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The only one. Good evening, good evening, dear friends, summer cup. The most traveling game of kvn, vladivostok, khantemansiysk, sochi, crimea and so on, but the geography of these travels is not accidental. The champions cup, as it is also called, always comes to places where it is truly sincerely awaited. Therefore, you will naturally agree that the thirtieth the anniversary game, in kvn is 10 years old, will be held. In a city that is celebrating its three hundredth anniversary, in a city with huge kvn traditions, in a city with an amazing public that filled the universal sports palace to capacity, young people, so perm, hello, we are starting kvn. Today, the champions of the 2021 major league season, the team of the perm territory, and two current champions of the major league, the kvn team doctor chaos , mogilev, republic of belarus, and the kvn team named after me, the city of korolev, moscow, will compete for the kvn summer cup region, and now i want to introduce you to wonderful people who today will become one of the main characters of this game, kvn did not play, did not live in perm, so the peoples artist of russia came here at his own expense, i will say only one thing and this is the true truth, swan you are our white one, alla mikheva, he fought for the summer cup back in 2002 in hanteman siski, then the Belarusian Team lost a little. Vadim golygin, and here we need special applause, because today she makes her debut on the kvn jury, ekaterina spitz, winner of the 2002 summer cup in the distant khantemansiysk, Sergei Svetlakov, then he took him into the lineup. Dear teams, great luck to all of you , thank you, i raised the statistics and i can reliably say that there has never been such a thing in kvn after the greeting, some team came out and said, guys , we probably dont deserve the major league, we are leaving, why, because all the greetings in kvn are always wonderful, the kvn team, the team of the perm region, begins. For the tercentenary of perm, everything decrepit, ugly and useless, but these impudent faces got on the bus and came back. Meet the worst team of the perm region. Were at home, we re doing what. We want, we want, we call, we want, we call, the producer is guarding our passports, by the way, our producer, the governor, yes, he never scolded us for what we are talking about here, he tells the idiots, we can do anything, the governor takes care of the national team, well then, guys, he is modest, he sewed this uniform on himself, he welded this cup himself, crossed himself behind the scenes, asked the audience to clap, he taught from slena all year, wow, wow, wow well great oh, how cool it is to perform on your native land, listen, in fools, but for a long time now the turks of perm began to consider our native land as our native land, so guys, lets be more serious. I have an appeal to Sergei Svetlakov, i invite you to a place where they serve traditional local komperman sex for dinner. Nastya, what other sex . But i cant say, this is my grandmothers recipe. So guys, get your act together, has anyone prepared anything else . I have a gift for alla mikheeva, here are the choppers. Here we need to explain, bits and pieces. These are perm pies, not those from kazakhstan we left to live, lena, so where is igrisanovich going again, hello perm, happy three hundredth anniversary, they already joked about the tractor driver, no . We havent joked yet, then all together, how old are you . Igor sanovich, why dont you give a damn about the cup at all, well, youll say, you dont give a damn either, you just dont care, so young people , thats it, go ahead and have a smoke , i need to talk to the people here, but its okay that were fighting for the cup, well you smoke and fight, like that, emelyaninko, junior, igor aleksanovich, what do you want . Yes, i found out here, it turns out, theres no mayor in feathers, actually there is, shes just a little girl, well, while shes dancing there in feathers at the carnival, ill become a mayor, what a mayor, today were playing against two champions, korolev and mogilev, and why are you in such a crowd, two men dont worry, real men play hockey. A coward doesnt play hockey, a lot of beautiful matches will be played, guys, hello, they took me to play hammer, why the hell, why dont they have any selection at all, not even a natural one, why, because the puck cant be bigger than the goal. Choose an expression, youre in the temple of perm sports, and put a candle in remembrance, where to put it, guys , are you kidding me, you want to lose everything, thats it allan, get out of here, damn it, how can it be, its always the same, oh , look, again the sad perm hammer is leaving the arena, so, you are also eating, okay, wow, think about it, this is a person, not a taikos stick, actually this is vitya, my boyfriend, yes, of his own free will, igor sanovich, you wanted to go. So guys, while hes gone, does anyone have anything normal to show . I have appeal to the leader. Valdis, can you guess an orgasm from three sounds, and astya, what are you talking about . There are 5,000 people in the hall, this is the first time we are performing on our native soil. On us. Show something funny, modern, intelligent, vitya has a song about his life, come on, vitya, when the wind carries you away, when you walk between the drops in the rain, the elevator doesnt go, youre standing in it like a fool, that means you drisch, that means youre drisch, happiness, if youve gained 6 grams of weight, you sniffed the cork and its already in the trash in the fall, everyones nose is avit, ill get a slice of orange ate everything before, be a banger, life is in full swing, found a juice box, thats it, there are no problems with housing, so the vetya is enough, well done, give me a kiss, for what, he sang well . So i dont know what could ruin our performance even more , yeah, yeah, well, build the fourth bridge right away, if we encounter such a mess, maybe its cursed, who are you communicating with, but not. With anyone, im just training to be a mayor , so stop suffering from bullshit, but you wont become mayor, why is that, by the way, you know what a gift to the city prepared, which one, but i want to change the old inscription happiness is just around the corner with a new one, and why are you not satisfied with the old one, well, the inscriptions are already 16 years old, i would like more specific information, where is happiness, take it out. Well, there is a feeling that happiness has become much closer, there will be no queues of people to take a photo, everyone will immediately run around the corner, what beer . Oh, i knew it would be necessary. Oh, egor, i just wanted to live, dont you think its strange that all our souvenirs will say cold beer around the corner, egor, its strange that on our coat of arms with a bear. Actually, this means that he brought orthodoxy to this land, well, somewhere he stole it, so thats it, get the hell out of here, guys, you understand, in order to win, we need to show something. Something that is really relevant, so to speak, on the topic of the day, is this good evening, we welcome you to the main event of the World Economic arena, today irreconcilable rivals will meet in the ring. So, in the right corner of the ring is the indestructible american dollar. Look at him, its hard to believe, but literally. Years ago he was 56, in the left corner of the ring, his opponent, the russian ruble, oops, a little guy , is shaking a little guy, nicknamed the unstoppable one, so the fight began, a