventually taking place in houston on the 9th ofjune. Eventually taking place in houston on the 9th ofjune. Thats right. Its extraordinary that george floyd will be remembered so widely across america. This is a city where he made his home. But he was born in North Carolina and there will be a service there. His casket will be open, there will be a public viewing of his body. And then his remains will travel to houston where he spent most of his life and where a lot of his family still live. It is they are that he will be buried. This is a memorial, a service, an outpouring that will last over the next several days. As people remember who george floyd was. And what his death now means for america. Jane obrien outside the service. Thank you so much. At the place where george floyd lost his life. Lets go back to the Memorial Service now and listen in to the Bishop Walker now. Because we all need one another. And you can tell this family always needed george. And so its awfully difficult for them. The plea forjustice is simply this, doctor Martin Luther king said he who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil will to eight without protesting against it is really like cooperating with it. You know on that video what we saw was tortured. Ivan jackson, what we that video what we saw was tortured. Ivanjackson, what we saw that video what we saw was tortured. Ivan jackson, what we saw on that video was inhumane. Martin the third, we saw on that video was evil. And so america, we proclaim as we memorialize george floyd do not co operate with evil. Protest against evil joined the young people in the streets protesting against the evil, the inhumane, the torture that they witnessed on that video we cannot co operate with evil, we cannot co operate with injustice, we cannot co operate with torture because george floyd deserved better than that. We all deserved better than that. We all deserve better than that. His family deserve better than that. His family deserve better than that. His family deserve better than that. His children deserve better than that. Benjamin crump the attorney who is representing benjamin floyds family who has been supporting the family and who has been calling for the charges against all Police Officers to be in place those charges now having been put in place so speaking live now during this Memorial Service that is taking place in minneapolis. Lets speak to our guest who is a respecter of sociology and of African American studies at yale university. Thank you so much forjoining us in connecticut. We are feeling the pain very audibly from the family, of course talking about george floyd as an ordinary man. Talking about the football that they used to play together. This really brings home the hurt that the floyd family is feeling. Yes, im very pleased to be here and very pleased to comment on the goings on. It very moving service so far. The individuals who deprive george of his life we seek. Professor anderson, when we are watching this what do you hope that we take away from these intense feelings that everybody is going through . I think one of the things thatis through . I think one of the things that is happening here is theirs in the world really is to get a glimpse of African American life. Testimonials, stories the representatives that you see on your screen these are not always as available to people. They provide a basis for empathy, emotion, empathy. Too often blacks and white pass like ships in the night. And this is a way that people will at least be closed at least for a moment. Is this a turning point do you think . Well when would help. One would hope so. Well when would help. One would hope so. Its a dire situation. This relationship black people and police, and the United States, many of us walk the streets in fear. And concerned about our safety. Especially when were stopped by a policeman, pulled over driving. What can happen . Professor, inc. You so much for your thoughts. We will come back to you shortly but ijust want to go back, take our viewers back to Benjamin Crump the attorney who is representing the family. So when we fight for the George Floyds of the world but more importantly when we fight for the unknown George Floyds of the world, when we fight for the trade on martins of the world, when we fight for the parents clutches of the world, the Michael Browns of the world, when we fight for the sterlings of the world, orlando castille, only from fight for the jamar clarks of the world, the era gardeners of the world, when we fight for the sandra blanche of the world, what we fight for our breach of the world. Breanna taylor of the world, tasha mckinney of the world, Stephan Clarks of the world, when we fight for the least of these. What we are really doing is helping america live up to its creed. What we are really doing is helping america be the great beacon of hope and justice for all the world to marvel. Most importantly, brothers and sisters what we are doing is helping america be america for all americans. What we want ti is not to Justice Systems in america, one for black america and fun for white america, what we endeavour to achieve is equaljustice for the what we endeavour to achieve is equal justice for the united what we endeavour to achieve is equaljustice for the United States