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Weeks from tonight to see what it takes to be commander in chief, and some are asking if President Trump is wagging the dog. Welcome to the lead im jake tapper. Key allies are bracing for irans retaliation after the u. S. Strike that killed the iranian general soleimani thursday night. Massie crowds gathered to mourn sal m soleimani including the aya toe l ayatollah khamenei. And democrats who have been briefed questioned how imminent the attack, was the president is saying that he is considering declassifying the intelligence and renewed the threat to strike iranian cultural sites which would violate international law. The House Democrats are preparing to limit the resolution of limiting president s military action, and alex has this report. Reporter four days since the killing of Qasem Soleimani and calls are calling for the details of the attacks planned by iran that the Trump Administration says were imminent. Are we talk about days or weeks . If you are an american in the region, days and weeks, this is not something that is relevant. Now the Senate Democrats are demanding that the president declassify the notification that he sent to congress about the drone strike that killed soleimani and writing that it is critical that National Security matters of such important be shared with the American People in a timely manner. It is important for certainly the white house the put out the reasons for the attack and the imminent nature of it. Reporter flying back from the christmas vacation the president responded, we may discuss that. They know that congress is going to be briefed. They know that, and they are doing this for show. The house and the Senate Members are expected to be briefed wednesday as the democrats in both chambers are working on war power resolutions to limit President Trumps ability to act against iran. It is going to be resolved im afraid with one precious lives of our sons and daughters and this is what the president has to realize is that there are implications for american lives. In the wake of soleimanis killing in iraq, more than 3,000 forces are sent to the middle east and show of force that many fear are making a iranian tarpgt. It is stressful for everything that has escalated recently and he was supposed to be doing training and now obviously transpired into something else. Reporter this as a sea of crying and angry iranian mourners filled the capital of teheran and vowing revenge and chanting death to america. The american killing and the all but certain iranian response to come raising global fears that it is going to set off a new round of deadly violence. The u. K. And france and germany issuing a joint statement calling for deescalation and calling for all parties to exercise utmost restraint. And quite frankly, they have not been helpful as we hoped they would be. And it is deploying six b52s which are long range bombers and they are available for operations against iran if needed and based out in the middle of the indian ocean out of range of iranian missiles. Jake. Thank you, alex. This is cnn breaking news. And we have this breaking news in the world lead sources confirming to cnn moments ago that the u. S. Military has notified iraq that it is repositioning some of the u. S. Troops in the country, 5,000 American Service members are currently stationed there, in a letter to iraqi officials a u. S. Commanding official says that the movement is for the coming days and weeks to prepare for onward movement. He had promised to expel the troops after the president had ordered the strike to kill a top Iranian Military leader, and joining me is leon panetta who is former cia director under president obama. And in this letter, the Brigadier General William Sealy said he is doing it in due deference to the sovereignty of iraq, and as requested be i the Iraqi Parliament and prime minister, and cjtfoir is going to be repositioning troops over the next few days and that is preparing for onward movement, and the letter concludes that we respect your sovereign decision to order the departure, and what do you make of that, mr. Secretary . Well, it raises a lot of issues. I thought that the action taken by the parliament in iraq was in many ways advisory and not, and it did not constitute an order that the u. S. In fact leave iraq. At least according to that particular note, it seems clear that the marine general has received an order for the United States to depart iraq. It is not unusual for a general like that to take precautions in terms of organizing our forces so that they can withdraw in an orderly fashion. So that part of it is not unusual that they would make plans in order to reposition the forces for departure, but what seems to me is that this appears to be real that the United States in fact may be withdrawing from iraq, and that is constitutes frankly another threat to our National Security. Mr. Secretary, stay right there. I wanted to bring in our correspondent, arwa damon who is in baghdad, and she can hopefully shed some more light on, this and then we will come back to you. Arwa, tell us what you know. Well, jake, look, there is some interesting language in the letter that when afterwards we spoke to a u. S. Official in baghdad was trying to say, look, despite what the letter reads, this is not an announcement of a u. S. Troop withdrawal nor is the an nounouncement of this stage come, and saying that this is simply a repositioning of the troops, and because there is a lot of helicopter activity over baghdad in particular, and over the green zone that they want to clarify, and given how tense the situation is right now that they were going to be moving some forces, and that this should not be misconstrued as the u. S. Military attempting