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Here. An andy dine is here. David chalian is here, kayleigh mcelnany. Amanda carpenter. Did i miss anybody else . I got everybody. All right, andy, who do you think was the big boss tonight . Who had the best speech . I think donald trump jr. By far knocked it out of the park. Just the star. There was one moment i did like when ben carson said that Hillary Clinton has ha connection to lucifer. I enjoyed that. That was a little odd. People were texting me going, what because there was a connection, like a kevin bacon game, that saying lucifer is the ultimate radical. Therefore, by the transit, there may be a connection. Im not sure i follow. But it spoke to andy. It spoke to andy dean demographic. Have you been drinking already . Not yet. But that that i liked. On a serious note, though i thought it was great. Because im on late, i was getting dressed watching donald trump jr. And i thought, timefiy a real speech, a fantastic speech, knocked it out of the ballpark. Lets listen to a little bit of it. Our schools used to be an elevator to the middle class. Now theyre stalled on the ground floor. Theyre like sovietera Department Stores that are run for the benefit of the clerk and not the customers. Let me tell you how he ran his businesses, and i know, because i was there with him by his side on job sites, in Conference Rooms from the time i could walk. He didnt hide out behind some desk in an executive suite. He spent his career with regular americans. He hung out with the guys on construction sites, pouring sheetrock and hanging pouring concrete and hanging sheetrock. He listened to them and he valued their opinions as much and often more than the guys from harvard and wharton, locked away in offices away from the real work. Hes recognized the talent and the drive that all americans have. Hes promoted people based on their character, their street smarts and their work ethic. Not simply paper credentials. I mean, David Chalian, i was wondering how he got so tan. Hes always tan. Tonight he was especially tan. Anyway, what did you think of this remarks . I think i watched the speech of a future politician there. I mean, i think this is the member of the family that clearly has the most interest in politics in that way. Has been involved in the the one we know registered republican child of him all throughout this process, so a member of the delegation, put his dad over the top tonight. He clearly feels this moment in a way, in a political sense, that was apparent. On that stage. He had command. He had total command. I wouldnt be surprised if we see a political future. I think, though, if you pair his speech with that of the his sisters speech, tiffany, you sort of get a whole picture. I thought i thought Tiffany Trump gave us some of those anecdotes about her dad, about the sense of what it was like growing up i want to stick with donald trump jr. , if you dont mind, because while he was talking, my friend said, do you know have you met donald trump jr. . Im like, yes, i sent him a picture of us together at trump tower. He said future president , question mark . Who knows. I watched that speech the way you watch an up and coming politician at a convention. Youre like, oh, wow, this is somebody im going to be watching for years to come who may have real interest in getting in this. Whoever helped him with that speech, that is the speechwriter the Trump Campaign needs. It was a good speech. It was coherent. Had a story. Had anecdotes. Had discipline. Of the speeches the entire night, it was one of the most sane. Kind of sane, someone was talking about lucifer. Andy liked that one. It was a good speech. What don jr. Has you cannot teach in a classroom. He should teach his dad to read a teleprompter. I forgot he was reading a teleprompter. Don jr. Has a gift. The people touch. Im so glad you played that one clip you played because to neu captured the 20 most important seconds of that speech. He took an opportunity to reach out to middle class voters, the voters who will determine this election and say, my dad was there, he was there by the guy pouring concrete, he empowered people who didnt have doctorates from harvard but doctorates in common sense. These are the voters that need to be reached, and donald trump jr. Personalized his dad in a way that smoke to the heart of the middle class voters. That was when you said he has a gift, hes sort of a really, really rich guy, seemed like sort of a middle class struggling guy. Hes not really no. Hes a great businessman. Hes a blue collar millionaire. Thats his ethos. I thought what was striking is he did give us some personal insight into donald trump the father. But then he went straight into the red meat which to davids point, much more like a politician, in fact, a much better politician than his own father. Yeah. And, and strikingly, and you guys are the experts, much more knowledgeable in conservative orthodoxy than his own father as well. So i think in that sense, he did help his dad to sort of give a Comfort Level to conservatives to say, okay, well at least if he has donald trump jr. At his side, he can understand what conservatism actually is. But is this all about red meat . I mean, because hes actually hes standing in front of the crowd, but also the bigger crowd is at home. In front of the television. I dont think what i dont think