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Talking about this. In milwaukee, john kasich confronted donald trump about it. But not before he took a shot at ben carson. He said hes pathological. Someone says he had pathological disease. Other people say he said in the book that hes got a pathological temper or temperament. That its a big problem because you dont cure that. Thats like you know, i could say, they say you dont cure as an example child molester. You dont cure these people. You dont cure a child molester. So i want to ask you about the immigration fracas going on out there. You put it front and center. You wouldnt be talking about immigration if it wasnt for me. You werecriticizedheavily at the debate. Excuse me, they are weak people. I watched jeb today. Theyre weak people. And kasich made a fool out of him. How do you take 11 Million People and make them leave . You do it in a process. Theyre not going to want to leave. First of all you have to find them if a person comes across the border and you send them right back, theres not a big court situation, they send them back. But what about the guy living in detroit . What is the difference for the guy who is caught two days and they bring him back. What about if he is here for a year. There is no difference. Illegal immigration costs us between 200 and 300 billion. And when you include crime and other problems, its more than that. You are talking about between 200 and 300 billion dwlchlt they pay in taxes. You believe that . They pay social security, state and local. What percentage . 24 billion a year. Do you know how few pay taxes . An illegal immigrant getting money is paying taxes . On this point of humanity are you sending officers into homes to get them out . We are going to be saying you have to go back to wherever the country is. Its going to be all different countries. Donald trump talking to erin burnett. Imagine the images on the screen flashed around the world as we were dragging parents away from their children and putting them in, what, Detention Centers and sending them out. Nobody thinks that that is realistic. But thats not who we are as americans. Joining us is the sheriff of pinal county, arizona. And cnn political commentator, maria cardona. Sheriff, lets start with you. You are a republican running for congress. Does Donald Trumps plan of a Deportation Force to do this humanely, physically removing some 11 Million People, is that logistically feasible . Its logistically very difficult. Where we should start and the focus should be is on the criminal element, the small minority of these illegals that are committing very serious crimes that have not been deported. Thats where a lot of the anger is coming from. We should focus on that, target the tens of thousands, not the 12 to 20 million illegals who are here but focus on these folks and deport them legitimately out of our country. Im angry about that as well. They are releasing and not just from mexico but countries of interest. We had right here in arizona, one from sudan, one from iraq, and one from russia. And this russian murderer they released into my county and tell me two weeks after. Thats the problem here. The entire system is broken for immigration. There is no consequence and therefore there is no law. So, andy, i mean, you know the criticism is not just from president obama but some republicans as well. That is basically impossible to physically remove 11 million or however many undocumented or illegal Illegal Immigrants, what do you say to that . John kasich is barely a candidate. That guy is grasping at straws. As far as illegal immigration we know its a crime and i agree we go after the criminals first. Donald trump has a plan. And thats to build a wall with a door to let good people back in legally. When you commit a crime in this country you are punished. And i think its hispanic americans who are in favor of this. They are the ones suffering whether in the United States when you suffer when the Illegal Immigrants are creating crimes or if you are overseas and you want to get into the United States legally they cant because people are line cutters. And they need to be deported because they are criminals. Maria, the idea of a Deportation Force. But republican voters, frankly, dont care a lot about that criticism. And this is something that is popular. Donald trump has surged in the polls because of this. It is popular in the republican right wing base. This is the challenge that the Republican Party is facing going into a primary process where those right wing voices are the loudest and the angriest and the ones who will come out to vote in the primaries. But then you get to a general election, you have general mainstream americans including the whole lot of latino voters who do not agree with this, do not like trump. He has an unfavorable among latinos over 80 . The one good thing that donald trump is doing with latino voters is getting them to register to come out and vote and they will come out in record numbers next year. His plan is unworkable. When you talk about illegal immigration and focusing on the criminal element, this is what president obama has been doing for the last two years with prosecutorial discretion and what could have been the Immigration Reform which is the solution that most americans support. Thats not