to move coalition forces, and then given how tense the situation is right now to provoke a negative reaction, but if we are looking at the language of some parts of the letter, the letter does recognize what has been requested by the Iraqi Parliament, and the iraqi prime minister. It does talk about repositioning the forces over the course of coming days and week, but we have also heard that some of the repositioning is due to the current security situation and the heightened threat that does exist to the u. S. Military here and to u. S. Installation instal towards the end of the letter, this is interesting, we respect your sovereign decision to order our departure and as far as we are aware at this point, the Iraqi Government has not yet officially requested u. S. Forces to leave, and in speaking with senior iraqi officials, some of them at least are saying that what they are hoping for is some sort of agreement, and some sort of way to create some breathing space for the situation to calm down, because even though what the u. S. Has done here is being viewed as a violation of iraq sovereignties and active aggression against iraq, itself, it is a recognition that this country does need the support of the u. S. Military. Also, jake, worth noting that in looking at the language in this letter, it is also a great reflection of the situation that the u. S. Faces right now. Perhaps also to a certain degree hoping to appease the Iraqi Government and perhaps delay any sort of fullon withdrawal or have it at least, jake, reach a point where they cannot turn back from. All right. Arwa damon in baghdad and i want to go to the pentagon and bring in Barbara Starr, and that line that arwa damon the correspondent in baghdad highlighted, we respect your sovereign decision to order the departure from the u. S. Marine general to the Iraqi Military ministry seems pretty stark. You were just briefed on this all by the secretary of defense mr. Esper and what did he have to say . The sek tacretary of defensek esper, and chief general milley so we could quote them. And so secretary esper said that he is aware of the letter, because that the u. S. Has no plans at this time to leave iraq. He went on the say that the letter is in his words inconsistent with policy at this time. And so it is a bit baffling. He noted that, yes, troops are repositioning throughout the region that it be given the situation that is very much public knowledge. So this onestar marine general may well be talking initially in this letter about some repositioning, but then this general goes on and says that to prepare for onward movement. It is unlikely that a onestar general would be the one to announce anything about u. S. Forces leaving iraq, and you know, virtually simultaneously with the secretary of defense saying it is inconsistent. And so, there is lots to figure out here, and this letter by the way remains unsigned, and so it is at least the version that we have seen. There is another thing that came up at the briefing that is quite important, and both the secretary esper and general millmil milley said they would continue to obey the law of targeting military sites when they said they would target cultural sites as the president suggested and they said they would continue to follow the law. Jake . Thank you, Barbara Starr. Bringing back former secretary ofnetta and not sure that you can figure this out, but what are you interpreting from this . Well, they are scrambling to figure out what the hell to do, and the thing is that they do have to reposition the forces for defensive purposes for the possibility of an iranian proxy attack. And so that is to me makes sense. The idea that they are repositioning for the purposes of withdrawal does concern me. I think that frankly right now, we are not really sure whether in fact the u. S. Is going to prepare for withdrawal. I hope they dont. I hope they make every effort to try to maintain our forces there, because frankly, the issue that we are forgetting a lot about in the middle of all of this iranian crisis is the fact that isis still remains a real threat to the United States, and the ability to deal with isis depends a great deal on u. S. Presence in iraq. What is your best guess in terms of the iranian response to the strike against general soleimani is going to be, and do you think it is iranianbacked militias and proxies attacking the u. S. Forces in places like iraq. I think that most likely approach that iran is going to use is what they have done in the past is to use the proxy forces to go after u. S. Military targets and i think that they are intent on seeking vengeance here, and they are seeking some kind of attack, and there are a number of targets obviously between the troop presence in syria, and the troop presence in iraq and kuwait and in the gulf, and so there are a number of targets that they could go after, but i think that rather than having missiles sudden flying from iran, i think that the more likely scenario is that they will use their proxy forces to attack us. All right. Mr. Secretary, thank you very much. This is a breaking news moment, and we appreciate your time. President trump said that he would target sites important to iran and the closest advisers are not as Crystal Clear and twist on the words as the world is waiting to see how far iran takes the vow to take revenge. And now this may take impeachment in a whole new direction with john bolton. Hi. Uh, can you tell me how to get to i70, please . Sorry, im working. Right. Could you just use your sign to point me in the direction . I wish i could. Its not that kind of sign. You know what . Thanks. Thank you. Thanks so much. Switch to progressive and you can save hundreds. You know, like the sign says. I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Now, theres skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90 clearer skin at 4 months after just 2 doses. Skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Before treatment your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. 