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what provoked this barbaric attack. why didn't the bus driver do more to stop it? we'll have a factor investigation. chanting] >> laura: a scathing new report shows planned parenthood wasted or abused millions of taxpayer dollars. the mainstreamed me remains silent. but not us. you will be shocked by what we tell you. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, and the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, everyone, i'm laura ingraham for bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. will past be prologue for hillary clinton? that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo hillary clinton has been gone from her perch at the state department for six months now, but, with mrs. clinton it's never out of site out of mind with die hard democrats. new hampshire poll of likely primary voters has the former first lady beating the rest of the potential 2016 presidential field by a mile poor joe biden, when the president bid farewell to ms. clinton in late january, it was quite the sendoff i think hillary will go down as one of the finest secretary of states we have h it has been a great collaboration other the last four years. i'm going it miss her. i wish she was sticking around. she has logged in so many miles i can't begrudge her take it easy for a little bit. i want the country to appreciate just what an extraordinary role she has played. >> now, that's all very sweet, but is it true? forget party politics for a element no. was mrs. clinton, objectively speaking, really a great secretary of state? it's glaringly apparent that our relationship with russia is in tatters which she began by botching the translation of the word reset on a button she handed russian counterpart and that was back in 2008. after giving russia what it wanted on the eastern european missile defense field. russia repaid us by continuing to help the asyrian regime and cruelly banned american adoptions. as for china, her last visit there was a disaster. she was met with unbridled hostility in beijing and the president's recent meetings also produced zip. while china meanwhile continues to amass more wealth, more geopolitical influence and more power. what about the middle east, despite all the promise of the clinton magic. the secretary of state came up empty. initially offending the israelis with our shabby treatment of netanyahu and then not taking any lead role in getting the parties together. what about iran? zero progress and halting iran's nuclear programs. how about egypt? we turned our back on long time ally hosni mubarak and gained a new volatile player mohammed morsi who lasted all of 12 months before being ousted in a coup that we won't call a coup. what about the arab spring? well, mrs. clinton was quick to praise its promise without understanding how the coming volatility would adversely effect religious minorities in neighboring countries like our strong ally jordan or saudi arabia. last, but not least. there was benghazi. four dead americans on her watch. yet the secretary of state could not be buried to be interviewed by the accountability review board. why was ambassador susan rice sent out to tell that tall tale regarding the nonexistent protests video. why did mrs. clinton herself make all those sunday show appearances? what difference does it make? all of this, well, should make a huge amount of difference to anyone interested in objectively assessing her tenure as secretary of state. that's the memo. now on to top story despite president obama insisting there is no domestic spying program. the "new york times" today reports u.s. officials have cast a far wider net in intercepting the communications ofjf americans more wide than initially believed. involved in concealing discreet evidence by other agencies during investigations of americans. with us now to sort through all of this, fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. lamb bass of hillary. it was subspecial. i appreciate that and say it with a heavy heart. quickly on that. am i being unfair here? the only thing i left out was libya debacle. >> these are all great points which will be used against her not by primary opponent. she won't have any. by whoever the republican nominee is almost makes you wonder if the president was speaking tongue in cheek. obviously poor. >> laura: i guess i should have thrown in getting rid of qaddafi but i didn't. i know you are all worked up about this. this "new york times" piece today was a blockbuster, although a lot of this information was out there at the end of june but it was kind of overlooked about the types of information this government has access to under the 2008 fisa amendments. tell us about it. >> when the president goes on a late night talk show and says we have no domestic spying program he is being deceptive at best and unright untruthful at worse. it is clear not only from what snowden told us but from the documents that snowden revealed and i have seen the ones that he made public that the president asked fisa court to authorize massive spying on virtually every american that uses the internet or the telephone. that spying consisted of capturing the content of communications. >> laura: they say it's only content it. they always have an explanation. it's only content if you have specific selector words that are used that somehow key you to the, quote targets abroad. >> they basically say it's only content but we won't go there unless we think we have to go there. they can't go there without a warrant from a judge identifying the person quote particularly describing what is to be searched based on probable cause. they can't lawfully collect content without a search warrant as well. remember they initially said we are just looking at phone bills. >> laura: just said that on leno the other night. >> now we know he in two and a half years they have captured almost every phone call email and text, that is trillions of pieces of information. >> laura: jay carney spoke out about this today, let's hear it. >> nsa