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Burnett. Breaking news a major offensive against isis under way tonight. This is the battle to retake ramadi. Iraqi forces have launched a massive drive to push isis out of the city a little over a week after it fell to the militants. They claim to have the city surrounded on three sides and claim to have biten isis back, to cut off supply routes to a key supply refinery to the north. A huge sandstorm blanketed the region reduced visibility to near zero. Isis saying the storm was sent by god to protect them. Isis took ramadi on may 17th. The end came sweftly after suicide bombers broke through town walls with explosive laden bulldozers. More than 55,000 people have fled the town in the last month. The vast majority of them headed to baghdad. Some 70 miles to the east. Arwa damon just returned from the front lines of the front. Shes outfront tonight in baghdad. Arwa we heard iraqs Prime Minister saying over the weekend that ramadi will be retaken in days. Is he right . Well that might be a bit optimistic especially if we look at how long it took for battles past when the iraqis were trying to win back cities such as tikrit for example. Now, the area that we went to is located between Anbar Province where ramadi is and just to the northeast. This operation is focused on ramadi yises but also integral to all of it is moving issis out of this massive, vast terrain it controls. The area you were in in particular significant because it falls on one of the key logistical supply routes that isis uses to transport its fighter and weapons from territories that it does control. And located in this particular area was a unit that is part of this iranian backed shia military force. They just moved in a few hours before we arrived. Not a lot of direct confrontation with isis but the terrorist organization had left behind a number of roadside bombs, and in all, at least 11 people from this fighting force were wounded or killed due to those explosions. Also interesting, and this is quite an example of who it is who really is the influential power on the ground was the presence of iranian advisers. We were not allowed to film or speak to them but one of the commanders was very quick to criticize the United States saying relying on the United States was like relying on a shadow. And he said that it was the Iraqi Governments reliance on america that was the key cause to the loss of ramadi. The hope right now is by cutting off the various different supply routes by moving in and taking territory from isis insuring that it can be held when they do go to make the final push into ramadi the terrorist organization will not be able to regroup afterwards. We saw the sandstorm. How is it complicating the fight . Well it most certainly was making visibility very very difficult. We actually drove through it at one point. You could not see more than a few dozen feet in front of you. There were concerns that isis would capitalize on this and try to launch some sort of counterattack, especially in the areas around ramadi. We did not hear any reports to that degree at this stage, but the weather most certainly not boding in favor of the Iraqi Security forces and the other conventional units fighting alongside them. Arwa damon in baghdad, thank you. The question is does the iraqi army have the will to win this battle in rumady as well as the larger fight in isis . Jim sciutto is outfront. That massive battle to retake rumade ramadi comicated by an International War of words over who was at fault for the citys fall. Today, the white house tried to soften charges iraqi troops simply gave up. What the president has observed is that many of those forces were not forces that had benefitted from the training that the United States and our Coalition Partners have been engaged in. A fine line from the much more damning criticism leveled by ashton carter. The iraqi forces showed no will to fight. They were not outnumbered. In fact they vastly outnumbered the opposing force. And yet, they failed to fight. Iraqs Prime Minister took the diplomatic route in responding suggesting carter had been misinformed. Im surprised why he said that. He was very supportive of iraq. Im sure as he was fed the wrong information. But the white house says carters comments were based on solid intelligence. Secretary carter said is consistent with the analysis hes received from those who are on the ground. On monday Vice President biden made a call to al abadie reassuring him on u. S. Support and said he recognized the enormous sacrifice and bravery of iraqi forces over the past 18 months in ramadi and elsewhere. Today, as iraq released this video of Coalition Forces distributing weapons to iraqi troops the white house called training and modern weaponry the keys to success. When theyre receiving equipment from the United States and our Coalition Partners to take the fight to isil we know they can perform very well in the battlefield. The battle to take back ramadi now a Major Military and diplomatic struggle. Now, one of the best measures of progress of the coalition against isis is simply to look at the map. This is something we do every month or so to measure that progress. This is today, may 2015 yellow areas, isis support zones. Red areas under isis control. Lets look to three months ago, february virtually unchanged. There are some areas where isis lost some ground around the Turkish Border gained some here. Coalition forces took back tikrit from isis but you have ramadi falling just a few weeks later. Again, lets look at the map again. Today, three months ago, really almost