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Go a little later in the hour or going to be doing a little sa salsa. Youve got a built in advantage on that. Have you salsa dance a lot . Rachael not a lot but i can do it. Next to the instructor im not sure. She is good but thanks for being here with us. Fourth hour of Fox And Friends on this beautiful saturday morning. We just showed a shot of massachusetts where they had 58 new illegal residents no longer on the island of Marthas Vineyard. They have been deported as the New York Post has liberals deport migrants be otherwise known as illegals but they cannot tolerate more than 48 hours a Marthas Vineyard but did not have the supplies did not have the housing, did not have the resources in the hearts were full and open of love. They agreed checked and hate love trumps hate but not on north is jim marthas billiard while tenured. At least 48 hours. Lets continue this conversation i bring it Lieutenant Governor texas dan patrick this morning. Lieutenant governor gray tag on the program. Lets do this. I would love to hear you, and your words explain for anyone who might be confused the purpose of sending Illegal Immigrants to places like Marthas Vineyard, chicago, or new york. Thanks a will and good to be on with you all again. This is campaign season. With the election coming up i am traveling to 130 cities around rural texas. That is where the vote is is to get out like most states. World texas is a very red. And everywhere i go the number one issue they say to me is we have to secure the border. Everywhere. Been to 35 cities this week. Not only that but they say keep the buses going, dan. The reason we are sending the buses is we do want to send a message and hopefully these blue democrats in these cities and these governors and these are blue states will put enough pressure on the president to say mr. President , you are obviously wrong. The border is not secure. You need to help us stop this. I dont care what crying they are doing. They can cry in their beer all day long. And the people of Marthas Vineyard what a bunch of elitist hypocrites they are. But they have done is signaled to us we need to send more buses to places like hollywood or bel air. May beat Barbra Streisand had a great song in the 70s. People i need be but we will send her some people to her street. Because she and the Leftist Hollywood crowd and the elitists on the east coast and other places around america they support all these policies. That everyone come in but we are a sanctuary city. We love these people. As soon as they actually got off the bus to get away for me, get away for me. We do not want them in our neighborhood. Let them own what they support. They need to own up what they support. Let them understand what our people are dealing with. Especially in our border towns were we are overrun every day. Rachael to set on the show early said this is just a stunt. When Governor Abbott mike i think its been very effective. I dont think its been more effective than on Marthas Vineyard. I think it also exposes as you said the elitists in. They like these are brown people to work in their homes but not to actually be on their beautiful islands. And so they got rid of them quickly. Now, my question to you is as much as i like what ive seen in terms of exposing this policy and bringing the border to some of the neighborhoods, i am wondering why the state of texas just never declared a State Of Emergency. So instead of feeling helpless this is all we can do is send them to these other places. That they would not normally go to maybe we could stop it before it even happens. In my being a pollyanna here . You cannot stop it before it happens because the Supreme Court already declared and the case of several ago the federal government at least at this point has a purview over the actual border. But when they do not do their job we are in a State Of Emergency. We have to absorb all the drugs that come in. They kill our kids. We have to absorb all the people that come into Overrun Towns like del rio a population of 37000 people that have 400,000 people in their sector. That would be like new york getting ten times their population or 80 Million People. So, we have been in a constant State Of Emergency because criminals crossing the border. Terrorists crossing the border. Thousands of people coming into our state every day. They are crying they have had 10,000 people on buses or so since the beginning. We have that almost every day. I have no sympathy for these elitist leftists liberal democrats. None whatsoever. I care about the American People. And until they feel the same pain texans are feeling, until they have to deal the same things we are dealing with, it is not until then theyll put pressure on their senators and their congressmen in the democrat states do something about it. Because this has to end. Is to follow up on rachels question i think we all agree the impact and the spotlight being shown on this crisis by shipping Illegal Immigrants to blue states and blue cities is obviously effective. But to the goal being, as you stated, to pressure the federal government into solving the problem. In lieu of that, i do not want to speak on your behalf but there is an argument being made you could declare an invasion. You have that constitutional power to begin to deport Illegal Immigrants back to mexico. If you have that legal question take that to the Supreme Court. Is that not a path to actually solving the crisis that exist at your border . So, ive been saying this for a long time, many years ive been on fox many times over the years. Ive been calling this an invasion