blow, the ruble fell again, we hope that he will rise at least to kobrew, and no, it was a deceptive maneuver, the ruble rushes to attack, it grabs the dollar for the huge external debt hanging from all sides, the decision is bold and risky, but after the ruble is no longer afraid of anything to do with it, the dollar takes a package of sanctions out of its pocket, the ruble uses a proven technique more than one generation of russians, he hides under the mattress, there he can lie, not only for rounds, for years, but the dollar finds him and begins to choke him. The ruble does not give up and gnaws through the package of sanctions with beautiful importsubstituted teeth, the dollar takes out another package, another, another, god, how many of these packages does it have, its just some kind of circus, the dollar is about to strangle the ruble, i wonder what does the ruble coach Elvira Nabiulina think, the situation is stable, there is no reason to panic. But the dollar celebrates its victory early, it has completely forgotten that it is alone, and there are 100 rubles, the dollar is defeated, the ruble is dancing a victory dance, as they say, inflation does not interfere with a good dancer, remember, do not worry about the ruble Exchange Rate. There is no Exchange Rate, the ruble has only a path, young people, i have a new idea, well put a sobering wheel on the kama, maybe a review, but no, there the cabins will be immersed directly in the water, as much as possible with your own alcohol, thats enough, thats it, thats it pestered me, its just my image, by the way, i havent drunk for a whole year, whats real, real, i ve already had a bottle with me for a year, yes, im carrying in general, i dont even feel like drinking a drop, i can open it, here you go, no emotions , yes, of course, i can sniff it, please, and at least i can put it in my mouth, i dont feel like drinking more than once, please, you saw what willpower, igorsanovich, you just drank , damn it, you ruined my entire political career, i drank in front of voters, if it were the nineties now, i would become president , thats enough, oh well, egor, i wont to become mayor, this is my gift for the tricentenary, why did you change your mind so suddenly . Yes, its a pity for the city, only everything has been renovated, let it remain in my dreams , come on, sing the final song, we wont say how much we love fen, we love wei very much, how much we love, we wont talk, we wanted just modestly, nature, about sunsets and sunrises, there are not enough words to tell , we dont even need to sing, we dont even need a bolt, from the moment before the order, we will sing to you about love, team of the perm region, thank you, the club of cheerful resourceful people thanks the government of the perm region and personally governor dmitry nikolaevitch makhonin for his help in organizing the shooting, as well as all residents and guests of the perm region for the warm welcome, and since Dmitry Nikolaevich is in the hall, lets applaud him and celebrate him. We have always admired you, those who break the horizons, not forgetting about loved ones. For whom is action more important than words . Living in a vast country over which the sun never sets. There are already 38 million of you, those who trust us, and we are doing everything to have the right to say, tinkov, bank of the year in russia. Death occurred as a result of mechanical asphyxia. Ordinary suicide. Suicide is ordinary, the place is unusual. Experts said that the lock in nikonorovas apartment showed signs of forced entry. Wow, are you investigating the death of a fashion model . Books have been written by lost stripes, from writers to diplomats. Dont exist as games. Everything is impossible. Calm down, criminal investigation department. Farze opapiki are different. Comrades, witnesses, the refrigerator is being inspected. Dissident. 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You know, this is a great joy, happiness, to go out to such a warm, warm, understanding audience, and a team named after me, the kings, will do this right now, in order to win the hearts of permians, you need to win the heart of parma, thats enough, listen to me, residents of parma, we will break off the horns our. Rivals, lets tear off their skin, leave them without pants, on naked enthusiasm, well win in the heart of parma, but there are people who dared to divide us, come out one by one, and i challenge, jazzman. Well what, zhilin, go oneonone, or do you only know how to wave a wand . Come on, ill be waiting for you, well, lets start, come on, you can defeat me. You will never defeat the urals, for these high mountains, wide rivers, golden people who shout in unison, ural, ural, hurray, lyosha, stop with this ural patriotism, Sergei Sergeevich, how did you even agree with this nonsense , to participate, well, no one pulled his tongue, dear guys, on my behalf, everything that i can do for you, i will do for you with pleasure, always, lesha, but it was possible should i use it differently or not . Well, hello to the city in the east of the european part of russia, the urals, on the banks of the kama river, below the confluence of the chusovaya river. Center of the perm territory and perm region, transport hub of the transsiberian railway, river port. Perm has the status of a city of regional significance and an urban district, a large industrial, commercial, administrative Cultural Center of the urals, population 1. 27. 15, well, i just heard that they want to ban wikipedia, just in case i learned it all, so what, we congratulations to you all, we are sure there will be 400 and 500 more, but for now the dollar is only 100 rubles. Well , congratulations to perm too, by the way, perm is twin cities with the queens, although ive never heard of them, thats the meaning of cities. Twin cities, and what happens anyway, we are performing in perm, for the tercentenary of perm against the perm national team, well, there are chances, in general, you know, a good thing , selfdeception, if it werent for him, no one would wear breeches, well, well find out who is stronger, twenty champion first or twentysecond . Year, of course, twentytwo, twentyone any fool could make a joke, try to make a joke in the twentysecond, by the way, you didnt try, miniatures, recently free psychologists appeared in clinics. So, the grandmother explains to the grandfather that they have an abusive relationship. Simion, leave me alone the psychologist said, our relationship is toxic, youre gaslighting me, i know what youre getting at, i wont peel potatoes, well , thats a real shame, if you ever say those american words one more time, i ll turn you in to the cops, oh, oh , did you know that it turns out that all our problems are due to unprocessed childhood traumas, and not because of chubais, that stop mentioning this istanbul moneytaker to me, and she also says that we have no. Passion, of course, with us all your passion goes into loud sneezes, oh, youre telling the truth , yeah, and for you, she, you know what shes saying, shes saying that you need to close the gestalt, hey, that s exactly what the gestalt is, if you cant even close the door to the toilet properly, and in general, thats what we have not love, but what if its not love, you fool, youre old, yes, for your sake, i stopped shuffling my slippers, yes, i, when ill eat garlic, i wont kiss you. That is, i dont bother to kiss at all, but i use odikalon, which doesnt give me a hangover , and semyon, vladislavovich, i love you, garlic, now a popular gender party is when parents in a creative