difficult, almost impossible to detect that until the overall map changes, it is heart for iraqi forces for Coalition Forces to say theyre making significant progress against isis. Yeah the map doesnt lie. Jim sciutto, thank you so much. Outfront tonight, former cia counterterrorism official phil mudd and a retired colonel who serve as executive officer to David Petraeus in the u. S. Troop surge in iraq in 2007. You heard the secretary of defense, ash carter saying iraqi forces just showed no will to fight. You worked with these soldiers. What did you make of his comments . Do you agree . You know iraqi troops are brave when well led. And i think this is an issue of leadership not of will. Those iraqi forces in ramadi would have stayed and fought to the det if they had commanders they believed in and if the commanders wanted to hold the ground that they were ordered to hold. This is an issue of getting comp tent leaders in positions of command in the iraqi army and then empowering them to fight and training and equipping them so that the soldiers have what they need to win. We heard some frustration, phil from iraqi soldiers with their leadership. But at the same time when you look at the motivation of isis do you think the iraqi forces have more will to fight than isis . Even the same amount even close . Look lets take two questions here. Isis will not prevail here because they dont have a message over the course of years that will resonate with the population. That said in the interim, over the next weeks, months years, you have to look at one fact. Insurgents that are motivated by religion not by money, not by ethnicity ethnicity, but a belief theyre going to win are going to conduct suicide bombings. They will not leave the battlefield until theyre dead. If you want to look side by side at an army that is motivated by nationalism, by a paycheck versus an insurgency that is isis that believes theyre spoken to by god, its hard to tell you that somebody has to greater will than an isis fighter who says im not going home because if i sacrifice myself i go straight to heaven. Colonel, im sure you saw that map that jim sciutto just put up. We have been able to see over the months how isis has been able to gain ground and hold it. So when you look at that this map here of the territory that isis controls the areas that support isis what does it tell you about the u. S. Strategy and how it may need to be adjusted . The u. S. Strategy in place now for a year simply isnt pushing isis back. Isis is consolidating control over the areas it holds, and to successfully defeat them were going to need competent allies on the ground. This can be Iraqi Army Forces but they will take months if not years to retrain and get competent commanders in place. Really what we need are the sunni militia forces that did so much to defeat the forerunner to Isis Al Qaeda in iraq. If we could get weapons in their hands, theyre plenty mote evaluated to defend their homes and their tribes and ally with other forces and u. S. Air power to defeat isis and Anbar Province. Phil how do you think the u. S. Strategy needs to be adjusted . Not much. People are making a mistake in believing that the u. S. Can somehow change the battlefield. If you look at insurgency studies, if the home team the iraqis doesnt want to bring the fight to the opposition over the course of time studying insurgencies will tell you inserting too many foreign troops that is people like the americans, will persadeuade the iraqis to say not our fight. The americans can take care of this for us. I agree with the colonel. Were fighting in sunni territory. The solution is to get the locals to fight. The problem with that solution is when the Iraqi Government is bringing in shia militias to fight in sunni towns, the local sunni tribesmen are going to say, hey, im not signing up for this. Youre bringing in my relijgious opponents to fight in my home turf. This is a recipe for civil war. There have been questions of the shia militias and how they behaved. Thank you so much. And outfront next deadly floods hammering the southwest, killing at least 13. There are at least 16 people missing, and there is more rain on the way. Were live in houston. Plus tensions high in cleveland after a Police Officer is acquitted in the shooting death of an unarmed black couple. Will new reforms to the department make any difference . And homicides soar and arrests drop in baltimore in the weeks since freddie grays death. Are police staging a slowdown . And breaking now, were just learning of a bomb threat. This is against a passenger jet. This plane right here just labd labded minutes ago at lax. 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Im one of the lucky guys. I get to play with trains. People say, wow, we still build that in the United States . And we say, yeah, we do some breaking news to tell you about. A bomb threat at l. A. X. Airport officials just tweeting Airport Police responding to a reported threat onboard an aircraft. Police are there on site. The fbi is heading to the airport at this hour. And this is a threat that was phoned in against Eva Airlines Flight number 3. The plane left taipei taiwan earlier today, arrived at l. A. Sxmpt x. In the last hour. Its in a remote corner of the airport as investigators go over it. This latest threat and this is why this is concerning is that it comes on the heels of at least ten scares against passenger planes over the memorial day weekend. Were continuing to monitor the breaking story. Well bring you the latest developments as they come to us. Breaking news on the extreme weather that is slamming