he did, and i disagree with kayleigh on this, i dont think he reached out and appealed to a broader Cross Section of supporters that donald trump doesnt already have. Yeah. And that is something that has not been done in this convention yet. Certainly has not been done in this campaign and if they dont start doing it soon, there is no path to the white house for d p donald trump. Im perplexed by what you mean this is a red meat speech because it wasnt that at all. He spoke about education used to be a pipeline to the middle class. He talked about hillary. Now you talk about education and cant find a job. Most of our College Graduates cant find jobs. Im glad youre mentioning that. That was part of the controversial moment tonight. We had plagergate last night. There was an issue with it. I want to play the sound bite. Part of what kayleigh was talking about then im going to ask david about it. Listen. Our schools used to be an elevator to the middle class. Now theyre stalled on the ground floor. Theyre like sovietera Department Stores run for the benefit of the clerks and not the customers. So, the article where we have the article that was written, i think it was american spectator, f. H. Buckley. Lets put up the full screen here. So the american conservative. Sorry. So those are the two together. Right. And issue but not really an issue. Is this flplagiarism . The right side of the screen, who was the principal speechwriter for donald trump jr. s speech tonight, so he used some of the words that he used in his own article in the speech tonight. There are two things going on here. One, theres the press addicted to a plagiarism story line and wanting to stick with the controversy that isnt really a controversy. So i dont think this will matter much. I do think from just a from a Campaign Practice point of view, because of what happened with be careful. The bar is now so high that every speech needs to be so thoroughly vetted and if there is language, even from the guy who wrote it, himself thats right. He should have known better, actually. If there is language, you can understand that because of yesterday and the bar is higher, that it might have made sense for donald trump jr. Did this go out but i truly dont think this is nothing like last night. This is not a real i dont even think its a real controversy. And i think that, quite frankly, i think a lot its a cautionary tale. Talk about it and be like, what are you guys talking about now . Okay. Heres the thing. You know the transcript goes out before. This is a transcript. Its embargoed. Dont put it out, what have you. Did this transcript go out before . Embargo the remarks of donald trump jr. s speech . When you do that, should you say from the american conservative on may whatever 2016, im just wondering. Limited insight, i dont think borrowing a metaphor is the worst thing. Famously did it from a poem, ronald reagan, when the challenger crashed, futouch t face of god. Its okay to borrow a metaphor if you dont try to hide where it came from. Of course, i read that article and it stuck in my head. I think thats more okay than borrowing a paragraph of a speech for another person who fwaif a very similar type of speech in a very similar event. I think theres digfferent standards. By the way, no one mentioned this yet, barack obama did the exact same thing, took an entire paragraph its not the same. Let me tell you why. Its the same its not the same thing because they are friends. Yes. And they borrow from each other. And he admit it. Michelle obama and Melania Trump are not friends and he admitted it and went off prompter with it. It was not in the script. He was hammered for it. The media marginalized it, said he forgot to footnote. He admitted it. He admitted it, kayleigh. Unlike what has been done to Melania Trump. You say, yes, i was but the bar is very different. Michelle obama say again. Michelle obama also lifted a line from a book in her speech. Again, no scrutiny. Jill biden took life events from someone. That one did get attention as it should have. There is a double standard here. I toedont think its a doub standard. If you and i are friends, say you got that from kayleighs speech, i would say, yes, i did, admit it and move on. Both would have been kicked out of law school. Plagiarism does not have barriers, this is your friend, therefore its not plagiarism. Thats not an argument. There is a burden on the campaign for zero error on this now, total thats why i asked. Should there be attribution in the transcript . I understand why this got attention, but its the guy wrote these words put up his tweet. This is a guy who wrote the words. He had to come out tonight to davids point about where, you know, the bar is now. Thats not the tweet. And then he tweeted, not this yeah, there we go. We said, except it wasnt stealing. Because he actually wrote it, himself. Same author. Heres the problem. It underscores that this has no this campaign has no professionalism. No. Whatsoever. This is ridiculous. It is a hot mess. Youve gone insane. This is an elevator metaphor. Since the beginning of elevators, people have made an elevator metaphor. People watching at home let him speak. Im spinning my head. Says nothing about the campaign except we like elevators and like elevators going up. Trump builds buildings. We like elevators. You like escalators. So lets ask, let me ask the question