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Wisconsin, and allowing them to negotiate on their own and not paying union dues with which they dont agree and freedom in any context is good and nice to see it in a workplace, too. Paul thanks, kim, although we wish we could have had a triple cameron on this, but settle for that. Sorry. Paul thats it for this weeks show, thanks to my panel and all of you for watching, im paul gigot, hope to see you right here next week. Jon on fox news watch. Our journey is not complete. Jon president obamas big celebration on monday, his second inauguration drawing supporters, celebrities and the fawning media. I cant believe i have this vantage point. Mr. President , mr. President did the cheerleader overdraw the proceedings. And a scathing report on benghazi attacks, not true. Had i been president at the time i would have relieved you of your post. Jon Hillary Clinton finally answering questions about the benghazi attacks, putting on quite a performance for lawmakers and the press. Real emotion or just an act . The woman who ignited the petraeus scandal with the press, media debate or too late. And manti teo gives katie couric the straight scoop on the hoax. And prince harry hammered by the media by giving the facts. Take a life to save a life. And on the panelist, daily beast, kirsten powers, and jim pinkerton, american editor conservative magazine and Investigative Reporter and fox news contributor, vicky ward. Im jon scott. Fox news watch is on right now. Now. I Barack Hussein obama do faithfully swore that ill execute the office of president of the United States. And will to the best of my ability. And will to the best of my ability. Preserve protect and defend. Preserve protect and defend. The constitution of the nights. The constitution of the United States. So help you god . So help you god. Congratulations, mr. President. Jon it was a big day for barack obama on monday taking the ceremonial oath of office for his second term. It was a big day for the media as well. Jim, we had cnn jim acosta saying he had to pinch himself. We saw al roker screaming to get the president s attention. What happened to reporting . Dont forget Chris Mathews comparing it to the gettysburg address. I think that the media, some, some summarized it as well, tale of two inaugurations, and with bush 43, media sneers and obama, the media cheers. And how the kids are dressing and contrast to 2005 inaugural eight short years ago, and discussion was money spent on the inaugural, cutting into the poor and the iraq war et cetera, et cetera. And mr. Rothman completely nailed the sense of bias and i absolute him in his efforts. Jon what about that, kirsten, do reporters not have memories . laughter thats a loaded question, no, i think theres a little bit of a double standard here. Clearly, the economy is still in a bad place and you cant say that there are no longer poor people. And theyre concerned about spending back when bush was president and should be concerned now. We did an interview earlier michael hastings, the Rolling Stone reporter wrote a book saying that in covering the president , being around the media, that what he observed was very immature behavior, giddy is the word that he used and sort of in awe of the president. And i think it just confirms what weve been saying here almost every week about the problem with the press corps and their inability to cover the president. Jon now, we heard during the inaugural address, we heard about climate change, we heard about gay rights, we heard about lots of issues, but nothing much about the deficit and some of the pressing issues of, you know, the really pressing issues. Some of the really great analysis from a lot of journalists and commenttators, well, hes a liberal. Who knew . This is the biggest media coverup, this is their version of watergate. They try to portray him as a centrist, not a blue state or a red state america, but United States of america. A guy who could transcend all of the political divisions in washington and now saying after all the stuff you just mentioned golly, i guess hes a liberal after all. Who knew . Was there too much media cheerleading in the country . I think the media lost sight of the really lword here not so much liberal as legacy. And if you listen to the speech and took out the words climate change, guns, this speech could have been given in 1963. He was the president was making a speech about social reform, as the great social reformer of americas channelling his inner Teddy Roosevelt and he didnt get into the detail and i dont think the media picked up. Jon what about that, jim. I guess one wouldnt expect the president to bring up benghazi in an inaugural address, but there are big Foreign Policy issues that were facing out there that didnt get touched. Youre right, and one vicky mentions legacy and i think it was joe poll lack of Breitbart News was the first to notice the words peace in our time a and. Yes, absolutely. And chamberlain and coming back from the munich deal with hitler, and most misbegotten and it slipped by the Fact Checkers and nobody noticed and i did. Jon and now newsweek magazine, which is an online only publication, i guess you would call it. The second coming. Now, conservatives have long complained that president obama thinks that of himself, but now, cal, they have he made it official, i guess. He was treated the