for a long time. We are at a point right now what mit did a study in 2016 i see this on the show before. That was back in 2016. Its not 11 Million People you always here for 25 30,000,007 years ago. We are off with the mit to 35 million now that is apprehended. When i go around on my tour want to hear from Law Enforcement this afternoon we catch one out of two or three you can double or triple that. In addition to that and joe bidens first year we had 2 million we apprehended the first year. 2 million this year that we will apprehend plus the got a ways. We are approaching ten 15 of the total population in the United States of america will be here illegally by the time joe bidens first term is over. You have to understand this has been an invasion for a long time. This is a plan by the left. They want to bring people in, eventually one date make sure they all have citizenship so they can vote. People who are coming here illegally is a plan. This is not an accident by the fact theyre angry about or shining a light on it. I hope that we can do is create another case. Back in the legislative session in january that we can get to the Supreme Court to determine this one more time. And maybe this court will recognize that we do have a right to protect our citizens on the border right on the river. We need to be able to protect our people. At the fine points. You mentioned is saying it is invasion but we all acknowledge and say it is. But is there a former attempt formal declaration texas should or can make customer does not happen from the governor . From the legislature . How does a Supreme Court showdown happen if taxes were to formally say were being invaded . Look, the governor will make that decision. But the answer for it Legislature Im president of the senate. It is to craft a bill similar i dont say similar to arizona, but to make the case that we have this legal right to stand there and protect our border. Look, we can send the buses to get attention. We can make comments. But lets look at what we are dealing with. We are doing with fentanyl coming over the border. In such amounts thats the number one killer of young people of 45. That is not a laughing matter or a joking matter. That his death. Families are expanding young people dying they got the wrong pill that was sent over the border. We have criminals crossing the border put ms 13 gang members crossing the border, terrorists crossing the border for the only three people on the planet that think it is secure are the president , the Vice President and the secretary of homeland security. In the mouthpiece for alden that shows up at the white house impressive briefings every day that is not ever tell the American People the truth. The only site on the border is secure is the other side by the way. Understand this no one crosses that border unless they pay their money to the cartels. The cartels have total control of the border. They have secured their side. We need to secure our side. We want legislation to double go up to the Supreme Court. To declare that once and for all per theres no ambiguity whatsoever. This has to end. There be a constitutional crisis that im just curious if you pass that bill i am a texan. We want to see peacocks glad to have apricots born and raised. We want to see this solved like everyone. I am curious the bill you plan to craft a set up our texas dps or Texas Rangers to deport Illegal Immigrants . Right now thats three months away so let us write the bill. We will write strong legislation that makes sure there is no question that we have a right to protect our citizens. There is no arguments. The best way to win this is to be sure that every state in particular the border states have a right to defend our citizens for. To include deportation . Guys, let meet write a bill firstrate lets not write it here on the air on saturday morning. When you write a constitutional bill like we were at the Heartbeat Bill that survived a Supreme Court scrutiny. That bill became law. Writing a legislation that changes the constitution is very Serious Business. Very Serious Business to take top scholars, takes a lot of thought and a lot of work. Not something the threat here on the tv shows they were going to do this. I am serious about this. The legislatures are serious about this but the people of texas are serious about this. But this in perspective to all of these whiny babies up in the blue states, this is such a crisis but we normally spend 400 million year on border security. We are spending over 4 billion of texas taxpayer money. Mandate we get spent on healthcare, education, roads, whatever it might be. 4 billion a year. We have our National Guard there on the border. This is a financial burden on us. But most importantly it is an invasion of our stay. Ive said it for a long time im not shy about the word. But we have to do this the right way. I will also propose that since we are spending so much of money, i would like the higher every Border Patrol agent on the board approved every one of them, there are about 8000. We could afford to do it. Hire them and make a new State Border Guard so that joe biden does not have one person left. And by the way the Border Patrol agents they are heroes in my book. They hate working for this guy. I think they would love working for texas. And then let them look around and find theres nobody there to even do the job. Well just say mr. President , we will take it over. You have to understand this our Founding Fathers and never believed to be a president one day. Thats why the constitution is written like it is but they assume the president of the night states would defend our nations