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Achievements. Betting league, with his front hand , half from below, half from the side, valin hit him somewhere in the jaw, in the jaw or still in the cheekbone, its a pity, its secondary, or maybe theres something left on the face, no, but the blow was quite clear, sharp, especially towards, and very short, valin hit so hard, he literally inserted his hand, well, he took a risk, but its all written on the swedes face, they just told him, youre great, you can still do it, he now believed it, a very interesting person, this is joy imachi, a former World Champion in two weights, who by the way went down in history as a man who was brutally knocked out arthur gatti literally hit four. In one second, just a terrifying knockout, fans of arthur gatti, of course, remember this moment, but thank god everything is fine with him, and he is a successful coach, by the way , he still works with teofim and lopez, among other things, but i want to note once again that this trick of leaving with the line of attack performed by shved brings him, well, some kind of respite, i like that gasiev began to engage in the body, as we saw. Head and liver, so he knocked out krzysztaf vladarczyk at one time, in moscow on the right, great, murat, again, again the liver, cooking, murat is preparing this blow and, even if valins elbow is in place for now, but sooner or later i think that here we can try to end the fight with just this blow, or feeding gasev in the liver so that later he can use a left hook. To start his head, otto valin feels quite comfortable, near kanatov, apparently, and they were preparing for the fact that they would definitely, in their own, in general manner , press murat kanatam, they worked a lot, well , lets see how this is after all three, three, which valin demonstrates, and he bye, bye helps him keep at a sufficient distance, but breaks through, murat breaks through, heres another test on the liver, for now its still on defense, well , how much work valin does, i dont know what physics should be like to work like that in super heavyweight, and it seems to me that this should open up an opportunity for gassiev in the later rounds as fatigue sets in. This is valins salvation , the opportunity to feed murat with these very fights, dont forget that its still a super heavy weight category, he weighs 10 kg more than his opponent, im talking about the swedish boxer, there is hope for this, but he got in, nevertheless. Such a small audience of this hall, in fact, this fight is very big, but what a big audience of the First Channel, but here i still have to say the audience at the First Channel, well, murat finally came to his senses after that very hard and unexpected blow. Who threw out and put pressure on the next one, our boxer, nolin, is strong. Gasiev works as number one, but valin is also good, valin constantly shoots, albeit not strong, but disturbing blows, something goes to defense, something reaches the goal, well , lets imagine that, lets say, the picture wont change much, the only possibility. Ah, especially, we take into account that abroad, as a rule , often, uh, a little, to put it mildly, these are not native walls, you know what i mean, in this pressure, of course, well, you say that, as if for the swede , and not relatives , but well, well, before turkey, the swedes also swam and walked in their time, i apologize, well, in the end, if you try to predict what might be happening on the cards now, heres despite what you and i saw in seven rounds, it still seems to me that the advantage is on murats side, after all , more of his fairly accurate blows were delivered, but the total, total number of blows, i think, of course, is on his side. They have a purely restraining character, rather disturbing, such a buzzing fly , yes, but in places it stings very painfully, it misses on the left, periodically misses valina, but the truth is that so far these blows from the left, side, have not shaken him in any way, from the right. It was good, well done murat is of course more serious by an order of magnitude, the question is whether he will overcome, with these infrequent but hard blows, this swarm that otto wallin had created by this moment, of course it would be nice to knock down, at least knock out the swede, look, its already the eighth round, and i i also want to say that in general fights. Where you need to move a lot, and when the opponent responds with a large number of blows, they have never been, well, not only pleasant and profitable for yourself, its about the style, his boxing, because his boxing is not multihit, after all, he most often caught his boxing luck at close range, well, even medium, but most often at close range, ending with a knockout. Where, in principle, he transferred from the body to the head or back with the most powerful side blows, but it was the multihit fights that this still not for murat and in this fight i, in principle, also see it, the eighth round has come to an end, we will develop something, this is not the first time when murat charges with his right hand, meets him either from below or from the side, investing in this blow from vavalin, and this was in tomizode, where muratata missed very hard, backed away , blocking behind the block, in this round, also on the left, vallin struck from the side very hard, at that moment when he launched his right. The left hand from the chin slightly peels off, they catch him, and other boxers caught him doing this, in general, i think that the swedish coach, of course, when watching the fights , murat agasieva noted, from the first round, in principle, this one is somewhere feint, and when fatigue accumulates, in fulfillment, now it was, well, such a push, one might say, but nevertheless, it allowed the shved to leave the line of attack, again to leave the line of attack, well, such a sidestep, a classic blow with a step to the side, but sometimes this sweep is done with such a rather hard blow , on the right in this case, the swedes front hand is right, Murat Gassiev mixed the floors great here, well, this is the work, it seems to me that its worth considering here in the corner of the russian boxer, belly, head, head, belly, it would be nice to add, of course a couple more, but this is the offset, why. It doesnt catch murat from avalin, or rather, he cant catch him, of course, he wants to do it, well, a left hook to the liver, maybe it would be good, under this side hook with a step to the side, murat has another one in his arsenal, well, not to say on a jump , on the jump, a very strong side blow from the left, i havent yet seen him use it in this fight, if his. Blows are mostly medium close range, its invested, but its clear that both still have strength there are rivals, boxers, on the right, now somewhere closer to the kitchen lets him through, swede, yes, well, a short pause, now its fast, the winding of the glove has become unusable here , has murat gasiev lost a little weight, has his striking power gone, in general. More than 10 kg, that is, in principle, he sometimes he weighed over 115, and this is very serious, well, to be precise, gassievs maximum weight is 110 kilograms with carlos welch in the penultimate fight, well then it s still not much, although, well, dont forget, the first heavyweight was originally murat, yes, up to 90. 7 kg, this is the limit of the first heavy weight, where previously gassiev competed, was a World Champion, was a finalist in the world boxing super series, but now he is a super heavyweight, but with valin at that weight he wouldnt have to box at all, ill explain why, because valin knows how to move, so he shows us this throughout its already eight, now its the ninth. The round is underway, so of course, gasevovs headquarters absolutely took this into account and decided to drop the weight to less than 100 kg, well , it is clear that in favor of mobility, but at the expense of power, the question is, will this bet be justified . Not i see that murats power has suffered greatly, the fact is that most likely the matter is that the swede himself. The main thing that he doesnt allow you to do is get a clean hit, there are practically no clean hits, thats where shveda staggered in the middle of the fight, also through the glove, so we watch the replays, its discharged. He also tried to circle the glove, here he got between, but also a little, a little, but it touches, valin, immediately with his gloves, and of course, smears this striking power a little, the fact is that he immediately leaves the line of attack, that is he tries to disorient murat in this way, to prevent him from getting firmly on his feet, to stick a blow into him, yes, it works. Tenth round, 9 minutes of pure time remain in this fight, Murat Gassiev against wallin, the intrigue still hangs, it is completely unclear what is on the judges cards, here perhaps two boxing philosophies collided, one works as number two, a pronounced spoiler and the same pronounced, but already aggressor gasev, thats who did it. Certainly did not confirm the expectations that were in the forecasts numerous for this fight, rather, he refuted them, what will he fall . Yes, there was such a thing, well, a man had a 12round fury with breazeale, for taste and color, as they say, i cant