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Nickname for his political foes. Not every republican is maag are republican, not every Republican Group embraces that extreme ideology but i know because ive been able to work with mainstream republicans the whole year. The extreme maga republicans in congress have chosen to go backwards full of anger, violence, hate, division b of the biggest contrast from what maga republicans, the extreme right, the trumpies. The media is running with him. These days it feels like we are not just at the brink of a civil war but one has already begun. Trump supporter similarly begun speaking the language of violence. This is to defend their dear leader. Its a fascist movement that has embraced White Nationalism and wants to impose its religious beliefs. Its americans versus speed 12. It could be more dangerous since ninth 1860. In 1861 they were dispersed but they couldnt conspire together and decide how to attack the capitals stated on the 6th Of January on social media. Jesse welcome back. I think what we saw there is why historian should never be on twitter. Hes not as he now sounds like a freshman in college, his hair is on fire pit that supposed to be a reputable historian. There are three historians now that are losing their minds. Theyve gone crazy. It has to be social media. How do you i liked ultra maga. They are reading off the same teleprompter. Theyre reading from the same script but the people are not buying it. Did you see joe in milwaukee . Nobody had a job or didnt have anybody else to go and do. You have the guy that won 80 million votes, where is his base . Where are the biden voters ive had more people in my backyard at a barbecue then were at that rally. Theyre going to have to redefine what the word rally means because that was not a rally. Everybody knows that something fishy is going on with that guy. Greg, when you stink at something you have to point fingers. Ive done it my whole life. Its the whiskey come as the producers if only we had a good quarterback. If they could just give me the ball i was wide open. Thats what you do when you stink and thats why people that stink up stuff go to politics. Theres always somebody to blame. You can run the economy into a recession thats what they want to hear. In a way politics is so stupid you can screw things up and throw red meat to your base and then they clap. But the republicans have to meet biden head on. If they are being called extreme this is what you do. You guys want to talk about trans gender, Sex Education and 6yearolds. You want the 6yearolds with masks on and youre telling the 6yearolds with masks on they are also racist and the school they are going to is abe Lincoln Elementary and were at del my keys races so were going to change the name of that and if they complain working away or tap your phones. They want to empty the prisons and open up the border and power the economy with windmills. God is looking down at laughing at them pretty but the oil in the ground. He doesnt want the wind to power, its stupid. I wouldnt use that argument but go ahead. Wind is for birds, then he comes out and starts bribing liberals who went to law school with 10,000 checks. They get out of law school and they cannot define what a woman is and he put them on the supreme court. Greg, this guy is insane. He just came out and said that republicans are a threat to democracy. This is the guy in the fbi the just rake the last election and then rated his political opponents house. Trump got impeached for asking to investigate joe biden. Joe biden actually is investigating donald trump. Nobodys talking about abuse of power. Why are they talking about it, greg . Because they are reading from a teleprompter. I just like the you keep saying my name. He never used to do that. Dana, i was going to ask you about how the republican should respond. They are doing something right. They are stoking fear. Theyre also trying to take the crime issue away from the republicans pressing if you dont condemn january 6th how can you back the flu . Should the republicans be going headon with a crime stuff when the stats are bolstered in every day we hear terrible stories about criminals and recidivism . Dana its amazing that within a month you have the republicans look like they had the Midterm Election on the silver plan are. Now a month later we are sitting here going i think a part of this is Media Narrative in the part of it is people there is a reality that republicans on a couple of different issues, one being the abortion issue. They have the opportunity to be on offense and continue to talk about extremes. That is its an ugly debate but it might be the truth though we all need to talk about because republicans are going to be accused of asking for a band when they may be not appear nobody is going back to them and sing but youre okay with Killing Babies up until the ninth month . How can that be . The other thing about joe bidens if you are in your fare if they have trying to