way. Recognize half the child, imagine if this trend moved to another event, everyone stand up, the trial is underway, we are starting the verdict of the party, the Court Sentenced the defendant to a term, attention, the courtroom to a term of 14 years, congratulations, but, but, but, given the cooperation with the investigation, we we are reducing the term to 4 years, hurray the husband came home from work and refused to watch the funny videos that his wife had been selecting all day. Show at least a little human respect for the work of others and look at how the mob farted and got scared. Yes, i dont want to, shame on you, ive been watching these videos from all day. Yes, youre already hostage to your instagram, now i understand why it was recognized as a terrorist organization, you dont want to watch the reels because youre old, i youth, this is your phone, he says, at the device, why dont you tell me anything . I sent it, but my vpn is slow, maybe i should change the country, if i changed the country, i would nt use vipen, thats it, so what . There, come on, nothing, already, well, show there, whats there, where there, your farting pug, front camera, very funny, but youre already hostage to your instagram, you ve been watching this all day, why, why do you need this , yakaterina mizulina, this is my job. Some regional interview hosts act as if someone is actually watching them. Korolev tv is on air and we are reporting from our city of twin city perim from the festival of minting cow cakes, which is called cheerful mullein, abbreviated as vkfest. Because of this name. A lot of stars came here by mistake and today we are, oh, i think, what does this stink about here, and this is our regional television, who are you anyway . Im from a telegram channel, i came here to film an exclusive interview with svetlokov, where are you and where is he . Ill ask where he is, where he went, what hes doing in general, listen, youre from a telegram channel, so go take off your cow rounds, and the stars are mine lets go, now well interview golygin. What should i ask him . Well, ask something about money. Vadim, lend me a loan. Listen, i advise you to wrap up, youre already annoying everyone, you annoying blonde with stupid questions. Alla, how do you comment on this insult . Bravo, bravo vadim said it was you. The hairstyle is ugly, what are you doing, sensation, sensation, now you will have a sensation, take it off, lets go, and let me, yes, yes, shock, sensation, a Television Star is dating a new passion, who would have thought, but this is alexander oleshka, sensation, this is what ivan dulin looks like right now, yes, oh, sorry, im not special, oh, oh so. Lets go to the governor, now well ask him tricky questions. What if he answers harshly, arent you afraid . Well, hes Dmitry Nikolaevich, not dmitry anatolyevich. Yes, yes, i ask. Krytai nikolaevich, here you are riding an electric scooter. Is the Governor Holding the fears of the citys population . So, what kind of nonsense are you talking about . We need to ask questions that people really want to know from the governor. Its absolutely delicious, heres Dmitry Nikolaevich, its a beautiful city, heres the only thing is that i dont understand why you wrote on some trams that they are 300 years old, understand . Dmitor nikolaevich, lets talk about the kama river, do you like it . The governor said that he likes the kama sutra, this is somehow too much, do you hear , ill break your camera now, youll be left without a report at all, but its okay that there are cameras everywhere, its still going to be shown on channel one that the state channel, awesome, this is where our report comes to an end, happy anniversary to perm yekaterinburg, say 300, why we fell in love with perm, of course, not only for the fact that the geological term permian period, introduced by rederk murchensen in 1841, came from the toponym perm. But not for the fact that the first documentary mentions of settlements in the Historical Center of the city are found in the census books of procopius elizave, but for the fact that you have a governor in jokes, named after me, thank you. Dr. House mogilev, republic of belarus, is invited to the stage, and we noticed that karaoke is scattered all over the place, what a song the city is, welcome yourself, happiness is just around the corner, power, the urals, water between us, your opinion, very important for you, for me the world is for the better, the best time, now is russia, in itself , on stage there is a team from belarus, well, belarus, belarus, in travel agencies through sadness, pasha, you better tell me something good, for example, what in belarus. The cleanest air and the best environment. Yes, a couple of working factories would not hurt us, of course, yes, guys, what are you talking about, well, we are in perm, summer cup, kvn, anniversary. By the way, how is perm translated . Perm translates as this, this is better than yekaterinburg, and, by the way, Leonardo Dicaprios grandmother is from perm, and he personally been here. Well, now its clear where he learned to fight bears to sleep in a horse, friends, you know, before that we always played in kvn only in moscow, so we can say that we are in russia for the first time, what news is there, guys, well russia launched it to the moon, the Exchange Rate of the ruble, no, a satellite, and the dollar, by the way, the ruble, the ruble, what a convenient currency, right away with obscenities, right . And in russia, from september 1, they want to introduce a unified school uniform, but there are those who are against, against, the word uniform does not bother them . Okay, thats enough, lets do better lets think about how we will surprise the permic residents. Have you seen this . A merry mullein festival was held in the perm region. The cows threw cakes at a distance, the cakes scattered like hot cakes. Topora took place in the perm region. The clumsy games are an analogue of the olympic ones. The russian komar festival took place in verkhnekamsk. The most delicious girl was determined there. The winner was determined by the number of mosquito bites. How are you going to surprise them . What, how are you going to surprise them with the first sophisticated person . Its clear that people understand humor, but not we also have such events in mogilev, we just dont have a camera, and so , what are you suggesting, well, lets just make people happy, all the guys, lets make it briefly funny, lets start, the grandmother saw the inscription in the entrance. Damn, when the entrance is already repaired, Oleg Gazmanov came to the moskvich plant to show how a wheel is made. No, well, something will have to be thought about with the brakes, of course, the director of the ural hotel persuades the poet to hang himself in his room for the sake of a beautiful legend, please, it wasnt here and before you that people hanged themselves, but the Chimney Sweep conductor, they just made the room cheaper, in the meantime , they are planning to build a third bridge in perm, in mogilev the governor opened the first bridge across the river, but its a normal bridge, get used to it, but dont worry about the mayor, well find him now. The owner of the apartment came to the Belarusian Embassy in moscow, wait , wait, wait, we showed this number once before, but yes , well, i dont care, well, sorry, we didnt come up with it, theres no motivation, wait, but the summer cup, well, the summer champions cup, teams that have already achieved everything in kvn play, they need to improve their positions. I lost the game, give it back