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The State of FAST Markets: Europe vs. US

It's well-established that the FAST market matured in the US years earlier than in Europe and other parts of the world. But as the European market grows, is it evolving along the same lines as the US market, and are there lessons in where the US market stumbled that inform FAST strategy in Europe? Streaming Made Easy newsletter author Marion Ranchet and ESHAP's Evan Shapiro discuss the state of the FAST ecosystem in Europe in this clip from Streaming Media Connect 2023.

United-kingdom , United-states , Hollywood , California , Germany , France , Spain , America , Quincy-olatunde , Tastemade-evan-bregman , Philippe-guelton , Marion-ranchet

Metadata and the Battle for Streaming ROI

Whether your game is FAST, AVOD, SVOD, hybrid, or premium or longtail content, leveraging metadata intelligently is a critical component of monetizing your offerings. Warner Bros. Discovery's Dan Trotta, TVREV's Alan Wolk, Vevo's Bethany Atchison, Erickson Strategy's Paul Erickson, and Chris Pfaff Tech Media's Chris Pfaff break down current and emerging stratagems in this clip from Streaming Media Connect 2023.

Hollywood , California , United-states , America , Daniel-trotta , Chris-pfaff , Evan-shapiro , Quincy-olatunde , Paul-erickson , Alan-wolk , Bethany-atchison , Producers-guild

How AI Helps Solve Streaming Content Monetization

Much discussion of AI and streaming relates to streamlining and automating workflows, but how content companies can leverage it to personalize their content and target ads more efficiently, among other monetization strategies, is another question the industry is examining closely. Chris Pfaff dives into this question with Vevo's Bethany Atchison, Warner Bros. Discovery's Dan Trotta, TVREV's Alan Wolk, and Erickson Strategy's Paul Erickson in this clip from Streaming Media Connect 2023.

United-states , America , Matthew-mcconaughey , Daniel-trotta , Paul-erickson , Chris-pfaff , Alan-wolk , Evan-shapiro , Bethany-atchison , Quincy-olatunde , Warner-bros , Youtube

Pendo Draws Record Attendance for Seventh Annual Pendomonium Festival; Announces Pendo One, its Unified Application Experience Platform

/PRNewswire/ -- Pendo, the leader in application experience management, today closed out its seventh annual Pendomonium product festival, gathering a record...

Todd-olson , Brandon-noskoviak , Christina-tosi , Fraser-kelton , Chuck-konfrst , Big-boi , Quincy-olatunde , Yochai-konig , Medidata-solutions , Elsevier , Pendo-one , Session-replay

Localization and the Future of the Streaming Ecosystem

Streaming localization is not just about delivering content to multiple regions; it's about 'opening up the world,' according to Peacock TV VP, Products Quincy Olatunde, who explains why he believes streaming localization is so critically important in this clip from his Streaming Media Connect 2023 keynote conversation with Media Universe Cartographer Evan Shapiro.

Boston , Massachusetts , United-states , Nigeria , Rob-dillon , Manatt-eric-bergner , Phelps-phillips , Ben-ratner , Reed-hastings , Eric-bergner , Quincy-olatunde , Johan-bolin

Why Doesn't the M & E Industry Embrace New Ways of Thinking?

Are media and entertainment executives listening to the wrong people, and not bringing younger and more diverse voices into the conversation, and is it holding the industry back? While valuing the expertise of boardroom inner circles, are there ways to expand the table to encourage more forward-looking thinking? Peacock TV VP Quincy Olatunde and Media Industry Cartographer Evan Shapiro debate these issues in this clip from their keynote at Streaming Media Connect 2023.

Quincy-olatunde , Wayne-gretzky , Evan-shapiro , Steve-jobs , Ivy-league , Why-doesn-t , Media-industry-cartographer-evan-shapiro , Products-direct-to-consumer , Streaming-media-connect , Streaming-media-east , Ott-tv , Online-video-industry

Why Doesn't the M & E Industry Embrace New Ways of Thinking?

Are media and entertainment executives listening to the wrong people, and not bringing younger and more diverse voices into the conversation, and is it holding the industry back? While valuing the expertise of boardroom inner circles, are there ways to expand the table to encourage more forward-looking thinking? Peacock TV VP Quincy Olatunde and Media Industry Cartographer Evan Shapiro debate these issues in this clip from their keynote at Streaming Media Connect 2023.

Boston , Massachusetts , United-states , Wayne-gretzky , Johan-bolin , Rob-dillon , Corey-smith , Ben-ratner , Steve-jobs , Eric-bergner , Reed-hastings , Manatt-eric-bergner

Pendo announces 2023 Pendomonium lineup

The hybrid indoor-outdoor event will include training, sessions, networking, a Welcome reception, and "Pendopalooza", the Thursday evening event that will wrap things up.

Paris , France-general- , France , Christina-tosi , Fraser-kelton , Quincy-olatunde , Big-boi , Todd-olsen , Martin-marietta-center , Product-experience , Raleigh-october , Grammy-award