first time around and i think the media put too much faith in politics and government because it reflects their particular ideological bias and they really theyre setting him up for a nofail second term. Theyre not going to hold him accountable and didnt hold him accountable in the first term and afraid of being branded racist and they agree with him. One mentioned al roker embarrassed himself. He wasnt alone. Jon and the New York Times which complained about george w. Bush spending 40 Million Dollars on his second inauguration, jim touched on this, the inauguration and ceremonies for inauguration in war time, a lingering question of tone. That was all about george w. Bushs second inaugural. And then for Barack Obamas spending 50 million on his second inauguration, the times wrote, fund raising is lagging so far for inaugural plans. And lamenting the fact that in this economy, 50 Million Dollars was tough to raise. Just an interesting point. Next on news watch, Hillary Clinton serves it up and the press reacts. What difference at this point does it make . Hillary clinton finally answers questions about the benghazi debacle delivering a powerful performance to convince lawmakers and the media to see it her way. Did it work . Find out next on news watch. Power down your little word game. I think your friends will understand. Oh no, its actually my geico app. See . 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Helping protect your business is our business. Adt. Always there. With all due respect the fact is we have four dead americans. Was it because of a protest or because of guys out for a walk one night and decide theyd go kill some americans . What difference at this point does it make . It is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again, senator. Jon secretary of state Hillary Clinton finally facing lawmakers in the house and Senate Taking some tough questions about the benghazi fiasco and getting mixed media reaction. After four years in office, roughly a million miles flown, 112 nations visited, it the past few weeks alone she has fought illness and injury and including hospitalization, she leaves her post as the most admired woman in the world. The fiery appearance of secretary of state Hillary Clinton testifying before congress on the tragedy in benghazi. It was a valid that showed her indignation and emotion. And secretary of state Hillary Clinton defended her handling of the september 11th assault on the u. S. Mission in benghazi, libya while accepting responsibility as head diplomate. Jon it was perhaps, jim, the big story of the week, how did she come off in the coverage . I think it was she kind of knew she was going to have her moment of tears and her moment of outrage and the republicans were going to come after them. Unfortunately for the sake of those republicans and the two questions sort of asked the same questions over and over again, as one pointed out tom cott cotton, of arkansas, the only person ever accused of doing anything on the benghazi stuff was the fellow in tunisia who has been released and she sort of mumbled her answer on that one. Other than that, i thought was predictable and i questioned the part guys taking a walk, know said that was a possibility, and the four got killed. Jon and she asks what matters now . Well, the context matters because it mattered then before an election, right . Normally people more pathetic than the people in the media are members of congress, they could have said, you just laid out two scenarios that never happened and that nobody was ever talking about. So, she mentioned the protesters, but that wasnt the alternative. Like the alternative is terrorism. You know, so, the fact that to a certain extent the media cant create that story, theyre covering the questioning. If the questioners cant do the questioning, i dont know what the media is suppose today report. And she seemed to try to blame the republicans for cutting security funding or not providing enough security funding. Did it work in the media . Did it work in the media, im going back to this is a pageant, a public flogging and everyone colluded on it and she was there to react and to have questions asked, but no real truth came out and i dont think anyone expected. Jon has the media put it to bed, over and done with now. Probably so. But look, what theyre going to do with Hillary Clinton is the same thing they did for barack obama. Theyre going to part the waters like moses did the red sea and the clear path for the first woman president. And they treated him as messiah and her as the virgin mary. Jon do you think the media are helping set up a potential Hillary Clinton 2016 run . Thats been accused. And the ileana ross leytonen, pointed out. She had a juxtaposition of the Spending Priorities that needed more attention and didnt. And just watch the space, the headline in politico friday morning, im john kerry, secretary of state for climate change. If that really is what the Obama Administration is going to put emphasis on the next four years in terms of diplomacy as opposed to iran or china, thats consequence. Jon and more news watch ahead with comments like that, and if you see something you think shows media pass, tweet us. Next, she ignited a sex scandal and now she wants better press. The otherother woman caught up in the petraeus sex scandal trying to clear her good name, takes her story to the media. Are they