Connections about the death of korostoyanova in a fierce battle. On the eve of her last battle, she prepared a publication for komsomol pravda, an appeal to belarusians. She was only 25 years old. For courage and heroism, liliya karostoyanova was awarded the order of the patriotic war, second degree, posthumously. Streets in gomel and minsk are named after the correspondent. Many of you are familiar with such films as the terminator, bicentennial man or im a robot starring will smith; today machines are confidently penetrating many areas of human life, for example, replacing people with workers. Places, and whats going on on the creative front . According to one study, people rated works created by Artificial Intelligence higher than those drawn by humans. Is it really Neural Networks . Pose a threat to artists, is Artificial Intelligence claiming a dominant role in art, or will the ability to create still remain in the power of humans . We will find out the answers to these and many o