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Stage, the kvn team is familiar to everyone, the atomic team, the city with the base mitya, mitya , wait, lets clarify right away, were having a show here or a serious conversation, specifically here is the show, well, great, then a Short Historical song, about 30 seconds, no more. No, no , really at 30, we started the major league when maslikov, alexander vasilich maslyakov, ruled here, and so that the season began, they took players, added players, meet the capital again, familiar, unfamiliar faces, stories, a new page. Stage finalists of the previous season, by the way, it was a unique event, out of four participants, one winner, three vicechampions, yes, next time this will only happen in march, okay, okay. Wait, what should we do now . I dont know, lets reveal someone of yours. Roma, golovin, great, people. Atomic assembly. These commands come to you after death. Roma, where is your team . The team that i humiliated for 3 years, for some reason, no longer wants to play with me. Now i will humiliate you. And im sorry, why should we pick up some garbage from the semifinals . Youre a downed pilot, like your grandfather is over perkhar. Well, dont be offended, im not japanese, well, go ahead and eat the dog. Well, tell me, you see what diversity there is here, but think for yourself, you live where everything is prohibited, that means youre not local, but thats enough, but no, well, in theory you can take it, rosatom knows how to work with toxic waste, someone here knows how to work with the garbage, damn, youre such a great team, you smell so nice, uh, its perfume, what . Do you want to play for them too . Well, yes, i generally think that every Nuclear Power plant should have my photo, with what caption . Be careful wow, heres the cute little girl ill be having a love affair with for the season. And that you are faced with the task of preserving the species, evening, oops, i see a conflict is emerging. Listen, if you hit me, i will immediately die violently, then you will sit in a small cell with great discomfort, i am fat, i like to sit, oh, dough, well , go to the mixers, so if you need two faster, come on, otherwise i ll divide it on a stilt, lets take them, guys, can we basically, damn it, when will we Start Playing ourselves, huh . Imagine, my grandfather gathered all his relatives into a fiveroom apartment in the center of moscow. My children, im dying, im renting this apartment, a dacha in sochi. Official, a Million Dollars in the account, this is my dream. Tonometer, tonometer neighbor, somewhere you have something of your own, yes, a sense of humor, every year young people smoke more and more strange things, so thats it, thats it, finish it, prove it, come on, im ready. Rom, wait, whats going on . Well, i saw in every speech you had a number about russia, thats all now im russia, lets go, roma, what kind of russia are you, with whom its better not to argue, i understand , ugh, im almost late, i understand correctly, now the issue is about russia, zhen, well, what kind of russia are you, russia cannot exist, its a pity that i look like that russia, which is a castle. Well, the one with which god, okay, there will be two russias , but there cant be two so different russias at the same time, why foreign internal policy, okay, okay, lets do this, roma will be russia, and i will be the west, so angry and shortsighted. I look at it like that looking down on everyone, getting closer to you, listen, guys, well, lets have a new team, a new lineup, lets show a new number, about russia, of course, now Vladimir Vladimirovich putin attends a huge number of events. And no one knows where he will appear, and this makes everyone tense everywhere, just in case. So , at the exhibition there is a garden and a vegetable garden, and if he comes, he wont come, and if he comes, why should he come here, well, zyuganov and kharitonov came , well, theyre looking for seedlings, hes coming, hes coming, and what, eh, i they rejoice at you again that they had a blast started up in the cold. Is coming, and if he arrives, he will say, everything is fine, but where are the gifts . Well, we ll give Vladimir Vladimirovich some potatoes, and those who come with him, well give them a hard time, god forbid, everyone listens to us, okay, i know how to check whether hell come or not, calmly , hell come, well, at the end of the speech i would like to Say Something serious, seriously, why . Kvn comes out after the news, you think they forgot to Say Something serious, but what should be said . Kvn is a youth game, its necessary. Well , i dont understand much either, well, you saw with who we play, they are young, children , the blood boils, they still live with their mother, i also live with my mother, you are a stepfather, this is different, but