borders. They never imagined a president like this would turn their back on the American People. They turned their back on the American People they are dying because of it. In every place that we see it we are being overrun. And just remember this but they sent them to a Military Base on Marthas Vineyard. Ive always asked this question and on the show before, exactly what is bidens answer when we say word of these people go . Or do they actually go . How did they live . Do they move in with someone you cant put a 15yearold and fourth grader two or three grades behind. What are they do for work and . They dont have a legal permit. They have been dumping people in america for a long time. A long time. And now texas is saying we are fighting back. Were going to send them to your neighborhood were going to keep those buses coming until finally this administration wakes up. And then we will pass legislation next session that will hopefully get us to the Supreme Court where this Supreme Court can rule that texas and everyone else has a right to protect their citizens. And then we can do it. Redoing the best we can now under tough circumstances. Rachael no doubt they are tough circumstances. You are doing the best you can. We feel it. The most infuriating part is just how the other side, the democrats have a wrap this up into compassion. They have no compassion. I believe they have expose their hypocrisy on a level even we were surprised by. We thank you for that. Can i add one more point . People ask me all the time, why arent you sending them to Delaware Question what we cannot find anyone crossing the border who wants to go thats all i can tell you. Lieutenant governor is a point of clarification, more buses going. Kerri skinner tells where . No of course not. What i did say on the show a month or so ago i did say when its just new york in washington i said if you are a democrat governor or mayor, you better keep looking out your window. More buses are coming to different places. I think that was true to my word. Lieutenant governor may i make this suggestion to aocs district and also to her apartment but she lives above a whole foods. I think that will be a good s spot. She went to to texas to cry at a detention center. And i never saw anything out of her after the 50 migrants died basically burned alive in that truck. And now she just put out a tweet saying this is humanitarian crises. Human rights and Everything Else because of these trucks going buses going to Marthas Vineyard et cetera. Cooks well, i think thats a good name to add to the list. See Barbra Streisand show up on her curbside in her slipper saying hey come onto my house. That will be the david. Is ongoing we covered it just this morning at about 6 30 a. M. Get another bus from texas right in front of the Vice President s residence in washington d. C. We will continue to track it Lieutenant Governor thank you, dan patrick thank you very much sir. Rachael known his come out in their slippers and organ and jet welcome them into their home yet. Is a very secure Location Bird will be tracking the legislation appears to be into the texas legislature. Could be something that changes the game had returned out a few additional headlines including this. Prince and william Greeting Mourners this morning as they wait in line for hours in a 48degree temperatures should save favorite pay respects his grandmother queen elizabeth. Later william and the rest of the queens grandchild will hold a vigil at westminster hall. King charles also shaking hands of some of the tens of thousands of mourners. And it prints harry and Meghan Markel will not be joining the royal family in Buckingham Palace for an event tomorrow. Officials say the event is for working royals only. So much drama for. Only if you what to do the job but he can make a guide to the job. Special coverage of the queens a funeral live from london as we celebrate the life and legacy of the uks longestserving mon monarch. And i believe will be on a program tomorrow to talk little bit about it. As well as martha, my apologies and may be peers. Fox weather alert check out this while bit of a Hurricane Hunters collecting data on Tropical Storm fiona paid no thank you. Flying right into the storm and the dark of night. The Cessna Berlin towards a puerto rico where Hurricane Watch is in effect. Storm strength and overnight and is now packing 60 mileperhour sustained winds. It is too soon to say if the will be a threat to the u. S. And mainlanders pray there is no way i would do that. Get this, former first lady is already getting into the christmas spirits it. Within exclusive new of ornaments. The American Christmas collection features six ornaments each one engraved with her signature and comes with an Nft A Token Version as well. The patriotic decorations are out now through october 2. A portion of the proceeds will go to melania has the best initiative which provides scholarships to kids in foster care. Its fostering the future. Of foster care love that support. I dont its a way to amplify i think the ability to own or have access to that but i think you stick with the ornaments for they are really nice ornaments. A real thing you could hold. Put it on your tree and a portion of the money goes to good cause. Quick sound like a great way to give gifts to people that love america. Check it out. Coming up a threatening all alliance. We took Vladimir Putin since the first time russian invade ukraine paid breakdown of the unfriendly duo means for the u. S. Rachael were getting into the spirit of National Dance daily Salsa Dancing on Fox Square Plate look at that. Your spirit is stronger than your