collects only what it explicit police sitly authorized to collect. while analysts examine only a percentage of traffic. if incidentally collected. must follow procedures approved by the u.s. attorney general and designed to protect the privacy of u.s. persons. >> laura, nothing is incidentally collected. they know exactly what they are collecting. they want to have everything available at their finger tips. do they have time to read it? no. can they read it? , yes. when general alexander the head of the nsa was asked by former fbi agent. general do you have the ability to collect all of this no, sir we don't have the authority. he knows they don't have the ability and he conceded they don't have the authority. >> today intelligence official said basically that if this data is collected incident dentally, still uses incidentally, it's deleted quickly. the process takes a small number of seconds and the system has no ability to perform retrospective searching. there is no storage of this information, that's what they are saying now the narrative keeps shifting. there is no not only snowden but four other former nsa employees, not employees of vendors but employees of the nsa who has back up snowden. biggest end round around the fourth amendment in the history of the united states and are a committees straighted by barack obama. >> laura: you think congress didn't know anything about it they claimed the briefings were confusing. >> i think congress was mislead in those briefings and it's supine and afraid to take the president on over national security. >> laura: fascinating judge, thanks very much. different point of view from a conservative who supports the nsa program. a young boy brutally attacked on a school bus prompting questions about why and whether the driver why and whether the driver did ♪ you're not made of money, so don't overpay for at insurance. geico, you're not made of money, see how much you could save. ♪ the middle of this special moment and i need to run off to the bathroom. ♪ i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor about overactive bladder symptoms. 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>> laura: you heard what the judge said he is really worked up about this. i have got to confess that after reading this new iteration of what's been going on today. i am a lot more upset than i was before. your reaction? >> well, certainly the judge makes great points and we need to make sure that the oversight committee in congress are doing their job. let's remember that this program is about catching terrorists that's what it is designed for. important distinction. i think the president, although he is being evasive, he is being truthful in the fact that we do not have a domestic spying program. i side with president obama, not with candidate obama. let's remember that he was against all this intelligence gathering before he was for it stories come all from many of my friends who are intelligence ours is on the front lines gathering all of this important data. they say that president obama changed his position on these issues from the moment he came in and started getting the top secret security clearance briefings. he really felt the impact of all of those people trying to get us. and i think that he changed his position on these. the media need to do a better job of, i think, making sure that we don't overreach. the judge raised some very serious questions about the overreach. i think. >> laura: rick, rick. >> congress need to make sure that they are looking at these issues as well. >> laura: rick, here is where i think folks out there watching, this it gets very confusing, right? they were told on a number of occasions that the government is not reading your emails. that turns out now we know not to be true. okay? it is not true. the "new york times" reporting and the analysis of this nsa rule. now, this is a rule interpreting the fisa amendment. a little administratively confusing for people. that was not clear in the way the administration described this there is a basic distrust about what the government says its intentions and the fact well, we are not storing this people don't trust that they don't believe it their protestations to the contrary one by one have turned out to be oftentimes untrue. so i don't blame people for saying wait a second. why are you reading people's emails or facebook chats because they happen to mention al awlaki? or they mention another terrorist name maybe katalla benghazi attack. mention him in an email and that sudden lynn flags you. not what we were told initially. they haven't come clean on this and that's a big problem here. >> there is no question they haven't come clean and there is a lot of misstatements. i go back to the fact that the intent of this program is to keep us safe. and we cannot wait until there is a bomber boarding a jet in order to react at the airport with some tsa screener. >> laura: why not have a police state then? if that's our goal? we could have 100% security. we do have a fourth amendment. we do have due process treated like criminals. >> nobody is advocating for that. and i think though that at the end of the day you have to remember that we cannot have a government where the republicans just trust bush to do the right thing and the democrats. >> i agree with that. >> obama to do the right thing. we have to have an oversight committee that's aggressive in making sure that these programs are designed to only go after the terrorists. and those that are helping them. we should not be spying on every day americans. but, at the end of the day, you have to look at big data and you have to go through the big data in order to get to the international terrorists and those that support him. >> laura: we also have the issue of information sharing between agencies that we didn't think were going to share information. irs, dea, and. >> that's very problematic. >> nsa intelligence. we keep being told well the nsa doesn't share its information. that's what judge mukasey told me the other night. and that's fine. but, what about