say that there was a lot of it, but the hall exploded, apparently, a sufficient number of fans, admirers of talent, muratat gassiev came , murat puts pressure, nolin is mobile again, he doesnt give in. Heres a general question who thinks . Well, this is why boxing is interesting, well, dont forget, dont forget, the super heavy weight category, the thing is, that no matter how the blows are stuck, in defense or somewhere else, its all the same, heavy weight category, i repeat, every blow, it seems to have such a cumulative effect, look at a few blows towards, even if they poke, but at least a little, and murats head is playing back, well, valinas head is playing back too, kanatov is great here, there is a chance for gassia, but he delivered one or two blows and breaks the distance, not bad, but murat also hits the body, so he dances and moves gassiev is behind his opponent, still looking for a chance and, of course, we know that the puncher always has a chance, until the last seconds of the fight, while we have come to the end of the last seconds of the tenth round, the most Interesting Times in one endless carousel, six minutes of pure time at your disposal, even more convenient and exciting, now everything begins. Those who follow boxing, who watch training, know that there is such an exercise, some trainers attach a glove to a mop, begin to imitate working with a jab, this is what we now saw on repeat, how valin poked literally in 3 for a second there, he threw out five or six jabs and gasiev dodged them very beautifully, thats about it. This has now been implemented before our eyes, this is exactly how they practice defense from the front hand , the eleventh round is the penultimate one in this fight, i dont see such yet unfortunately , i dont yet see any attempts to change tactics in any way, the fact is that undoubtedly this tactic won, yes , valin missed, missed now, but here, of course, you need even more such blows so that he has a hand dropped, the fact is that valin understands perfectly well, he should give up, thats all, this is a collapse , thats all, well, you cant raise it too much , thats what, thats the problem for vallin, here you need to keep the balance very correctly, thats it as soon as the slightest hole appears in the defense, there is no doubt that gassievs fist will fly in there. Here murat is standing, waiting, trying, it seems to me, to catch his opponent here, at the moment when valin will throw one of his many blows, its Still Necessary to avoid this, somehow get away from this front stance, go over the side, over the side for anyone, behind the left, behind the right of valina and from there deliver these blows, ggav has them, they are the most powerful, these hooks, uppercuts too. Well, hooks here are side blows, fewer singles, you need to work serially, preferably with a change of floors , well, i remember when ivan kerpa came to the headquarters of alexander povetkin, sasha remembered his peculiarity, my ability to go behind the line of attack, by the hand, dillian whyte, remember , how i was knocked out in the first fight, we worked with you, as did sasha often later. Used this peculiarity of his, which, of course, his coaches gave him since childhood, but nevertheless it still brought him, now just like this, if you go with a frontal attack , this suits valin, well, he leaves jeb gassiev, tries to work in response and so far its hitting the defense, but the second blow caught it, were waiting for the third, fourth. And as if with the last of his strength, he even winces, but the swede tries to deliver as many blows as possible, i just see that they dont an incredible amount, apparently they stuffed it on the bags during sparring, they scored it on the machine, but here murat approached, shortened the distance, it would seem that his work begins here, it would seem that he should start here, whats stopping . Well, its as if gassiev is saving himself for some final spurt, perhaps its time for the eleventh round, thats it, on the right. Great gasiev and then right side valin in response, a good round, i generally want to say that all the rounds are very tight, and the fight is interesting, i think that the audience is now getting the true pleasure, the thing is that maybe we could add more intrigue here, but the intrigue has already taken place, the intrigue has already taken place and it was done, in general, by a swedish. And the intrigue hangs, look how the swedish fighter takes the blows of Murat Gassiev , on the liver there everything was clearly under the elbow, here is a sweeping left from the side, other opponents of gassiev from these blows fell from right to left, but we talked to you, this guy has a very strong head, neither tyson fury nor dominick has any problems for him in this sense co. Final 3 minutes, yes, yes, friends, come on, those who keep their fists, those who are simply rooting for murat agasyov, we will try right now to put our energy into it like this , so that a lucky punch happens, although why cant we say that he is just a punch, let him be a punch, come on, no i would like murat to get his hand raised in this fight, so he could finish off here, well, the swede is literally holding, keeping his distance, a very disciplined boxer, it seems to me, yes, disciplined, trained, and Everything Else lefka, still, still shocked, in to some extent, well maybe not as much as in the second round. Great on the body murat is preparing an attack again , he noted lively. Now is the moment of truth, its coming from the right. 2 minutes left until the end of this round. Left from the side performed by gassiev. Thats it, we have to give it our all, we have to give it our all, now we need to show everyone who is the boss in this ring. The step with a move to the right is performed by valin, well, it would be strange if he didnt perform it, this is again, right head and left liver, i would like, i would like to see more serial work from the russian boxer, a little more than a minute remains until the end of this fight, for every missed. Blow, i want to see another repeat of two or three blows, murash can do it all, apparently, by the way, he is also tired , but the moment is less than a minute, seconds are passing, we dont think down on them, but each one is very important, now for our boxer, gassiev continues to put pressure, 35 seconds before the end of the fight, left side. Where else to turn, the point is that we remind, strong, thats right, very good classic work from both, the boxer got it and got it, well, we have to finish it off, thats all. There are seconds left, go ahead, murat, thats it, the fight, yes, the fight is over, well, intrigue , whats on the cards, Ilya Kovalchuk is happy, but lets see if we will be satisfied after the announcement of the judges result, while some were shouting about their championship, we created, launched and implemented without being distracted by conversations, because in order to always be one step ahead, dont stop for a second, betting league, bet on yourself. So, what can we say here, in principle, alexander and i the sadokovs practically did not stop talking during this fight, but this was still thanks to the boxers, who really put up a very decent fight. Very decent, its been a long time since there were such fights performed by super heavyweights on television, i must say, im also very happy at the time. That i had a chance to be there today, watch and comment on Everything Else, well, murat gaissiev finished this fight great with a series of brilliant attacks, of course, i would like there to be more of them, but murat gasievs opponent today was really worthy and we talked about that gassiev has made, well, such an astronomical leap in his opposition in recent years, wallin is a fighter of a completely different caliber compared to whoever raised their hand after these wonderful 12 rounds, very good such a classic work, Real Old School boxing, one goes forward , the second one is trying to prevent himself from getting hit, now well find out whose she took, listen, well, id like to add to all this that of course, of course, this is a whole story, this is another written finished book, unfortunately, this book is not only audio, not only written by hand, but this is also a video word from which you can study your opponent, so what i want to say is that even before the moment when the results are announced now, the results will be announced. I would like to say that , of course, murat gasiev will be studied in this fight, and i will allow myself a little liberty, we will need to work very hard, we will need to work on multistrikes and feints, why . Well, because if murat gaaiva has rivals in the future, they will take todays fight into account. In execution of the same valin, but with the advantage of what we saw in usiks performance, in principle, the picture will emerge of how to act clearly, here murats headquarters must understand that they will definitely do this, so literally tomorrow we need to start this painstaking, very hard work, and so do we we can conclude that gasievs most Serious Problems arise in the confrontation. You and i, the teams of fighters, are also ready, split decision of the judges, 115. 