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we make cities greener? how can we protect animals and their habitats? what to do with all our waste? we can make a difference by choosing reforestation over deforestation recycling over disposable smart new solutions over steam set in our ways. earth is truly unique and we know that that uniqueness is what allows us to live and survive. google ideas, the environmental series in global 3000 on d, w and online ah, ah ah rhetoric, my aunt is allowed to wear his jeans and a sweater when he's crucified in the freezing cold. this year the cross will be raised $109.00 times in front of almost half a 1000000 spectators. the pageant is an enormous project for the southern german village, with its $5000.00 residence from made to october, more than 2000 of them bring the story of christ's death and resurrection to the stage. since the over i'm ago, passion play had to be postponed. 2 years ago, due to the coven pandemic, every one is now really looking forward to the opening. if a little bit of him for older that with the this production will definitely be different from how it would have been in 2020 of the withdrawal alders waffle and everything happening in the world. east of the war and ukraine earthy, weight the world is changing to industry, consult as one's view of the jesus story of to see if he self diseases. christy ah. march 2022. an unusually large number of children are on their way to the passion play theater. crowd scenes are being rehearsed for the 1st time this afternoon. and even the little ones are included. ah, many people learned the anthem leasing at jesus his entry into jerusalem at kindergarten or school. although adults may only take part of the oblivion over. am a gal for at least 20 years. there are no such restrictions for children and young adults. ah. he bought into a part for the 1st time when i was in 2nd grade on at the age of 7. back then my nickname was theater. ghost, i was always in the theatre when i was little unsure, like it fascinated me out of this fascination has never stopped us yet on this if us, and that she will not me of kit obama gal has probably never experienced to director like christy and sticker in the passion plays 400 year history since he began directing the play in 1990. he's been working tirelessly to improve the level of performance. not even a heart attack just 4 weeks ago could stop him from me. her sing for hours every day with the cast. oh yeah. i i, i didn't oh, what do you live? oh oh oh did you did the wrong job? oh oh, i love it. it's mostly young people gathering around jesus. this was not always the case though major roles generally can be given to people without any acting experience. stickle has lowered the average age of the cast significantly lindsey, while in 1990. the 1st thing i said was distal of the 3rd of the leading actors must be under 30, my because i thought the cast used to be too old to live up. the actor who played peter in 1980 was 80 years old. and i thought you saw that a young jesus who tried to change the world at the age of 33 and chosen italy rolled to be the rock of his church. did them of that? just not true. the model is in reality, the apostles were young people with has to be young people hassle, to steal. nathan ha ha, ha. stickler. surprised. many people with his casting of judas. the fact that he chose the 22 year old genius gooder from a muslim family. puzzled some christians. in the past all the actors had to be baptized members of the church. but for many years this is no longer been a requirement. however, stickle expects all of his actors to think about the jesus story intensively. most of it is to save this honor that no difference between the koran and the bible, that the, the message is virtually the same people, the commandments, multi, you shall honor your father and your mother. you shall not kill us, ye shall not tell falsehoods. and you shall not give false. testimony in the koran also says these things through it. and so it's the same the message. i think the message is simple. people have to get along and miss love is the most important thing in the world of the b o. d o, sorry about it. god said i stop laughing, b o b and the people of obama go, don't just want to portray christ's pattern as a tragedy. they also want to show why jesus offended so many people that he was sentenced to death. his advocacy for people on the fringes of society. his message of liberation, as expressed above all in the sermon on the mount, are particularly important to christian sticker. the director discusses these issues passionately with his actors. he had a pauper, especially at the beginning of every sentence, is examined carefully. arg scenes are analyzed and then rewritten while english keep sentences are deleted and other sentences are added. and gentlemen, that process takes many months. this is and puts us of a few to monitor. this is andrea het, a passion play. christiane stickle has picked her to play mary, the mother of jesus for a 2nd time. the dream role for many over i'm a ga women meters network like, you know, i don't really, i don't want to compare it, but why does every crow want to be a princess? and hardly any of them will become one. maria mary is more attainable and alma, elegant vonnegut photos of the blessed virgin mary magdalen from previous productions are displayed in the windows of the passion play office. the roles have not only changed visually, only unmarried women, no older than 35, were allowed to take part in the passion play up until 1990. as a mother of 2 children, 60 year old andrea haste wouldn't have had a chance. a court had to open the rolls to all women. yosemite, sir, feel a lot has changed to the cast. now has many more women. in fact, there are so many that christian stickler had to divide them into groups. few otherwise there'd be too many. it simply doesn't work if 80 percent of the spectators at the crucifixion are women with hardly any men come when i took it, it's in it though many things are different, the tradition itself remains unchanged. the people of ober amico had been producing their passion play every 10 years for almost 4 centuries. when plague struck the village in 1633 decimating the population, the residence of obama. gov vowed to perform the story of the passion. if the carnage stopped, the village continues to honor this pledge, but this tradition has also never done