this other story that's just cropped up today? so, i just think people are -- >> -- it's very concerning but that's where the oversight committees real little have got to step in. we have checks and balances on the system. we have to rely on checks and balances. >> laura: they say they are being mislead. was i fair to the former first lady, former secretary of state? >> no. they were amazing. i think hillary clinton was a seat warmer. she avoided all of the serious issues. you know, i would really give her an average grade because she showed up as a diplomat but she didn't really do any of the heavy lifting on the priority issues. she did less than condoleezza rice. >> average grade? you are a very kind and gentle grader. rick cornell, average? come on, i would give her -- well d minus just because i'm charitable tonight. >> on the priority issue she has failed. >> i appreciate it, rick. defense department silencing the fort hood shooting victim in the wife of one says yes. we will talk to her attorney. also, a 13-year-old boy brutally attacked on a school bus. what provoked the beating? 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[ male announcer ] get adt installed for just $99. and ask about adt pulse, advanced home management here today. adt. always there. >> laura: impact segment tonight. more disturbing testimony from some of the 2009 fort hood shooting. as the trial of major nidal hasan continues. hasan who is representing himself in court admits that he killed 13 people and injured 32 others. and some of those victims say they are being victimized all over again by the defense department because the government cleaved the shooting as work place violence thereby denying them come bat defendants. to add insult to injury the wife of one victim says the dod is telling them not to talk to the press about the situation with us is rebound reuben stein a group of the fort hood victims. counselor, what the judge and and didn't say. the court saying there was never a gag order of any of the victims. >> thanks for having me, laura. what the judge said she instructed the witnesses after they testified that they were not to talk about their testimony. there are provisions under the provisionary rules of court martials for gag orders. like there are in civil courts. but because it's a different process, and the public doesn't have access to the rules and orders and so forth, wasn't made clear to the victims exactly what was and wasn't aloud. so what they were told was don't talk about your testimony until after the verdict. now, i want to say that our folks are very upset. but you have to understand why. they are committed to this prosecution. they appreciate everything that the team is doing to prosecute hasan. they have a prospect. >> they are suing the government on claims that, what? claims basically that the government gave major hasan favorable treatment because of his race and his ethnicity and as a result you had the fort hood attack. >> how about a failure to step in and remove him from his position as psychologist when there are always these warning signs. >> exactly. >> is that part of the claim or is it a wrongful death claim? how do you sue the military? this capacity without any immunity kicking in? >> that's an interesting question. we are going to find out essentially it is -- there are wrongful death claims. there are cill rights claims. we are looking for justice. the suit was filed because the government frankly didn't treat the victims with the respect that it should. >> laura: it was filed last year in pre-trial phase right now. so you -- you believe and the victims' families believe this thing was terrorism. it's obviously a terrorist act on u.s. soil. and you believe that it was classified as work place violence. partly was it political? was it a pr thing? obama didn't want a terrorist attack on american soil under his watch? or was something else at play? >> partly it was political, sure. at the time of the attack there was the debate about closing guantanamo bay. so it wasn't optimal obviously to have a terrorist attack. >> he screamed akbar did he not? >> he sure did. the things he has been saying in this trial. >> communications with terrorists overseas? knock he said with the exception of renouncing his citizenship, not his salary that he hasn't said while he was in the army. nothing new here. yeah it was terrorist, after everything these people have been through. they have to go through this aspect of it compensatory punitive damages purple hearts for those people killed. 9/11 victims. >> thank you for having me. thank you. >> and plenty more ahead as the factor moves along tonight. just how far will immigration activists go to get am mess city passed. we will have the inside story on their latest stunt. then a 13-year-old boy was beaten, kicked and punched by three student thugs on a florida school bus. what provoked this brutal assaulted and should the driver have done more to intervene. we hope you stay tuned for [ male announcer ] come to the golden opportunity sales event to experience the precision handling of the lexus performance vehicles, including the gs and all-new is. ♪ this is the pursuit of perfection. ♪ a quarter million tweeters is beare tweeting. and 900 million dollars are changing hands online. that's why hp built a new kind of server. one that's 80% smaller. uses 89% less energy. and costs 77% less. it's called hp moonshot. and it's giving the internet the room it needs to grow. this&is gonna be big. hp moonshot. it's time to build a better enterprise. together. i don't know. how did you get here? 