112 gasiev, everything will be decided now, 11513, wow, wow, 115 13. The third judge gives victory for otto wallin and sensation, sensation, which i warned about and actually spoke about during the fight, gave an amazing fight, otto wallin came out the winner of this fight, we congratulate him, but we are also waiting for Murat Gassiev in the ring, alexander, and Nikolai Valuev worked for you today, stay on the first, now in ours. Boxing, watch boxing , this is ozonbank, and you have a lot of clients here, already more than 25 million, they also return cashback up to 100 to the lucky one. Azonbank cashback up to 25 in rubles, the opportunity to return up to 100 of expenses and free card service. Calcium d3 discomfort. Thanks to vitamin d3, calcium in the preparation is absorbed. Improves the health of bones, hair, nails and teeth at different stages of life. Calcium is important for everyone, at different stages of life. You cant want so much, you can, try the maximum for only 399 rubles. 50 gigs, 2,000 minutes and unlimited applications. 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Hello, denis nikolaevich , hello, how was it for you, seeing yourself on billboards probably remains unusual, because somehow medicine , by and large, does not involve these history, in fact, this feeling of unfamiliarity, maybe even some kind of discomfort, it persists, how people reacted to you on the street, and now, when, when you became recognizable, well, they reacted accordingly, that it was impossible to go anywhere, because they asked for a selfie, to take photographs, i never refused. I cant say that it gave me pleasure , that it gave me pleasure, now from time to time they probably learn, fortunately, less often, now they probably still learn more, my my colleagues, when you now remember the pandemic, this is what you have, you know, such a slight nostalgia for a time in which there was drama and tragedy, at the same time, romance, or a shudder, has not yet recovered, no, probably, if not with me, if not with us, some kind of movie . Such a feeling as a headache, yes, you know, they say that the brain tries to forget all the negative moments, for example, an unconscious state, a coma, its the brain that blocks some. Unpleasant emotions it doesnt want to remember, probably the same is the story with covid, was it scary . No, its probably not a feeling of fear, i dont know how well formulate it now, but you and i will definitely formulate it, no, it might be more of a feeling of confusion, because you, especially in the first wave, dont know , you dont understand, protocols are changing, world protocols are changing, such information chaos with being thrown from side to side. Aside , im talking about drug therapy, about approaches to respiratory support, so probably, if you ask me what i would like most, i would probably want more all i wanted was not to be asked a question about covid, so globally, well, ill ask just a little bit, but did you, you know, have such a fear that you wont save someone important . No, by the way, there wasnt a feeling of fear, probably for one simple reason , i wasnt alone in this situation, there was a whole team, a commune team, a team of my chief doctors, this is the entire social bloc, and you felt support, attempts solve problems not one on one, all together, and i think this is the feeling of an elbow, that feeling of a team, it is in in many ways, it was determined by the absence of this fear, its probably scary when you can do something and dont do it, then its probably scary, many people stayed with you after that period, someone left, you broke up with someone, because that they realized that this. A pound of salt together was not eaten wrong, but no, you know, the main core that came, he stayed, parted with the guys, with the doctors, with the nurses, with the medical brothers with whom we had an urgent contract for a temporary hospital, the main team remained on the contrary, so to speak about some stories within corporate, there this covid has really united the team, because well, there are always some therapists, surgeons, they are a little cooler, yes, there is someone there, there is some kind of stratification between specialties, it completely disappeared during covid, because traumatologists, surgeons, anesthetologists, intensivists, therapists were all doing the same thing, this feeling of a team, it has survived now, when i see it, its certainly a thrill, lets remind you that the communal apartment has become a hospital, which came out on the first front. In a pandemic, in general, contrary to its original purpose , yes, after all, you were just preparing to open the fortieth hospital as a leading clinic, and there were completely different expectations, then suddenly just like that, it was all a shame, you, it was some kind of timelessness, or do you now understand that in the end, that for its main purpose , the fortieth hospital, on the contrary, went through some kind of hardening there, well, it seems to me that this is a very important moment for me, that not need to pull the blanket only to the kommunarka, the fiftysecond hospital changed its profile, the fifteenth hospital changed its profile, a number of other hospitals, they reformatted their work and became covidhospitals, so i think it was not only the kommunarka that survived this, but the fact that this team was very united, the fact that we see this objectively, as if doing Research Work on Corporate Culture, assessing there once. 6 months the values ​​​​by which the team lives with the help of special questionnaires, and we have such whole direction, it is quite obvious that this has brought us together very much, today this hospital is multidisciplinary, with a fairly large oncology unit, as far as i understand , yes, it is a large hospital, more than a thousand beds, we have 300 inpatient oncology beds, we also have it was reconstructed at the end of. Help, where Cancer Patients from the southern district, from the southwestern from tinau are sent, we have, this all happened during the covid period, we launched a childrens Infectious Diseases ward 2 years ago, not covid19 100 beds, a year ago we launched a large perinatal center, so the hospital is developing and those trends. Of the period , what is the biggest gain, what is the biggest loss, the biggest gain is of course people, the biggest loss is the people we they couldnt save you, you have a reputation among doctors as a rather tough boss, a rather merciless and. Compromising boss, but at the same time they adore you, thats the paradox, and whoever doesnt work with you, youve already formed a certain type person, psychotype, i dont know there the anthropological type of person you are talking about. You and i are probably my guy, those who lie professionally, our special one, and what is professionally, well, they tell lies when you discuss something, the same is also considered, but this absolutely clear that moment when i understand that, well, what are they up to, they are justifying their some mistakes, of course, of course, some well, some mistakes, some kind of laziness, maybe, why are they, do you think they are lying, maybe they are afraid that you will be very tough in your relationship, i dont i really understand what is tough, because if we take the formal side, then the number of disciplinary orders we have from all personnel orders is some 0. 0 0. 0 , because from the moment the hospital, team, Corporate Culture was built, which they said, we followed the path of a completely understandable, understandable story called gci, this is a management system, an incident control system, and we continue to do this, and what it seems to me that we have succeeded. When an employee declares this incident himself and at the core again same system of incidents, why did it take off, because a person knows that if he declares his problem , including that he is to blame , no punitive and repressive stories will follow, and we correct mistakes through training, and i heard that you are very strict with to those who, well, gently, lets say, violate these behaviors and communications with patients, with their relatives, that you are not. Something rude, im not strict, i just cant accept it, you know, when you talk about that we are building a patientcentric story, that the patient is at the center of all processes, but how can we to be rude, boorish, thats, well, thats how it was , they were fired because, for example, a nurse was rude to someone or a doctor was. Not ethical, lets say, no, the first time, of course not, but its true that in the commune there is prohibition , that even on your birthday you cant drink balkan champagne, well, it seems to me that this is not in the commune, its in all medical institutions, dayura, this is prohibition in the commune, i hope that this is de facto, well , because drinking is not a problem, but there are special places for this, at work after all, we come a little for Something Else, there is a saying among doctors, your worst patient is the doctor and the thieves. How do you treat colleagues and how do you treat celebrities . Just like everyone else, this is probably also such a pride of our team that we do not differentiate, an unknown patient brought from somewhere on the street will receive the same medical care as a patient from loseva, for example, well, stories like the