apartment, otherwise the cup, he said a joke about the third bridge, the people in the hall didnt laugh, thats it, go line it up, lost the greeting, give it to the women from the team, thats what i understand about kvn, i would have watched it myself, well, well, lets make a bet, so the fact of the matter is that, firstly, its like theres nothing, and secondly, you saw whos on the jury, well, yes, there are doubts about their objectivity, why not, well, alla mikheva, how does she can you trust me after Something Like this, my name, i didnt understand, why are you leaving, i dont want to, but the five is staggering from the alochka . Us, right . Or Sergei Svetlakov . We dont have a dance, so everyone we gave tickets to gets up and dance, i lost a ruble on the tram, im worried about this, the person already has experience helping sperm teams for a ticket, where is the guarantee that its him this time wont he throw something away for a place on the jury . Well, vadim golygin sits on our jury, i know, but why would he drag us along, the man himself barely began to breathe on the first channel. Why does he need this Competition Among belarusians . It turns out that they questioned the objectivity of the jury, respected people, why did you do this, so that there would be real motivation, we need to perform in such a way that no questions arise at all, lets do it, serious game, serious bets, serious numbers, recently belarus has become itself. Thanks to which everyone began to listen to our main performer. Hello alexander grigorievich. Oh, come on, a new album. Whats the news . The latvian president openly declared that he is gay. Well, since there is no news, then the song is about the baltic states. But they are part of the nato bloc. Oh, theres also a little bit about these friends. Thats mine, look at me, my palm has turned into an idiot, alexander grigorievich, maybe with a fist, no, no, there used to be a fist , now i have to explain everything on my fingers, well , quite sharply, so why be afraid, they gave me a button, no one is happy now. Wait, why didnt you play anything . No, no, in such topics its better not to click on the buttons again, well, sing not about politics, about sports, oh, what is there to sing, they will have the olympics there in paris, what will happen to ours, i demand to say, they collected everything real men, real ones, are not allowed to perform. It didnt work out not about politics, by the way, russia has forgiven everything africas debts are in vain, maybe these soviet rubles would still be useful, well, lets sing for the usa, oh, you want a riddle, you know why they opened a case against trump, for what in advance. Obviously, for russia i will sing from korea in carriages, full trains carrying something, after the visit there will be shaigu, thats why i love russia, its because they always have a plan b, there is never a plan a, but there is always a plan b at hand. Thats it, the album is ready, let them listen, we didnt record anything, i have an iphone, we havent heard anything. Friends, we thought for a very long time what to give perm for 300 years, we walked around the city of perm, talked with the perm people, and you know, the perm people themselves suggested to us, in general, per, this gift is for you, a soft sign, so happy holiday, 5,000 bright flashes, lets celebrate together me, like that there are 5,000 in this room, lets together, friends, take out our phones, cool, there are cameras filming all around, come on, come on, whoever has iphones can go higher, whoever is an official with an iphone can go lower, are you ready, its summer , sun, heat, summer sun, heat, get high here until the morning, summer, sun, heat, summer sun, heat, dance here until the morning, the best. Wonderful final greetings, i invite all teams to the stage, well, dear members of the jury, assessments of the team of the perm region, maximum score of five points, please, your decision, five, five five five five five, all judges five points named after me korolev, 5, 5, 5, 4, 5, 5, and doctor chaos , republic of belarus, 5. 5, 5, 5. 55, all judge 5. My name is 4. 8, the team of the perm region five points exactly, in every fairy tale they play a wedding, and you and i will play a wedding, only in the Old Fashioned way, our task is not just to show tradition, it is important that it blossoms in the new world, i was scared all the time that my wedding would take place with garters and massacres, the path of the young, the young, you are now rubbing, and you need to bite, oh, lets pull, what kind of young people are there . 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Lets start with a fairly everyday situation, dear teams, you come to the dry cleaner and see that at the receiving table there is the honored artist of russia alexander oleshka, he tells you, well, you are clearly looking for your item that you took to the dry cleaner, and he says something i i didnt find your fur coat, take your shirt, hello, for gods sake excuse me. You see, this is the situation, somehow i didnt find your fur coat, well, take the shirt, well, take it off, and no wonder sasha was so wary, oh, i didnt find your fur coat, well, take the shirt, well, something between the shirt and a fur coat makes a big difference. I didnt find your fur coat, heres a shirt. Oh, no need, then they will say again that the belarusians are giving away their last shirt, i didnt find your fur coat, well, take the shirt, and i ll tell my wife, go wear a shirt in winter lost little olesha, thats all. Probably yes, sash, thank you very much, great, lets applaud, then , after visiting the dry cleaner, you take it to a car service center, ah, your car is accepted by peoples artist of russia, Sergei Sergeevich zhilin, please, peoples artist. This is where you come from and takes a fur coat out of the hood. Wow, where did you get this from . Sorry, we just didnt fix your cars heater, while you ride with your fur coat. Where did you get this from . And this is not a fur coat, this is from your beard , wow, where did you get this from . Whats wrong with the little deers conscience . Handed over the fur coat. Hello, hello, where did you get this from . You know, this is a new moskvich, lets be careful, maybe this is a necessary part. Wow, where did you get this from . Sensation, some kind of veiny skin. Thank you very much, sergey sergeevich, for your excellent work in this scene. So, the next situation is that you are studying to become a Civil Aviation pilot. Next to you is an instructor, in the place of the first pilot, and this is vadim golygin. Vadim, you say some phrase in english to your cadet, translate, no, ill drive, where are you sitting . No, no, we wont take off anyway. Sensation, vadim golygin has gone crazy. No drink, youre also flying drunk. Before me, a colleague was sitting here, he was flying, fine, thank you, thank you, first you chew the seconds, and then speak. You will torment me for a long time, but there is a girl who is not refused , moreover, with every participant who comes up , i answer, i am more and more surprised by your english stock, vocabulary, its fantastic, 50,000 words, my friend. Turn off the vpn, thank you very much, vadim golygin, thank you, ekaterina shpitsa, katya, choose which car will be yours, i have no doubt. So, dear friends, you get into an accident, and the car that you meanly and disgustingly hit , ekaterina shpitsa comes out of this car and says do you know who ill call now, lesh, why did you buy such a car for yourself, tell me do you know who ill call now . Sorry, i didnt do