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Everything your trip needs, for everyone you love. Expedia. For everyone you love. You sureyes. Ut this . [ suspenseful music playing ] no we need to keep moving. The whole things coming down. Come on i cant see. I cant see you need to trust me. Jump in our world lead, the president s closest advisers are dodging the and dismissing the questions about how serious the president was about the threat to attack cultural sites in iran. President trump declaring it on twitter and then after various Administration Officials denied that is what the president was saying, the president again reiterated the pledge on air force one. Caitlyn collins is reporting that there is widespread opposition in the administration to the move which would likely be considered a war crime inside of the Trump Administration. Reporter with nothing else on the public schedule, President Trump called into rush limbaughs radio show today to defend the u. S. Air strike that killed irans top military commander. Well see what happens. We will see what the response is, if any reporter making no mention of the threats to hit iranian cultural sites which prompted intense backlash. He told reporters that they are allowed to use roadside bombs and blow up our people and we cannot touch their cultural sites . It does not work that way. That is after the president said that they have 52 targets in the site if iran retaliates and one for each american held for the hostage crisis of 1979. Experts say that a military attack against a cultural site would constitute a war crime. And white house aides are attempting to defend the statements by claiming that trump never made them. And for the critiques, he never said that he would go after the cultural sites. He did not say that, but he had identified sites. Reporter and the president is also countering a vote by the Iraqi Parliament to oust the u. S. Troops by saying that he is going to impose very big sanctions if they do. And just as hundreds of u. S. Troops are deploying to kuwait on short notice to serve as reinforcements amid the rising tensions in the middle east. Despite trump promising repeatedly on the campaign trail to get the u. S. Out of long expensive and bloody middle east engagements. War and aggression will not be my first instinct. A super power understands that caution and restraint are really truly signs of strength. Reporter now, jake, as far as the president s threat to target the cultural sites, our colleague Barbara Starr just asked the defense secretary if it is something they would move forward with now that the president has threatened it twice on the record despite the aides denying it, and he said he would follow the law of the Armed Conflict, and then asked if that would be no, because it would a war crime, and the secretary said that would be a war crime of Armed Conflict and so essentially saying no, they would not. And so that is interesting, because they say they are going to abide by the law, but the president is out there clearly saying that he is going to target the Cultural Centers in iran possibly if iran hits the u. S. , and according to international law, and the National Security resolution that the u. S. Voted yes on, that would be a war crime. And including the Hague Convention of the protection of cultural property, and saying that they are not following this, and they are lying in public, too, and one of them on your show. Mike pompeo, and dont believe, the Party Requests you not the believe in the eyes and the ears and he did not say that he wouldnt, but look at the tweet. And Kellyanne Conway is one step further in the gaslighting olympic, it is a hypothetical, and it is not, because he said that he would hit 52 sites, and cultural sites and very fast and hard and that is a war crime, and the irony is saying that soleimani is a war criminal and this is why he had to be hit, and that is President Trump is agitating people, and he said he would take out the families of terrorists and the women and children, and maya angelou did say it best, when someone tells you who they are, believe it. Take the oil, and then kill the families of terrorists. And the cycle is one, that he says inflammatory thing, and then the Officials Say that he did not say what he did say, and then three, he totally said it and meant it and it is a challenging position for the people in the administration and going fourth the limb and he saws it out from behind. That is not uncommon and very true. In this case, there are one of two things that could have happened, either presented with an important sites in iran and looks at all of them as potential targets if they were not part of the target deck, but remember, someones idea of culture may be different than the iranian scholar and so maybe he is talking about the tv stations or the sports stadiums and the tv station would be considered critical inf infrastructure and not things like ancient sites or libraries. And a tv station full of journalists. And a tv station is full of civilians, so he would be talking about killing civilians well, that is her interpretation. And the cultural sites the taliban and the isis and the club that the United States should not aspire to be in even as an empty threat. He is trying to establish escalation dominance and threaten them with such severe punishment that they are scared of retaliating against us for killing soleimani and that is risky even when you have a administration communicating well and messaging