one with roman kastamarov, this its still a test, we probably need to deal with leakage of information from personnel, or even the question already its not worth it, its not worth it with the staff, judging by the monitoring that our press service conducts, there was no actual leak, and when they probably call you and offer to send some patient abroad, this is a decision, the decision of relatives and patients , we are always open to a second opinion, and if a relative or the patient himself makes such a decision, i mean , you let go easily or try to convince, tell him that the protocol is the same, for example, i will change my mind only in one case, if i understand professionally , as an anesthesiologist, resuscitator, that the risk of transportation exceeds the possible, and possible benefits of treatment in another hospital, well, that is, in most cases today we can say that the quality of treatment in a communal apartment, which, as far as i know, is simply brilliantly equipped, is comparable , for example, i dont know from germany, israel, where china, where else they are taking it, i think, i dont think, im absolutely sure. Which is comparable not only in the commune, but also in a large number of moscow hospitals, i, as the chief anesthesiologist, resuscitator, just i know the approaches that exist, how Emergency Medical Care is now set up, how much money the moscow government has invested in medicine in various areas in general and in anesthesiology and resuscitation in particular, so we monitor modern literature and the possibilities of access to it , they are in principle limitless , absolutely, and you can find access to any modern studies, metaanalyses, clinical recommendations in russian, in nonrussian languages, and in fact, one of the tasks of our department is precisely the implementation all these technologies, to the service in the commune in anesthesiology, resuscitation, the department of surgery, which is based here, ours, is doing the same thing. chologists, so the resources and knowledge, i think, they are in many ways comparable and the opportunities are comparable. Good. , but you, as the chief anesthesiologistintensivist, at the same time understand that if in many countries a resuscitator is such, you know, a rich person who can afford everything, this is the elite of the elite, these are the people who earn more than lawyers, jurists, their children many generations have been provided for, why is it not the case here, what needs to happen so that our brilliant doctors are able to compete in terms of the level of their professional knowledge with any doctor in the world, and are also well provided for, probably not my question, is it still competence . To answer why one way or another, i think this will happen when spending in the field of healthcare , global, will be an order of magnitude more than it is now, this will entail, of course, an increase in the wage fund, let youll be lucky, channel one, with the support of roscosmos, held a unique promotion by playing a film among the audience. 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No, probably still not, probably, an external examination does not speak about a prognosis, about the current status , we still predict outcomes, we are not based on a subjective view, experience, or some other things, but there is a whole systematic approach, mathematically validated , various scales for assessing the condition and prognosis of outcomes in these patients, absolutely, of course, you are generally a supporter of technology, and i assume that Artificial Intelligence algorithms are also used, probably in one way or another in the commune, well, we are approaching them, i am very, very cautious about Artificial Intelligence technologies at the moment, not because i deny them, we use, they are very actively used by our specialists in radiation diagnostic methods when processing computed tomography images, and they train these systems to detect certain changes there in order to finally introduce this into clinical practice, like, for example, any new drug, we didnt invent a pill for the patient right away tomorrow, take it, no , the first phase of Clinical Trials goes through, the second, the third, after that they get permission, after even getting permission they still conduct socalled postclinical studies, i believe thats the story with various applications. Artificial intelligence, including clinical decision making, before launching clinical practice, they must go the same way, and by and large the goal of these studies is exactly two the first is to evaluate the safety, the second is to evaluate the effectiveness, launch it without testing it, without validating it and without saying that it is safe, in any case, the specialties of anesthesiology and resuscitation are not suitable for this. You know, when there are discussions, various conferences at which the ethics of Artificial Intelligence are discussed, one of the most striking examples that is usually given to, well, ordinary listeners, not doctors, but in order to make them think a little aside, but lets say, ethical complications, an example is a resuscitator comes to his patient, and the Artificial Intelligence algorithm gives him a conclusion, having analyzed everything, indicators at that moment for all, so to speak, known symptoms, for all, in the entirety, it makes sense to disconnect this patient from life support now, because the chances the cost of survival is meager, and its maintenance, in this status, is very expensive for clinics and healthcare, and what about you as a doctor . Well, or the doctor who comes up, thats what is called feeling with the heart, yes, what you can still fight, in general , look at this in a different way, what Artificial Intelligence offers in this situation is called euthanasia, which is prohibited in our country, and this is, by and large , murder, we have not really come close to that in the west there is such a concept, end of life decision, in those countries where this is allowed, but this is also a serious question, a serious question of conversations with a relative. With the final decisionmaking, am i ready for such a decisionmaking, most likely not, because we have quite a lot. There are clinical observations when , according to all prognostic scales, mathematically, validated, that we use, they tell us that the risk of death is 98 , uhhuh, then again, our patient survives, and today we recalled one of these patients with you, roman kostamarov, in particular, in fact, this is where i started , why i am very cautious about Artificial Intelligence, because very different patients and different patients, in general, yes , humans, humanity is not heterogeneous there only by race , nationality, some other age, concomitant diseases, so to insert one algorithm for everyone, at the moment it seems to me that this is impossible, it is very risky, and another thing is that probably then some subgroups of the same age. Patients with the same disease, here, here, probably, something can be validated, but i dont know, we should understand perfectly well that the pneumonia of an eightyyearold elderly patient with diabetes mellitus, with two heart attacks, with the consequences of a stroke, pneumonia there a young athlete with the same severity will proceed completely differently in terms of outcome, im not asking an ethical question, if the patient, roman kostomarov, were not the famous legendary athlete roman kostamarov, you would fight for him in exactly the same volume, like this would it be some kind of transcendental or incredible, or would it still be, well, lets say, such an honestly executed protocol . I answered your question, maybe five minutes ago, that i hope im not mistaken, and this is the message that uh, i i lead my team and we go along with this, which. It doesnt matter to us, again , thank you, or it doesnt, yes, in fact, you know from the work of our mutual friend in the shock room that, that the patient is not identified without a specific place of residence, that any celebrity entering the shock hall will end up on the same bed, on the same ecmo machine, on the same apparatus, we dont have any kind of separation, ill just explain, weve known each other for many years and so on. Well, because you, knowing the inside out , understand perfectly well that i am absolutely not lying there podcasts or on the First Channel, i really hope that we will be able to preserve this, god willing, what kind of tattoos do you have on your fingers . Will you tell me a tattoo with certain meanings, but no, its personal, well, well, at least what its about, well, its just completely personal, about women or not, but whats personal is just a woman, isnt it, no, it seems to me, personal is normal, its a hobby and Something Else, but there are simply things that , by the way, are connected to me, including with tattoo culture, which is not customary to designate and talk about those signs that you you apply. When did you fill all this . Well, this story has probably been going on for five years already, this is not the only tattoo that exists , well, of course, we wont now ask denis nikolaevich to undress in the studio, although i think that many would like to see denis nikolaevich now, so to speak, in all his tattoos, but