true. Andy andy, you know the democrats are going to use that term, a Deportation Force. They are going to run commercials about it. Are you worried at all about the perception of what it may do in a general election to the republican candidate . I think its a misnomer when pundits say that latinos are so antitrump when thats not the case. When you look at republican latinos in nevada, they are very protrump. Its a misrepresentation in the media when the general populous when they start paying attention four to six months for now. They will realize that trumps message is on point. And latinos agree that illegal immigration is a major problem. And when we get the illegals out, people can come to this country. One last things we allow less than 3 4 million americans to come legally into this country and we have 12 million here illegally. We have to fix that problem to have more people come here legally. Latinos are the life blood of this country. And those who commit crimes need to go, starting with gang members. Sheriff, i understand your point about targeting criminals first. That makes a lot of sense. You dont want people who are here attacking or hurting other people. But the idea of a Deportation Force which is the term being tossed around. To you not only as a republican but as an american do you worry about the effect that would have on the Republican Party in a general election when used by the democrats . This is a problem. This didnt happen overnight and not just with barack obama. It compassexacerbated because o. Remember in 86, it was president reagan who signed for 2 million illegals to get citizenship. And everybody thinks that illegals want citizenship. Half took it and the other half just wanted to work here. We got here, im not support ever of people getting here illegally. Im fighting against it every day. But its not helpful when the president , to the point made earlier saying the president has been deporting all these criminals. The fact is he hasnt. Thats why were in this fight here where people are so angry. 67,000 criminal illegals, the violent ones have been released infraour community and weve got guys like grant who wanted to be a deputy with my agency who was shot beneath his left eye, executed by a criminal illegal who had raped and did Home Invasion and he was out on the lam to commit other crimes. Nobody should be for this. The rule of law has been undermined. If we can have a little bit of both. Were not going to build the great wall of mexico. We need about 700 miles of border. Not 2,000 miles. We got to leave it there. I completely agree, that criminal undocumented immigrants should be deported and the Immigration Reform bill would have done that. Republicans need 42 of the hispanic vote to win the white house. They are nowhere near that. Were going to get that. Great to have you on. Coming up next were going to look at the hard numbers of what were talking about. And the case being made by ted cruz and others that it would help, not hurt republicans by getting more conservatives to turn out. And suicide bombers taking dozens of lives. Was isis behind it . Well explore the apparent claim and how something this terrible might have been far worse. He was tasered again and again and later died. Why has the investigation dragged on for years . Well ask the prosecutor who is handling the case. The future belongs to the fast. And to help you accelerate, weve created a new company. One totally focused on whats next for your business. The True Partnership where people,technology and ideas push everyone forward. Accelerating innovation. Accelerating transformation. Accelerating next. Hewlett packard enterprise. To prove to you that aleve is the better choice this is claira. For her shes agreed to give it up. Thats today . Well be with her all day to see how it goes. After the deliveries, i was ok. Now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. 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Ted cruz in the meantime had a warning for fellow republicans today, go soft on these issues he said and conservatives will stay home on election day and republicans will lose. Youll hear what marco rubio said today and what appears to be a dilemma for the party. Looking at the demographic, what is the Winning Strategy . John king has answers by the numbers for us. John, 2012 mitt romney and selfdeportation and ted cruz talking about amnesty and donald trump proposing a Deportation Force. Any evidence the results will be any different this time around . No, anderson and you can be sure democrats will say Deportation Force and youll see it in an ad whether trump is the nominee or not. Numbers dont lie. Lets look at the demographics. Im going to give you the 2012 president ial election and over here you can see, obama wins 52 to 47 . What happens . The percentage of the white vote was 72 . Mitt romney got 52 of. That African Americans 13 . The president wins 93 . Latinos 10 of the electorate for the first time in 2012. 