over amok house economy any harm. the pageant has become world famous and triggered a wave of tourism that brought prosperity to the alpine region. even in the 10 years between productions, the passion play continues to shape over armico. photos of the actors and director are displayed in shop windows apps. kinda ne, mondays can make it easy. because those ha, yes, i fly via beth and it could be to death ice clouded us in the facial prophy east in, on southern, in years. so there are 2 stickers involved in this production. father and son. could it be any other way? christians, father played the part of anna's high priest and father in law to care for sleep. he knew him dance, lug lightest at home, was peter sticker. a book of photographs appears with each production a treasured keepsake for cast members. peter stickle has played the high priest kieth as twice and suntrust. yon ensured that he made a good impression both times as the 10 year rhythm was broken by special productions. this is peter stickers, 10th passion play. if at all possible, he says he'll be involved again in 2030 thought of doris. i'm part of the village girl. and if you belong to the village, you have to take part in the theatre. otherwise you don't belong such gifts to call it the 2. i thought this is an it's pretty funny to her. the 20 photos k for us. seymour from behind the stairwell is full of momentos, of past productions. peter stickle has been in the play since he was 7 to 4. young christiane can also be seen in the photos back then. no one imagined he'd become one of over amigos. most successful directors who saw it, but it hasn't all been easy here. sometimes encountered massive resistance from villagers when trying to make innovations thrive. it's your calling. we tradition can only survive if it is maintained it. if you stick to it, but you have to keep working on it. otherwise it'll become stale. it'll die sant, nobody would want to see it anymore with his company. christian does. every production differently pissed them off. 80 percent understand this noise insists with thousands of 1000. same of it's martha should with on this blue is the scene, is not as idyllic as it looks. the spring sunshine has lured to costume designers outside ironing, cutting, hemming and sewing, are also done in the theaters workshops, making $1800.00 costumes costs. a lot of time and money ah, there's also hammering drilling and lashing on stage. did either cruise trying to set up a tent to frame the last supper, should have an hug, and i had the idea he's design stage sets for the passion play. since 2000. the theaters looked the same since 1933 decades earlier the auditorium gained a roof. it since been rebuilt again and again, they're still allowed to do before the audience can take their seats here in mid may. oh, the closer it gets to the opening, the smoother the production becomes just 4 more weeks. jesus willingly accepts his death. although judas urges him to resist. he refuses director christiane stickle has been convinced for years that jesus, his renunciation of violence, was central to his message. another passionate discussion with actors. if you're the only one of the blue, we can take them in as of the demon to linkage, longish, lot like if someone slaps you on the left cheek, turn your right to him as well. that doesn't happen. if we can't let herself be hit, then i say if you hit then the other guy had sparkled and then you hit again and it doesn't get any better. for many people, this is a disturbing story. good to go to some extent to one where you feel or is this the path we have to take? is that even after 40 years of doing the passion play and i still find the story exciting would be the more and when jesus or raises a lot of questions for me personally, were buffet where you personally are feeling wrong of oh ha. ah ah bodamer schuster is playing the part of mary magdalen for the 2nd time. while the disciples hide in fear. mary magdalen doesn't leave jesus. his side was in the upper flare of the apostles. island, the strength that women demonstrate that mary his mother or mary magdalen, his friend, or closest ally. it shows that women sometimes take on your side in after the crucifixion. it's the women who make their way to jesus tomb. mary magdalen becomes the 1st witness of the resurrection. you are. oh, mary. magdalen proclaims the central doctrine of the christian faith for barbara schuster. it makes it that much more incomprehensible that women are still barred from becoming catholic priests. the united healthcare is $100.00 a month and then people didn't believe mary magdalene that the 2 was empty and that he had risen from the dead men had to be sent. it's now 2022. and we're still discussing whether a woman can become a priest. it's all the same. they got stuck and deeply. they're outdated, isn't it for who it? i. mary magdalen expressing her joy at the resurrection is one of the climaxes of the play. the performance always challenges her to reexamine her own faith. the access to the survey found that we as principal actors have really changes us, be it through our pilgrimage to israel all through the discussions we have with christine, who is still very well read. ah, lou then stage designer share responsibility for the production journalists asked to go about the place religious impact york. if we can have a similar number of people live in the church, we have a similar number of believers as in other towns. i don't think the passion players made us any more pious. an unusual picture for over am ago. a decidedly young audience gathers in front of the theater. bad weather can spoil the mood for the 1st time in the place history. christiane sticker has organized performances, especially for young people. the group can now see the 5 hour play at a steep discount and discuss it with the director and cast. it's difficult because they are in studying art history and know very little about christianity. i'm not even quite sure who's who in the story. that's why i wanted to see it. until one word is out that it can get quite cold during the performance. the passion play theater has 4 and a half 1000 seat visitors from all over the world come to the special performances for quite a few that passion play is a religious experience. this her cup, comma air on earth for me. and so save the my study under people a curtis on my bottom of the foster and it might strengthen my faith to see