it on purpose. Listen, give me some pepperoni, i now know who ill call, but i wont pick up the phone, i now know who ill call . Didnt you pass . Do you know who i ll call now . Sorry, the car is bothering me. Im now do you know who ill call . Hello, police, yes, a girl drove in in a cardboard car, she says shes not drunk, shell call someone now. Do you know who ill call now . Why are you also driving drunk . Thank you very much, katya, but we ask you not to leave the stage, because Sergei Svetlakov comes out to help you, to the applause of all those present. Sergei , of course, is first interested in, as if checking whether everything is all right with ekaterina, and then turns to the kvenshchiki with a rather threatening phrase, listen, i now know, what will i do to you, please, do you hear, i now know what i will do to you, dulin, what are you planning, yes, yes, be afraid. Listen, i know what ill do to you now, what youll do, and why did you hide, she left, everythings fine, you know what ill do to you for this, sergey, it turns out youre a spitz, but take me in your arms, stretch my little paws. Do you know what i will do to you for this . I wont act in novy gorky, we agreed. Listen, do you know what i will do to you now for this . Sergey, usually in perm people from yekaterinburg they dont talk so boldly, katya, seryozha, thank you very much, thank you very much team, it seems to me, thank you. Thank you, great, five plus, a white swan floats onto the stage. Alla mikheva, please. So, dear friends, the situation, you are coming to your senses, i dont know, maybe this is the case, but in any case, you are standing on your knee, on one knee and holding out micah to alli. A certain box, or it is already in her hands, she says to you are you sure . Please, whos ready . Sorry, are you sure . Of course, im sure i wont take you out alone, you need four men. You im sure, but okay, after all, probably not , uh, yuri, can i call you, please, you know, kvn actually gives people a lot of fame, money, success, he gave me much more, he gave me you, all this preparation for this summer cup. You, uh, said that i was behaving strangely, that i wanted to leave you, partly this is a little bit true, i dont want you to be my girlfriend, i want you to become my wife, will you marry me, ustiya mikeeva and refused, gorky, wait, are you sure, its somehow offensive and joyful, i didnt expect it to be like that the competition will end quickly, i need to leave, with flowers, to the applause of everyone present, thank you. But i hope this is not only applause for yegor, who really proposed to his future wife on stage, this is applause for all the teams, which, i believe, were one of the most successful competitions in the situation, now the word is up to the jury members, and the maximum score is 5 points. So, the perm region team, your score for the competition is five, five, five, thinking 555. Doctor house mogilev. 4 5 5 5 4 5 named after me korolev 5 4 4 4 4 5 scores for two competitions named after me korolev 9. 1 points , dr. House 9. 7 points, perm Territory Team 10. The kvn team, perm Territory Team, thanks for the support of the government of the perm territory, the governor of the perm territory dmitry nikolaevitch makhonin, as well as all residents of perm edges, conjunctive. The kvn team named after me thanks its mentor friend, yuriyavichak, for his many years of support and enormous faith in the team. Dr. House thanks his dairy sponsor, the savushkin product company, savushkin is delicious sponsor, my clear light, you write to me, with a tear of rain, on a wet window, my clear light, you write to me, with a spring ray, on a white wall. Season premiere binge the star, tomorrow on the first, domlik Real Estate Service number one, in terms of the number of advertisements for the sale of apartments. There are a million equipment here, smartphones, choose equipment at the big sale of electronics on ozone, smartphones. For 11. 999, vip coffee machine for 19. 99. Free sofcombank debit card. Cashback up to 5 or income on balance up to 15 . 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Congratulations on your professional holiday, agricultural and processing industry workers day. Native, dear, native land, cold rains, you always remember, the petul will take you to bite. Irresistible when fly primo, i i look at the sky and ask this , i live in russian, they call on god for help, millions of eyes look at us, divide venus into marrs, millions of people, but i cant help but think. Oh, its not evening, its not evening, i love you, premiere, festive concert for Agricultural Workers day, tomorrow at the first, last competition, probably it can be the brightest, because there should be music in it, this is a musical home task, and this competition can, i dare to assure you, from. The order and course of todays game and identify a new leader, musical homework, the kvn team will be the first to present, my name is korolev. We devoted our homework to the film barbie, which is incredibly popular in russia. That no one saw him. Barbie and kelney. Barbie, my love, we have to go, but i m not rushing you, get ready as much as you like. By the way, if you want to go with your girlfriends, then im all for it, but i would go with you because i really like talking to them. But if you. Want to discuss me, ill stay at home and clean up properly, god, how perfect you are, you upset, then im upset too, because there is no me and you, there is only us, thats it, i m leaving you, and this is after everything that happened between us, but we had nothing, the mistress just did this to us , i want to date a real man, real men dont like me. Pink, they love red and white, and this is pink, youre not a real man, why, its a shame, but it must hurt, thats it, im leaving you, because youre even more ideal than this guy whos on kven, proposal. Goodbye ken, barbie tired, perfect ken, that love, toys, these are not toys, ken, we heard that barbie left you, how do you know, there is not one wall in your house, okay, ken, just think, the girl left you, but what a year. Cheburashka, only you have a good year, okay, ken, ill talk to barbie, barbie, what are you really doing, okay, youll find yourself another, transformer, its easy for you to say, all the women fall for you, youre both a man and a car , why are you pining for this barbie, she even has. No, a transformer, only youre looking for a woman with a trailer, ken, for you we need to move on, approach some beauty, im sure ill torture her with a nesting doll, then well all get it. No, theyre wooden, although i only love barbie, then to make her jealous, hit up her best friend, by the way, mother, cheburashka, where did you find this crocodile . Okay, listen, beauty, would you like to drink an apperol . Well , vodka, then vodka. Listen, i would kiss you, but im afraid, but im afraid. Well, shall we stay in my dollhouse, or shall we go to you, in zakamsk . Barbie is tired of the ideal world and wants the real world. Not ideal, but hes not ideal at all, very, very much, but so real, in short, its clear how tinder left at the wrong time, where can i now find a less than ideal man, hello doll, how about banging chpokimoki, benchbench , if you know what i mean, thats it, barbie and kent. Are we going on a date . Were going, this is a date. Where do you work . I sell clothes, if you call a spade a spade. And i thought that if you call a spade a spade, they cannot be sold in russia. Dont worry, baby, my stool is getting muddy every minute. Sorry, when will we arrive . Who is this . Client . Am i