in a way maria didnt. Theyre saying because of what happened last night, maybe in some part because of this little controversy which is not a controversy, that this campaign is not ready for primetime. Yes. Is that a fair question to a ask . Especially its not because of erics speech, probably the other ones. The lock her ups, i understand the base loves that. Kind of cheer the prosecution and jailing of a political opponent at a major convention is frightening to even me. Im no Hillary Clinton fan. I do think she didnt follow the rules. All of that. To say im going to ignore the fbi recommendations and just throw her in jail, thats new territory. Thats going to stick. Thats what theyre going to be talking about next week and be problematic through august. By the way, when you have a republican senator tweet out that was completely, you know, jumping the shark, if you will, it gives it zero credibility and, again, to my point, this convention has done zero to appeal to a broader swath of voters and, you know, as a democrat, im thrilled about that. Hang on. Let me read this, kayleigh. It says Hillary Clinton now belongs in prison, come on, we could make case she shouldnt be elected without jumping the shark. Jeff flake is a respected, respected member. Thats right. The audience was chanting that. Chris christies speech was very good to show that Hillary Clinton is guilty for her flaws. She has lied to the American People. Lied. Ive got to get to a break. I got to get to a break. Thats not the case. The Fact Checkers that liberals always hail, politifact checked it out. Check, check, check. She deceived the American People on all four points. Not true. Well fact check that after the break. Stick around. Were going to do some fact checking. Also plagergate is not over yet. Were going to talk about that. Theres an article that sort of tells us how this might have happened. Were going to go through all of that coming back live from the cnn grill here in cleveland. This is cnn tonight, tomorrow, this morning. [engine sounds] the Bud Light Party believes in change. Thats why bud light has a new look. And we want to share it with everyone. From our national parks. To our furthest shores. Jackpot to your living room. Look under your seats [squeals of delight] still the same refreshing bud light. With a new look. Just checking my free credit score at credit karma. What the . . . Youre welcome. I just helped you dodge a bullet. But i was just checking my. Shhh. 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I want to bring in now nationally syndicated conservative talk show host mr. Dennis, lovely of you to join us. Back with me, of course, our political dream team. Good to have you on. We heard from Donald Trumps children tonight, mr. Prager. Who do you think is the standout star, was it donald jr. . Yeah, everybody felt that. Theres no question. I thought the daughter was excelle excellent, too, by the way. Yeah. And look, they have really one purpose, and i think they did fulfill it to a large extent and that is to humanize that man. Lets listen to him. As a recent college graduate, many of my accomplishments are still to come, but my dad takes such pride in all that ive done so far, no matter how big or how small. I still keep all of my report cards, some dating back to kindergarten, because i like to look back and see the sweet notes he wrote on each and every one of them. Contrary from what you might respect from someone who places emphasis on result the, my dads comments referred often to the sentiments expressed by my teachers about how i acted in and out of the classroom, just not even focusing on the letter grades, themselves. Donald trump has never done anything halfway. Least of all as a parent. Its a kind of personal story that many people have been asking about. I thought she was great. I mean, to get what is she, she just graduated college, shes in her 20s. 21, Something Like that. To get up there in front of that many people, thats not an easy thing to do. Look, the most antitrump person has to admit he has good kids. All right . I mean, most yeah. Most democrats or republicans would happily have those kids as their children. Yeah. Thats an achievement. Im a parent and i have to say that is an achievement. And not only that, but to have it after divorce. Right. Where theres so often alienation. Thats a credit to the man. Heres my theory then ill shut up because you know i always i have you here to talk. I know that but i always feel bad if there are other panelists. Theyre going to be here all night. Dont feel bad. Oh, they are. Very good. So here is a a bit of a progressive theory. Yep. I see him as increasingly, because i was opposed to him the entire primary season. Really. But i see him increasingly as a sheep in wolfs clothing and her as a wolf in wolfs clothing. Meaning Hillary Clinton. Yes, thats my theory. I think Chris Christie would agree with you. Listen. Yeah. Over the last eight years, weve seen this administration refuse to hold her accountable for her dismal record as secretary of state. So lets do something fun tonight. Tonight, as a former federal prosecutor, i welcome the opportunity to hold Hillary Rodham clinton accountable for her performance and her character. She was the chief engineer of the disastrous overthrow of gadhafi in libya. Libya, today, after Hillary Clintons grand strategy, their economys