remember, when we all watched kvn on tv as children, none of us said not once wow, how serious, we all said, this is a joke, we continue this joke when we go on this stage, exactly well done, cool, serious. I didnt want to, nuclear team, thank you the final start of the season, a Team Tournament for the best skaters in russia, we support the whole country. Because figure skating is more than sport is beauty that saves the world, it is success that erases boundaries, it is achievements that one cannot help but admire, it is the pride of the whole country and pride for ones country. Tenkov. Channel one cup, live broadcast. Tomorrow at the first romca a product of the Stellar Group vodka veda a product of the Stellar Group cognac old barrel a product of the Stellar Group burbon сtirsman a product of the Stellar Group whiskey mancake. An exclusive with Dmitry Borisov premiered on march 9 on the first. Well, we continue the competition of greetings on this stage for you, team called for you. Murmansk region. Lets meet. The yamiyami girls, and we are not from miami, came from where things are not stupid, we will show the harsh region and tell about it, everyone imagines, the stage is girls from the last north, well, not from the last, from the extreme, and stifled, okay, we passed, we are the most musical team in todays game, a song about morman attractions anchor murmalsky ispami anchor next to the sink there is an anchor the most wonderful anchor the mindblowing anchor and the cat are the best the coolest anchor and the cat the best wonderful anchor and cat super amazing anchor and cat well here in moscow. The horse, the spire, minin the pozharsky prince, peter pei , well, you have it on him, thats enough, thats enough of yelling at people, but i think they liked it. For a clean city, at half the price. Closed, charging, for mr. , ksyusha, im sick of it, oh, im sick of it, but get back in place, its tighter for me. Lancelo for the poor, you understand that there is no hope for you, only for katya, by the way, where is she, im here, katya, so what is a psy, very nice, psy, hello, very nice, psy, dog, dog, very. Katya , i dont understand what kind of interesting tshirt you have, but what s incomprehensible here, here to paw, here not to paw, here to paw, yes, katya, thats it, everyone understands, let them keep it. Your home is love and tenderness, they are from my childhood, my childhood, lets pray for my parents, girls, do you think that with such jokes the team can win, dear friends, we came from murmansk, and this is asya, where have you already gotten dirty, a . So, murmonsk just got dirty, got dirty, well, go wash yourself, pig, pig. Do you think theres no one to stand up for me, ill call my brother now, you know how powerful he is, valera, dont break the boards, take care, be kinder, who offended you, who offended you, you didnt offend, yes, come on quickly here. Lets resolve the issue , are you offending her, but i dont like her, i mean i dont like her, everyone likes everything with mayonnaise, at least try it, so one more word, she s breathing on you, oh the grill, yes put it away. Girls, can we show something normal for once . No problem after the last song, we we realized everything, in fact, we collected it for you very roughly, of the monuments only yakar we briefly told, but this is far away. Thats it, well fix it, besides yagor there is also a monument to the fish in the old days, the city of murmonsk is very proud of fish, check, joke, magic, if you havent understood yet, then there are a lot of fish, here everything is in the hands of a walrus, and to show you everything to the end , well, lets continue, the third in the greeting competition will be the kvn team stolik, the city of chulym, eclairs who ordered the eclair, well who, no one, well thats right, because now there will be a real yummy, team table city chulymna , why is it so quiet, team table city chulymna, why so quiet, team table, we fence, why so quiet, team table, now it will be loud, shows. Now the channel , we want chulym to take his place, here in moscow, its, of course, very cool here, we liked it, we went home, but we didnt leave at all, but we joked, these are our jokes, jokes, jokes, well great moscow, the stage is shady, you see, they didnt beep, chulym is a simple city, so simple that our chairmans son is a sucker, you hear, you yourself are a sucker, but im dating the most beautiful girl in chulym, dressed in clean clothes, has two arms and two legs, its not very difficult to be chulym. Im a beauty queen, pash, what is this . What, why did you drink my ship . I thought aurora was cognac . Pasha , its not so bad, backstage the solbon fell asleep, and i just had toothpaste with me, i did such a joke with him, uh, what are you, who did this, who told me teeth cleaned it . Well, hello, capital, hello