the u. S. This is already claimed at least 13 lives and at this hour another 16 people are missing. Americas fourth largest city is under water tonight. Nearly a foot of rainfall swarmed houston in less than 24 hours, and now flash flooding has washed away entire neighborhoods. You can see here cars just swallowed by the rising floodwater, and forecasts are showing more rain is coming. Ed lavendera is outfront from houston. More than ten inches of rain in a matter of hours drowned parts of houston in a sea of chaos. It was bad. It was bad. You know we tried. We tried to push the water out from the kitchen to the sliding back door and as soon as we made it back it was already full. The epic downpours again triggered flash floods that have killed four people in the houston area. And left thousands racing to escape the rushing waters. City Officials Say motorists left about 1,000 cars stranded on the citys roadways traffic was snarled, the citys Emergency Management director describes the scene as a mad house. Even houstons popular galleria mall took on several feet of water. Across the state of texas, flood victims have had little time to react. Quickly trapped in walls of walter like elisa, a beloved High School Student and homecoming queen from the san antonio area. Just days away from graduating she was driving home from her senior prom when floodwaters washed her car off the road. She called 911, called her father but it was just too much and too quick. Oh, my god. A whole bunch of water. After the rains, matthew and will used their kayaks to navigate their southwest houston narnd where dozens of homes took on 3 to 4 feet of water. They strapped on our camera to show us the damage. Flooded . Yeah. How many inches . Cars abandoned on the roadways was a scene common all over the city. One, two, three, four, five cars. Five cars and a whole lot back there. They say they have never seen their neighborhood like this. Theyre coming our way. First responders imp rovised as well. These fire rescue teams turned Massive Public works trucks intemporary ambulances to respond to 911 calls in the neighborhood pulling several residents out who couldnt escape the floodwaters pouring into their homes. And there are still three people believed to be missing, search and rescue teams trying to get into those neighborhoods where floodwaters havent quite receded, to see and continue those search operations. This is one of the bayous that winds its way through mane parts of the city of houston. This is very common the floodwaters in the bayous that rose up so quickly when that rain fell so dramatically. Here where we are, the floodwaters stretch said across the embankment and to the bridge you see. A dramatic amount of water causing problems. Ed lavendera, thank you for that report. There are at least 13 people missing. Of the 16 people missing from hayes county. We have daniel guerrero, the mayor of san marcos the largest city in that county. Mayor, thanks so much for being with us. I know this is a really tough time for you and your residents there. Really Hard Hit Community with more than a dozen people still missing. Give us an update on recovery efforts. Were still in the process of our search and our rescue efforts. As you mentioned, were looking at about 13 people that are still unaccounted for. We have rescue groups that are searching and using every methodology available to work towards finding those missing people. What are they doing . What are the methods theyre using to try to find these folks . Everything from helicopters, we have different infrared technology that were utilizing to try to identify folks that may be on the river banks, anywhere we might be able to find them we have search groups walking along the riverinformed earlier today of folks on horseback, so every means possible were exhausting those efforts. You had informed us at cnn that 1200 homes were damaged there in your city. That is a tremendous amount of damage of people displaced from their homes. Where do you begin to repair things . Well it begins with the Community Coming together. Thats what we have seen over the last 48 hours. 1200 homes, thats a significant amount of impact to our community. But our neighbors, our friends, our families have come together and really worked to try to help folks begin to clean up the debris to begin to put their lives together. Neighborhoods are coming together and were very very pleased with the effort that were receiving from nonprofit organizations, different social agencies that have come together to help communities throughout san marcos. Thanks so much for being with us. Really appreciate you giving us that update. Tonight, there are family and friends who are coming together to remember alyssa ramirez, a homecoming queen from texas and the Student Council president of her school. She was killed on her way home from prom. We have randy brown, Close Friends with the ramirez family and he tried to save alyssa on this evening that she passed away. Sheriff, im so sorry for your loss and for the loss of your friends. Hows the family doing . Well i dont know. What can you its hard to judge at this point. Theyre doing the best they can. Certainly, we understand that. And give us a sense, i know i think people see what happened to alyssa a young person so full of promise, and they realize that this could happen to anyone. You got a call from alyssas father. He was trying to save his daughter. Tell us what happened. We know that she tried to get help but what happened . She did. She tried. There was a lot of First Responders that responded. And there was a lot of people in the