explain what you meant in your Death Star Speech and who youre talking about then you can have a whole lineup like you were in that group, youre not in that group, youre in that group theyre constantly having to do that. Nobody is talking about the next step for them get there just talking about how weird the tactic is. I do think the republicans have to think about something pronto. Greg you know, judge, dana, as well as other notable voices, has pointed out the contrast between what happens on social media on cable news versus reality. These people believe there is a Civil War Going On but you go outside and talk to your neighbor, you go to starbucks and life just goes on. Its like a weird they need you to believe in this will bizarre fantasy because without it they have to deal with reality. Jeanine they want you to believe we are at each others throats and killing each other. You go out and you go to Dunkin Donuts or wherever you go everybody is opening the door, it doesnt matter what color you are or what level you are out. Everybodys morning, morning, morning. I mean americans really but my favorite part of the speech is when biden says those republicans are taking us backwards. Really . I think its the democrats taking us backwards because when you look at children in terms of education because the democrats wouldnt open the schools, or skill kids are suffering and now a huge percentage in terms of brown and black children, unfortunately compared to negative kids around the world, also theyre saying the republicans want to go backwards, we dont want to go backwards. I want to go backwards. Because when donald trump Love Inflation was Something Like 2 , 1. 2 . The answer was 2. 50 per gallon pay the price of food was affordable for most people. And we didnt have a record crime rate like we have right now. I dont know what the problem is with the past. Weve had a good for a period of time. Were in a right now joe biden come of the man loves division. He is the divider in chief. Greg im sure use share some of the same feelings as we do but what might that be. Geraldo its good youre back. There are four political, parties in conjuring up there are the mugger republicans, there are the mainstream conservative republicans that i largely grew up with and served within congress, there are the Progressive Democrats in the periphery in my party in my mind, then there are moderate democrats in which i like to think i said. Elections are about choices. You have to give people the choice that they can accept and most campaigns are about moving the country forward. Judge, i appreciate the way you describe that. We want those things again. Campaigns are always one in the middle pair the campaign the best attracts independents to their side as the campaign that is likeliest to win. President former President Trump called President Biden an enemy of the state. He called him this last weekend and he called the doj vicious monsters. I think President Biden said awful personal things about maga republicans and then tried to backtrack a little bit. This is the election season and these things happens. I hope those in politics dont give up on people. I heard a great commentator over the weekend make the point that a lot of americans experience pain and disappointment. They experience unrest and turmoil in their lives and politicians sometimes speak to that pain in ways i sometimes wish they wouldnt even though some are on my side and some are not. But when elections are over i think one of the great shortcomings of our political system which is overpromise and under deliver now for 50 years but where it has really fallen is that after the election nobodys able to govern now appeared weathers democrats in opposition, even if democrats control the whole thing, why . Because there are four parties. We have to begin not only to speak to one another but there has to be a commitment to actually want to solve peoples problems. Even if we disagree you want to have to want to solve peoples problems. I think the part that does that best is going to win that. Thats way too nuanced. It has to be us and them. You cannot do us come of them, us, them pure thats too confusing. You cannot have four parties. Jesse and what about fascists . Greg is a semi fascist i call you a semisocialist. All right coming up next chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot melting down over migrants showing up in her city and questioning Texas Governor greg abbotts faith. Before we begin, id like to thank our sponsor, liberty mutual. They customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. And by switching, you could even save 652. Thank you, liberty mutual. Now, contestants ready . Go why . Why . Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. s texas Senate Second busload of migrants to the windy city and is showing no signs of stopping. Mayor Lori Lightfoot first accused Texas Governor greg abbott of racism and now shes attacking his faith. Hes manufacturing a human crisis. It makes no sense to me. Its decidedly unpatriotic and unamerican. I understand the pressures that the people of texas and some of the other Border States are under. We see that on a daily basis. But the thing to do is not this. He professes to be a christian, this is not the christianity and the teachings of bible that i now. Harold abbott responding to lightfoots comments by noting the real problem is President Biden. Mayor lightfoot is attacking tetexas instead of addressing Te Real Cause of the border crisis. His inactions of putting texans lives at risk and overwhelming our communities. Meanwhile eric adams make good on this word on sending new yorkers to the texas border after abbott bus nearly 2,000 migrants to the big apple. A delegation of nyc officials are currently visiting the southern border be the Mayors Office calling it a factfinding mission. If you were advising him, dana, is this something you would have devised a long time ago . Spewing from the very, very first day. Eric adams we have heard i dont know if its true or not, weve heard he has aspirations for higher office. Presumably you want to win outside of new york city which means you might have to leave manhattan and go to the border and see it for yourself. So the first day i would set governor, i understand what youre trying to do and what i would like to see it for myself. Can i come down here when we go see President Biden and Kamala Harris to them about this issue and see if we try to forge a compromise an end be leaders. Instead they just complain, they called him all sorts of names. I actually dont know how he says that greg abbott is manufacturing a crisis. Is she ever going to get mad at Kamala Harris. She said she was gonna deal with the root causes. Nobody is mad at them. Lori lightfoot said i do understand there are pressures the people of texas are feeling. Well greg abbott is just taking that pressure and trying to figure out a way to get some attention so people will Pay Attention to the problem. Hes finally figured out a way to do that. I dont think he could pay for more helpful opposition then the far left high crime mayor of chicago. She is the one thats basically getting more of us to Pay Attention. And the final thing i would say is that when it comes to christianity, why isnt she mad at the coyotes . Wise and she mad at the drug cartels . Why isnt thats the antichristian thing. Governor abbott is providing them shelter, transportation, and the ability to go to a place that supposedly a sanctuary city. But if youre going to retweet it and where the tshirt that you are a sanctuary city, you have to figure out a way to do that. If youre not going to do it, maybe try to be a part of the solution. Harold jesse . Jesse have sending a few migrants on a bus to joe chicago is antichristian and joe biden is the antichrist paid hes lost millions of migrants all over the country. They dropped the haitian the Central Americans nations are delivered to tennessee, massachusetts, indiana, michigan, north carolina, georgia, kentucky, and also to dallas and houston. I mean some of the illegals get lucky. They get to go to west palm beach, others have to go to newark, new jersey. Some of them biting buses to l. A. , which is dangerous. Hopefully they dont get any castings. Then he flies them to new york. No Supply Chain Problems with that bid they are coming in on Conveyor Belts basically. Look, the buses arent even electric, harold. They are destroying the border and the ozone layer. They are all nice and their condition so if you live in eric and florida the democrats want you to you could get baby formula. Good luck finding it here. And theyre giving them free phones too. Are they tracking them with their phones . No. Are they hacking the phones to get intel on the cartels . No. Anybody with a brain knows thats what youre supposed to do but joe biden only violates the puck after one of migrants going to chicago, chicago is my goto country. They better be careful when we go out after midnight to get a sandwich. Also dont go to any bears games. What they will see on that field, nothing like anything theyve seen in the northern tribal. Harold your honor, this seems like a shrewd move on the part of the governor to do this. As it can bring enough attention to preachieve something that dana said in terms of getting them to go to the white house and saying this is being done differently. Jeanine i think its gonna bring attention to it. The question that i have is do these people realize how crazy they sound . Does Lori Lightfoot and mayor adams and the rest of them lightfoot saying hes manufacturing a crisis. You know what . Why dont you go down to the southern border and take a look at the crisis down there. It makes no sense. Will it result in something good . It may result in something good. Right now mayor lightfoot is looking for donations. She is looking for people to give her money so she can take care of the illegals. The bottom line is that you can say that abbott is