moscow , now, wait, now, oh, excuse me, its a habit, just, listen, muscovites, its certainly difficult here, i put money on the wrong card, now i can ride the subway for 3 years, but theres nothing to eat, you see, no, salbon, but theres something relevant, of course . I know the main spoiler of this year, which one, attention to iran , solpon, okay, do what you want, i ll go and drink some vodka, oh, oh, how i want it, oh, somehow weve stagnated, brothers, isnt it time for us, lets have a blast, now in front of you, lets dilute the performance with our intentions in the abyss of sounds. And even elections, well, our artyom will show you a trick, well, well try, rehap in chulym, dont drink, its dangerous, who are you, im drunk, you see how dangerous it is, so, march 17, summing up the election results, well, the winner has been announced, and now the main intrigue is second place, please, please, please, with a result of 5. 61 , no damn, what about the rest . Second place goes to kirill kozlov, yes, yes, grab it, everyone who voted for me, buckle up, were taking off. Without you, without you, everything immediately became unnecessary without you, they allocated 3 million for this, well, i dont like the fountain, let me show you the monument to lenin, its lying down like in moscow , its good to dance when its sausage, oh, its good to dance when its sausage. Now education reforms are taking place all over the country and the chulym are no exception, so, in the sound lesson, well, class, the homework was to learn the sound, come on, lets check how drozdov did with us, come on artyom. Wait, how many times should i repeat with my tongue to the roof of my mouth, like this, lets do it again one, well, its better, sit down three, come in, who s there, so, whos messing around, sharkov, why are you messing around, youve learned everything, youre the smartest , since youre smart, lets check you out, im russian, thats wrong, but five, what are you doing . Youre stalling, i didnt learn all of this, because youve all gone crazy here, hello, comrade director, were escaping, come on, artyom, stand there, come here, near the water, im standing alone on the shore, i see a reflection of my dream, but i cant find it in the sky, dear friends, at the end we would like to raise a toast, especially since i brought an elite collectible alcohol, and my suitcase was lost at. At the airport, oh, they found it, oh, the bottle broke, well, its a pity, its a collectible after all, its good not to go to waste, okay, what can you do, so, pasha, heres this for you, yeah, how you love it, to the brim, so, dasha, this is for you, yeah, and youre our girl, wait, oops, heres a cocktail. Yeah, so, artyom , youre lucky, almost a glass, here you go, the second one for you, stand together, the service is for you, its much better like this, so, well, for me, yes, from what, from what, like that, good , now, when everyone has a drink, toast, my buryat wisdom, what . Yes, listen, you have nagate, freysa, well mae, well mae, dragosta, and what does that mean . Some may think that we are still raw, but we will squeeze out every last drop from ourselves in order to please you at least a little. What next . I live in the depths of russia, in the land of lakes and rut rocks, here the mountains are blue, the rivers are blue and metal is in blue colors, i am engaged in journalism and have a desire, well, to create my own project, as part of it i interview, i am a clothing designer and today in fashion be russian, and this is very cool, happiness for me when close people are nearby. They understand you, love you, appreciate you, respect you, my land is sad with you, and a neighbor, brother, or someone else passing by will wish you well morning, here it is happiness, a declaration of love, a festive concert in the kremlin, the premiere on march 8 at the first. Friends, greeting competition kvn team karakuz, city of almetyevsk. Hello everyone, karakus, this season we will get a taste of the major league for the first time. Karakus stage, today is an important performance, after all, the viewer always demands the bread of sex, there are actually spectacles, yes, spectacles of sex, the battle of the major league will be lifeanddeath, fucking death, yes, the battle will be fucking to the death, we are the major league, this is the status, it turns out, we are stately , kwan is a calling, that means we are called, each team has a path along which we are finished, leva, what are you talking about . Getting into the major league is the end, it turns out , listen, im worried, i cant control myself, so pash, take this, this is the Remote Control for me, if anything, control me, if anything, control me, if anything control it, pash, stop poking all the buttons in a row, i beg you, he also controls the volume, thats enough, and if you poke