List of People Worked In Do the Math
1.Betsy Taylor
2.Majora Carter
3.Steve Liptay
4.Lennox Yearwood
5.Gabrielle Hawkins
6.Daniel McCartney
7.Andre Dahlman
8.Richard Cizik
9.Mike Brune
10.Trip Jennings
11.Nick Pohulchuk
12.Eve Weinberg
13.Noah Poole
14.Jack Arlook
15.Phil Radford
16.Amber Young
17.Padmini Harchandrai
18.Stewart Townsend
19.Edward Elkins
20.Andrew Baker
21.Nicole Ross
22.Emily Descalo
23.Adam Elliott
24.Ian Cook
25.Kristen West
26.Stephen Mulkey
27.Sophie Lasoff
28.Jessy Tolkan
29.Susan Casey Lefkowitz