71 for the president , 3 asian, 73 . If you add this up, blacks, latinos and asians, and its a football game, you run up 25, 30 points the First Quarter and you play the game even the rest of the way out, you lose. Just by comparison, 2004 the last time republicans won the white house, make the comparisons. The personal of the white vote, 77 in 2004, down to 72 in 2012. African american vote went up. The latino vote, 2004, 8 , 10 in 2012. And it is going to be a little bigger in 2016. So the republicans whenever you think about the policy have a democratic crisis at the president ial level. And looking at the electoral map, where is the immigration debate, where does it play out . And the latino vote, where does it make the biggest difference . Lets pull back to the national map and go back to 2004. This is the last time, let me get that to change. The last time a republican won the presidency. George w. Bush wins a close election 5148 over john kerry. Lets pick five states, george bush won nevada, used to be a swing state. George bush won new mexico used to be a swing state. George bush won colorado still a swing state. George bush won florida and george bush won virginia. Why do i circle those five states . Watch those five states. Thats 2004. Thats 2012. Every one of them turns to blue. Now watch this. We work in the census data. Where do the latinos in america live . Its hard to see the yellow, but all five of those states are high latino population. Nevada and new mexico are blue. They have turned because of the latino vote. Florida, virginia and colorado, florida with a large latino population, its smaller in colorado and even smaller in virginia but you have closely contested elections, anderson and the democrats are winning 67 of the latino vote, it changes the electoral map hugely in the democrats favor. But cruz says conservatives stayed home and republicans adopt the same stance on immigration and other issues. Is that true . Not really. There is a big debate among republicans but carl said flatly its not true. Look, turn out was down in 2012 from 2008. So a lot of people say ah, conservatives didnt turn out romney lost. But democratic turnout was down even more than republican turnout from 2008 to 2012. A lot of people point to the state of ohio and say, you know, if more republicans turned out, romney would have won the state but if you look deep into the numbers, its simply not true. If you look at the 2016 exit, 2012 exit polls for example, the personal of the electorate that tribed itself as conservative was actually up from 2008. The math isnt there. Republicans are kidding themselves if they think they can win a president ial election and they can win a state like florida if they try to repeat these numbers. This is florida with a high cuban population. Its a different population, more conservative. 60 to 39 in the state of florida. Republicans are kidding themselves if they think they can get more white people to turn out. The math does not work. John, thanks very much. Given the facts on the map, you can understand why a republican that wants to win the primary and general election might try to thread the needle. Heres how marco rubio did it today on fox news. I think both sides have points to make that are valid. We are going to have to deport some people. If you are not going to enforce the laws what is the point of having those laws . People that havent been here long will be deported. People over staying visa will be deported. Thats how you enforce immigration laws. The flip side is i do not believe you can round up and deport 11 Million People, especially people that have been here 15 years and not otherwise violated the law, can pass background checks and so forth and theres got to be a process to deal with that realistically. It sounds a little bit like it sounds a little bit like youre trying to ride the middle line here. Are you are you rejecting trumps idea or not . But its not about a middle line. Its about reality. Digging deeper now with rubio friend and bush supporter anna navarro and senior obama advisor dan pfeiffer. Both now cnn political commentators. How does the Republican Party from talking about a Deportation Force this fall to actually winning or doing better than last time with hispanic voters next fall . Anderson, lets be fair. Its not the Republican Party talking about a Deportation Force. It is donald trump talking about a Deportation Force. I havent heard any other republican echo that message that hes been saying since the debate and that repeated today. I think what youre hearing from marco rubio, from jeb bush, from john kasich, from chris christie, from lindsey graham, from a large number of people in the field, its a very different message. Look, the bottom line is that to solve the immigration problem, youre not going to have simplistic solutions. Youre not going to have black and white solutions. It is a complex, nuanced issue that has been building for decades now and its going to take a comprehensive approach. This conversation, anderson, makes me cringe. I thought we learned the lesson in 2008. We didnt. I thought we learned the lesson in 2012. Apparently we still havent. Dan, i mean, to annas point it may be unfair to paint all republicans with a broad brush on Deportation Force. But for the leading candidate, certainly, i mean for donald trump hes doing very well by doing just that. Well, donald trump is definitely reflecting the views of a large portion of the republican base. He its he was in the middle of the polls and started talking about immigration and went to the top of the polls. And even just the feelings of the base have caused marco rubio and jeb bush to change their