this is not our program , but why did you buy a motorcycle, please tell me, already as an adult guy, and moreover, not just an adult guy, but to those specialists who sometimes see the consequences of these hobbies motorcycles, yes, he collects the bones, the pieces of crashed motorcyclists, this man, who sees the whole unsightly underside of bikerism, suddenly buys himself a bike, what kind of story was that . Well, look, life doesnt end with just some professional stories, its the first and second. If you follow the logic of my professional deviation, working there as an anestheologist, resuscitator and seeing this wrong side, i will tell you honestly, then you need to stop walking the streets, because there are quite a lot of pedestrians hit by cars, we need stop using cars, because we also accept victims of road accidents, well, and so on and on, there are a lot of restrictions , it happened completely by accident, i understood that it was necessary, yes, thats all medicine, medicine, we need, we need, we need Something Else in order not to burn out, not to suffocate, you need some kind of thing to appear. In life, which would switch you from all this, which would disconnect you, a very close friend of mine, we are on our way from work , he calls me, where are you, i say, im on my way from work, he says, and im going to buy a motorcycle for myself, i i say, where is it, i say, listen, well, ill be passing by in 3 minutes, it just so happened that we went into this store, at that time, he had some minimal experience riding a motorcycle , i had experience driving a scooter, all this was already in the fall, well, in general, we left there, having bought each other a helmet, a helmet, and i noticed that motorcycle that was sold there, uh, a secondary one, in fact, all winter , as a hobby, we studied indoors three times a week in the evening from 9 to 11 and that is, so directly in detail, and of course, in fact, its definitely in detail, very cool. The instructor and i actually continue to maintain these skills outside of the season in the winter, practicing something indoors, firstly, in the end it turned out to be very convenient when we completely moved to a communal apartment, in the summer, this is a very convenient form of transport, because well , today im coming to you, and now you live in a communal apartment, no, no, i dont live in a communal apartment, its a convenient form of transport, because well, i rode for an hour 38, but if i had arrived on a bike in 36 minutes, so this is also a temporary saving, secondly, it cleans your brain a lot, because during the period when you get on a motorcycle, you are concentrated, you understand that first of all, you get pleasure, you are concentrated, you reboot , because sitting in the car, you still constantly think about something, react to the phone, start answering some messages, calls, here . In general, excuse me, these 40 minutes, im on my own, and do you turn on music when youre riding a bike . Ah, for in the city, outside the city, because in the city now on a big bike with music, its quite difficult to move around, a small city sportster, for me it just doesnt mean music, and such a question is a provocation, people approach this differently, but in many ways, there is there is a saying among bikers that a loud sound saves lives, and this is one of the events that may not be the most cultural in relation to interference with, yes, yes, to strangers, on the other hand, as in the joke, yes, i say, i envy, he says to their neighbors, they are forced to listen to good music, yes Something Like that, but in fact, if you look at it from a safety perspective, then the loud sound, it can be not only from music, we noticed that the exhausts on motorcycles are quite loud, they are a lot, of course we pay attention, without special joy, they are largely, uh, aimed at passive safety, it seems to me that this is just such an excuse, no, no, this is not an excuse, this is a fact, but what kind of music to listen to, listen, i listen to absolutely different music, but probably still so, these are some things on which there i grew up from the beatles, the purple. Well, i can listen to modern music, but it s difficult, of course its all packed into you, why . We, when we get older, we become so rigid, settle into some kind of image, when a person over 40 years old allows himself to go from extreme to extreme, because i understand, if you were an accountant there and you were drawn to the bike, then the resuscitator nabay because of the gnat in plym, listen, well , i dont know, i dont think im an exception, i have mine a colleague, my friend, he heads the department, and anesthesiology in one of hospitals, he is a little older than me, but 5 years ago he became interested in parachuting, for example, well, about the same thing, about the same, and there are now over 200 jumps and now he is no longer just jumping with a parachute, in a special winxute, this you know the flying squirrel, so i dont think that im an exception in this situation, but how did the family react . For this hobby, calmly, ive already taken my daughter for a ride, ive taken my daughter for a ride, yes, she graduated from school not so long ago, yes, and where did she go, she studies in ronkhix, at a cool faculty, faculty hospitality, no, she didnt go, in fact, in many ways, i think, uh, this is a very conscious decision that was born just during the pandemic, because, well, in principle, doctors always devote a lot of time to their work. A lot, we generally just disappeared from the radar of our families and were completely immersed, she very wisely said that dad, you know, in general, i would probably like to live for. Myself and for my family, they accepted it normally , so my heart didnt ache when, no, absolutely, absolutely, it didnt sting, and i think its very important that the child comes to something on his own, doesnt follow some path there , you came to moscow to go to college, yes, i transferred, i transferred in my first year, you were born in turkmenistan and you i was born in shkhabad, but a completely different culture, a completely. Different country. In what ways was it difficult for you to rebuild some, you know, manner of communication, some way of life, some conventions, when you arrived from ashgabat to moscow . In general, there were no difficulties, what other country, born in 1975, before in the nineties, the soviet union, the same training programs, the same state russian language, there was no discomfort at all, a fairly strong medical school, which developed due to the fact that during the great patriotic war, the Second World War there was a lot of colic, there was a large evacuation and a large number of Teaching Staff from moscow st. Petersburg medical universities were forced to move and were evacuated there and many remained there, because in general it was warm, fruits and so on, so i didnt have any problems with adaptation, i. Transferred to moscow in the ninety second year, so there were no problems at all , they say that well, it is believed that resuscitators are such forced cynics of a misanthrope, this is a fair generalization, i think not, rather this such a protective mask, a reaction, uh, because you cant die with every patient, but you have to ask the question every time whether you did everything for yourself, these are two big differences. Therefore , its more likely that this is cynicism; in general, there are some medical jokes, these are still this is more of an illusion than the truth, after all, how do you live or cover up some medical failures for yourself, only with a detailed discussion, a mandatory team debriefing, guys, lets see where where what, where what, where what, where whats wrong, its not just us who do this, its done in everything. In the world there is a special one in every hospital, well, here we have it, its called a subcommittee for the study of fatalities, well there in the west its called, mm, a commission, but for the study of fatalities too cases, this is the usual approach, an atheist, but why . I think, in fact, we probably need to return to the message of childhood, perhaps, by the way, never say never, perhaps i will someday come to some kind of religion, which one, but still, historically, this has always been laid down since childhood, in my childhood i was taught completely different values ​​at school, the pioneers, komsomol, atheism, in fact, i grew up with this , probably havent come to this yet, and maybe i wont come, so im absolutely materialist and agnostic, yes, how can you still relax how they pass your weekend, i dont know, sometimes you manage to go to the movies, very rarely to the theater , i think this is life, life is like everyone elses , communication with friends, family, parents, but how do you feel about an affair at your work, well between colleagues, young doctors, you generally encourage this when they work in the same department and immediately get married, give birth to children , it turns out that its wonderful, the family continues to work. This is wonderful, because the way a young doctor lives is every day there from 7 to 5 at work if youre in daily schedule, a couple of times a week you stay overnight, that is, you go away for 32 hours, and it turns out that your