of america and george floyd is the moment that gives us the best opportunity i have seen in a long time. Of reaching that high idea that the feeling that this country was founded on. Thank you so much. This is the plea forjustice. On behalf of the family, the children we will getjustice. We are committed. Now i would introduce you toa man committed. Now i would introduce you to a man who really needs no introduction, who will eulogize george floyd. Here is a man who has fought for so many families there too many hashtags to remember. And when he gets the call he always answers the call. Even when the cameras arent around, even after the cameras are gone, ask eric gardeners family. Ask Stephan Clarks family. Ask any of these families the cameras have long gone but reverend al continues to answer the bell when our people call. He is a leader that you see on tv commentating about our experiences but more importantly, he is a leader who has lived our experiences and because he has lived those experiences thats what makes him so effective in commentating on msnbc about our experiences. And he is going to talk about the experience of the terrible loss of somebody who should be with us today. And that is george floyd. Please give a great round of applause for the reverend al sharpton. Applause. Thank you. I want us to not sit here and act like we had a funeral on the schedule. George floyd should not be among the deceased. He did not die of Common Health conditions. He died of Common Health conditions. He died ofa of Common Health conditions. He died of a common american criminal justice malfunction. He died because of there, has not been the corrective behaviour that has taught this country that if you commit a crime it does not matter whether you where blue jeans or a crime it does not matter whether you where bluejeans or a blue uniform, you must pay for the crime you commit. So it is not a normal funeral. It is not a normal circumstance. But it is too common and we need to deal with it. Let me ask those of you who in the tradition of eulogies need a scriptural reference, go to ecclesiastics third chapter. First verse says to everything there is a time and a purpose and season under the heavens. And then leave it there. I saw somebody standing in front of a church the other day which had been boarded up as a result of violence. Held the bible in his hand, ive been preaching since i was a little boy i never saw anyone hold the bible like that but ill leave that alone. But since he held the bible, if he wanting us today, i would like him to open the bible. And id like him to read ecclesiastes three. To every season theres a time and a purpose. And i think it is ourjob to let the world know when we see what is going on in the streets of this country and in europe around the world that you need to know what time it is first of all, we cannot use bibles as a prop. And for those that have agendas that are not about justice, this family will not let you use george as a prop. If you want to get your stuff off dont use him. Let us stand for what is right. Because when i got the call from attorney crump and usually when he calls me its not to find out how im doing. Its usually because something happened that he wa nts because something happened that he wants National Action network and i to get involved. And he explained to me what was happening with this case. And id already heard about it in the media. And immediately i said well, let me know what you want me to do. He said whatever you need to do. One of the things that ive a lwa ys do. One of the things that ive always had to deal with is critics would say, all al sharpton wants is publicity. But thats exactly what i want. Because nobody calls me to keep a secret. People call me to blow up issues. That nobody else will deal with. Im the blow up man. And i dont apologise for that. Because you get away too much with hiding things. Talking about you all putting closing the oven to have your clothes dried. Well i did run in the third world but i grew up in the third ward in brownsville. We had roaches. I know kevin hart and some had roaches. I know kevin hart and some of the rich hollywood folks dont know what roaches are but we had roaches. Ludacris and one thing i found about roaches is that if you keep the light off, if you are in the dark, a roach will pull up to your dinner table. And have a five course meal. So i learned that one of the ways to deal with roaches is if you cut the light on i could run them roaches and track him down. And ive spent all my life jason roaches all over this country. Chasing. As soon as i talked to the family and got the details and heard that among georges last words was, i cant breathe. With a knee on his neck. I immediately thought about eric gardner, i did the eulogy at his funeral. And i called his mother andi his funeral. And i called his mother and i said, i know we are not going out because of the coronavirus. But this is so much like eric, if we could arrange some private way to go to minneapolis, would you go . And she said raven al, im already packing, let me know. Tyler perry said, ill get the families, the plane whatever you need. Because this is wrong. Robert smith said dont worry about the funeral costs. People across economic and racial lines started calling