well, and none of those things are present here, and so we should dial back the rhetoric. And, also, Chuck Schumer and bob menendez asked the president to declassify the intelligence behind the drone strike, and Kellyanne Conway was asked if the president will do that and this is what she said. They will be briefed, and they should calm down and celebrate and not denigrate that the worlds single most terrorist who is responsible for the killing of others and injuries thousands other and they should celebrate and not denigrate that fact. Well, to echo this, they are lying to the American Public and it is not the first time. And President Trump never called for the bombing of Cultural Centers, and he has done for it twice. And one is misleading about why they believe it is the strike to begin with, and they dont have a record to stand on the begin with of being honest with the American Public. Look, congress is doing what they should be doing, which is asking for the evidence, and asking for the backup that led to why they took the action, but we can agree that soleimani a bad guy, and terrible things, but the question is if this is the right and the National Interests of the United States, and right now, even the forces, the u. S. Forces who are in iraq are not fighting isis, but protecting the bases, and that is not in the interNational Interests, and the fact that diplomatic and military personnel around the world are on alert is not in the interest of the United States, and that is why congress is asking the questions and that i have a right to. Does kellyanne have a point to say that democrats are not doing enough to celebrate the killing of this horrible person . There should not be necessarily celebrations over the death of anyone, but i know that Qasem Soleimani is a bad guy, and taking him off of the battlefield is every president who has since he is active has talked about but never found the conditions for. And now that we were chasing him and able to get in advance the first option, and remember the intelligence downgrade is not easy. And to release the information. And the Intel Committee folks and the intel reps will have had access to the original intel already and to a certain extent to brief the seniors. The idea of the bad guys, but Kellyanne Conway works for a man who brags about the friendship with kim jong un, and context lessons from them of who is a bad guy, and he has record of mourning saddam hussein, and khadafy saying they should have still been running their countries, and so the criteria is not bad guys and as for the imminent threat and the intelligence, we know that than fox the Washington Post and joshs papers that pompeo was calling for it for months, but no, no, it is buzz it is a imminent attack, and how does killing him stop an imminent attack, and was he wearing a suicide vest . And so i think that we will see if there is justification of the it is honest, but where we are right now is a dangerous and volatile situation with thousands of americans and not the mention millions of iraqis and middle eastern citizens under threat, and we have a responsibility to deal with that thre threat, and this is not what we are seeing. And so stick around, because we have huge news of impeachment, and how a member of his inner circle says he is ready to talk and how that might change impeachment. Man whats my safelite story . My truck. Is my livelihood. So when my windshield cracked. The experts at Safelite Autoglass came right to me. Tech hi, im adrian. Man thanks for coming. With service i could trust. Right, girl . Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Remember, you have out the hilton app. Can the hilton app help us win . Hey, heywere all winners with the hilton price match guarantee, alright . Man, you guys are adorable alright, lets go find your coach, come on book with the hilton app. Expect better. Expect hilton. We have more breaking news for you on the worldly pentagon that said moments ago that the widely circulated letter that said that the u. S. Is repositioning troops in iraq because it had been ordered to depart by the Iraqi Government was mistakingly released. Cnn Barbara Starr is at the pentagon and the letter is what, a draft . It was, jake. We have had an extraordinarily couple of minutes and the generals of the joint chiefs coming back into the press room within minutes of leaving earlier to tell us what he had learned about the letter after making some phone calls. The letter he says, quote, that letter is a draft, and it was a mistake. It was unsigned and it should not have been released. Poorly worded, and implies withdrawal, and that is not what is happening. So this letter talked about repositioning some forces, and that has been going on, and that is very well known and very well understood, but the letter also goes on the say to prepare for quote onward movement, and general milley issed a mant ada is a mistake. The draft had been sent to iraqis and apparently leaked or sent to the media in the chain of events. Milley very concerned about the International Implications and he wants to emphasize it is not true that the troops are leaving. Jake. Barbara starr, there is more to the story than that, but we will keep going, and the politics lead, and the former National Security adviser john bolton said he would testify in subpoenaed by the senate. He is one of the few people in the room when the president made that july phone call to ukraine and as Phil Mattingly joins us to say that it is pushing mcconnemsenate leader mcconnell into a place of implications of a coverup. Reporter john bolton with impeachment process stuck in a stalemate. And bolton who had refused to testify in a impeachment inquiry has said that if the Senate Issues a subpoena for my testimony, i will