any button again, ill zibi for you, i say, ill sinchanchu for you, signora porfavor i ll shove it, okay, there is a formula1 button, dont even think about it, press it, give it here, he pokes with his sausages, what did he say, oh, will you kill me again . Ill act like a japanese anime girl, what . Thats it, lev, lets be more serious, thats all, calm down, okay, ari, are you ready . Anton, what about rafa . Im standing up now and i dont understand can. You are either very rich or very poor. Why do you think so . Its just your shoe, rolex. You asked me if i want this. I dont want that there are no other rhymes, thats it, man, im sorry , we understood, yes, but we could have foreseen this if everyone watched the simpsons, are you watching this nonsense, this is not nonsense, pasha, everyone has known for a long time , that they are predicting the future, for example, about the latest scandal with kirkorov. In general, its one on one, please, guys, you can congratulate me, i became a pope, therefore with catholicism. Until then stop, denis, get out of here, please, i beg you, alina, what is this, some kind of joke related to the release of the new snow white . No, it was boring, there was money. Okay, is this what you came out for . No, i prepared the number. Lev, give me some. Great, lev, great. What you are doing . Well, remember, remember. What are you showing . Come on, pashka. Cool room. Dont you want to participate . Come on. Yeah, take my place. Hello, pasha. Guys, dont you need a fat bass guitarist for your team . Denis, why are you ruining the performance, well in fact, oh, you dont have to worry about the performance, yesterday i drank kila with the jury, well, they drank, i licked their hands, so were not really worried, especially since she came to support us today our fellow countrywoman from tatarstan, head of the central bank, elvira nabiulina. Im sorry, why did you come out like that . Well, the situation in the economy is like this, we are spinning as best we can. No, what do you mean as best you can . The key rate is generally quieter, quieter, quieter here, youre all in the central bank. Well, in conclusion, we are told that we are new to this game, let it be our first time on this stage we stand, we want to be on a horse today, because we always believe in our dreams, come on brother. Lets sing one more time, we wont get tired, we wont get tired of repeating, i cant hear you, on the first class, volaf, well get high with you. Well, well, finally, the final performance in greeting our first game of this season, the kvn team, leon killer, the city of kamyshlov, hello, now ill explain what will happen, normally, in general, before i got to the major leagues, i taught a promising girl to play kun, well now actually a little bit. I can hear you, im specially screwing a microphone to your head, because you re losing everyone else, what kind of wellgroomed pensioner is the jury . Kalykin, well, in general, we understand, but in a persons head, alabala, in general, youre angry, but the most important one laughs, what is the most important one . Its going to be hard, ive said everything, thats it, lets get to the humor and no matter how tired our parents are at work, they will always pretend to their children that everything is fine. So, imagine, the father worked a tenhour shift at the factory and came home to relax in front of the tv. Dad, hi, what are you doing . Oh, im resting. Dad, im playing with the bears here, do you want to play with me . Well, of course, daughter. Well, of course i want to, but maybe ill just catch up . What do you have there . Look, i have a teddy bear, boy. And the bear is a girl, they fell in love, got married, and live happily, got married, happily , how many years have they been married, two months, i dont know, give it here, ill show you how it happens, hello, im a bear boy, and im a bear girl, take it marry me, i wont cut your brains, we will never, never have a bear cub, we will just passionate, uncontrollable, chatting, and he s like, well, lets try, and 10 years pass, then boom, and hes like marina, what happened to you . Were you the one pushing me, arkady . Wheres my fur coat . Marina, are you kidding me . What fur coat, are you a bear . And for that matter, marina, its generally impossible to live with you, after you go into the bath, the whole sink is in your hair, you can somehow brush your teeth more carefully, i understand, dad, dont bother me, im playing, thats it, and marina she hollers like that, goes to her room, and comes to. Of course, Tamara Nikolaevna , bah, grandma, your beloved grandma, and shes like that, you hear me, a sixpiece bastard, oh. Ill get out of here, well figure it out ourselves , grandma is going to hell, evening comes and hes like, well, marina, well, marin, i bought wine , your top is still red, its