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>> yes, i came to the u.s. when i was 5 years old. >> you are five and you are living and are you working in the united states? >> i'm actually i came here to the u.s. when i was five years old. new york has been my home. new york has -- and the u.s. has been my home and my country. just like the dream 9 i'm a dreamer as well. >> laura: you work in the united states? >> i actually created my own job, actually. contrary to misconception about how immigrants are stealing jobs. immigrants are countlessly creating jobs throughout the at -- throughout the sphere of the u.s. in various sectors. >> laura: okay. so, the dream 9, there are a bunch of o -- there are nine people who are here illegally beings six of them and it's kind of unclear some the circumstances, but six had gone back to mexico some self-deported for a time for a variety of reasons, school, medical procedure. and so forth. three had -- were here illegally still. they attempted to cross the border as i said earlier. then they tried to come back. this was a act of, what, civil disobedience where they knew when they would come back in they would be prevented from fully coming back in but they decided to do that anyway. how is that not a stunt and a fairly obvious one and how is that not just disrespecting our laws all over again. >> this t. was not to flaunt the law or disrespect the law. highlight how ineffective how outdated the immigration system in is. we are living in a immigration system that has not been updated for over 20 years. facebook mark zuckerberg has said. we live in the 21st century. we have to do better. meant to highlight the efficiency and how broke the immigration system is. really bring people home. u.s. is my home i understand where you are coming from. i get it when you say this is our home, six of these people here living illegally. this is your home respect your home's law. that is our law. unless that's changed, that's our law. they decided to leave their home to go back to mexico, six of them. then when they saw that president obama had done the executive order for the dream amnesty, which i imagine applies to you, right? the dreamer amnesty, they were kind of mad, i think, wait a second, we left too early. they left a little bit before that so now they want to take advantage at which even though they weren't in the country. now, i'm sorry, that's like violating the law once. they were kids when they violated the first law. can't say it's not their fault. then they are adults and trying to violate the law again. so i don't understand how like we're supposed to follow over saying this is your home. when i go into someone else's home i try to follow their rules. so when you come into our home and make it your home, then you have got to follow the rules. >> absolutely. it's like what you always mention what fox news always mentions creating a line, where is the line? that's exactly what the dream line is. actually really trying to create that line that really does not exist. there is no line for young people who came to the u.s. there is no line working parents just here to work. >> laura: what about the american workers, mr. vargas by the way you are not in the shadows we always here people are in the shadows you are here and representing yourself really well. what about the american workers? they are working really hard too and they are seeing their wages flat line and opportunities kind of vanish in this country and no offense to you but they are really struggling so they are trying to find the american dream and they are here legally. >> and that is what the immigration system is all about. countless reports. taxation, economic policy say that we would reduce the deficit by over $900 billion. we would create spending to the u.s. economy by over $500 billion. >> laura: the cbo report says wages are going to go down. we can cite reports back to each other. the bottom line is these people claim they fear persecution in their home lands if they go back, then why did they go back six of them voluntarily? >> debate the numbers, right in the point is to really highlight that this young people and like many other families are here to come home. and this is a country. we want not to flaunt the law. not it really come in somebody else's house. >> laura: they flaunted the law twice. we appreciate it mr. vargas thank you so much. out of time. up next a factor investigation into what provoked this horrific beating on a school bus beating on a school bus that sent a 13-year-old boy copd makes it hard to breathe... but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can help make this a great block party. ♪ [ male announce ] advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not bused more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia. advair may incrse your risk of osteoporosis some eye prlems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking advair. ask your doctor if including advair could help improve your lung function. 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you have to back up and examine our own profession. i didn't see the video for a long time. i had no idea that the three attackers were black and the victim, the 13-year-old was white until i finally did see the video i read some experts. some news from they never mentioned the race of either the assay lengths or the victim either. now, if the shoe was on the other foot, i think it's fair to say if three white kids had stomped on a 13-year-old black kid, you would have had had particularly in the post trayvon ravment you would have had a massive movement. jesse jackson, al sharpton and all the others would have been one of the crimes of the century. i think there is. >> laura: they would be hosting shows from pinellas county. al sharpton would have moved down there, geraldo. they would have been shutting down the town and screaming from the top of the hills. i'm not saying it was racial, by the way. i think it's worth pointing out. >> it's not about -- we will get to the investigation of what motivated the boys. the 15-year-olds. i'm talking about us. i'm talking about the media. i'm talking about the press. we have a wretched double standard here and i think that we really have to be honest with ourselves. if this had facility the victim stereotype of past civil right violations we would have been all over it. because it did not and it was kind of, you know, the fly thugs and victim so we could let it be race neutral. i don't agree with that are a