in ruins, theres death and violence on the streets, and isis is now dominating that country. So can i ask you this, Hillary Clinton, a failure for ruining libya and creating a nest for terrorist activity by isis. Answer me now, is she guilty or not guilty . Audience guilty okay. Heres what our Fact Checkers found, panel, and Dennis Prager because i want you to respond to this. Said that cnns Fact Checkers rated the accusation that Hillary Clinton was a chief engineer false. Yep. And then she responded, quickly she said, you think Chris Christie can lecture anyone on ethics . We have a bridge to sell you. She has a problem with truthfulness or trustworthiness. Do you think this blunts that attack . Well, the truth is i dont particularly care for Chris Christie, but he wasnt guilty on that bridge issue. One of his employees was. And you know i really, im fanatical on the issue of truth. I dont care where it falls, but if we abandon truth, were doomed. Were together on that. I know that. Thats part of the reason they really like each other. People are playing a lot of games with this law and order stuff and i think this is really uncomfortable. Chris christie is a credible prosecutor. Why is he potentially undermining that professional status hes achieved by playing these games with audiences, is she guilty . I think its a disservice to what he has done as an elected official and its just sort of strange to see this joking around about her being guilty. Yes, people think that she did do wrong things, but the way to hold her accountable is to just beat her at the ballot box. I mean, the investigations have been concluded and to act like youre going to be elected and then take retroactive action to undo what other investigations have found is profoundly disturbing. Were you in the hall tonight . Were you guys in the hall . How did that play in the hall . It played very well. That interpretation is ignore ing 90 of the speech. He was saying shes guilty for going to libya, guilty for going into syria. It was an indictment of her Foreign Policy package in a very creative way that was an appealing to an audience. Except so much of that was based on complete falsehoods. Okay. Lets go through this. Did hillary go into libya . Yes. She did. Again, according to tom foreman one by one. It was not completely her responsibility. By the way, if you want to talk about libya, donald trump in 2011 actually was for going into libya, talked about gadhafi needed to be taken out, and lets remember, mike pence, the Vice President ial nominee of the party, thanked Hillary Clinton for we only have dennis for a short time. So come on. Really either impress you or depress you. I was for going into libya. Yeah. I plead guilty. I was wrong. So, but i wasnt secretary of state. So it is important to assess her in that light. To me, the most damning question to be asked of Hillary Clinton and has been asked of democrats and they do start to get mele mouthed is can you name anything shes achieved . I can. Thats to me the biggest stumper. You can . Youre the first. Let me hear. The iran deal, she was critical in making sure of bringing the table if you think thats an achooecha achievement, she achieved that. Thats fair. She did yomans work around the world in stopping the trafficking of young women and girls internationally. You dont think thats an issue . That is incredibly important. The facts cannot be ignored, maria she also she also worked on a ceasefire between israel and the palestinians. Again, a big deal when youre talking about that international issue. Its very simple, you rewind eight years, the world was relatively secure. You fast forward eight years, the middle east is on fire, isis has grown to 40,000 strong. We have a terrorist attack how is that Hillary Clintons fault . Seemingly every other day. Does that have to do with george w. Bush going into iraq and breaking it . Has everything to do with Hillary Clinton. Come on, kayleigh. This is what you use when you have absolutely you have to let me respond. Zero weight to compete with Hillary Clinton and the democrats on the battlefield of ideas. Theres a reason isis has invaded libya. Its because theres no longer a government there. Theres a reason isis invaded iraq. Its because i agree with that. You have to let me finish. I let you finish. She didnt leave a staybehind force. The middle east is insecure because she made absolutely incompetent decisions, very, very simple. You cannot put that completely at the feet of Hillary Clinton. I put it at the feet of the government. If george w. Bush had not gone into iraq, things would be very different. Dennis prag,er, did you hear enough about tonight was supposed to be about working and putting people back to work. Thats an interesting question. It did follow that format. It doesnt matter to me whether it follows a format. Were they effective speeches . Yes, there were some effective speeches. Thats really all that matters. I just want to Say Something about the media and both this is true for conservative and liberal media. I thought that Melania Trump gave a beautiful speech. That one paragraph was probably lifted by a speechwriter out of another speech was it two paragraphs . Was it exceedingly 70 words. Stupid if that is true, exceedingly incompetent and wrong. But that isnt what Melania Trump and her speech were about. This was an effective you know