highs and lows. Your creativity can outshine any bad day. Because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms and ask about vraylar. Some medicines only treat the lows or highs. Oncedaily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. Fullspectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. Elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. Call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. Report fever, stiff muscles or confusion which may mean a lifethreatening reaction, or uncontrollable Muscle Movements which may be permanent. High cholesterol and weight gain, and high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death, may occur. Movement dysfunction and restlessness are common side effects. Sleepiness and stomach issues are also common. Side effects may not appear for several weeks. You are greater than your bipolar i. Ask about vraylar and learn how abbvie could help you save. In their first facetoface main since russias war on ukraine, Vladimir Putin chinese president xi jinping appeared to forge a stronger relationship. Putin telling Resident Sheet Moscow Basis One China Policy and values at the Balance Position on ukraine. But could this partnership have an existential threat to the United States closer to people that know the bout that. Gordon chang and rebekah koffler. Russian born former u. S. Defense intelligence officer. Thank you so much for being here. Gordon let me start with you. We only see this relationship getting cozier and cozier. Is it because they believe it is more and more mutually beneficial . They certainly do. And we see, pete, the world dividing into camps. One of those camps is centered around china includes russia, north korea, perhaps algeria. We can i think assume, if china moves against taiwan that russia will be added side. And also, pete, i think other countries are going to take advantage of the chaos. Turkey is now talking about seizing greek islands. And also the conflict which erupted about seven days ago. This is really getting quite serious. You can see global conflict. Quick start to have ripple effects. Trent rebekah. You wrote an oped why it prevents an existential threat. Explain that relationship and why do such a threat to us . As of course as i mentioned in my editorial the reason why this is an existential threat is because the two countries are pursuing and very aggressive longterm strategy to destabilize the United States and to turn it into an authoritarian on democratic society. We see the results of this today. Look at all of the government lockdown associated with the destruction of small businesses. Look at the censorship of the conservative voices, of religious voices. Our appearance turned extremist. Basically our government and the Biden Administration is borrowing a page out of putin and xi jinpings playbook. And right now what is happening is they are targeting russia and china. Targeting our business. Our political groups, our activist groups. Establishing a what is known as clandestine operations. And this is the result. It is happening right before our eyes. Almost in slow motion. Two of the worlds most powerful regimes cozying up to each other with one common enemy, the United States and the west. The freedom it represents. Gordon, what happens if iran and or north korea join this relationship . Are they already part of the orbit as his new axis of the bill expanding . Of already been a part of it for quite some time. The north korean regime could not survive without support from both china and russia. And the new relationship between iran and china defined a billiondollar deal. That also is in conjunction with other deals between china and cheraw have been in existence for quite some time. I think this actually has been an access we are seeing. Maybe there being more bold talking about it in public. It in substance has been around for quite some time. Rebekah will have about a minute here. We have fought a cold work in the soviet union for 50 years. Is this threat this new axis more or less a dangerous than the former soviet union . Its absently more dangerous. Because putin is a planning to reintegrate into an ally alliance. And china is also planning to integrate taiwan. And so what we have right now is the possibility of the two theater war in which the pentagon will be really hard pressed to respond. Because again, we are chasing a bright and shiny objects right now. The pentagon is paying attention to the pronouns instead of the Combat Readiness of our forces. This is a big concern. If putin and xi jinping join forces and they have routinely been conducting strategic wargames, then right now this is a really cute strategic threat to our country that needs to be addressed immediately. They look at us and see the debacle in afghanistan they dont see a serious opponent at this point gordon and rebecca thank you for sounding the alarm but we would love to have you back appreciate it. Thanks pete, thank you. Pete better wake up. Still ahead accusations of racism during School Volleyball game captured National Attention paid the claims were never proven. B clay travis response the y fallout, next. Purchases on your discover card. New projects means new project managers. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. When you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. Visit indeed. Com hire and get started today. My asthma felt anything but normal. A blood test helped show my asthma is driven by eosinophils, which nucala helps reduce. Nucala is a oncemonthly addon injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. Nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. Allergic reactions can occur. Get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. Infections that can cause shingles have occurred. Dont stop steroids unless told by your doctor. Tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. May cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. Ask your Asthma Specialist about a nunormal with nucala. Does a story that captured National Attention Duke University volleyball student player, student, claimed she was subject to racial slurs while playing at Brigham Young university by then the media ran with that. The problem is the claims are never proven Universe Investigation found no evidence the racial comments ever happen but took a Student Newspaper to expose the truth Student Journalist who broke that story joined us earlier this morning. From our source we knew the night of the game they had pretty solid evidence there was hardly any credibility to richardsons claims but possibly she heard something at one point. The breath of the story she put out there could not of been true and they knew that. The fact they said it was repeatedly done throughout the game and that it was clear as day, was not plausible progress here to react is clay travis. Clay, the story of been all over. We might have learned just this morning from those two students is the byu Athletic Administration knew, with all probability it was not true. The a d was still out there saying shame on byu. Well, well unfortunately what this represents is a failure to examine and consider real facts. Because of what people might say about you for sharing those real facts on social media. And i think that factored into byu. They wanted to make sure this was a one 100 an uncorroborated allegation for they did that. They spent weeks scrutinizing every possible detail. Credit to those young Student Journalists who were willing to do what journalists used to do which is actually examine the facts. I am still disgusted by what duke did here, well. They had an opportunity to take a lesson from a 2006 Lacrosse Incident when they met it believed all these allegations which were one 100 false. It appears a best Case Scenario this was a completely bungled situation. Maybe this girl thought she heard something. That is the best Case Scenario for her. More likely this is just another fraud. Before valente to Football Party see you are there for auburn at penn state two. Two bigtime programs, what you anticipate today . I think is going to be a lowscoring game, well. I love the under bridge do not think either teams going to be able to get a lot of offense of flow going. It is massive bright look brian almost got fired at auburn in the offseason. There is a lot of a while bolinas around his overall job security here. James Franklin Penn state issue one of the big ten east overwhelmingly is where all the talent is in this divisional breakdown, is penn state going to give a run at ohio state at michigan and may be at Michigan State . Those are Big Questions that remain to be seen. I think both auburn and penn state have a lot to prove what is going to be a Signature Clash between the big ten and the sec. Spit another game im interested in is on fox at noon. Speak effects of Brassica Buyers scott frost this week another take on oklahoma so what you think . A weight lifted off nebraska . Do they have a shot . Yes this is a challenge to be a really interesting game for this is when the great iconic Football Rivalries you will be able to watch on fox. Ill be doing big noon hits leading hear from the penn state auburn game. You like nebraska to keep this game close. Oak holmes got a new Choate Nebraska as an interim coach they pretend or attempt to move on from the Scott Frost Air and fear of that next coach is going to be. I think brassica plays an energized weight off their shoulder. Keeps it close what should be a fantastic game on fox at noon eastern. State same thing nebraska to cover its abraded day lincoln we will see. Amen. Sweet clay travis comforted check out whats clicking. Still had g show On Tap For Tomorrow have Lieutenant Governor of florida congressman victoria sparks, franklin graham, jason and Martha Mccallum and will join us live from london. Plus, pete takes a right on a Blackhawk Helicopter visit a high school metal of honor Character Development program. And up next on this show, governor gavin newsom once kidnapping charges republican lawmakers transporting Illegal Immigrants for the border battle, up next. Esterol and keep it low with two doses a year. Side effects were injection site reaction, joint pain, urinary tract infection, diarrhea, chest cold, pain in legs or arms, and shortness of breath. With leqvio, lowering cholesterol becomes just one more thing life throws your way. Ask your doctor about leqvio. Lower. Longer. Leqvio. So how many vaccines have you given to people . Me . About 1000. Walgreens. Millions. I cannot miss her big debut. With your booster, i think youll be there. For every twirl. I got a shot so my sister wont get sick. Way to go, big bro so while were here. Flu shot, as well . Lets do it. When you need to talk vaccinations, our pharmacists are here 37 governor gavin newsom is outraged as they send one way to get out of their state putting the pressure on sanctuary ci cities. One lieutenant democrat is calling out her own party over the border. She is joining us now shes the former California State Senator gloria it we also have with this one of our favorite guests Fox News Contributor leo. Welcome leo, welcome gloria. Well start with you gloria on this topic of the governor sending the migrants for example to Marthas Vineyard. I think what