comply. It is a shift with major ramifications in the senate. The House Democrats are treating impeachment like a political toy. Reporter where leader mcconnell and chuck schum ver been battling for weeks over whether to subpoena witnesses. A trial without all of the facts is a farce. Reporter boltons testimony could be key given the central role in the investigation highlighted in the house. Ambassador bolton told me that i am not part of this whatever drug deal that mulvaney and sundeland are cooking up. Reporter and by his lawyer ho said in november that bolton was personally involved in the events and meetings and conversations that you have received testimony as well as other relevant meetings and conversations that have not been discussed. The new development underscored the democratic strategy to withhold sending the articles of impeachment to the senate. I hope, pray, and believe that there is a decent chance of four republicans to join us, and if, so we will have a fair trial. Reporter all 44 democrats and four republicans is all he would need to have a trial he is eyeing. And now none at least to this point are expressing a willingness to go that route. Both House Speaker nancy pelosi and speaker schumer is seizing on every moment for documents and witnesses, and pelosi reacting to the bolton news saying that the president and senator mcconnell have run out of excuses. And jake, the sources are telling me that the Bolton Developments are not changing senate mcconnells strategy at all, and he is pushing forward with the path that he has laid out in the beginning and the reality is that at some point there are votes on witnesses, and whoever gets 51 will get what they want. Thank you, Phil Mattingly. We will chew over this. Senator schumer needs four republicans, and republicans say witnesses are not happening, and they feel zero pressure to adhere to the demands, but is it possible for some of the vulnerable republicans cory gardener, and Martha Mcsally and others to have a hard time to say, i did not want to hear from john bolton and it is not important to the country. Yes, and other senators who are not up for reelection, but others like Lamar Alexander who is retiring and stakes out the position and also motivated by internal consistency, and they want to maintain the senate rules. I think that the bolton news does make that much more difficult for mcconnell and trusting the reporting there does make it seem like mcconnell does not have a reason to deviate from the past, but he is trying to hold together the conference and sounds like most of them will hold together, and it is the magic number of three or four that the democrats need. And abbey, to remind people what trumps former adviser fiona hill testified to withholding the aid to get the ukrainians to do the investigations as a drug deal. You tell eisenberg, and ambassador bolton said that i am not part of whatever drug deal mulvaney and sundelaondland are cooking up. What did you take that to mean . That investigations for a meeting. Did you go to speak to the lawyers . I certainly did. Could we expect that the republicans dont want to hear from john bolton . It is clear that what fiona hill is saying that john bolton underhim to have a clear quid pro quo and one that he thought was improper enough that he told her go to the lawyer, and that is who she is referring to there, eisenberg who is the white house lawyer. And so yes, john bolton has key direct information about all of this and he is someone who is saying on the record for everyone to hear, yes, i am willing to testify and all you have to do so ask me to basically, and i think that mcconnell not going to say, oh, yes, absolutely, we will have witnesses, but he is going to be under some pressure here, and the lesson that we learned from Lisa Murkowski of alaska and from Susan Collins in maine is that they dont want to be seen as putting the fix in for donald trump, but seen as having the appearance of fairness here. So if mcconnell makes it hard for them, he is going to get some pushback. I dont know how you vote against wanting to hear from the president without coming under criticism at home that you are going to cover things up. And thank you to both of you and the ground swell of anger in iran were live in the capital city of teheran. Next. Stay with us. 12k3w4r50i6r7b8g9s. In the world lead now, the sea of iranians mourning publicly, flooding the streets of iran for the funeral of general soleimani and some of course chanting death to america and the generals daughter is vowing today that her fathers death would bring darker days for u. S. And israel, and as Fred Pleitgen reports from teheran, iranian officials are vowing revenge. Reporter fury and threats as the iranians are mourning the top general qasem sole yanni. Hundreds of thousands lined the streets of teheran, weeping, chanting and vowing retribution. It is a great deal of anger here on the streets of teheran as many, many people have come out here to pay their final respects to the body of Qasem Soleimani and the others killed in that american air strike, and there is grief and anger at the United States and specifically at President Trump and the Trump Administration. All americans say down with trump. Down with u. S. Government. We dont hate American People, european people, but we hate the policy that they follow. Reporter many of those in the crowd saying that they want iran to hit back at the u. S. As they yelled death to america. General soleimani was a hero. He was the only shield against isis here, and now as the leader has said that you will see a rough revenge borne from all of us, and all of us say reporter irans leadership hailed soleimani and praying at his coffin, and soleimanis replacement is vowing to kick america out of the middle east. Translator we will continue soleimanis path. We will remove the u. S. From the region in several steps, and the Supreme Leader backs this. Reporter and jake, the Senior Iranian leadership says they dont want a fullon war for the United States, and they say that a retaliatory strike is not a question of the but when. Reporter and what could the revenge look like from a former nato allied commanding general joinings us next. Esri locatio, you can see what others cant. I need all the breaks, that i can get. At liberty butchumal cut. Liberty biberty cut. Well dub it. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. In the world lead today, the pentagon is planning to deploy six b52 bombers in the british territory in the middle of the indian ocean, and one of the many forces around the globe that is on alert in case iran attempts some revenge for the killing of their top general Qasem Soleimani. And now i want to bring in admiral who wrote the book sailing the north. And so gaming out, what is the retaliation from iran look like in response to the u. S. Strike . What do you think it would be . They have a wide range of options as you will appreciate. Number one on the list is use of the proxies in the region to attack u. S. Assets. So going against the troops in afghanistan. And another shiite militia. Yes, and perhaps back at one of embassies and a Cyber Component to it. They will go to sea and probably come after a u. S. Warship at sea. They have done it before. With a submarine, and that i have subwar tactics, but more chillingly, say it is proportionally and we will kill an American Ambassador or senio outside of europe where the targets are softer. Would it be an act that we would know that the iranians are behind it . The iranians will want to have some plausible level of deniability through it, because they are determined and highly religious and devoted to the cause, but they are not suicidal, and they wont stumble into a full blown war with the United States. They dont want to be made martyrs necessarily on the national level. Correct. And so we have heard a lot from President Trump and secretary pompeo about the u. S. Being safer, and the americans being safer today, ands as a log term claim, we will see and who knows if we are with soleimani gone, because he was a dangerous guy, but with the troops in the middle east now, was it safer today or before soleimani was killed and just speaking today in terms of the americans . It was safer before soleimani was killed. And the way to look at it is the difference of something tactical and something strategic. This a tactical move that takes a dangerous chess piece off of the board, but we need a strategy like you do in a chess match which by the way is a persian game to think about the longer term, and how can we leverage the fact that sul mauney is gone a that soleima gone, and with private communications and we have to be better at launching the ideas. We are very good at launching missiles. There were a number of iran hawks in the Trump Administration who were strategic thinkers and thinking of retired general mattis. Mcmaster. Yes, and National Security adviser and people without question hawks on iran, and they may have recommended it, too, but they had strategic thinking, but is the current leadership around President Trump is strategic and they have that kind of bandwidth . I dont feel that, and part of it because of the turmoil and the change and on the fourth National Security adviser and the second cia and the Second State Department in the course of three years. So there has been no time to develop strategy and think. I think that the closest to the strategic document out of this administration was hr mcmasters National Security strategy coming out two years ago and that is a pretty good document. From all i can see that is not the course that this ship is being steered on. And admiral, thank you for joining us and we appreciate it and good luck with the book. Thank you, jake. I look forward to reading i. And now, reaction of Congress Members with john bolton saying that he would testify and how that might change the state of the impeachment. I am totally blind. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. Actions speak louder than words. She was a school teacher. My dad joined the navy and helped prosecute the nazis in nuremberg. Their values are why i walked away from my business, took the giving pledge to give my money to good causes, and why i spent the last ten years fighting corporate insiders who put profits over people. Im tom steyer, and i approve this message. Because, right now, America Needs more than words. We need action. Everything your trip needs, for everyone you love. Expedia. Next week the last debate before the iowa caucuses, and cnn in partner with the Des Moines Register and do not miss it only here on cnn at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. And follow me on instagram and facebook. And thank you for watching, and i will see you tomorrow. Im wolf blitzer in the situation room, and we are following major developments tonight. Amid a deepening standoff with iran, the pentagon now says that the u. S. Military is not, repeat, not withdrawing the forces after a letter was supposedly mistakingly released and notifying iraq of new troop movements on the part of the United States. The pentagon is also drawing up new plans to deploy b52 bombers as officials are preparing for the potential iranian action and the secretary says that the United States will not target iranian cultural sites despite threats from President Trump. And also, john bolton is now throwing a wrench into the president s impeachment trial. Bolton says that he will testify if

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