how jesus suffered and what he did for us on our thoughts from. yeah, as hasn't got it. i mean, he's the son of god and unique. it's a unique story we are redeemed through death. yeah, that's why i find it so impressed isn't important. and a the template scene begins with the tumbled. jesus isn't blond today. he has a black curls. the main roles are double cast and the actors alternate today it's rockers will go. who drives the traitors out of the temple? for yeah, i ah different to read the bible or i mean be read at charge and seen it's a life and stage. i hope that it can really bring to life the story of the question . ah i i on the road to go gotta jesus meets his mother. even though it's a story of suffering, the message of easter, the resurrection always resonates in an undertone. his mistake kind of mine alicia . i don't just want to portray a tearful for mary shan't about it. she's allowed to cry sometimes be sad, but basically i'd like to portray a woman who has great confidence in her faith in her path and in god after 3 years of intense preparation, opening night is final year. representatives of religious communities, actors and television personalities, politicians and other celebrities gather at the theater outside formations. since people are turning away from the church, it's important to have events that connect us with christianity doesn't have to be church with youngsters as i ha, ha ha. even if the last supper is arranged like a renaissance painting, stuco seize his christ in a broad religious context. when jesus says a hebrew prayer, and where's the keeper like his disciples, there is no doubt that he feels fully jewish. ah, no. the intermission comes after 2 and a half hours. shortly after appearing in the last supper. jesus can be found in lederhosen, engrossed in conversation with the lutheran regional bishop act afraid of my it isn't intimidated by the celebrity audience that continues, not of, of his mommy. i don't make myself nervous thinking about who's sitting out front of me. the worst thing for me is that my grandma and mother are watching today. my. that's what gives me the most stage. right. i'm a sophie with the actor even for a bishop. it's unusual to be photographed with jesus. it's is, i know it, it's an incredibly moving production. this. you can tell how the actors are giving it everything they've got. and the story is presented so vividly it moves the soul of life to see, live fun and it's for like the fight. exciting is probably the wrong word for a story when you know how it ends up, but they make it exciting. his mouth. that's impressive. does his son find or is this is fatima. it's the 4th time i've seen it are and it's the most moving. i've experienced it early, excuse me and feel the deep religiousness. and that's something that also touches me. he said softly. oh, the 2nd act of the passion reaches its dramatic climax in the crucifixion. oh, director stuco was met with great resistance 10 years ago when he wanted to stage the crucifixion in the evening rather than the afternoon. oh, well jesus of nazareth breathes his last. mary magdalen hugs the cross almost tenderly. he added it in no man. no, she wants to feel him again to touch him. yes, she's looking for jesus isn't lily intimacy with him? when he has given him, his last cry caught his cry to god. she goes straight to the cross and tries to touch him. could she called for reaching up with her arms and she almost tries to climb the cross just to reach him to feel close to him this and to show him that she's death. i got it not being in love, but a deep connection is ah, following the gospel narrative, the criminals executed on either side of jesus are finished off by the soldiers. however, when they come to jesus, the centurion sees that he's already dead. in spite of all the artistic license, the production remains faithful to the gospel. that's because for much of the audience, the passion play isn't simply theater. those little either in the are people in the theater hall, whom it is law than just a theatrical performance or a play. that's why we have to be careful. bob, her shoe store knows from her own family how much the passion play can become a religious experience fit for them. it was almost like going to church to perform here was something sacred and it would be like that for them now like church here. ah . when the people of oberon regarding jesus down from the cross for the last time in october, and then commemorates the resurrection, the whole village will celebrate. ah aah! private life, which had to take a back seat for a year will reemerge but by 2028. at the latest the people of oprah alma gal will be preparing again for the next passion play. just so long the walmart as long as the people of obama go argue about itself as long as they feel strongly about islam, i think it will survive on. currently, i don't have any sense that it's reached its expiration date, go up, it'll only die when we no longer give it enough fluffy. lemme get you to come up with blue. ah ah ah, with ah ah, the thread illegal dumping destruction of livelihood an indigenous tribe in brazil fighting for the right to exist? the land of the cutty buena is legally protected. but the state does little to curtail illegal loggers an trespassers. now the cottage puna are suing the government, global 3000 in 15 minutes on d w. oh, i think everything chattanoog fair, some are big. i'm listening. so much different culture between here and there still challenging for everything. ah, and some is this. i think it was worth it for me to come to germany shop my got my license to work as a swimming instructor on dish. and now i teach children on the dose with what's your story? take part. share it on info, migrants dot net. ah ah leonardo da vinci's mysterious masterpiece. ah, this perhaps the greatest leonardo masterpiece in the collection of the louvre and no, it is not them on a lease. it is the virgin of the rocks, 2 versions, multiple copies, and a hidden drawing. was there another symbolic meaning to this beautiful baby that perhaps we just don't understand today? search for answers starts july 7th on d, w. ah, china's communist leaders have gone to great lengths to stop the spread of coven 19 . there are constant lock downs and mandatory p c r tests around every corner. any infected person in their contacts are immediately tracked down.

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