late for business . Meeting, businessman, this is what we need, barbie is a client, we exceed, boss, let me go, im late, youre the businessmans boss, thats even better, barbie and the cop, who are you . Barbie, this is a client, its all clear, what are you doing here, buddy, buddy, let s agree, im an honest policeman, i dont. I never take bribes, and this is definitely the real world, you see, im driving a freak to work, be quiet, you all got me, i realized who i need, i need a man who is just silent, barbie is crazy, balbis was playing the game, and he stole barbie, this is such a cool love triangle, komon baldys, be bolder, ah, well, finally these things with guess the melody came in handy for you, this is your workplace, you can take a look, teams are invited to the stage, they pay you money for this, maybe then the spiers are inli, bongbong, chpokichpoki . Hey, barbie, what do you say to this, im with her now , he doesnt love you, hes just dating you to take revenge on me, no, thats not true, i just liked yours, okay, so to take revenge, and in general, why do you need this dumpling, he is a real man, not a toy, ernst has a toy in his hands, you just dont know him like i do, he. He conquered the arctic, rose to the very sky, sank to the very bottom, but lets not talk about the stars in the ring, why do you need him, hes always silent, for a star now this is the ideal quality, listen, barbie, you forgot, you and i are made for each other, who will win, valdis or what are you dont you see a dramatic ending here . Well, valdis, i suggest we talk like men, on the joysticks, we start, fight, maybe you forgot, but i was made in china, and he has armor, no, this. Doesnt work, i tried, now there will be a blow, which all people are afraid of, yes. I won, no, no, no, its not fair, fight with the toys that valdis had as a child, easy, i chose a laser sword, i chose a stick, boldly, ah, damn, i stepped on lego, mm, who will now fight for me . Oh, yes i can, i knew that the conductor always has a baton with him, lyosh, you talked him into it, no. Well, we just found out how in kven they choose the leader, it seemed to me that pelsha was shaking him with seven blows, but it seemed to me that with six, thats it, okay, thats enough, valdis, into the corner. I dont know, i didnt think that the real world is like this, and the real world is not ideal , but its good that there is a game where you can come with your company and get high, youre talking about us, no, not about us, its about the viewer, you came here to laugh, to watch grown men fight with sticks. Look at our world, the world named after me, and when you come home, with renewed vigor you will try to make it a little better, peace named after you. Well ken, you have become a real man, why . You learned to say toasts, well, permics with salty ears, how do you like our toys, flame lights, hey expensive friends, the next musical homework assignment is presented by dr. House, republic of belarus. Eh, why did you go out without me, and what kind of song, like a drop of blood on the chest, the redhead from ivanushki, i already forgot this song, they remembered, but in what invisible battle, they were wounded, in the original you sing, for your dream, really original, for my love, well, lets try, i guess something interesting, bullfinches will fly away and you wont catch them, well, crap, crap, what are you doing, what kind of song is this . Pasha, this is our twentieth game in kvn on the first channel, we want to reveal. And excuse me, reveal, reveal, you can do Something Like this, a song, a song, then, so that you include this, well, people need something. Its interesting to watch while you open up, especially since i m sure that from the last row we look like four burnt matches, but here at least its a movie. Pasha, you never believed in us, we dont agree with this, guys, you understand, today a very serious game, especially on the best, optimistic channel, why optimistic, well, life is great here after the news, and what are we going to do, guys, i dont not believe in you, i believe in us, were friends, were from Economy Class together , lets follow the old pattern, announce. Friends, do you agree that this genre has been dying lately . Folklore as jokes, we personally think that this should not be allowed, and so somewhere among the people, great, people, great, he brought new jokes, jokes, who needs them now, well, in all times of history they taught from textbooks, but memorized from jokes, and now there are also times that would be better to remember, well , lets listen, well, listen, somehow a foreign one returns russia says to knitwear, get back into the closet, and belarus says where am i ill climb there, i sat there for 30 years, its good, its funny, and come on, somehow good and evil cola meets. Kind and says why are you so angry . And she answers i came to you with three transfers, why the hell should i be kind, astro, astro, good, yes, good, come on, come on something with obscenities, no, watch the news later, but there is something about show business, of course, the king once gathered his entire retinue after panins interview and said youre talking about me in public. Dont talk anymore that im the king of pop, good, yes, good, good, yes, people, good, and lets be the last one for the locals, somehow a tractor driver comes up to governor makhonin and asks how old perm is, and he, and he says so , three hundred. The tractor driver stood, thought and said yes, you are an experienced leader, of course. This august marks the 50th anniversary of the legendary film 17 moments of spring. We think the plot of this film is good in this day and age. Impact on relations between russia and belarus. Its 1991, the collapse of the ussr, countries are leaving the soviet union. Thanks everyone, you can go. And i will ask you, belarus, to stay. Belarus is a true party member, has a friendly, economic character, and is merciless in eating potatoes. In the union. The soviet union never existed, what did you want , russia, we want you to be our spy in europe, i, why, because you are in the center of europe, i, if only everyone knew about it, what will my call sign be, alex, alex, try not to change it. Well, if its necessary, well do it. What kind of legend will i have . The legend about the union state, i will tell you everywhere how we will keep in touch, through the propagandist. Got it, ill watch tv, what should i do . Watch, listen and dont interfere anywhere. Dont do anything about it. I am a professional, but i will need money for this, we will give you money, but on credit, i agree, i will take it, but i will not return it, it was a habit developed over the years, who, who else can i trust, here is the list, check it out for yourself, tajikistan, uzbekistan, armenia, tell me, russia, kazakhstan is with us, probably, probably, probably, i would like, what will be my first task, we well contact you, but if anything happens, you can also contact us, yeah , 30 years have passed since then, russia didnt give assignments, and belarus regularly contacted us, but this day has come, encryption, yusta saleksu, belarus. We have a problem, we meet in europe, elephant cafe. Hello russia. And we are in europe, yours the voice is not heard here, show it, but the sanctions are stifling, now. Sorry, you didnt pay for your coffee, but you accept cards, map of the world, belarus has never been so close to failure. Over time, europe began to realize that it was being used and deceived, and after an investigation, americas trace came out and convinced that it was not