water and hoping for a different outcome. Searching in the treetops unfortunately, the water was high enough that the car was completely submerged and it took some time actually into daylight the next morning for us to be able to locate the vehicle. Was she able to tell she was able to tell authorities where she was located but the car was moved . She did. She was able to she made a 911 call talking about she was in the water and her car was being washed away. And at some point, she disconnected from the dispatch center and she called her father. And do you know what she said to her father . I have not had that conversation. He called me and i responded along with a lot of other people. And unfortunately, we were all there too late. You went to the scene. You were ultimately able to reach alyssas car. When you think of what happened that night, it must have been the conditions must have been so difficult. In your experience obviously, this is an area that deals with flooding from time to time. Its a combination, right, of the water, but also it being at nighttime, even the danger that you see from the water is really impossible to see until youre right in it right . Its very difficult. Especially when its raining so hard you can barely see to drive down the road. Then to hit a spot like that where the water is the same color as the asphalt, and then the next thing you know youre in it. Then its too late to back out. This is such a tough time sheriff. We really appreciate you being here. Our condolence to you, and especially to the family to your good friends. Please pass that on from us. Thanks for talking with us. We will. Thank you. Outfront next protests in cleveland after a Police Officer was acquitted in the shooting death of a black couple. That is the department is undergoing sweeping changes. We have our report on that next. And shootings and homicides soar in baltimore, the worst month in more than 15 years. Why did the number of arrests drop . Put your hand over your heart. Is it beating . Good then my nutrition heart health mix is for you. Its a wholesome blend of peanuts, pecans and other delicious nuts specially mixed for people with hearts. I said people with hearts. Because Hearts Health is important. Thats why ive researched optimized and packaged this mix just for you. Not you. So if you have a heart start optimizing your nutrition with my nutrition. Planters. Nutrition starts with nut. Pain from your day can haunt you at night, dont let it. 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Learn more by calling switch to Liberty Mutual and you can save up to 423. For a free quote today,call Liberty Mutual insurance at see Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Tonight, considerable changes to a major police force that has a history of using excessive and dangerous force. The department of justice announcing that clevelands Police Department agreed to now policies and training. The announcement followed protests and marches over the acquittal of a white Police Officer accused of killing a black couple in 2012. The officer was one of roughly a dozen officers who fired 137 shots into the victims car. Police are also under pressure to detail their investigation into another officer who killed tamir rice a 12yearold who was shot while he was holding a pellet gun. Were outfront in cleveland with more. We cant wait we cant wait demonstrators today taking to the streets to demand changes to clevelands police force. The atmosphere the climate is ripe for change. Tuesday, a first step. The city announced a new agreement with the federal government. This after the department of justice found police have a pattern of using Excessive Force. The report released in december found that police used guns taseers, pepper spray, and their fists excessively, unnecessarily, or in retaliation. In one case a man in the middle of a medical emergency was jolted with a taser while strapped to a gurney. Disagreement takes Police Reform to another level. The new decree called for the Police Department to retrain and review its officers to make sure they use force properly. New orleans, seattle, and cincinnati all have similar agreements. The president of clevelands police union is skeptical it alone will work for the city. Youre not going to be able to policy Police Departments into fixing generations and decades of social ills. We makeosy targets because for the most part the Police Officers cant talk back and cant fight back. Community leaders tell me these are important steps toward changing how policing is done in cleveland and theyre worried about the long summer ahead. Cleveland waits to see if charges will be filed against officers in the death of 12yearold tamir rice. Less than a second my son is gone and i want to know how long i have to wait for justice. Six months ago, cctv footage captured the moment the boy was shut and kaleilled by police. He had been playing with a pellet gun in a local park. This as the Community Comes to terms with the aquiltcquittal of officer michael br low. The white officer was found not guilty of the 2012 shooting death of two unarmed black people. At times aggressive the protesters have followed were mostly peaceful. What do we want . Justice. Community leaders fear things could escalate if charges arent filed in the case of rice. If you look at the dynamics associated with tamir rice and the brelo case rice is a 12yearold kid, never had his first date first kiss and that family is suffering. That plays on people. It played on people and it should. A spokesperson for the Sheriffs Office says they are still investigating the