society is your hospital, your department and the number of relationships, marriages, uh, its in all hospitals, i think its quite big, and i think its great, if its not harmful, that is, if you want to marry a doctor , you cant go to the hospital, just become a doctor, become a doctor, it turns out that way, by the way, youre in some kind of moment they suddenly lost weight and it was clear that this is exactly your task, that is, not just to lose weight, because there was a lot of work, but what kind of work was it . What was the motivation, what was it, the motivation was very simple, the fact that this happened in medical terms was called obesity, and then everything was very simple. Evidencebased medicine, you open, first , second, third, i was in the third decisionmaking phase, i accepted it, went through treatment, lost weight, and how, how did you lose weight, tell me what special diet or program you had there, no, im not hiding this, this is bariatrics, this is a surgical intervention, lets just clarify for the audience that bariatrics is truncation, well, this is actually a change, not just truncation, there are now a lot of types. Intervention that is indicated in different situations, well, yes, this, the stomach becomes smaller , stomach shrinkage, and other techniques, you want a pension, well, such a good, healthy pension, active, no, for now, ill work a little more, according to my length of service i can already leave, but for now i want to work, and if it happens, dont let me god again the same shock as a pandemic or some other misfortune, again these are temporary. Hospitals again work 24 seven in our team i have only a few people in my memory who left, on the contrary, everyone strived, everyone supported each other friend, uh, everyone was aware of the risk, uh, and i think that everything will be about the same, maybe, only in a new story i wouldnt want the Media Exposure that i had, to be honest, shut down and do my own thing, yeah yes, you will go on vacation. Where where the coolest thrill of a motorcycle you know what where what you sat down and where you want to go, well, i dont know, a couple of weeks ago we went to a conference in st. Petersburg on motorcycles with one of the anesthesiologists and resuscitators, in the Current Situation its generally very difficult to plan, but somewhere to sit down and go at sunset . Well then, i can only wish you a very cool, driving, beautiful one. Mine, just not at sunset , probably at sunrise, after all, because after any sunset there is a sunrise, and in your life you probably have a lot since they showed it. Friends, this was a podcast first person, definitely first person, so intense medicine in all senses of intensive medicine, doctor of medical sciences, hero of labor, anestheologist, resuscitator, doctor, denis nikolaevichko and me, natalya loseveva. Hello, im still dmitry bak, i still host a literary podcast with a very catchy name, let them not talk, let them read. Todays episode is very special because this year we are celebrating an anniversary. The wonderful poet Rasul Gamzatov, its hard to say, he is a russian, avar, dagestan, soviet poet, he is a poet of the planet, i am convinced of this, exactly therefore, we decided to talk about Rasul Gamzatov in the anniversary year, which is why among our guests there are wonderful, important people, first of all, of course, this is the daughter of Rasul Gamzatov, salekhat rasulovna gamzatova, director of the Dagestan Museum of fine arts, and our guest today is the actor of the moscow theater named after Nikolai Vasilyevich gogol, anatoly prosalov. Hello, anatoly. Hello, lets start with alikha tarasovna. And i know that the very name of our podcast has something to do with Rasul Gamzatov, right . Yes, well, when i read it, dont let them say it. Reading, i remembered that i had such an incident with my dad, on his eightieth birthday, they showed films about him, and i saw him somehow pass, and he didnt really like it, and then schoolchildren came and read his poems , and i saw that he was very touched, and i was somehow surprised and asked him that dad , why did you, when the films were shown, somehow you didnt really like it, but when they read it, you. Were touched, he said, why show me, let them read, so its almost, almost a quotation, we will assume that our podcast is named after a quote from Rasul Gamzatov, which is honorable, pleasant, wonderful, well , of course, you will gain absolutely invaluable experience, because you grew up in a family of wonderful artists, creators, and i would like to first hear your story about your grandfather, oh, hamzade tszadasa. Gamzat tsadasa, the absolutely legendary dagestan poet and cultural figure, have you been told about not. Who is this for you . Of course, for me hamzad tsadasa is, first of all, a grandfather, but when i was born, he was no longer alive, he died, but thats why i perceive him so consistently, but i always saw, firstly, how dad spoke with Great Respect about his father, his dad has a very interesting poem, well, if you translate it from poetic to prose, so to speak, that hes kind of hears that when there is no father, he asks the question , this is who should i fear now, who should i obey, and as if they hear the voice of the mother, who is also no longer alive, that only fear him for the rest of your years and just obey him, that is, this for him, father is such a criterion of what one should be, and dad was a very devoted son, he was not obedient, they told about him well, his sister, then we understand that he , so to speak, was not a good helper in the house, but he was a very devoted son, and they even told this story , that when he was little, his grandfather lived, well, not far from our village tsada in khunzakh and tsada sa therefore, because yes, because expulsion, yes, and ulada, i even know the name, a caucasian from the garden, from the garden, yes , a caucasian originally from the garden, so little dad always walked to meet and one winter my grandfather was late and my dad was sitting waiting for him and he was even frozen and so to speak, my future other grandfather, my mothers father, he was walking and saw a frozen child like this, he took him and brought him home , maybe this is where it all started, probably some kind of. Then there is a connection, he is a very good soninlaw, yes. But i just want to say, so i thought, so a little boy sits, waits, and he gradually falls asleep, but he doesnt go home, where its warm, so he wants to wait for his, his dad, the rain, yes, thats how it is touching, we just see gamzadasa and khandullay gaidar beggadzhievna, and his wife and your grandmother, and i think this is a great photo, look at the faces, well , grandfather, he was a very attractive person in appearance, he was such a real mountaineer, always fit, slender, and there are a lot of really such memories about him, not legends, he lived most of the time, but then he was given an apartment, on the main street of makhachkala, then it was lenin avenue, now it is rosu avenue gamzatov is almost next to the square, and where the Government House was supposed to be, there was then a market and the grandfather of so many people who came to makhachkala and had nowhere to live, so to spend the night, he, according to such a mountain tradition, invited even a special cult of the guest, yes, that is, any person who enters, you know, well, then there were people who received some of their relatives, but there were simply people nearby who found themselves like this, homeless, probably, probably thats all not everything is to yourself they took him home, but grandfather was such a person, he was left an orphan at an early age and was brought up in the house of his uncle, an arabist, and maybe thats why, as if seeing life not from the inside out, thats how it is, maybe thats why hes like this , this gurtz code, hes so very observed, this is also a very important story, now its time to talk about the museum that you head, this is the Dagestan Museum of fine arts, named after patimat, gamzatova, well, here we see Rasul Gamzatovich, and we also have a photo of the gamzatov spouses of yours, mom and dad , here this is a wonderful photo, these are funny, i even remember how they took it at our house, well, our very famous photographer , kamil chutuev, came and he took some photographs, then he asked dad to go up the hill, then he said, i dont i even remember. This kamil chutuev or dad said, lets have a party , she was in the kitchen, lets take off under the burka, she also laughed like that at the burka, the burka is very big, yes, yes, but it swings open, it swings open , yes, and he said just like that, lets do it like this, so go selection, but its absolutely not a staged photo, i must say, dad had such artistry, he was very good at playing up the situation funny, and he called her like that, and she was already there, honestly, when he was filming it. We didnt even think that this would be published somewhere, its so combined, a hat, a cloak and a tie, you dont even notice it right away, but it s very harmonious, not only the wife, but also the muse, the inspirer of his poems, and the museum was created by her, yes, this is her brainchild, this is an interesting story, it means that we had a regional museum, in 1958 