what she was, and i love this word, she radiated dignity. Yeah. And solis listen to this, hi wife radiates dignity, his children radiate intelligence, common sense and decency, so maybe, maybe hes not as bad as a lot of us thought. Thats the point. So the plagiarism thing didnt bother you . It bothers me, but it doesnt bother me about her. It doesnt bother me about her evening. Let me ask you of course plagiarism bothers me. We dont know, we havent gotten to the bottom of it, no one has gotten to the bottom of it. What if she was in some way responsible . That would be more troubling. If she lifted something from another person knowingly and used those words and she did it, that would be trouble. We dont know. Most people think its a speechwriters fault. Exactly. Yet to be fully investigated. Thank you, Dennis Prager. Great to be with you in person. Youre much taller in person than television. Youre like this big. I know, isnt that funny . I should stand up on tv. Everyone else, stay with me. When we come right back, much more. This is day two of the Republican Convention live here in cleveland. Were at the grill. This is cnn tonight, this morning, Something Like that. Well be right back. [ boss ] it is a very smart plan. So were all on board . [ paul ] no. This is a stupid plan. Hate drama . Go to cars. Com. Research. 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Although they always sort of had the double meaning of make america work again when they presented the themes, make america work again, get jobs back to work that way, but also make america work again for the American People in a competent way and i think that was part of the negative frame on Hillary Clinton they were trying to build throughout the night. You did have a slew of prosecutors on that stage tonight. Chris christie one of them. Chris christie, former prosecutor. Michael mukasey, former attorney general. There was a lineup of prosecutors to make the case against Hillary Clinton. Theres a word count that we use, words and phrases, of how often tonight that you could see Hillary Clinton was mentioned 79 times. Right . Jobs, 21 times. But you said work in the metaph metaphorical sense not necessarily in the jobs sense, correct . Correct. It was both. I dont think they did as much on the economy and jobs as perhaps we might hear as we hear more from people who have done business with donald trump. Hillary clinton was mentioned more times than donald trump. That is true. That reflects what the first two nights were about. Unless the plan is to make republicans Prison Guards to lock up all the democrats, i dont see a jobs program that came out tonight. I mean, really, it was all about just prosecuting like you said. Its kind of a shame because theres a lot of tax reform we could talk about but that wasnt part of the plan. We need to get an andy cam just for andy deans face and smirks. Hes like did you like that joke . Im wondering who counts all these words so quickly. That just seems like a very theres an app for that and should probably show Melania Trump that. Geez, don, youre rough. Those word counts are based on prepared remarks so we have a little more time to count them because we get them a bllittle earlier. The actual unscripted remarks could be very different. Accuracy. Fact check shows this is untrue. Your favorite moment, andy fact, your favorite moment was the lucifer moment. Ben carson. Here it is. This is a nation, this is a nation where every coin in our pocket and every bill in our wallet says, in god we trust. So are we willing to elect someone as president who has as their role model somebody who acknowledges lucifer . Think about that. The secular Progressive Agenda is antithetical to the principles of the founding of this nation. And if we continue to allow them to take god out of our lives, god will remove himself from us. We will not be blessed, and our nation will go down the tubes. Look. Andy. I love ben carson. I mean come on. Your honest reaction to that. My honest reaction is that hes speaking from the heart. He feels that this person is very, very troubled and has very, very bad judgment, and in all seriousness, i believe that to be true, that Hillary Clinton has terrible judgment. Thats what the night was about. Judge lest not ye be judged . Are we going through bible verseses . Just saying. Someone who was a believer, grew up, baptist, grew up going to Catholic School and going to church, the last thing hes not saying shes going to hell. He thinks she shouldnt be president. Hes comparing lucifer. One month ago, ben carson is one who stood up and said no one should question Hillary Clintons faith, said that categorically, no one should question her faith. Tonight that was a lighthearted joke for the audience. It was a joke. This is a man who defended Hillary Clintons faith. I think its wrong to sit here and laugh about ben carson whos one of most respected people in this country. If it was a joke, clearly it was lost on the majority of the people who were watching. And to your point, hes a very wellrespected surgeon. He should stick to surgery because he left his dignity at the door going into that hall tonight. He looked like a i did not realize it was a joke until kayleigh, we were talking about it tonight and you explained it. It did not come off as a joke. It absolutely did not. Ben carson is not skilled at his tone sometimes, he