death of tamir rice. He says that investigation is expected to be finished sooner rather than later. And theyll send it to the District Attorney to decide on charges. Erin thank you so much. Outfront we have walter madison, the attorney for tamir rices family. We have david klinger, a former officer with the los angeles Police Department. I want to ask you, david, because some of these recommendations from the department of justice, theres a key one that says police essentially get a refresher course on when the use of force is proper and lawful, but you look at that tamir rice video, and you believe that the officer acted lawfully. How does a recommendation like this help prevent a situation that i think everyone agrees needs to be prevented . I think what you have to do is step back and understand that the critical mistake was the officer driving the vehicle, getting so close. And there were four key bullet points in the 2014 letter to cleveland p. D. That then led to this consent degree. The fourth one was the bad tactics. If you look carefully at a number of questionable shootings around the country, what you will find is officers not behaving in an unlawful fashion, but using poor tactics and getting too close to a situation. That creates the situation in the tamir rice case where the driver officer gets too close, the passenger officer behaved appropriately. Shooting someone in the process of brandishing a firearm. If they would have done the right thing, ie the passenger officer with the driver officer, stayed back 25 yards or so then they can engage in some type of dialogue. Doesnt mean mr. Rice wouldnt have been shot but would not have been shot in the circumstance where he was shot. You have to look at the whole context. Walter what do you think about that . If the issue is that Police Officer driving and he gets too close and he creates this sense for the officer in the passenger side that he feels like deadly force is nescessarynecessary, where does that leave us in a case like this . Well, first of all, driving a Police Cruiser off road like that onto a playground is unlawful. Thats not a street. And thats a crime. So the tact that was taken at that time was created by an unlawful situation. And if you look at the brelo decision the judge went through some great length to describe how and the prosecution went on to talk about getting on the hood of a car is contrary to the idea of safety. Well, in this instance why wouldnt mr. Loman get out of the car . And then before we get back, before we even get to the day at the park theres an indictment against the city for hiring mr. Loman in the first place. He was unfit to be a Police Officer. He should have never been hired. And that is another key point that the Justice Department focused on about the hiring and the examination of these individuals who we give a gun and authorize to use deadly force in appropriate circumstances. But you know the real issue is the perception of danger when it comes to africanamericans as opposed to any other group. And there are study after study that would indicate africanamericans present and pose a greater danger and in simulations, theyre quicker to be shot than other individuals. Real quick, to you, david, do you think these reforms will work . I do not know but i would like to say that the other guest is just wrong in terms of his summary of the research. The best Research Shows that in fact there isnt racial bias in terms of shooting decisions, but we can take that up at another point. Im a little bit dubious of the effect this consent degree would have because ten years ago arent their racial considerations in a sense of whether you should be fearful in a situation . Thats been proven. No it hasnt maam. Thats exactly what the government talked about. Theres implicit Bias Research that talks about button pushing. What im talking about more robust Laboratory Experiments run by colleagues of mine that shows a counter bias. When you put Police Officers through realistic scenarios, delay in shooting black versus white suspects for presenting a threat. Thats been published. Mr. Clinger, name the number of white individuals who have been shot unarmed by officers in america. Hundreds. Name one. There were three los angeles Police Officers who were fired this year or late last year excuse me, i cant remember which, for shooting an unarmed white man. Well the epidemic sir, what is his name is the point . I do not know because i dont Pay Attention to names, sir. Okay well thats the problem. Theres a perception that africanamericans who are unarmed are being shot at an alarming and epidemic proportion. When theres a perception that justice isnt being served the government needs to take inventory of itself and correct that issue. America and all of the protests across the nation cant be wrong. Yes, they can. Okay. Because theres a disconnect between what the Research Shows and what people are concerned about. We could have a long discussion about this. Im not telling him how to feel. Im telling him what the social science Research Shows. Two different things. I would love to compare those notes. I think we will continue this conversation at another time. Thank you so much to both of you, walter and david. Appreciate it. Outfront next as violence soars on baltimore streets, accusations that police are backing down from arrests, fearful of being charged with Excessive Force. Well have a report on that. Were learning new details about the man charged in the grisly d. C. Mansion murders as Police Follow the money from washington to new york and back. Big day . Ah, the usual. Moved some new