i found interesting about your remarks, especially as a democrat, is that your remarks highlight the elitism of it all, explain. Absolutely. Think about the irony. It is the beginning of hispanic heritage month. We are a lot more than a bunch of diverse Breakfast Tacos by the way. So here we are facing a border that is not been secured for quite some time. Over 2 million migrants coming through. It took only 50 brown people showing up in one of the most exclusive democratic enclaves without leaf blowers and without mops for it to be declared a National Emergency and to get that media focused on this. It is absolutely hypocritical. And maybe latinos like myself, we consider ourselves democrats. But we are completely disaffected, disenchanted with how we have been treated. And how this issue is not been properly addressed by Democrat Party overall. Space and theres no question Marthas Vineyard better prepared financially to handle the migrants than youve all d day. In all these other workingclass and poor towns that have had to bear the brunt of this. And many other sounds also in california. Leo im going to come to your coming to us from california. Work governor says he wants to basically charge Governor Desantis with kidnapping. What do you make of this as a lawyer and a californian . Insulting. And ill tie right now Governor Newsom is a very insecure governor. Rachel, i live in the state of calvary the most incompetent governor in the country pray let me be very clear but he does not even know what kidnapping is. Democrats have been flying at migrants all over this country for the last year end a half. What he is trying to do, rachel is kickstart his campaign for president. He is trying to get a national profile. There is no kidnapping here at all and he knows it is not a lawyer, he does not know it is talking about. This is a double standard the democrats have used over and over again. They make the assumption they care about people that look like myself and gloria. But they dont. They use us for this whole argument of kidnapping is nothing more than a political stunt to kickstart his campaign for president. He will never become president of this country. This country does not want to turn into california which is a disaster. Rachael gloria, obviously leo brings up points about the governor but so interesting how liberals lap gent wrap all these up in compassion for that migrants being cooked alive in a bus. We have trafficking. Our own government is complicit in the trafficking as leo brought up we did the last leg and these cartels now they want to get upset about some of them getting sent from states like florida, which is a non century states, over to states and cities that are supposedly Sanctuary Cities and states it. Exactly. That is white so many latinos and democrats within the party are just sick and tired of this. We have seen across the country people, latinos like myra floris and a democratic strongholds historically waiting. More and more at latinos such myself are willing to say yes, we are democrats but we are not bound to the party. We are americans first. We want border security. We believe in citizenship. We are a patriotic community. And we want respect and fair comprehensive immigration re reform. That has not been delivered to us. We are going to keep fighting for that until we get that. Calling out the hypocrisy that has been exposed by Marthas Vineyard and their socalled compassionate treatment of all lives matter, it is a bunch of bs unless you have a leaf blower and mop and hand it appears to be. As exactly right lester there to work in their homes and trim their hedges they do not want you on Marthas Vineyard. That is very clear. Last word to really quickly leo. Quick to want to be very clear but i heard your segment with the Lieutenant Governor of te texas. Declare an invasion. Take this case back up to a Supreme Court that will enforce the law. Because what is happening is there is no solution. Ive got news for you the democrats want to keep this illegal alien issue going for they do know and to resolve it. Take this matter up to the Supreme Court for the governor of texas to declare an invasion let the Supreme Court decide this case. Revisit the arizona case right now. We need to do something because the Biden Administration is doing absolutely nothing. Looks at the governor in arizona or in the midterms or might be new governor in arizona who might be willing to do that very thing. So it leo, gloria, so great to have your voice is on. Thank you for joining us this morning. Thank you. Backs up next, we will check back in with rick wasting away again at the brandnew margaritaville. And to the dance floor were Salsa Dancing on fox square. Boy i love the segment. Some days, it felt like asthma was holding me back. But asthma has taken enough. So i go triple. With trelegy. With 3 medicines in 1 inhaler,. Its the only oncedaily treatment for adults that takes triple action against asthma symptoms. Trelegy helps make breathing easier,. Improves lung function,. And lasts for 24 hours. Go triple. Go trelegy. Because asthma has taken enough. Trelegy wont replace a rescue inhaler. For sudden breathing problems. Trelegy contains a medicine that increases risk of hospitalizations and death from asthma problems when used alone. 