positions on immigration. Marco rubio was one of the gang of eight that passed Barack Obamas immigration bill in the senate. He then disavowed that. George bush believed a path to citizen ship and endorsed the president s play in the senate and walked back. This is a huge problem because there is a real difference between republican strategists like anna who know what the Republican Party needs to do and what the voters want and if candidates who have campaigned hardest against Immigration Reform are the ones doing the best in the primary. Anna, i mean, you cant deny that jeb bush, marco rubio, you know have started to walk back to their earlier positions. Its a complicated issue. Everybody walked back their earlier position including Hillary Clinton who dan will remember in 2008 in a debate with barack obama said she wasnt even in favor of drivers licenses, and another one that backed away from his position was barack obama who promised to solve immigration in the first 100 days in his first year in office and didnt do so. When he had a Democratic House and democrat senate. So i think that its one thing that people say in campaigns. And then when you come to the harsh reality of what will pass muster in congress, it may be different than what you thought you could prom or what you thought you could deliver. I think jeb bush is taking a very pragmatic, stoic, honest look at it and trying to propose something he thinks he will be able to pass and turn into law. Yeah. We heard latinos, immigrants heard so many promises, big promises, pie in the sky. We should be suspicious of anything and everything we hear from anybody because they have been playing with us on this issue for decades now. Well, dan, i mean, if the republican ticket has ted cruz or marco rubio on it, both of cuban descent, either as one or two doesnt it make it tougher for democrats to paint republicans as anti immigrants . Certainly not if ted cruz is on the given position on immigration. Its important to recognize in the 2012 election when we would do research on what hispanic voters around the country thought, immigration was a top issue and jeb bushs comment in selfdeportation was a problem for him but his position on repealing mitt romney, dan. Im sorry. Sorry. Mitt romney. His nice try, dan. [ laughter ] i think jeb bush would probably trade positions with mitt romney was at this point in 2011. But his position of repealing the Affordable Care act was a close second. Theres a whole range of issue. Not just immigration. Health care, economic issues, education, where the Republican Party struggles with the latino vote. Yeah, dan pfeiffer, anna navarro. Good to have you on. Coming up, breaking news ahead. Isis claiming responsibility for another dely attack. What we know about the bombers and connections they made to the terrorist group coming up. Thats next. The beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. Power, wifi, and streaming entertainment. Thats. Seize the journey friendly. Some neighbors are Energy Saving superstars. How do you become a superstar . With pg es free Online Home Energy checkup. In just under 5 minutes you can see how you use energy and get quick and easy tips on how to keep your monthly bill down and your Energy Savings up. Dont let your neighbor enjoy all the savings. Take the Free Home Energy checkup. Honey, we need a new refrigerator. Visit pge. Com checkup and get started today. There is more breaking news tonight, what were learning about a deadly Suicide Attack in beirut, lebanon. Two explosions minutes apart killing at least 40 people and injuring at least 200 others. Isis claimed responsibility after an offshoot. As for todays attack, we want to warn you the images are tough to watch. Our National Security correspondent jim sciutto has the latest. Reporter the explosion struck during the height of rush hour. On an open market just south of beirut, coordinated, powerful, and deadly. First, one suicide blast draws a crowd of onlookers and a second blast strikes that crowd maximizing casualties. A third bomber, killed by the blast before he could detonate his own explosive. But a fourth, Lebanese Forces was allegedly captured, seen here taken away as Security Forces fired into the air to clear the crowd. This man said he was praying when the blast blew a door right of his head. The victims carried by bystanders over rubble from damaged buildings and rushed to nearby hospitals. A bomb, the twin suicide bombing went off. The area is mostly empty. Its been cordoned off by the army. Otherwise, there is a it lo of shattered glass on the street and a lot of blood. Its a scene of chaos and carnage. Reporter within hours, isis claimed responsibility. This neighborhood is a stronghold of hezbollah, fighting along Bashar Al Assads regime. Isil doesnt think of itself as having borders. Lets remember why you say isis i say isil, they say is the stlamic islamic state. And they are trying to establish a caliphate which means an islamic government covering all the areas where muslims live today in the world, and so, lebanon is just going to be seen as another battle field. Reporter the video of that arrest of the alleged fourth bomber was shown on lebanese television. Cnn cannot confirm the authenticity but were told of the arrest by sources. Were learning other details. Apparently one of the bombers