and getting in. And we flew out here her and i last thursday. When i stood at that spot, the reason it got to me is George Floyds story has been the story of black folks. Because ever since for hundred one years ago the reason we since for hundred one years ago the reason we four hundred one the reason we reason we four hundred one the reason we could not be who we wanted and dreamed of being as you kept your knee on our neck. We were smarter than the underfunded schools you put us in but you had your knee on our neck. We could run corporations and not hustle in the streets but you had your knee on our necks. We had creative skills, we could do whatever anybody else could do but we couldnt get your knee off our neck. What happened to floyd happens every day in this country and education, and Health Services and education, and Health Services and in every area of american life. Its time for us to stand up in georges name and say get your knee off our next his neck. Applause. Thats the problem no matter who you are. We thought maybe we had a complex ti, maybe it was us. We had a complex ti, maybe it was us. But even black steps will broke through. You your knee on that neck. Michaeljordan won all of these championships. You taken for mass because youve got to put a knee on our neck. White housewives would run home to see a black woman on tv name Oprah Winfrey and you messed with her. Because you just cant take your knee off of our neck. Man comes out of a single parent home, educates himself and rises up and becomes the present delete my president of the United States. And you ask him for his birth certificate. Because you cant take your knee off our neck. The reason why we are marching all over the world is we were like george. We couldnt breathe. Not because there was something wrong with our lungs but you wouldnt take your knee off our neck. We dont want no favors. Just get up off of us and we can be and do whatever we can be we will just take this moment to say goodbye to our viewers on pbs. There have been protests all over the world. Some have eluded and done other things. Eluded. And none of us other things. Eluded. And none of us in this family condones looting or violence. But the thing i want us to be real cognizant of is there is a difference between those calling for peace and those calling for quiet. Some of you all dont want peace. You just want quiet. You just wa nt peace. You just want quiet. You just want us to shut up and settle into silence. The overwhelming majority of the people march work breaking windows, they were trying to break barriers. They werent trying to steal nothing, they were trying to get back the justice you stole from us. Get back the justice you stole from us. Those that broke the law should pay for whatever laws they broke. But show neck so should the for policemen that caused this funeral today. We dont have a problem denouncing violence, mr governor. We dont have a problem mr mayor, denouncing looting. But it seems like some in the criminalJustice System have a problem looking at a tape and knowing there is probable cause and it takes a long time for you to go and do what you see that you to go and do what you see that you need to do. But i am one that is crump said, not been a lot involved in a lot we started around criminal justice. Been a lot involved in a lot we started around criminaljustice. I did speeches and eulogies at most of the funerals that weve had in the space in the last couple of decades. And lead the marches and did what we had to do. I look at Martin Luther, we went to jail together. Fighting these fights. Like his daddy went to jail before. But im more hopeful today than ever. Why . Let me go back jackson always taught me stay on your text. Go back to my text, ecclesiastics. There is a time and a season ecclesiastics. There is a time and a season and when i looked this time and saw marches where in some cases young whites outnumbered the blacks marching, i know that there is to act its a different time and a different season. When i looked and saw people in germany marching for george floyd, its a different time and a different season. When they went in front of the parliament in London England and said, its a different time. In a different season. Different time. In a different season. I come to tell you america, this is the time of dealing with accountability and the criminal Justice System stephen, he has a goal, i went to march. I remember a young white lady looked me right in the face and said nigbor go home. But when i was here last thursday and i was headed back to the airport, i stopped near the police station. And as i was talking toa police station. And as i was talking to a reporter a young white girl, she didnt look no older than 11 yea rs she didnt look no older than 11 years old, she tagged my suitjacket andi years old, she tagged my suitjacket and i looked around and i braced myself and she looked at me and said, nojustice no peace. There is a different time it is a different season and if my bible carrying guy in front of that church, if i got him to open up the bible, iwant church, if i got him to open up the bible, i want to remember something, i was late last october to an appointment because the time change. And

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