she, but belarus. Belarus, it seems to us that you are not european, me, me, me, you , they say, you help russia circumvent sanctions, no, you have a population of 9 million people, but you buy goods worth 149 million. We are belarusians we just like to save money. They say that russia sells gas to you three times cheaper than to us, so i say three times less, its logical, but what do you say to the fact that you recognized crimea . Gotcha, no, its just belarusian knitwear, the thread is sticking out, now we know that you work for russia, but we want to recruit you to work for us against russia, we will give you everything, cars, equipment. Technology after all. Thats funny. What else do you have . Is not that enough for you . Of course, friendship is at stake. What kind of friendship . This is economics. In there are no friends in economics. Thats why i dont have an economy. But i have a friend. Friend . Ah. But you dont know, you only have partners , a friend is someone who doesnt care how much money you have, hes friends with you because you re cool, a friend is someone you can quarrel with, you know why . Because then you will make peace with a friend, if you fall, he will laugh, but will help you get up, and in general Everyone Wants to have a friend. But not everyone knows how to be one, now do you understand . It seems to me that i understood everything, from that day on sanctions were imposed on belarus. Friends, we talk so much about friendship, its no coincidence, because the very format of the game pushed us to this, yes, we are glad to come here to kvn, because you know that for us kvn, kvn is our friend, we had theres so much of everything, thats how high we feel now, its great, sometimes its very. Fun, sometimes its downright infuriating , but as soon as he called us, we immediately came because we missed him very much, uh, thank you very much, friend, for that once we met and you shook my hand so hard that my feelings changed life line, thank you friends. I have become the happiest of people, i have a whole land of friends, hey, you hear a new singing hook, go ahead and connect your friends, nanananana. Lets have more fun, drink some bulbash, dont have 100 rubles, have 100 friends. For special occasions, we present the elegant dress of sirin. I want to know who is doing the magic in this fashionable shithouse, what is needed . Nothing, excuse me, youre probably a confirmed bachelor, lets go without further ado, christina is smart, shes still cute in the morgue, shes already trying on her outfits, shes second first, and you say, no one needed her death, sergei bezrukov, in the serial film by Valery Todorovsky, its not a matter of a fashion model. 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Ru or at the bank office, what kind of idiot wrote this letter, and what a cool, cool kostya kinchen, they could actually go to prison, because they imprisoned rap musicians. If Roman Kostomarov were not a famous legendary athlete, you would have fought for him with exactly the same volume. Any celebrity entering the shock hall will end up on the same bed, on the same emon car. Apparatus and we do not have any division, consideration of the case kamilla valieva, of course, they want geniuses like her, because she is truly a figure genius, they want this to be born in their countries, because if we have her in our country, we will always defeat them, anyone a person who wants to adequately assess the present, of course, must know history , now im not asking, it was you who flew into space, now they say it was you who filmed the challenge, but for me its different, they tell me, well, it was you who flew suli . No, its strange, it looks like hes flying. I i know that you recently had a very difficult accident, i flew from the back seat forward, i have a concussion, a man got into a standing accident at a speed of 110, he did not brake at all. Podcast lab is with you all night, everyone is quiet, because the perm region team is taking the stage. At the summer cup, as in the jungle, the strongest wins, so in our homework we decided to show the fairy tale maogli, a friendly flock of the krem region, will slowly show you the fairy tale, how crocodiles, lions and gorillas raised a baby. Well, got up, the pack needs a new leader. Mowgli, youre already 18, you need to go to people, no, no, id rather sit out in the jungle until im thirty, uh, what have you done here, what have you done here , lets get the hell out of here, come on, take it off quickly, so we dont look, we dont look, what are you doing, what are you doing . Theres a fire in the hallway, why are you showing your homework about the unfinished perm zoo . The governor has done so much good for you, and you keep poking him with it, and already these red animals are hanging everywhere in the city. Permzo, they were promoting the best anniversary, not a word about it, because, damn it, im sorry about the zoo, this is mowgli, about the boy who was raised by wolves, wolves are cooks . Well, what kind of cooks, this is a jungle, but he cant live in the jungle, if a cobra bites him, how to suck out the poison, his leg wont fit in any mouth, what do you want from us, well, i dont know, you have to show something in your homework something about perm, well, rambo, for example, how rambo and perm are connected, well, a lot like, for example, yesterday i sewed up my arm with a needle and thread, why . Well , i lost my policy, what should i cut out in blood at the registry, or what . Thats it, no rumble, come on, then well show the police academy, so what, mahone, mahonin, everyone, get out of here, and lets continue, mowgli and bagheera go to the wise ka for help. I walked merrily, a goodlegged boy, i killed all the people, yes, its good, banderlog , can you see clearly, and its not too rude to call people in the last row banderlog, young people, i came up with everything, well show a boomer, and what kind of boomer, sneeze in rossolnik, havent you seen the movie, where . Steal a car, then fight with truckers, then their cops they kill because one of them cheated everyone, you didnt have a childhood, you had it, well then lets go , akella, we need mafan, are you kidding me, we prepared for 2 weeks, rehearsed costumes, sewed them, and you decided to exchange all this for quotes from a boomer . Were not like that, life is like that, taxanovich, no, but if i say that boomer is the governors favorite movie, dont believe me, well, let me dial him now, i have his number, it says mom here, and thats fucking autocorrect, makhonin wanted to write it down, his hands were shaking, it turned out to be a mom. Now im just wondering how it is then your mother is registered, mother is two, no, Dmitry Nikolaevich, well, youre great too , okay, he, well, why did you give him your number, and mirinas mother, i understood everything, you just like boomer, and you decided to hide behind the governor, so its not for nothing that youre a dog, egor, i, im a wolf, and im looking into the soul, and not at. The hat, that s it, get out of here, and lets continue, lets move on to the final battle, sharkhan is coming, this is my bubor, im charging what kind of lion is this tiger . Well , youve warmed up, now youre finished with mowgli, theres a smell of carrion in the air, well, the hot water has been turned off, what to emphasize, i will kill you, your flock will not help you. Hey guys, this is our gas station. Igor sanych, well, egor, now you believe that governor boomer likes it, why would it be, an iphone in the well, but its his car, he was standing in the entrance