tried to get into a mosque first and anderson, it appears to be more evidence of isis ability to project its power away from its base in iraq and syria. Just another sickening attack. Jim sciutto, thank you. Questions of the repeated tasing of a virginia man that died in Police Custody two years ago. The video has just been released. Why hasnt the top prosecutor wraps up the investigation after all this time . Gary tuchman tracks her down. The best of everything is even better during red lobsters ultimate seafood celebration where new seafood combinations like the new grand seafood feast are stepped up, spiffed up, jazzed up. Yeah, this stuffed lobster tail, handcrafted brown butter scampi, and jumbo handbattered shrimp are that good. Or try the new ultimate woodgrilled feast. That Bourbon Brown sugar glaze gets ya preeetty fired up. With new dishes like these, why wait to celebrate . But just like this time of year, this is too good to last. So hurry in. 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Now, though, new videos have surfaced as the relate of a lawsuit and the graphic images are raising questions about the case. They show Linwood Lambert in handcuffs being tased over and over in a hospital. The officers brought him for a psych investigation. He never made it inside and died a short time later. None of the officers have been charged and the investigation is still pending more than two years later still in the hands of the prosecutor. We sent gary tuchman to track her down. Reporter acute cocaine intoxication. Thats what the coroner who examined Linwood Lambert killed him after suffering cardiac arrest. Not the multiple taser shots he received at the hands of three Police Officers in south boston, virginia. Help me. Reporter could multiple tasering contributed or led to his death . Could those officer be held criminally liable . That is under investigation and has been for a long, long time. The Virginia State police says it started investigating this case when it happened after a request from the south Boston Police chief. A spokesman for the state police says the investigation was completed in october 2013, two years and one month ago and the findings were sent to the Commonwealth Attorney for her review. After 25 months she is still reviewing. She is tracy quackenbushmartin, who took office in december 2013. And since this story came to light has repeatedly said she does not want to speak on camera but today, she abruptly changed her mind. Ms. Commonwealth attorney, tell me why this has taken two years, this investigation. This is an extremely serious matter. Its one that requires extraordinary deliberation and its imperative to me that i reach the correct decision not only the correct decision but in the correct way and in a way that inspires Public Confidence to the extent that that is possible. Reporter the prosecutor confirms the three Police Officers are still working with the south Boston Police force. Can i tell you for example, the Warren Commission which investigated john f. Kennedys assassination finished its report in ten months. The Virginia State police investigated this for five months and gave you its findings. I mean, this doesnt seem like at its base the most complicated case that should take more than two years. Well, i do believe that it is a complex matter. I do believe that it is a weighty matter. I appreciate your concerns. Telling you why it has taken as long as it is is something that im happy to talk about at the conclusion of the case but doing so now would necessarily reveal aspects of the investigation that are simply improper to talk about right now. Reporter we went to the south Boston Police station to ask about the three officers still working. Hello there, im gary tuchman with cnn. I wanted to see if we could talk to the chief about the lambert case. We were told the chief did not want to make any comments to us. Dont kick your window reporter the Commonwealth Attorney says she doesnt want to say how much longer this investigation will take. She says she is not sweeping this under the rug. Im being professional. Im doing everything that needs to be done for the case. Im leaving no stone left unturned and its my hope that the people and the press will see that when its over. Gary joins us. So shes not willing to say how much longer it may take her to reach a decision . Reporter anderson, two years certainly is a long time and one of the questions i asked the commonwealths attorney is could this take another two years and she told me i suppose in theory anything can happen, but that is certainly not my intent but no, she would not tell us a timetable. She said she is certainly looking at the Video Evidence but has a multitude of other evidence she has been looking at and that she will continue to look at. All right. Gary, thanks very much. It took a lawsuit to force the release of the videos showing Linwood Lambert being tased. His family saw those videos for the first time just a couple weeks ago. Joining me is his family. Mr. Lambert, youve been pushing the prosecutor for answers from the day your son died. When you hear her say shes leaving no stone unturned, what goes through your mind . Do you believe her . No, i do not. I mean, if you look at the tapes and you could see, clearly, that she if she had saw these tapes, she would have