they accepted a decision to create an art museum, because by that time there were already many artists, in the thirties they handed over a large collection of russian western european art, including paintings, and in the fiftyeighth year a museum of fine arts was opened, and strangely enough, although it seemed so it would be a beautiful organization, but before 1964 there were six changes there, about five or six or directors, but in 6 years, almost like that, why did they change so much, they wanted to be involved in museums, i dont know who these were people, but i know that they changed a lot, and as if there was no person who wanted to do this, and my mother went there, she turned out to be a very good leader, she herself said that when she came, she was surprised that they stood out money for the purchase of exhibits, they were written off for nonuse, as if they were not engaged in this collecting activity, of course. This activity has developed ; all our collections of decorative and applied arts are very very good, very good, how many Storage Units, ill tell you, as a museum worker, we generally have about nineteen, now thousands of units , well, when my mother passed away i was 16something, great, yes, well, only silver, here we have 7,000 units storage is a special storage mode. 7,000 Storage Units, well, these 7,000 Storage Units were collected with her , great, we mentioned that today we will listen to poems performed by anatoly prosalov, this hour has come, and we will now listen to a poem that is dedicated mothers, it is called mothers because mother for Rasul Gamzatov and in general for people from the caucasus is. Something absolutely sacred. So, the mothers poem is read by anatoly prosalov. Mountain boy, i was considered unbearable, unhearing among my family, and with the stubbornness of adults i rejected all your instructions. But the years passed. And being involved in them, i was not timid before fate, but now i often slave like a little one. In front of you, here we are alone in the house today, i dont hide the pain in my heart, i bow my palms on yours, my gray head, im sad, mom, sad, mom, im a prisoner of stupid vanity, and you felt so little attention from me in life, im spinning on a noisy carousel, rushing somewhere, but suddenly my heart shrinks again, have i really begun to forget my mother, and you look at me with love, not with reproach . , you sigh, as if faintly, secretly dropping a tear, a star sparkling in the sky, flies on its final flight, your boy is in the palm of your hand, laying his gray head, he will probably ask you, well, how did it happen that you became a professional read poems by Rasul Gamzatov, whats wrong with you happened when you started reading Rasul Gamzatovs poems, what were you interested in about translators, well, tell me a little, its terribly interesting, you know, from the other end, not from the family, yes, not from dagestan, but from your side , it seems to me that like most, lets say, soviet children, cranes, because i, the grandson of frontline soldiers, my grandfathers fought, my grandmother was sent to a labor camp, and the theme of the great patriotic war is very close to our family, so the song is cranes, it has been there since childhood, it always sounds when you hear it you hear, tears well up, well, you know the song, but even as a child you dont understand who the author is, you dont show interest in it, and already interest in Rasul Gamzatov and. The realization that the song was written based on the poems of Rasul Gamzatov, i learned this in my senior years classes, when next to the school in my native lugansk in the park on. A Red Army Soldier turning into cranes, a very touching monument, and there is a quote, they didnt once die in the ground, but turned into white cranes, so i even say, and this melody sounds inside , these words sound, you remember them, you know, this is something more than literature, its already a part of each of us, its inside , so without this victory holiday , weve been to makhachkala in dagestan, makhachkala, heres an amazing story, in 2010 we were on tour with the gogol theater and. Rasul gamzatov, our famous poet, avarsky and lenin avenue were renamed in his honor, which is absolutely fair, and wow, how interesting, at the end of the tour, the administration of makhachkala presented us, all the participants, the theater actors with a gift, it was a collection of poems, and thats when you started reading, and then i i read it for the first time already. Ive already looked, selected some things for myself, thinking that maybe someday from the stage ill read them somewhere, but actually, almost 13 years later, its great, a good story, really, the most incomprehensible thing in this world, the fact that it is comprehensible, an ardent desire to see the true and most complete picture, this is the reason for the desire. Centuries to new knowledge, and if you collect all the available facts, then you can explain any phenomenon in the universe, on the path to understanding the world, it is very important to continue asking questions to find answers to them, as they have been doing for many years in the intellectual club, what , where, when, the autumn series of games, tomorrow, after the program, the time is always on 1tv. Ru, is this ozonbank, and do you have many clients here . Already more than 25 million, they also return cashback up to 100 to the lucky one. Azonbank cashback up to 25 in rubles, the opportunity to return up to 100 of expenses and free card service. One of my friends really needs mega powers. What for . Mega powers . 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Please tell me about your dads travels, around dagestan, around the country, around the soviet union, then, around the world, they somehow responded to the family, he brought gifts, told something, where. He visited, who he liked to meet, because, well, his fame grew, he didnt tell the children, so, well, my mother too, when they met with adults, she somehow didnt tell me, but i remember that almost all of my childhood we waited like this, that our parents went somewhere, came, came back, they were bored, and i even remember such a story, my sister told me that. She had a classmate who was so sad, she said something, my mother left for 3 days, so im crying, i m thinking to my dad, why is he crying, that we have to wait, but your dad often pinches you and its all good, yes , i remember even once your mom came back she said, im telling you, they scolded the school that you are mine, my diary is not signed, she signed it for me 2 months in advance for another month, this is wonderful, you can get deuces, am i kidding . Here is a wonderful photograph of the gamzatov family and here are three sisters, yes, yes, again it is clear that these are happy people, but tell us, maybe about your sisters, where are you . Well, here i am in my mothers arms, next to my older sister, heres my middle sister, just a classmate who was crying, and you didnt understand why she was crying, like in chekhov, three sisters, yes, yes, lets now traditions, lets move on to the authors section, in this section we either read something from the classics of the 21st century, or comment on some poems, also classics, or show books. This section is called an old book, well, its somehow not very correct to talk about gamzatov as about old books, these are living books that are with us, but still they were published a long time ago, here in my hands are three collections, Rasul Gamzatov, just from my bookshelf, like all this. Heres one of them this is a book that was published by the soviet russia publishing house, and a star speaks with a star, and for that, who knows, poetry, it is clear that 64 is the year of the sixties, this is the year of popularity of andrei voznesensky, white akhmadulina, evgeniy and ftushenko, it is very important that in the sixtyfourth year, in the same series, a book by Rasul Gamzatov was published, and this is very important fact, this means that he is already in the frame of not only avar and dagestan literature, but also in russian literature. And the second book that i would like to show is a book that was published in a series of collections that awarded high awards for this book poetry. High stars, its called , stars again, by the way, i just realized this, high stars, a book published by a soviet writer, it came out a little later, a few years after the first one. But this is already a book by a lenin prize laureate, that is, several years pass and Rasul Gamzatov becomes such a recognized poet, a classic during his lifetime, one might say, if possible, i want to add that after all, gamzatov has his own view, his own attitude , this is also garins flight into space, the name and then very this is a stupid space theme, and he has high stars, but these are people, people are high stars, if only i could reach you. Its great that you mentioned this, i was born in the sixty first year, so in my generation everyone was jurassic, that is , there were a lot of yurievs, because gagarin is an absolutely iconic figure, and of course, this headline, in the spirit of the times, is dagestan the book is also very interesting, again there is space here, while the earth is spinning, and by the way, i will read this poem, of course, of