buying her tale or is it too late . Thats next on news watch. [ male announcer ] to hold a patent that has changed the modern world. Would define you as an innovator. To hold more than one patent of this caliber. Would define you as a true leader. To hold over 80,000. Well, that would make you. The creators of the 2013 mercedesbenz eclass. Quite possibly the most advanced luxury sedan ever. See your authorized mercedesbenz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedesbenz financial services. Of green giant vegetables its easy to eat like a giant. And feel like a green giant. Ho ho ho green giant jill kelley is a florida socialite who got the media spotlight after he claims she received threatening emails from an anonymous sender. The fbi got involved and discovered the emails came from Paula Broadwell, a biographer who it turns out had an affair with the man she wrote about, that man, general David Petraeus and resigned cia director after the story went public just after the election. Three months later she wants her story out. Is it a little too late . Well, nobody cares. I mean, really, and whats interesting about it, she actually complains in the pa piece that she came out and wrote that nobody would move on. And then everybodys moved on and then she wants to talk about it. Jon yes. Vicky, you were offered the story. I was offered the story and i turned her down because i was offered two terms. The first, could she have the cover and i have a big piece coming out which addressed the real issue about jill kelley, i would disagree kirsten, one question that matters is how does somebody like this have access to general petraeus and general allen and are we safe as a result . I mean, thats, that is the real question. But no, she asked me for the to the interview and these conditions and no selfrespecting journalist give you a cover and b, give you a favorable interview. Jon and in american journalism because his interview didnt ask the most important question of jill kelley, which is how did you come to be so close with general petraeus, the most, you know, at one point, the most important military commander in the world. What do you know . I mean, its thats really what we need to know about our military. And thats the only importance of jill kelley. Jon the title of his column, jill kelley says that Paula Broadwell tried to blackmail her. Any truth to that. Apparently they dont think so, and i think that is a shoddy piece of journalism and he disagrees. And the way they ingratiated themselves, these women and broadwell and kelly and the rest in tampa where centcom was held and threw the lavish parties, who doesnt like a good party after a day of sweating in centcom with the medals and have a few drinks with a couple of women, nothing new, this is what they did. I think that howard kirtz has a franchise, a good smart hard working reporter of people who want their stories out in a certain way, go to him first. Not only did jill kelley do it. But kind of dangling in the headline, just hike jill kelley, eyes come back dn guess who kirtz would like to get the story from, i did kelly and Paula Broadwell. And paula youre the big get. Dont think oprah, dont think katie couric, think me. I have to defend howard, and hes done good journalism. If people have issues with this story, okay. Dont smear his whole career, a respected reporter and you can take issue with this, but i dont think his motives are impure. Jon point taken. And lets talk about somebody else, manti teo, the fake girlfriend hoax took a turn this week and more who was behind this hoax and he took his story to katie couric. Katie, put yourself in my situation, my whole world told me that she died on september 12th. Everybody knew that. This girl, who i committed myself to, died on september the 12th. And now, i get a phone call on december 6th saying that shes alive and ill be put on tv two days later and asked the same question, what would you do. Jon should this story die with the fake girlfriend or more questions today here, vicky . I hope not. You know, what i thought was so interesting, quite clear watching that interview, he got to know the notre dame on football scholarship not an academic one. laughter i mean, really, and i love the fact that he kept, as a child, the parent because we forgive children when they make mistakes, you who do we know that teo exists. The only thing i got out of the interview, katie couric is wearing sitiletto shoes. Jon kirsten. And a girlfriend you never met, and a funeral you dont attend, seems strange to me. Im at a loss. Explains how the press can let politicians get away. And as you were alluding to the story with paula kelly, so much negotiating in advance, if you can pull it off to say, look, but its implicit i go first with you to the interview you may be kind to me. The story may well die as a news story and it will live on, the play syrino, and more recently m butterfly. Jon and prince harry back in the news bell rings they remind me so much of my grandkids. Wish i saw mine more often, but they live so far away. Ive been thinking about moving in with my daughter and her family. Its been pretty tough since jack passed away. Its a good thing you had Life Insurance through the Colonial Penn program. Youre right. It was affordable, and we were guaranteed acceptance. Guaranteed acceptance . 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