has one schi simple tone like that. This is one of the most respected surgeons and men in this country. Thats right. I dont like the way people laugh at him and marginalize him. It happens quite consistently. He kind of asks s for it. He kind of brings it on himself. No one is making him do that. Hes incredibly respected. If theres anybody who dimini diminishes his stature, running for president , endorsing someone who calls you a pathological liar, child molester and tries to convince the public you stabbed your friend, its sad to watch. I admired him. When i see him reduced to that, its sad. This guy, you have some breaking news or new information about ted cruz. What do you have for us . About tomorrow night or later tonight. Wednesday night. Dana bash is now reporting that according to people familiar with it, ted cruz plans to stay in the Convention Hall later tonight, hes not going to formally endorse donald trump as pau part of his remarks in his convention speech. As dana pointed out, she her sources are telling her that ted cruz is in this position of wanting to be there to show party unity, to show he doesnt harbor ill will in this process. Im sure adding my own editorial, make sure his prospects for the future continue. But is not going to sort of abandon all of his diehard supporters who are still in the Nevertrump Movement and cross the rubicon into endorsing during the convention speech. Yeah. It said, he is at an odd place and wanting to show republicans looking for unity that he doesnt have sour grapes and can move on. This whole thing is supposed to be about unity. A lot of people are saying, im not going to the convention. The bushes among them. Hes not, you know, digging his heels in that whey. Thats right. And the governor is not going, kasich is not going as well. The home state governor will not be there. You make an interesting place hes in the odd place, he doesnt want to be the reason why Hillary Clinton gets to the white house. We saw this interesting, Michael Reagan tonight come out and say im voting on donald trump, im not going to be the reason Hillary Clinton gets into the white house. We saw mike pence come on board. The reason donald trump doesnt beat hillary, really, after watching the speakers he lined up, ted cruz is going to be the reason donald trump doesnt win . Hilarious to watch. But i aplaud cruz for showing up. Theres a lot of delegates who dont want to be part of Donald Trumps tactics, the way hes campaigned in the primary and should speak to them to say im still a republican, it didnt turn out how i liked but i can still do important work. Okay. You respect him for that. That hes not endorsing donald trump. Because you said something about carsons dignity. Yeah. When you have a guy who just personally smears you in public and tells out and out lies. But still show up at the convention, you think, right . Theres other the party is not about donald trump, thank the lord. Theres other people in the hall who dont agree with trump and you cant just turn your back on the party if you want to work toward a constructive future that, you know, in 2020, 2024 there are two big sides over everybodys head that says make America Great again, thats about donald trump. Listen, im a republican, im not on board the trump train. Im not going to leave the values i have because i hope this is a temporary blip were going through. More from cleveland when we come right back. Why are you checking your credit score . You dont want to live with mom and dad forever, do you . Boo laughs im making smoothies well. Im not changing. So, how can i check my credit score . Credit karma. Dont worry, its free. Hmmmm. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. But my back pain was making it hard to sleep and open up on time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Now im back. Aleve pm for a better am. Live at the cnn grill here in cleveland. I want to turn now to the brouhaha over Melania Trumps speech last night which still has all of media loling. Cnns jeanne moos reports on the twitter storm and the mockery. Reporter when donald trump pointed at his wife, little did he know how many other fingers would be pointing at her. Stolen words. And did melania plagiarize michelle . Reporter all those backtoback comparisons. That your word is your bond. That your word is your bond. Reporter were bound to inspire an explosion on twitter. Id like to take this opportunity to thank my speechwriters, copy and paste. Someone joked the keyboard used to write melanias speech consisted of the ctrl, c, and v keys. A giggling hillary asked Michelle Obama, did she just give your speech . Yes, and they loved it, replies michelle. Plagiarism, when your paper is due at 12 00 and its 11 50. That you treat people. That you treat people. Reporter reporter famousmelaniatrump quotes became a thing. Credited for lines ranging from four scorn seven years ago to this is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. And while most critics and supporters agreed, it wasnt melanias fault. Then to say, oh, plagiarism. Reporter she still ended up achieving the dubious distinction lets get to the donk kdonke the day, give Melania Trump the biggest yee haw of the day. We are the champions reporter the view recreated the donalds dramatic and foggy entrance before he introduced his wife. We will admit it, right out front, we plagiarized that entrance. Reporter the group, queen, complained about the republicans unauthorized use of their music. We are the champions reporter and speaking of music, conspiracy theorists accused melania of rick rolling the audience as she described her husband. He will never, ever give up. And most importantly, he will never, ever let you down. Never going to give you up, never going to let you down reporter despite accusations of rick rolling and plagiarism, what can melania do but turn the other cheek . Jeanne moos, cnn, new york. Oh, everybody ready to react . Well do it right after the break. Wow. 