List of People Worked In The Quatermass Experiment
1.Neal Arden
2.Iris Ballard
3.Peter Bathurst
4.Van Boolen
5.Nicholas Bruce
6.Ian Colin
7.Josephine Crombie
8.Richard Cuthbert
9.Colyn Davies
10.Isabel Dean
11.W. Thorp Deverreux
12.Lee Fox
13.John Glen
14.Pauline Johnson
15.Anthony Green
16.Richard R. Greenough
17.Frank Hawkins
18.Keith Herrington
19.Christie Humphrey
20.Katie Johnson
21.Oliver Johnston
22.Janet Joye
23.Hugh Kelly
24.Duncan Lamont
25.Dominic Le Foe
26.Enid Lindsey
27.Stewart Marshall
28.Pat McGrath
29.Kenneth Midwood
30.Bernadette Milnes
31.Christopher Rhodes
32.Stella Richman
33.Darrell Runey
34.Reginald Tate
35.MacGregor Urquhart
36.Philip Vickers
37.Moray Watson
38.Paul Whitsun Jones
39.Dennis Wyndham
40.Halstan Crimmins
41.Lewis Wilson
42.Peter Franklin
43.Daphne Martin
44.Preston Bell
45.Stuart Mortimer
46.David Marcus Roland
47.John C. Wright
48.John P. Bell
49.R. McCullough
50.Cowley Brown
51.Kebie Westone
52.S.M. Wood
53.Joan Rome
54.David Ellison
55.Edward Barnes
56.Edward David