cars. Hauled a bunch of steel. Kept the supermarket shelves stocked. Made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. Whats up for the next shift . Ah, nothing much. Just keeping the lights on. laugh nice. Doing the big things that move an economy. See you tomorrow, mac. See you tomorrow, sam. Just another day at norfolk southern. Attention. Did you or anyone in your household work around asbestoscontaining gaskets and packing . The garlock bankruptcy may affect your rights even if you do not presently have an asbestosrelated disease. Garlocks products were used in industrial and maritime settings, where steam, hot liquid or acid moved in pipes. Certain personal injury claims must be filed by october 6, 2015. You may have a right to vote on garlocks plan to reorganize and pay claims. Call 844garlock or go to garlocknotice. Com baltimore is suffering from an alarming surge of homicides and shootings in the wyche of freddie grays death, and felony charges against six Police Officers. With 35 homicides just this month, may is the citys deadliest in 16 years. Over the Holiday Weekend alone, seven people died, and more than two dozen people were shot. This included a 9yearold boy. Miguel marquez is outfront in baltimore. Another murder scene in baltimore. An all too familiar sight. Murders and shootings here skyrocketing. What is it like to be an queenyearold young man in this city today . Got to watch your back man. Watch your back. The spike in violence greater since the death of freddie gray while in police custody. At first, there were protests and riots in response to his death. Then the charging of six Police Officers involved has done little to slow the murder spree in baltimore. Caron Morgan Freddie grays cousin says these days she stays in his own neighborhood straying just a few blocks could be a death sentence. How many other deaths have you experienced since then . Maybe like seven. Seven people you know have been killed in the last three weeks. Yeah. Are you kidding me . Really seriously. One veteran Police Officer told cnn anonymously, police here are engaging in a coordinated work slowdown something baltimores Police Commissioner denied sort of. I hope not. I hope my guys have stronger character than that. The crime wave worst in the Western District where freddie gray was arrested and the bulk of the rioting occurred but the entire city has nont only seen murders on the increase but nonfatal shootings are up a staggering 78 over last year. A war zone right now. You know a war zone. But this is not just happening. Its been going on. Sowio knorx were used to living like this. Now, the cameras are here and everybody is seeing it this is normal to us. Caron morgan says baltimore is in a bad place right now. Late night, man, people getting tired and restless. The crime is going up. People are getting tired. A hot summer a city wrestling with violence and the trial of six Police Officers could only complicate baltimores recovery. Now, on that recovery this is the fraternal order of police here. A very well attended meeting going on between current officers and former officers here. The Police Commissioner was here for about ten minutes, took no questions when he left. But im sure these officers may have a bit to say about how things are going in baltimore when they exit. Back to you. Miguel marquez in baltimore for us thanks. Joining me outfront, reserve rnd jamal bryant a local activist in baltimore who is the pastor of the empowerment temple. Thanks so much for being with us. We want to talk to you about this deadly month in baltimore, the deadliest in 16 years. Why do you think it has turned out to be so . It is very disappointing that while the murder rate is higher the arrest rate is lower. We have passed already 100 homicides for 2015. Tracking statistically a year ago, we didnt hit 100 until july. This is very unnerving, realizing we have had this surge in homicides and Violent Crimes while school is still taking place, and all the more many of these crimes are taking place in brought daylight. You see the spike in shootings and homicides coming as you have the six baltimore pd officers facing serious charges for the death of freddie gray. Do you think police are pulling back because of the scrutiny and the fear that they may be the next one charged with Excessive Force . Absolutely. Its escalating policing. The police have taken on regrettably in large measure a handsoff approach. As a consequence, its left itself open to this kind of crime and criminal element. Were right in the community, really believing that were going to have to start policing ourselves, but were also going to have to bridge the enmity between the police and the community. We dont believe that all police are negative. We think theres some great Police Officers right here in baltimore. We want to work with them because weve got to put baltimore back on track to be the harmonious city we know it can be. One veteran Police Officer, reverend told cnn on the condition of anonymity, police are engageing in what is a coordinated work slowdown. Theyre not being proactive. The Police Commissioner is denying this. What do you think . Its obvious, and its evident, theres no way in the world you can have 37 shootings this weekend, 9 homicides and not seeing the police right on top of it. Theres got to be a greater call to accountability and i pray that commissioner batts head is not in the clouds that hell come back down to earth and see that we really need policing to operate in an effective and an efficient manner. Reverend jamal bryant thanks so much for going outfront with us tonight. Thank you so much. And outfront, we have breaking news. Were learning new information about how the man charged with torturing and killing a wealthy washington, d. C. Family may have escaped after the murders. We have that next. And b. B. Kings daughters are charging their father did not die from Natural Causes as reported. Was the famed bluesman poisoned . I am totally blind. And sometimes i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. This is called non24, a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70 percent of people who are totally blind. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 8448242424. Or visit your24info. Com. 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Detectives have uncovered a trail of Financial Transactions and they link the suspect to two other individuals. Palm ella brown is outfront live in washington. Give us the latest. We have learned from Law Enforcement officials that two you the oft five officials with darren when he was arrested used the cash from the 40,000 dollars, and investigators believe that the 40,000 dollars been used they purchased money orders 2,500 for each money order, were told. And the two women with went who purchased the money orders were taken into police custody, have since been left again. Those with him, including his brother have been let go. Police are looking at their texts or their phone records and anything to build a case against them. The two women, charges against them are not mim innocent but they are looking for imminent but they are looking for accessory after the crime, that they purchased money orders with money from the murder. And after the murders, what are we learning in the days following . We learned from Law Enforcement officials he took a bus from d. C. To new york, after he became a suspect, he took a ubber from d. C. Back to new york and he paid a thousand dollars for and they have been talking to the driver and he has been cooperating. And b. B. King, two of his daughters are questioning how he died. Was the king of blues poisoned . Your credit is in pretty good shape. Chuck, i know i have a 798 fico score thanks to experian. Com. Kaboom. Get your credit swagger on. Become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. Can a business have a mind . A subconscious. A knack for predicting the future. Reflexes faster than the speed of thought. Can a business have a spirit . Can a business have a soul . Can a business be. Alive . My name is Jeff Richardson the Vice President of operations here at c. K. Mondavi. To make this fine wine it takes a lot of energy. Pg e is the energy expert. We reached out to pg e to become more efficient. My job is basically to help them achieve their goals around sustainability and really to keep their overhead low. Solar and Energy Efficiency are all core values of pg e. Theyve given us the tools that we need to become more efficient and bottom line save more money. Together, were building a better california. Two of bb kings daughters are raising suspicion about his death, alleging he was poisons by two of poisoned by two of his closest associates. A stunning allegation. Two of his daughters say their father was murdered. The two daughters. Claim laverne tony and my ron johnson administered foreign substances to induce his premature death and the king of blues was poisoned. They didnt see their father die and see him for a week before he dies and they want to know and be at peace. His doctor ruled he died from a series of strokes affiliated with diabetes but the clark county coroner conducted an autopsy on his body on sunday and the coroner said so far there is no evidence to substantiate the allegations. Earlier this year the two accused them of elder abuse but the case was dismissed. Today was not the final chapter in the b. B. King story. It is an ugly post script scene too often in celebrity deaths. Michael jacksons death spurred legal cases, including one from his mother. Will this be the seventh week at number one. Family members battled over the conservatorship of casey case um the fight for his millions in assets. James brown left his tens of millions of dollars for scholarships to needy children and still a battle over the money. And the b. B. King case follows a familiar pattern. There is a estate to fight over and there is a shoot across the bow and they are wanting a place at the table. The young women who are accused, what are they are saying. We spoke to one of the womens lawyers and they say this affidavit is blasted as fiction and the accusation that his client would have poisoned b. B. King and said three different doctors observed the blues legend and this comes down to one word money. And there should be an autopsy coming out somewhat soon right . In six to eight weeks they expect to have the forensic results. Key information. Im bree onna keeler. Thank you for watching us. Erin will be back tomorrow. Ac360 starts right now. Good evening. Thanks for joining us. Breaking news and sadly a rising death toll in the wake of the massive weather system devastating tarts of texas, oklahoma and mexico. Nearly a foot of rain in places seemingly all at once. Sections of houston under water. Rivers and streams hitting flood level in a matter of hours overnight and then rising even further. Also rising as we mentioned, the number of lives lost. At least 13 people have died in this country. 13 more in mexico. In addition. 15 people are missing, including a mom and two children in a vacation cabin when it was swept into a local river and carried downstream. Well speak

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