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I think on the high cam you can see him. Its an honor to have him here. So there he is. [ applause ] thank you for your service. Yes, thank you. So lets get back to the program now. Lets talk about this Melania Trump. She was defended today by the Trump Campaign. Look at this, the Trump Campaign. These are common words and values and she cares about her family, things like that. This is once again an example of when a woman threatens Hillary Clinton, how she seeks out to demean her and take her down. Its not going to work. Melania trump said you work hard for what you get in life. Kid rock said, work hard to be anything you want in life. Melania trump said the strength of your dreams and willingness to work with them. Twilight sparkle said anything you do in your dream you can do now. 93 of the speech were words different from Michelle Obama eight years ago. If you had a speechwriter that had done that, would you fire that speech writer . Probably. I agree with reince prix priebus, whoever wrote this should be fired. Corey is the only essential person i personally would have went with flutter shy. Look, i think that she has been really a huge a huge disservice has been done to her in two ways. The first one is when they defend her, they actually i think make it worse. Because i dont think this was her fault. But i also think that she walked into it in that interview with matt lauer when she said she wrote most of the speech herself. I think it was a great defense. To fight the ridiculous, which this whole thing is ridiculous, you come back with a ridiculous argument like my little pony. Why is it ridiculous . Ill tell you why. Last night, there was another radical islamic terror attack in germany oh, my gosh. Stop, stop, stop. Were talking about what happened here at the convention center. This were lots of other things that happened, but were focusing on this. Its about perspective. Youre being intellectually dishonest. There are things that happen around the world every single moment i disagree. This is important. This is a man who is running for president of the united states. Shes also vying to be the first lady of the united states. Her whole thing is about trustworthy, truthfulness, and if theres something dishonest, that is a huge deal. Dont say this happened in the middle east and im giving perspective as to why its ridiculous. If this is such this is not an issue, why are we here . Why does she even speak if its not a big deal. To me its not a big deal, to you it is. Why are you here if this is not a big deal . Melanias plagiarism . I think Hillary Clinton is a disaster. I think im being on point. I am make an analogy about the ridiculousness of this whole thing. When the American Voter goes to the polls, this is not on their minds. What is on their minds is terrorism in germany and nice and San Bernardino and on and on and on. I think people are going to be worried about jobs. And can you trust this person to lead this country. But you trust Hillary Clinton . This has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. Hang on. This has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. Dont point to Hillary Clinton it does when were talking about Melania Trump and the campaign. This has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. If Hillary Clinton got on stage and plagiarized someone, we would be talking about it. It speaks to the lack of professionalism to his campaign and it reminds us talking about the ridiculous nature of what he does. Lets remember john miller, right . His pr person, we all know it was him and he doubled down. The only thing i dont understand, andy, theyre just denying what was obvious. I dont understand that as a Strategic Point of view. I dont understand why they justify the reality one quick point. Theres this idea of a smoking gun. Theres probably a team of people that worked on this and nobody is sure where the heck it came from. Then say that. I just said it. [ overlapping speakers ] this must have some big importance for thousands of people. The person who is going to lead the free world is a very big deal. Well be right back. We agree. Ow. Are you okay . Yeah, i just got charged for my credit monitoring. Thats how i know its working. Ah. You know you can go on creditkarma. Com and check it out there. Its completely free. Really . Yeah oh, that didnt hurt at all. Yeah, completely painless. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Hello welcome to holiday inn. Running our own business, weve been traveling a lot. A hotel looking to help Small Businesses succeed is incredible. Thank you. Holiday inn is an extension of our team. Book your next journey at holidayinn. Com

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