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Weve been with lot of First Responders and military members and teachers who can all sail here for free always on this boat. You guys started this week its amazing for this is natosha cruz just Director Break Think Julie Mccoy if you wonder what occurs director does read one of things i do is teach Dance Classes are you going to give me a salsa lesson right now for. Really quick really easy. You are the guy of course. Alright so it lead foot forward in her right foot back. One, two and 12 and one jupiter going to open it up okay . Open, open, open. Open there you go. This is good but have no idea whats happening back in the studio. Giving you shaky shaky. Nobody wants to see me go around shaky shaky natosha they went to see you go around big shaky shaky. [laughter] if you can matter onto this cruise, it is a two day cruise right . Yes they. It archers from West Palm Beach goes to the bahamas because the bahamas, freeport, bahama islands. To three days in the bahamas you can swim with the pigs they got out there pay. Amazing. Its beautiful on the bahamas and come right back here but again at margaritaville at sea. Com. If you are a First Responder teacher came in and get yourself a freak cruise. An amazing thing you can do here in Margaritaville For thank you, thank you for letting me be your guest here. Thank you for joining us. This is fun. It does send it back to you. Rick youre an easy active file but that bartender behind you tossing the bottles old t time. Incredible tom cruise action for a quick spare containing a celebration of National Dance tapered now we have she is a professional dancer. She was tedious as i had a swing dance were never going to Salsa Dancing. Yes big. Welcome this Amazing Group your. They are the latin sold answers from mamba studio. Looks a lot going for it youre going to follow me again. Were going to fit together left one, two, three and then five, six, seven. Add one, two, three, 567. One, two, three, five, six, seven. Its not just the feet they have to move the noy progress is going to say that. Also has a feel to it. You can move your hips like this and then for example if you into add some levels you could go low. You can add some shimmy. [laughter] exactly. Lets appointment out. Youre my partner youll dance with me for. Were wills hips moving enough for you . Check back. Do not let us ruin. One, two, three. [applause] [applause] all i needed was a partner. Put it altogether. Rachel go back first. You dont seem to be looking at your feet. Lets go to the music five, six, go, faster. Im going to turn, look at. It beautiful. Beautiful. Look at this of their naturals. Much better. Do this. One of the doing there . Not into twig dancing thats all i know. How long does it take to really learn the sophisticated parts . I am a professional for. Can you help will move his hips a little better . Yes there you go. Go with the turn. [laughter] go forward. Picks your hips. You got the extra jiggle going. [laughter] you have the extra jiggle. No, no. Latin sold answers from the studio. And always to our dj, crowd control. Keeping this party going all day long. Thank you all. [applause] [laughter] ds h until youre ready. Then we deliver to your new home across town or across the country. Pods, your personal moving and storage team. Your Shipping Manager left to find themself. leaving you lost. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. Indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. Visit indeed. Com hire as someone with hearing loss i know what a confusing and frustrating experience getting hearing aids can be. Thats why i founded lively. Affordable, highquality hearing aids with all of the features you need, and none of the hassle. I use lively hearing aids and its been wonderful. Its so light and so small but its a fraction of the cost of the other devices. They cost thousands less. 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It left me paralyzed. I realized that everything i had planned for was now gone. Paralyzed veterans of america was by my side from that moment on. For more than 75 years Paralyzed Veterans Of America has kept a promise to our heroes. Well never leave a fallen soldier behind. They need you now, more than ever so join me with your monthly support please call or go to pvahero. Org just 19 a month, thats only 0. 63 a day. And that will help provide the vital support our paralyzed heroes need now. Youll help pva provide veterans with specialized medical care and treatments, and fight for benefits theyve earned, jobs they want, and the accessible vehicles and homes they need. Helping them live their best lives call or go online with your gift of 19 a month, and youll receive this pva team tshirt and show that you are fighting for our paralyzed heroes with your support, youll give them back what they fought for, freedom, independence, and a full life. I just dont think my family would be as happy as they are without the support that i received from Paralyzed Veterans Of America. They fought for our freedom, now you can give to fight for them. Please call or go to pvahero. Org your monthly gift of any amount will help our paralyzed heroes. We have 30 seconds left and we are taking advantage of it, National Dance day. He has a jack and hes ready to go, he spends, also dancing because National Constitution 235 years, we can celebrate on fox friends. Beautifully done, have a great saturday everybody, keep dan dancing. Some of you have heard this today a new day and new bus full of migrants arriving at Vice President Kamala Harris residence in washington, d. C. Residence blast greg abbott and Florida Governor ron desantis for sending migrants north but they were oddly silent when the white house was secretly sending ten times that many and often times in the dark of night, we report, you decide whats been fair and whos been fair. Is not just migrants flooding across the

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