course, i think, maybe now we are lets do it, yes, that is, we see that it is no coincidence that this formulation is the poet of the planets village, because Rasul Gamzatov, based on the values ​​of family, traditional, rural, korsky, he of course enters a different orbit, if we continue this style, this book has already been published in the seventies in makhachkala, but in russian, which is important, and it may be important to mention the translators, as far as i know, translations were made into russian by his classmates at the literary institute, Yakov Kozlovsky, naum grebnev, and it seems to me that a wide the audience is in them more accurate translations, it seems to me that are understandable to the russian reader, i dont know whether you will say this later or not, but i would like to say that for the avar people, Rasul Gamzatov did a lot, he translated the poems of pushkin and lermanko into the avar language, and thereby introduced , yesenina, yes. Well, Yakov Kozlovsky and naum grebnev, of course, are classics, but everyone translated, a lot of translators, dozens, of course, grevnev and kazovsky, these are so unsurpassed , even such outstanding poets translated, simonov, and robert rozhdestvensky, then he was translated by Irina Snegova and elena nikolaevskaya, also his classmate nikolaevskaya, but he was all very friendly with her, he translated. Yes, yuna moretz, indeed, many poets translated, translated iztan, Marina Anatolyevna akhmedova translated it, she is also a very good poet , she worked for many years in the writers union, and now heads our dagestan writers union, now avrutin recently translated papi into a poem , that is, it continues, that is, not what was translated, we say, translations are sometimes true, some people themselves translate dad for some reason unsuccessfully from russian into russian, which is quite sad , you know, on the one hand its sad, on the other hand, its glory, its a peoples poet, right . Anatoly, you promised us poems, please read the same ones, as long as the earth turns, as long as it turns . I drank the sun like people drink water, walking across the highlands of the years, towards the red sunrise, sunset. In the land of steep and proud peaks, where hearts have a special ardor, i drank the stars from mountain rivers, from the springs of icy saws, from blue heavenly cup in green thickets and meadows, i greedily, i drank the sweetest air , infused with the clouds, i drank snowflakes, where the paths intertwined over the steepness, i remember snowflakes melted on the way i sipped, i drank spring, when axes in the mountains baked there , where strong in degrees north, i drank frost, like they drink vodka when i drank thunderstorms, it happened, whose glory to the lands is dear, as if the top edge of a glass, a rainbow arc sparkled, again the prickly rosehip blossomed, hops oozed from the dark rocks, i climbed the steep, i inhaled the intoxicating smells, i inhaled the earthly beauty i got drunk, blessed the bit, fell in love more than once, fell in love and drank songs, as i sang songs, the human soul, nature is complex, i drank with friends at the same time in the hour of joy, a bouza of honey, in the hour of grief, bitter wine, and if i drank with my heart, then not i drank fun for the sake of pleasure, i saw the ashes of hiroshima, i heard laughter at festivals. And blowing sharply, as if on beer, to blow away the empty foam, i drank the essence of life, it is not false, it is true, the essence of life , i love and rejoice and suffer, and i drink every day to the dregs, i again feel thirsty, life alone is to blame for that, let me leave the world one day, i didnt quench my thirst in him, but for people to thirst for this thirst as long as the earth turns, wonderful, thank you very much, in my opinion it is very consistent with the nature of these strict ones, yes this is. This is kozlovsky, of course, kozlovsky, one of the best translators , think about what a poem, really, its about a lot of things, yes, they are named here, and the photograph is very consistent with all of this, because this man is flying, in fact, and collections that are called to the stars stars are mentioned, of course, well he sees in the mountains in the caucasus, like an unclean sky, and the stars, so this is peace, air, such farsightedness, at the same time, hospitality , family, kindness, thats whats important, yes, you know, thats what i like about my dad in his poetry i like it, there was even such a famous poem, and there was a song, yellow leaves, the leaves are falling and falling , people are trampling with ears of ears, trampling with ears of ears in clay and or, people have forgotten how much good these leaves once gave them, i know that new leaves will form, there will be. New gatherings, but for some reason, a lot of things in the laws of nature seem unfair to me, you know, its so touching to write about these leaves, and he says, well, were waiting for a new one, well, autumn has found them, theyve fallen, what else is there, like they were supposed to be new, and he has such pity for these leaves that people have forgotten how much good these leaves once gave them, such love even for the fact that he seems to understand that this is the law of nature, but he says its unfair , i think he was talking about dad, about his parents, yes, which is the highest court, yes, that which no longer exists, that is, it is necessary to evaluate what is leaving , and people, and leaves, and nature, and the past, yes, this is very, but in his poems there are a lot of such covenants, so he said, take care of your friends, he has such a poem, take care of your mothers, after the death of his mother he has such a poem that it is better to feel sorry for those who are no longer alive than to cry complicitly with me. Your petty problems from any troubles, protect them at all costs, you see, he was a friend of his readers, a man who he goes through some kind of experience, and he says, this is what happened to me, he recognizes himself, yes , strictly speaking, but this is a continuation of the reasoning that we heard from the first in the first, take care of your friends, he says, i adhered to the rules of weakness, adhering to others its evil, how many friends have i left in my life, how many friends have left me, this. Nice, i wanted to ask you, and i was a little uncomfortable, suddenly you remember little or dont remember, but its obvious, you remember your fathers poems, its so wonderful, i remind you that im dmitry bak, and here and now a literary podcast, let them not talk, let them read, gamzatov was a friend of his readers, gamzatov was naturally a wonderful father, husband, son, and so on, but he saw a lot of people. Lets just look at these faces now, here are muslim magamaev, tikhan khrennikov, oscar feltsman, oscar feltsman, yes, well, very recognizable people, that is, representatives of different types of arts, wonderful photography, lets look at photographs with other authors, this is konstantin already mentioned, Konstantin Mikhailovich Simonov and chingist tarikulovichtov here its already international, yes, this is fidel castro, this is fidel castro, and this is a photograph in havana , look at the conversation, it remains to be seen who is more expressive, advice on how to proceed, look, i read this in the memoirs of one person who it was during these years that i communicated with my dad, my dad was naturally with the translators, there he gave a burka to fideli, wrote a poem, well, when they were communicating, my dad was a bit of a plump person and fidel joked something to the translator, my dad saw it , asked what he says, he says, he says, hes joking about your figure, he says tell me that before the revolution we were also slim, great, great, well, fidel castro and Rasul Gamzatov, who listens to whom, you cant even say right away, well, there were other meetings, this is the first archbishop, the head of the president of the republic of cyprus, yes, a very famous figure, and finally, indira gandhi, yes, we also have a wonderful photograph where rasul. Gamzatovich talks with his fellow countrymen, well with ordinary people, apparently, yes, and its clear that these elders are wonderful people, not young anymore, they are very attentive to Rasul Gamzatov, it is clear why lenin street was renamed if you look at this photo, because he was not a stranger, but he was absolutely one of his own, and gamzatov knows how to joke , he knows how to be witty, he knows how to be. Ironic towards himself, and of course he is always in love, or rather, his lyrical hero is always in love, this is exactly what is said in the poem that we will now hear performed by anatoly prosalov, and if there are thousands of men in the world, then its called, anatoly parosalov, if there are a thousand men in the world, they are ready to equip matchmakers for you, know that i am also in this thousand men, Rasul Gamzatov, if you have long captivated 100 men, whose blood rushes with a roar, it is not surprising to discern between them, a proud man, called rhassul, if 10 are in love with you, true husbands, without hiding the fire , among them, rejoicing and mourning, i am, gamzatov, if i am only crazy about you, not inclined

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