come to a conclusion much quicker than what she has. Adrian, the Prosecutor Says that she wants to reach a correct decision in a way that inspires confidence, to the extent its possible. Do you have confidence in this investigation . No, i do not. What about it doesnt give you confidence . Its over two and a half years, and it shouldnt take this long to find out why someone died in Police Custody. Cases like that should be brought to immediate attention because you have families and friends and coworkers who are concerned and want to know. It holds a persons life and you cant really do too much, think or even concentrate knowing that youre waiting for someone to press the button and say okay, im finished and thats not right and fair. Mr. Lambert, your family was given these videos after one of your daughters filed a civil suit this summer. At what point did your family feel like you werent being told the truth or werent being given information . When did you feel like something was wrong . Anderson, i think we started thinking something was wrong in the beginning. The day he died, we didnt even know it until the day after he died and that was about, excuse me, 11 00 sunday morning and then i was talking to the deputy chief lovelace and seems like hes not trying to give me any answers to what may happen but what had happened. But it was just a bunch of things that he was saying that i just didnt believe what he was talking about. Adrian, i mean, when you finally saw the videos, i cant imagine what that was like for you. What went through your mind . I was very angry. I was very upset. It just took life out of me to see my brother sit there and plead for his life and they are not even trying to attempt to pick him up or roll him over like they wanted to and just to hear and to see all the torture they took my brother through and they still act like it was okay. Its justifiable. Its not. It hurt me to my heart. I cant eat. I cant sleep. I cant think. I cant work. I cant do anything and its sad that they taken my life away from me. Mr. Lambert, what would justice look like in this case . Justice for me, i see those officers handcuffed and taken off to jail. Thats what you want to see happen . Yes. Well, mr. Lambert, appreciate you joining us and adrian, as well. Thank you so much. Well continue to follow this. Thank you for having us. Just ahead, two powerful voices on the gun violence crisis in chicago. Spike lee talks about his new film chiraque and Michael Pfleger shares what hes learned over decades of trying to make chicago streets safer. This is claira. To prove to you that aleve is the better choice for her shes agreed to give it up. Thats today . Well be with her all day to see how it goes. After the deliveries, i was ok. Now the ciabatta is done and the pain is starting again. More pills . Seriously . Seriously. All these stops to take more pills can be a pain. Can i get my aleve back . For my pain, i want my aleve. Get all day minor arthritis pain relief with an easy open cap. 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I met up with him in chicago where gun violence and gangs made the south side one of the most dangerous places to be a child. On tuesday tyshawn lee was laid to rest. He was just 9 years old. He was gunned down in an allye execution style. They believe he was targeted. At the funeral father pfleger that gave the eulogy could not contain his frustration and anger. Tyshawn was not in the wrong place the murderer, the executioner, the assassin, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time tyshawn was doing what every child has a right to do, be a child father pfleger has spent decades trying to make chicagos most dangerous streets safer. Hes the model for a character in spike lees new film chiraq. Heres part two of that interview. What do you think its about here that makes it so bad . All i can say is theres a growing hopelessness ive seen over the last number of years that is a level ive never seen before and a sense that nothing is changing, nothing is getting better. How many years have you been here . 40 years ive been living in this building. Right here. Ive seen the up and downs over the years. Perfect example town hall meeting a year ago in inglewood. A kid raises his hand and says can i ask one question . Does anybody care . Does anybody care about us . When i asked a young sixth grade girl in my school, what do you want to be when you grew up . She says alive. Kids are dealing with that kind of a youve heard people say that to you. Oh, yeah, i had a third grader last week after this 9yearold boy tyshawn lee get killed, say walking over to the gym, i heard about the young boy that got murdered, got killed. Am i safe . I heard you refer to this as a selfinflicted genocide. Explain that. Hearsay the heres the thing, though. I know im going to be criticized for this but i dont care. Im all for black lives matter. I cant breathe, dont shoot. And im not speaking on behalf of 45 africanamericans, this is my own belief, anderson. Im with that. We as the people cant be blind. We can do all that. All that is fine. Eric gardener, go down the line. Those were, that was wrong. But we cannot be out there going yeah, yeah, there and then when it comes to Young Brothers killing themselves then mums the word. No one is saying nothing. Its got to be both