being kind. Hes saving the federal government money by spending 30 million in the transportation of these illegals. The christian thing really bothered me with Lori Lightfoot. You know the humor is great but dont say that hes unchristian because hes doing that, and the unchristian thing is the trafficking commits the human trafficking, its the rape trees and ive seen them many times when ive gone down there. Its also the replacement of the cartels on the nation is planning on killing us with fentanyl, thats unchristian. Harold should we do a show down there . Jeanine thats a great idea. Greg and luna say yes now but then privately now. [laughter] thats what i do. Mayor lightfoot is so stupid. Everybody knows there are no buses in the bible. Where did she get this stupid analogy . You know youve lost when you come out swinging with an antichristian and salt when you never really mention christianity as a benefit ever before. Its like you know its not a christian is putting a sign outside your hotel saying no room at the end when youve been boasting about how anybody could come to the end and stay for free, now when they come be like i dont want them there. Its like your sanctuary. You got what you want. Its like me complaining after dana giving me a case of wine and im upset because i dont know where to put it. It does go back to this conversation. We have to reconcile two competing economic forces. This is where i started to talk like harold. Speaker you have to understand we have two competing economic forces. We have mass migration and a Welfare State. If you want a Welfare State the model isnt sustainable. If you can make the model provided only by the citizens and then you can have immigration but the incentives disappear. Hows that for my harold . Very good i took notes. I had former President Trump notching a major win in the medias outright furious. Breakthrough heartburn. Means your Heartburn Treatment is broken. Try zegerid otc. It contains the leading medicine to treat frequent heartburn, uniquely designed for absorption. Get all day, all night relief with zegerid otc. Okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Woo hoo ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. And ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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A judge in Florida Grants Trump a Special Master to review the raid on trump and maralago. Some in the media are not too happy and are lashing out at the judge. Trump judges do not believe in the rule of law. They do not believe in president , they do not believe in facts, they do not believe in logic. Its a wild decision. This is the most important professional thing this judge has ever done in her life and you would expect in a game. This is riddled with errors and silliness. Speak up before we hear any commentary from here i want you to listen to one more. This is msnbc host, medicus on come with an interesting theory. The rest of the world is probably wondering why he hasnt been prosecuted yet. Why we are a Weird Global Outlier when it comes to giving former leaders some kind of Blanket Immunity from prosecution. Dana so thats a round up of what was going on. Judge comeau what he think about the judges decision to allow for a Special Master . Jeanine i wasnt surprised because she had indicated she was inclined to do it. She asked the government what is the harm to a Special Master . She said that this Special Master, which she will select at the end of the week, based upon input by all the department of justice, as well as President Trumps attorneys, this Special Master will have to go through 11,000 plus documents, that person may be alone and not even necessarily have his own team of people think the government. But what she is basically saying here is that there has been on enough of a callous disregard by the fbi of the president , and theres a good argument for that in terms of the pfizer warned, the reupping of the warrant, the russian collusion delusion. She said im not going to rely on the dojs team to review this. And we already know the dojs team took attorneyclient stuff. She did something really important. What she said was in addition to attorneyclient, i want them to filter through and see if theres anything protected by Executive Privilege. There are also medical records and tax records. This is beyond the scope of the search based upon the warrant itself. Theres one more thing i want to say. She quotes the united states. I believe the supreme court. Where a former president must be able to successfully invoke president ial Communications Privilege for communications that occurred during his presidency, even if the current president doesnt support that. That is opposite to what people like bill barr are saying, you know Executive Privilege doesnt apply. Its not 100 settled, but there is case law to the effect that you can protect that information bear thats what shes hoping the Special Master will do. Dana jesse, one of the liberal commentators