parking lot, and the guards were looking where they were, but they were confused, they then they thought that i would drive it away from the building. And i went inside, igor sanovich, rush with your boomer, fall in love with pizza, you young people, how can you not understand, but i want to help you, there are other teams, look what they are doing, some people force the jury to fight with sticks, others show barbies, they are the same, they are also the same. What do you propose . I propose to show boomer together with gubber, so that no one will interrupt . Dmitr nikolaevich, can i ask you to go on stage . This is nonsense, this is nonsense, it wont work. Wait, now, now, dmitry nikolavich, please. Yes , the governor will not help some drunk, the governor must help everyone, vitry nikolaevich, stop it, eh, i was not, dimo, dimo, dimo. Timon nikolaevich mahoney, please dont throw us. We are in trouble without you, why are you offended by this zoo or something . Igor aleksanovich, are you calling the governor dimon . Well, yes, we are classmates , timon, well, remember that you copied algebra from me, you had the only c, the rest were as, dimon, come on, get up, dimon, i beg you, dimon. Thats it, igor sanovich, nothing worked out for you, well, yes, he abandoned us, like at the end of the boomer, okay, i ll go get her myself, demon. Fortunately, they said he wont come out, igorsan, this is not the governor, these are two different person. And i know that these are two different people , he brought fermis three hundredth anniversary on his shoulders, before, here after, igorovi is not a real governor, but when i was yelling at the real one in the hall, his eyes crossed with him, and he told me with his eyes igor, brotherly heart, but i cant help you, you must win on your own, it will be fair, in permian style, igor sanovich, we are not mowgli, we have not shown not a boomer, we how to win, egor, you dont care you dont understand, we ve already won everything, weve become champions major league, won a golden kivin at a music festival, and the most important thing is our victory, that we brought the summer cup to our hometown for our anniversary, the boys are a tramp, okay, lets sing the final song, and i ll go and return the car to the governor, we didnt play the game for 2 years already, we expected that there were so many people here, so we all need support, everyone is an appetizer, the stage is standing again, everyone is in this fat, their own, positive rays vladi, remember kubak, pelni, remember spongokite. Dmitry nikolaevich, can i take bekha for myself, otherwise anyway, officials will soon be banned from yanomarks, igorsanovich, no, well, at least mafan, ive already ripped it out anyway, the team of the pervan region, thank you, happy anniversary, beautiful, bright finale of todays game, three musical songs, and each team at the end touched the soul of each the team, it seems to me, managed to Say Something of their own today, something special, and now i want to return their stage with great pleasure, the team. I ask you, we carried out a full computer diagnostic, no problems, everything is clean, consumables were changed, spark plugs were replaced, the oil was changed, surely, lord, heaven decides everything, guess about love, let your heart tell you with whom to share these dreams, with whom to fight. Handsome, keys, migada, drink the star, season premiere, tomorrow on the first. 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All this anger begets more anger, let her go, what the hell, just in this time the girl will win, three billboards on the borders of ebing, missouri, today on the first thing you do, miltrod, you will punish them, thats for sure. Before the jury gives their scores, and we sum up, according to tradition, each member of the jury expresses his opinion, ekaterina shpitsa, taking advantage of the right of fraternity, i cannot help but greet this wonderful hall, thank you for being here, dear teams, i i bow to musical people, and to people who know how to joke. Thank you very much, inspiration, development, expansion of the horizons of always happy stars around in the sky, thank you very much, alexander oleshka, i want to thank this wonderful hall for your reaction, for your support, for your applause, this is very important. For those who are standing on the stage, thank you very much, to all the teams, thank you, because you played amazingly smoothly, like such a cardiogram, then everyone is fine, then you rest a little, then everything is fine again, but thanks to you, the boomers we looked differently, and we looked at barmi for the first time and they said hello to their favorite film 17 moments of spring, but in general i want to say thank you to kvn, thank you to your governor, this is a real gift for the citys third anniversary, such a game, so when i looked at you today, i remembered more than once the most popular phrase on the embankment , when you watch such a game, you understand that happiness is just around the corner, thank you for the energy, the joys of life, Sergei Svetlakov, i want to congratulate my fellow countrymen on this great holiday, anniversary, i want on my own behalf. On my own behalf in a brotherly way to ask for congratulations and my native yekaterinburg, it is also 300 years old, and several, several, literally years ago , the ural dumplings in yekaterinburg played the summer, there was a summer cup or an alumni meeting, and i know perfectly well how to stand on this stage, be the hosts and represent my native land, how hyperresponsible you and your guys were today from. I want to say thank you to probably the most avantgarde team of our club named after me, its just an insane thrill when you, watching a million kvnovs in your life, still dont you know what you will do, what you will say, its just a crazy pleasure to watch you this season, be sure to come back in some form. I dont know, but at least, at least count the grades, well, come back, youre awesome and in general i love you very much, many thanks to the belarusians, you are the most energetic today, you are the only team that gave really cool energy, so i thank everyone, everyone i congratulate the audience on this cool kvn holiday, i congratulate our wonderful jury and teams on the fact that this game took place and, of course, congratulations. On the apple rescue, thank you, vadim golygin , good evening, great game, you know, there are no random people here, because after all, this is the champions cup, and each team has once again proven that it is here its not in vain, they are stage champions, and each of the teams showed their original humor today. Teams are completely different in different roles, this is some kind of added augmented reality or not reality, here its a little serious, well, its all popular and many thanks to the viewer, because when its worth dear team, you reacted very warmly to the humor of other teams. Thank you very much, viewer. Today the strongest will win, or if i may say so, the funniest, i dont know what the ratings will be, but im sure that everything was on point today, very fair, of course, once again i would like to wholeheartedly congratulate Sergei Sergeevich on the apple rescue , with the threehundredth anniversary of both permians and representatives, well, not only all yekaterinburg residents in the person of seryozha svetlokova, indeed, lets applaud, good mood to everyone, thank you very much, allah mikheva. You are all absolutely great, i love you all very much, very much

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