ends. Its not enough to focus on black lives matter movement, on you can focus on it Police Brutality. But you cant ignore that we are killing ourselves, too. We cant ignore that. So how do you address that . You preach to people. We have to fight the killing of our children, whether it is a racist cop, whether it is a George Zimmerman vigilante, or whether it is blackonblack crime. Doesnt matter. Murder is wrong. Killing is wrong. No matter whose hand it is and the race of a hand it is and so we just try to fight that from that standpoint that whenever so we fight against racial profiling and Police Brutality but i also when a child is killed in this city and police have no leads, we put up rewards like we did with tyshawn lee. You put up a reward. We started a reward fund maybe 15 years ago we start that and consistently put up rewards and start at 5,000 for anybody to find the person. Im one of the first people that say i hate the prison system, anderson. I hate it. I think its horrible. I think its broken. I think they do nothing for helping inmates in there. But you cant kill a child and go back in your life and watch tv and eat mcdonalds and hang out in the street at the park like everything is okay. You cant do that. Thats not okay. You cant do that. And if we allow that and tolerate that, then we as a community are saying its all right. I understand the fear element. I understand people saying you know, they will come after me. My comment has always been, if one person comes forward, and, yeah, they become the target of the gang or whatever and you say you come out and put such and such in jail. But its never just one person that knows about it. But people in general a lot of times people did not come forward to talk. Absolutely, they dont and thats a problem. Thats a fact. And i get the fear element. But some place, we have to understand that conscience has to trump fear. You know, it used to be that a snitch was somebody who committed a crime and then pointed the finger at somebody else to get a lesser sentence. Its now gotten to the idea that anybody talks to police, anybody who has witnessed a crime and talks to police about what they saw gets that label. And that label is thats a i mean, that is a bad word in communities throughout america. Nobody wants to be labeled a snitch. No, and because you feel youre putting yourself in danger, youre labeled by certain groups in the community, and also, i mean, we cant deny from this the broken bridge between Law Enforcement and the community. Its bad. They dont trust them. People dont trust them. Not at all. If they do Say Something and say ill do this anonymously and then their name is put out there in the street that they said this, so now there is just a lack of trust for the police. We cant we cant walk away from that. Thats real. Work needs to be done on both sides. But we have to understand, that bridge is broken. Tomorrow were going to continue our look at the violence gripping chicagos south side. And youll hear from moms that lost their children to guns. Remarkable moms youll meet tomorrow night. Their strength is incredible and what they say needs to be done to make their neighborhood safe. Still ahead tonight, pilots blinded by the light the faa says more than 20 flights were hit by lasers last night in several states. cole alright listen up. We all know that directvs better at this whole tv thing. So, to beat them, were gonna get bigger. Were gonna merge with cableworld. exec 1 cableworld . I cant stand those guys. exec 2 theyre the worst. exec 3 theyre totally incompetent. exec 4 that company stinks and i mean they smell. I used to work there. I had to breathe through my mouth the whole time. cole shh, shh, shh, theyre here. newhart this is gonna be fun, firing everyone. vo get rid of cable and switch to directv. Call 1800directv. The beautiful sound of customers making the most of their united flight. Power, wifi, and streaming entertainment. Thats. Seize the journey friendly. How else do you think he gets around so fast . Take the reins this holiday and get the mercedesbenz youve always wanted during the winter event. Hurry, offers end soon. Quick check of headlines. Another black eye for the secret service and this time involving an agent assigned to the white house. Lee robert moore is accused of sending maked pictures of himself to what he thought was a 14yearold girl. But that was actually delaware state police. More than 20 planes and helicopters were struck by lasers last night and thats according to the f. A. A. The incidents took place in ten states including new jersey where this video was taken by a local news hermit. Over 100 women are suing a Birth Control manufacturer for millions of dollars. The suit alleges their pills were incorrectly packaged and led to unexpected pregnancies. What a better day for a ufo sighting than friday the 13th. Astronomers will be watching as a piece of space junk six feet in diameter enters the earths atmosphere over the indian ocean. Hello, everyone. Im isha sesay. We have breaking news. Pentagon the says the u. S. Targeteds jihadi john in an air strike. Hes been seen in videos showing the murders of a number of isis hossages. It is not yet confirmed on whether jihadi john died in the air strike. What do we know about the at

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