talk about the judges decision being a Breathtaking Overreach, which is exactly what a lot of people were talking about President Trump, that was a Breathtaking Overreach to raid maralago. Jesse the judge but i didnt chop the warrant to come a fair and balanced judge paid this guy donated to obama, hes an epstein lawyer come hes recusing himself because he has trumped arrangement symptom. But a federal judge confirmed by the senate almost half the Senate Democrats voted for this judge to confirm her, they voted pristine record. Why . Because a democratic president raided the home of a republican president. So she says lets have an independent guy come looking toward this whole thing out. The American People see thats the fair thing to do. Special master kind of like the ring of that. Greg i want to be a Special Master. Youve been very bad, jesse, im going to punish you. Jesse im into the whole thing too. If you look at the Media Commentary at this judicial ruling you would think she took a sharpie and wrote lets go brandon on a piece of paper and was like here. No, it was a very thoughtful ruling. Dana harold, is there any new ones here . Harold i agree with the former prosecutor, this is a big win for President Trump. It will likely, i think im a delay the investigation, which i dont know who that favors, ive heard commentary it probably favors former President Trump more than anything else. It was interesting she cited the reputation of the president , and her concern for the reputation of any criminal he or she would be concerned about their reputation if they were innocent. Ive never seen a court quite get that kind of deference. Im just not a believer in Special Treatment for anybody. When bill clinton was a sitting president they deposed him, ken started. The idea of Special Treatment is not something i really jeanine they didnt break into his house. Geraldo they didnt break into the country club anyway they got a courtapproved order. The president still when i find amazing is the former President Trump still has not explained why he defied a sabino first of all what he took the documents, why he defied the subpoena. And if indeed he was doing something with the documents. Ive heard people speculating he mightve been writing a book or anything these are legitimate things but if i had taken documents i would say i didnt take the more i dont know what they are doing. The one positive about the judges decision that she is allowing the dni Investigation A Go forward around the Damage Assessment of what was there, to ensure we have been compromised and new sources are compromised any other collection efforts. I dont know what the department of justice is going to do, if they are going to appeal or not, but its certainly a win for President Trump. Spewing to me turn the floor over to you. Greg if i was a Special Master i would get this done in an hour be the most obvious explanation is that when you move out, like when you break up stuff gets put in boxes. Yorks calls and says you took my sweatshirt, might be you, you have my favorite wine glasses. You go no i didnt. She goes yes i do because i know they are missing. You took your wine glasses and then you go and you find out that maybe you didnt know they are broken and you dont want to say anything. This is more about dividing stuff up, right . Figuring out what belongs but even more you know what this reminds me of . You know when you watch your favorite sitcom or drama theres like three story lines and there is always one you hate because like in 24 they always said may be the secretary has an interesting life. No she doesnt. Or in france when phoebes brother shows up. Like why do we even have phoebe on the show . These tangents are not the main story about whats going on in america. This is what in cable news is like a Tertiary Narrative that takes you out somewhere else, then drop you off there and does it again when the story goes away. Doesnt bother to drive you back. Weve been through this a million times. You know what im saying . Its a thing like you listen to it go what are we talking about . Were talking about papers. Speed your best tongue loves tsonga. Speed through the one that samples van halen. Dana r. I. P. To this block we are moving up at a top black eyes matter leader accused of treating blm funds like his personal piggy bank. My most important kitchen tool . My brain. So i choose neuriva plus. Unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. To help keep me sharp. Neuriva think bigger. Jeanine okay, everybody, i think greg gutfeld has something to confess. Greg tone loca is very much alive. I got them confused with will smith. Jeanine more corruption from black lives matter. 