right for me, dad, whats going on, go for a walk. Garik, are you teaching me . This is the major league, which means its time to put pressure on pity, dont, please, you re looking at us now, just yesterday garik s second child was born, this is the honest truth, lets applaud him, dont, dont, dont, no, its not difficult, alina, lets not speculate on the children, what kind of second child, my wife is sitting in the audience, well, she should have found out about it differently. Come on, before they say too much for our final number, and many people due to various circumstances still cannot find a job, so lets imagine such a person came for an interview, knockknockknock, whoever didnt hide, its not my fault , hello, come in, sit down, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, i m going to look for work. Young man before how do we start our interview, i can offer you tea, coffee , maybe cookies, no, girl, ill refuse, if i start something, i cant stop, so i went to your sales department, because im a business shark , cool, okay, then tell me about yourself, well, ill still take one cookie, well, in general, im sociable, terribly stable, functional . What did you finish . Graduated from oxford, with a diploma from oxford. What do you own . Here. Excel, powerpoint. I own everything. Some other qualities. I sing from the heart. I collected fry. Judiciary whistle, im not bad, well , ill show you later, byulska, you know, i ate it for coffee, we dont have coffee. No problem, girl, last question, but you wont have some boiling water, garik, garik , i forgot the words, its still unclear. Thank you, its strong from here, polynate. Im stuck myself, or something, you forgot one phrase, the last one, it s written in your tablet, yes gorik , its okay, lets go first, what first, you have pity on me, im an older man, i cant eat so much pure coffee, i this one is like his hypertensive, and im hyperginic, thats us your team is effervescent. 240 to 60, well, this is a stroke, this is four, you will show the third competition yourself, i ll show you, my choice has come. I dont know how to do it, but at the end lets say so, before this game we approached our mayor, asked for money to come here, he said that there was money, but it was set aside for the construction of a road from kamyshlov to moscow, so. To us you definitely need to win, because there is no turning back. The first five greetings of the new season have been played, soon the judges will show the first scores according to the old kvn tradition at this moment. Teams must look them in the eye, so the stage teams, friends, right now we will find out which team will start the next competition as the favorite, and who will have to catch up, marks for the greeting, the first to appear on this stage. Kvn teams, the atomic team. They get grades. 4, 5, 5, 5, 5 points. The average score for this team for this competition is 4. 8 points. Thank you. For you, murmansk region. 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. All judges are pallov. Kvnn team table, chulym city. Five. He didnt know much russian in russia. The most amazing thing is the equal conviction of the parties the fact that they act for the benefit of their homeland. The emperor himself came out under the bullets to talk to his own subjects. Of course, when Nikita Vladimirovich and his colleagues decided, let us show the prose as it was. The topic, of course, is grandiose. Premiere, big story. Decembrists, union of salvation. Today on the first day, this is the queue for surgery, talk to someone in the queue, hell suddenly give in, give him a chance to save jobs, im putting up a terminator, you win, the plant is yours, youll take your wolf to battle, and ill be yours ill pay for the walkietalkie, youre not capable of this, i love her more than life itself, but if shes doomed to pieces and torn to pieces, rita will never. He wont forgive me for this, we accept the battle. Doomed. Premiere of a serial film. Tomorrow after the program time. And now we move on to a competition that none of the teams prepared, but not because they wet themselves, but because this is an improvisational competition. You know, friends. This is a blitz warmup, a new format of the kvn major league. Let me quickly explain the rules to you. The blitz warmup takes place in two stages. The first stage is called question answer. I ask a short question, and the teams immediately, quickly, almost without thinking, give an answer to this question. So, the first question, the first stage what to call the song. So that mizulina cant ban it, for you, what to name the song so that mizulina cant ban it, im russian, atomic team, what to name the song so that mizulina never bans it, mizulina, so karakush, lion, what to name the song, so that mizulina never bans it, there is a song that she definitely