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Africa needs more fake prophets

Before we get nauseated by their dizzy pretenses, we may never feel the need for a more rational contemplation of our universe

Kayanja , Kiruhura , Uganda , Maama-fina , Holy-spirit , Alan-tacca , Novelist , Socio-political-commentator , Synagogue-church-of-all-nations , Athological , Mythical-powers

AFSPA: Should it be repealed? - Sentinelassam

After the massacre that took place in Nagaland’s Mon district, where the army’s para commandos shot 14 civilians, the validity of the controversial AFSPA or Armed Forces Special Powers Act has again...

Gauhati , Assam , India , Manipur , Uttar-pradesh , Nagaland-mon , Jawaharlal-nehru , Irom-sharmila , Rajendra-prasad , Justice-jeevan-reddy-committee , Armed-forces-assam , Gauhati-high-court