Review 景雅民宿,Makung,Taiwan In penghu, taiwan
Only 50% People Answered Yes For the Poll
Penghu,Taiwan - 880
Keywords List : Hotel lodging in taiwan , Hotel lodging in others , Hotel lodging in penghu county , Hotel lodging in 880 , Makung taiwan ,
Detailed description is 臨近馬公市區,交通便利. 讓您玩樂渡假之餘依舊擁有自家般的舒適. 本粉絲專頁主要為提供民宿動態及最新的活動訊息. 旅遊相關諮詢請利用留言版、電話、LINE..為主要詢問聯繫管道! 注意事項:. 一、入住時間為下午3點後,退房時間為中午12點前!. 若因行程關係,行李可先置於一樓大廳。 . 二、入住時請出示身份證明文件登記,並繳清住宿費用!. 三、如需接送請提前一天告知時間,以免耽誤您寶貴時間!. 四、請勿攜帶寵物入住!. 五、為維護個人隱私,入住期間不會入內打擾,如需打掃請先行通知!. 六、為維護安寧,夜間請勿大聲喧嘩、嚴禁吸食違禁藥品、賭博、及其它不法行為!. 七、一樓大廳及廚房為共用空間,歡迎使用!各項電器及浴巾、毛巾、枕頭、棉被等設備請珍惜使用,如有損壞、遺失請照價賠償。 . 八、外出時貴重物品請隨身攜帶,並關閉水、電源,珍惜寶貴資源。. . . 訂(退)房需知:. 一、訂房完成後下訂50%,尾款於住宿時繳清!. 二、入住日14天前取消訂房,可選擇全額退還訂金(酌收訂金10%)或保留訂金以半年為限。. 三、入住日前7-14天內取消訂房,退還已付訂金50%(不得改期)。. 四、入住日前3-6天內取消訂房,退還已付訂金20%(不得改期)。. 五、入住日前1-3內或住宿當日取消訂房,恕不退還訂金(不得改期)。. 六、入住當日,因不可抗拒因素,導致航空公司或船公司宣佈停航,可申請全額退費或延期。. 七、入住前,若因鋒面或颱風逐漸接近(未取消航班或船班時)或其他個人因素,希望取消或改期,則依第五點需知辦理。 . . 訂房前請詳閱以上各項需知並敬請遵守,若無法遵守,請勿訂房,以免造成彼此困擾!謝謝!. Details from Internet about this location . Email us to for any changes. 景雅民宿,Makung,Taiwan is a hotel located in , qimei-township of penghu,taiwan.
景雅民宿,Makung,Taiwan is a great choice for travellers looking for a budget accomodation in Mangan.
This Hotel stands out as one of the highly recommended hotel in Mangan and is recommended by 80% of our guests.
Hotel is rated 5.0 out of 5, which is considered as excellent.
From all the Budget hotels in [subdistrict], [district] , 景雅民宿,Makung,Taiwan is very much popular among the tourists.
A smooth check-in/check-out process, flexible policies and friendly management garner great customer satisfaction for this property.
The Hotel has standard Check-In time as 12:00 PM and Check-Out time as 12:00 PM.
Also, we recommend that guests must go through traveller reviews and ratings posted by fellow travellers on the platform to ensure that 景雅民宿,Makung,Taiwan is best suited for them.
For more detailed information about this hotel, you can check the Questions & Answers section as well on Goibibo.
There you can find the answers of the questions asked by some of our users about this property.
You can find numerous hotels in Mangan under different categories and 景雅民宿,Makung,Taiwan is one the best hotel under its category.
景雅民宿,Makung,Taiwan allows unmarried couples to have rooms with proper identification.
Guests below 18 years of age need to be accompanied and are not allowed to stay alone.
Hand santizers and other cleaning items are available in premises and will be made available on need basis.
Outside food are not allowed in the premises.
Hotel has its own restaurant serving local and international continental food.
In room dining are not allowed or required permission need to be availaed before the food.
Smoking within the premises are not allowed and special permissions need to be availabled to maintain sanity
Alcohol consumption is not allowed or restricted to particular parts of the premises.
Premises has a wide parking area and need to avail special permissions for parking.
Pets inside the premises are not allowed and require additional permission.
Cashless payments are available and extra charges for the credit cards are levid.
Passport, Aadhar, Driving License and Govt. ID are accepted as ID proof for residents
Private parties in the roooms are not allowed and recommened to use dedicated area for the same.
Guests are requested not to invite outside visitors in the room during their stay. They can use common areas to meet their visitors.
No extra bed will be provided to accommodate any child included in the booking.
Complimentary breakfast is availed only for the number of adults declared during the bookings.
For more detailed information about this hotel, you can check the Questions & Answers section as well on Goibibo.
There you can find the answers of the questions asked by some of our users about this property.
景雅民宿,Makung,Taiwan does not offer any shuttle service to and from airport. Please contact the hotel directly for further information.
景雅民宿,Makung,Taiwan offers a comprehensive range of surface, air and hygiene solutions to ensure wellbeing of guests, staff and visitors. Masks and hand sanitisers are made available by the hotel to staff and guests.
景雅民宿,Makung,Taiwan provides free parking facility for more convenience and better experience to the customers. The staff may reserve a spot for you if you contact the hotel in advance before reaching.
景雅民宿,Makung,Taiwan does not offer any business services.
Overall the quality of the hotel is recommended for the guest and read further reviews before taking the decision.
Frequently Asked Questions About This Location