cornell west, the famed professor said, race matters would have to talk about it particularly in the post trayvon era. now we get to the sheriff and others who say that say it wasn't because the victim was white-and perpetrators were black. ratted out julian for telling him -- attempting to sell the $10 bag of pot. >> laura: i don't know what to believe. >> still is relevant that we have to talk about who these young kids are though who these young men are and what they did. >> talking points memo of last week. the week before when he was talking about this, this scourge of crime. it's especially hitting minority communities and in this case, of course, it hit a white kid again we don't know much of the underlying facts. what is happening in the families of these children. a boy is crouched in the seat. he is one boy and screaming epitaphs at him and throwing a dollars bills and screaming at him and pounding on him. it's not one on one it's 3 on one. would be nice if sharpton and others spoke about it. >> sociology of it in the background of the kids. that is fruitful for down the road. but right now, did the bus driver do enough? did the bus driver intervene in an appropriate way? >> what do you think? >> heros come along and you can't make a person a hero. i think that he, john moody did what he thought he could do. he retired after 18 years on a job, a week or two after the incident he was so traumatized. >> he is kind of a senior citizen. >> whether or not he did enough. >> laura: he was an older guy and i think he felt like he didn't have the strength to do it and he probably was afraid. these kids are big. not the 15-year-olds of 20 years ago. they all look like pretty big kids and he was afraid. >> we should have reported who they were and we did not. >> faster. >> i think we failed. >> thank you, geraldo, next on the rundown, millions of taxpayers dollars down the drain. waste and resumption at planned parenthood. the mainstream media has been silent. we will have the latest, right back. >> laura: ed in the unresolved problem segment tonight, massive waste abuse and possible fraud at planned parenthood and it's costing taxpayers millions. the conservative group alliance defending freedom released a report this month about investigations by federal and state investigators which apparently found planned parenthood organizations around the country are rife with corruption. conservatives have long called for an audit of the reproductive rights organization, $542 million in taxpayers last year. announced they would investigate. the main stweam media silent. joining us now from chicago, is kelly at the door rick, an attorney with alliance defending freedom. kelly, this is quite startling it does not surprise me that the media has gob silent on multiple instances of underlying abuse. i would say corruption. financial malfeasance. but the fact that they are not reporting it when we have so much taxpayer money on the line in planned parenthood is really journalistic malfeasance, take it away. >> well, you know, of course, laura, of course the media ♪ reporting this. they are silent because if they were doing their job, the american people would know the truth about what is going they were doing their the american people would know the truth about what's going on inside the closed walls of planned parenthood. they would know that planned parenthood is the nation's largest abortion provider and they're engaging in this abuse, this waste, this potential fraud of our hard earned tax dollars, and this is -- this is all going to an organization that exploits women and kills innocent little children every single day, and if the american people knew the truth about what was going on and how planned parenthood was using the millions and millions it receives in taxpayer dollars every single day, they would decide that they no longer wanted a penny let alone the millions of dollars that go to the nation's largest abortion provider. >> that's why the government's resisted these audits for so long, i think, because it does shock the conscience. not only the underlying issue what they're doing with abortion but the financial malfeasance. we have instances in texas, in washington state, in new york, fraudulent billing, improper dispensation of drug, other false claimsing at settlements, so they don't want to admit wrongdoing so they settle for $4.3 million in texas. >> yeah. you're absolutely right, and this is really just the tip of the iceberg of what's going on and what's going on across the country in planned parenthood clinics. this abuse of taxpayer dollars. really what's truly astonishing if you think about it, this is a global billion-dollar corporation, and there's not another global billion-dollar corporation that would get away with this, that would have this kind of abuse, known abuse inside it, and it wouldn't be, you know, the front page story for weeks at "the new york times" or have occupy wall street making a huge deal about it. so what my question is why is the abortion industry, why is the nation's -- >> special treatment. >> exactly. why are they getting a pass? i don't understand. >> no, no. kellie this is a sackry sankt right that will not be ignored. the abortions going on in these clinics, improperly regulated, we look the other way. now the billing, dispensing of billing, all this stuff being billed to medicaid, i don't care. if that was happening in the defense department under bush, oh, yeah, they would be doing a lot more reports on it. we really appreciate it. >> absolutely. >> thank you so much joining us. >> thank you so much joining us. just ahead jessie [ school bell rings ] ♪ school's out [ male announcer ] from the last day of school back to the first, they're gonna do a lot of note-taking d note-passing. so make sure they've got a whole lot of paper. this week only, get filler paper for a penny. staples has it. staples. that was easy. the day building a play set begins with a surprise twinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. 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