26 chapters of the group parsing the top leaders told more than 10 million of Donation Entry to the groups funds like his personal piggy bank. Blm firing back saying we are disappointed and dismayed at the false narrative. We as black people and black Plaid Organizations cannot continue spending all of our precious time and energy fighting and tearing down each other. This isnt the first time in a blm leader was accused of defrauding donors. Former executive director patrice kohlers admitted to using a 6 billion los angeles mansion paid for by donations for swanky parties. All go to you, greg. Since over the last person thats both. Its so sad to have this organization and with so many people contributed with the best of intentions, and patrice coolers didnt just buy a 6 million mansion, she brought it In The Name Of the shell corporation. And she paid 2 million to her baby daddies and her mother. Now we find out that somebody took 10 million as well. Greg im jealous camino . Look, everybodys charities and corruption i did not feel that bad because you know we had a bunch of dumb white Virtue Signaling cnn viewers throwing millions of dollars of this organization is a virtue signal. I would be laughing my ass off taking their Money Buying House too. I would not run a charity. If millions were coming and i would be gone. You know what . I dont really mind. Jeanine do you mind, jesse . Jesse i feel bad for them also because why democrats have been fleecing americans much worse than this. Look at the clinton foundation. Like on a 100 million Paver Plays Pure Look of the biden family, getting millions of dollars of kickbacks chinese favors. Nancy pelosi inside trading off of nancys gavel. There are legless and you guys got away with it we can get away with killing dollars . Greg you cannot be as corrupt as white people. Jesse white privilege, thats what it is. Judge camino better than anybody, you have to do with the what the mob does. You pull off the heist and you lay low. Dont go by coats and furs with a splash money on mansions. Harold you so what . Im gonna be very quick. Nothing loses the trust of a group of people giving money to an organization then people spending the money in an inappropriate way. Black lives do matter, but i hope the people who did this are accountable. Dana well what could i say to add to this . Remember Patrisse Cullors complained about the system. She said there are rules that the state of california has roles in the federal government irs has rules. They said that that was racist against them. But everybody has to play by the rules and this is why the rules of this comes with the people who give their money to an organization can be assured is going to the right place. Jeanine exactly. So well said. Up next Kamala Harris accused of faking yet another story from her early childhood. After my car accident, wondnder whahatmy c cas. So i called the barnes firm. Im rich barnes. Youour cidedentase e woh than insurance offered . Call the barnes firm now to find out. Yoyou ght t Beurprpris Ci had no idea how muchw i wamy case was worth. C call the barnes firm to find out what your case could be worth. We will help get you the best result possible. Call one eight hundred, Eight Million jesse Kamala Harris accused of faking yet another story about her childhood and its about eating grapes. The Vice President claimed she didnt eat the fruit until her 20s because of the union lead boycott at the time saying i remember the first time i had a grape. I went wow, this is quite tasty. It was absolutely ingrained so deeply in me, never cross a picket line. The story just does not appear the union launched its great boycott in june 1984. Lowe was 19. And while the boycott did peter out it did not officially end until 2000, when harris was 36. Judge, if you lie about eating grapes you lie about anything. Jeanine you are afraid to assume that shes lying about that is pretty out the side of thing about this is . It was a lie like she was looking for freedom before she could even say the word. Freedom. If she were an activist of some sort and had done something as Vice President we would have said yes, shes a fighter. Thats who she has. We are all left with whatever. Jesse what you call a woman knew doesnt tell the truth, harold . Jeanine live i have no reason to not believe her. She may have gotten a few dates wrong here. Jeanine 19 of them . Harold i take her at her word. At least she enjoyed a great. Jesse were those where were those grapes from . Dana i dont know. I feel like when you are riffing on something you might be like i it didnt happen until i was 20, maybe it was another day, i dont really care. But harold i resemble your comment. Dana i would imagine her staff is sitting there being sheikh just gave a really great speech from their perspective on how the Labor Movement is growing in popularity in the country. At the end she throws in this line. Now its on the five. Thats not great. Grapes. Jesse greg . Greg clearly she lies a bunch. This is actually worse than watergate. Were screwing up timelines. Do you remember the wrappers . Remember she was listening to her favorite wrappers and she was off by whatever . I cant remember who they are but i think they might be dead. I also admire the fact that she does these phony Virtue Signaling