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Contaminated BP petrol station fuel enrages drivers, may cause 'major damage'

By Soumya Bhamidipati of RNZ Motorists are complaining about their cars “rattling”, breaking down and dropping to low power after filling up at BP Ōtaki, w

Paraparaumu , New-zealand-general- , New-zealand , Otaki , Waikanae , Soumya-bhamidipati , Thomas-horton , Bp , Petrolstation , Business , Fuel

Northland petrol station stabbing: Man who attacked gang member over stolen car gets 12 months' home D

A former Northland man who repeatedly stabbed a gang member on a service station forecourt in a dispute over a stolen car has avoided going to jail. Simon

Auckland-region , Auckland , New-zealand , Northland , New-zealand-general- , Kaikohe , Simon-van-duyn , Brandt-shortland , Van-duyn , Kaikohe-district-court , Judge-shortland