stories far enough in the past they can almost not be provable to thats pretty clever. You dont want to lie about something that happened in this last six months. Lie about something that happened when you were 18 when you are helping with the orphanage, remember that . Yeah i burned down the orph orphanage. Its unprovable. Nobody can go back and look at that. Jesse so gregs advice about how to lie is greg make the lies really old and vague. Jesse write that down, harold. One more thing is up next. When tired, achy feet make your whole body want to stop, its dr. Scholls time. Our insoles are designed with unique massaging gel waves, for allday comfort and energy. Find your relief in store or online. Breakthrough heartburn. Means your Heartburn Treatment is broken. Try zegerid otc. It contains the leading medicine to treat frequent heartburn, uniquely designed for absorption. Get all day, all night relief with zegerid otc. We lost about everything trying to pay for prescriptions. We spent our whole pension but couldnt keep up. So my husband just stopped taking his medicine. And then he had a stroke. I cant get back what i lost, but thanks to aarp, a new law will protect seniors with a cap on their prescription costs. That could have changed everything for us. Im just grateful that no one will have to face the terrible choices that we did any way you want it thats the way you need it any way you want it any way any way you want it thats the way you need it its back america. Applebees all you can eat boneless wings. Just 12. 99. Age is just a number. And mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. Versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. Boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. Boost® high protein. Out. Greg one more thing, jesse. Jesse lets do vacation pictures. As you know i was away for a little while. Not as long as some people. There we were at the bumble bee ride. Wasnt scary at all. Merrygoround. Carousel. Short to ride on that one. Posting this picture very far away because i dont want to show everybody what i really look like up close. And there is jesse jr. Dana look how big he is. Jesse got a lot of color. Do we have the twins first day of school shot . We do not. We will have that tomorrow. Also tonight Jesse Watters primetime, the story of joe bidens summer told the way only i could tell it. 7 00. Greg all right. Im up. Tonight i got tom shillue, dagen mcdowell, Mercedes Schlapp and jimmy failla. And lets do this. Gregs post labor day mood. I think we are all feeling a little weird much like these fellows here. A little sleepy. Its getting dark outside now. Remember, summer just went so fast. He is getting sleepy and then quote a sleepy bear. Where is the sleepy bear . He is sleeping, too. Everybody is getting sleepy. Bret baier nodding off and lets end with the sleepiest of sleepy the sleepy sloth. Yeah. Isnt that amazing . Judge jeanine look at those eyes. Greg that was everybody o. Judge . Judge jeanine new season of castles u. S. A. On fox nation hoovment sear sneak peek of our latest episode the combination of the vineyards and the castle, you feel like you are in another place. Almost like tuscany. Judge jeanine not just tuesday cane but another time as well. This is perfection. Judge jeanine that can a stella dm. I host fox nation and get to see some of the most beautiful houses and castles. Tune in to fox nation. You dont want to miss it. How was that, greg . Greg that was beautiful. Judge jeanine thank you. Gust gut do you ever get any castles with moats . Judge jeanine yeah and did you know junes and i think of you. Dana i have one thing to promote fox news daily run down. Let me talk to people. Harnessing the nine hallmarks of aging. Greg mcpherson and he talks tals about about how humans are going to live past the age of 100 and how you should prepare for this eventuality. Luke combs, he did, this watch. We made 100 bucks stacking five cords of wood. Man he sounds good. I appreciate you. I got 140 right here. Dana he and his Friend Tanner did all that work and they got recognized by luke combs at the concert. Harold Changing Of The Guard in tennis. Huge nadal fan i have been for a long time. Coco gauff is doing her things. Serene that is out. This Changing Of The Guard could be good for the u. S. Greg looks a lot like pickle ball. Harold kind of. Judge do you have a statement on that . A little bit. Greg good to see they are still playing tennis people are still playing it. Wait, Special Report is up. Bret im not a sleepy bear. Greg now are not. Bret good evening welcome to washington im bret baier. The Biden Administration Treasury Department is covering for hunter biden a tragic end to the search for be a 60ed j abdur tennessee and what is holding up the iran nuclear deal. Ebb breaking tonight now that labor day has come and gone the Fall Campaign season is upon us and fast. President biden is already in attack mode. He met wit

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