wont ban, what to name a song so that it never gets banned mizulina, ginn. Roma, nuclear team, what to name the song so that mizulina never bans it . Gas sector, lyrics dont dare. Well, the final answer, table, chulym, what to call the song so that mizulina never bans it. We are starting kvn, for whom, for what . Thats it, dont stress, thank you. So, next question the worst phrase is on the first one. So for you, the worst phrase for a first date is evening at the house, the worst phrase on a first date, to be honest, it never came straight to the phrase, apparently i have experience, the worst phrase on the first date, table, oh, my wife barely let me go, roma, nuclear team, the worst phrase on the first date, as i understand it, the daughter is in the avatar. Yes, for you, the worst phrase on the first date i ve been following you since kindergarten, and finally, leon keeler, the most unfortunate phrase on the first date i sympathize with you, but maybe well go somewhere, why hasnt medvedev written for a long time . Telegram, table, why hasnt medvedev written on telegram for a long time, hes sleeping, its winter, karakus, lion, huh . Why hasnt medvedev written for a long time . Telegram, hes up to something, so the nuclear team, rom, why has medvedev not been writing on telegram for a long time, look carefully, hes still typing, so for you, why has medvedev not writing on telegram for a long time, i forgot my password, thats it, thanks, friends, the second stage, the second stage of the blitz warmup, is called push notifications, now on this screen you will see an sms message from a specific person or organization, but not completed, you need to funny, we hope, finish this message, agreed, so, first, writes the dentist, sorry, there was a mistake, so for you, from the dentist, sorry, there was a mistake, i m a urologist, so, table, sorry, there was an error, the second row is extra, so zhenya, atomic team from the dentist, sorry, there was an error, another one, for you , sorry, there was a mistake , i inserted six orbits for you instead of six orbits, so karakus, lion, sorry, there was a mistake, i voted for davankov, gross mistake, roma, atomic team, sorry, there was a mistake, i already understood, so thats it, the following sms message, writes Sergei Semyonovich sobyanin, hello, how are you you think, and if in moscow, then a table, writes sergei semenovich, hello, what do you think, and if tyumen is built in moscow, karakus, from sergei semenovich, hello, what do you think, and if in moscow. Sheet, nuclear team , hello, what do you think, and if the snow is removed in moscow , what will happen in general, and also zhenya, nuclear team from sobyanin, hello, what do you think, and if in moscow, i will personally write to everyone, so, next, push notification, sms, writes, mom, i have bad news for you, roma, nuclear team, from mom, i have bad news for you news, i figured out the phone , youre moving out tomorrow, so the table, and from mom, i have bad news for you, now im dad, very bad, i have bad news for you, you re drilling, well, finally, the final push notification is written by ernst , well, apparently. Me from ernst i wont be there today, because, today i wont be, because the nuclear team wouldnt explain that. Leon keeler, i wont be here today because im in the barbershop, the atomic team from ernst, i wont be here today because pelsh plays better rock paper scissors. Thats it, friends, thats it. Friends, so, we saw the improvisation of the teams, i hope from the jury. Now the nuclear team is in last place, lets start with it, so, the scores for the blitz warmup of the nuclear team are 3, 5, 4, 5, 5, the average score for the team for this competition is 4. 4 points. Next kvn team table 3 5 4 4 3 average score 3. 8 ratings for this competition kvn team karakus 3 3 3 4 34. 3 5 4 4 3 this is 3. 8 points, finally, the team for you, murmansk region, 3 , 4, 3, 4, 4, 3. 6 points. Well, the second competition has come by the end, everything can still change, i tell you again, although a lot has already changed, so guys, go get ready for the next competition. A little more important information, the kvn atomic team thanks the joint Stock Company concern rosenergo atom, represented by general director shutikov alexander viktorov. The final competition is musical homework, now music will be added to the jokes in combination with some interesting idea. The kvn karakus team will be the first to show their performance in musical homework, almetyevsk, tatarstan. Friends, humanity is worried about a lot of questions who is to blame, what to do . Well, probably the most important question is why men and women still cannot understand each other. There is a version that we are simply from different planets. So, lets imagine a long time ago , men lived on the planet mars, women lived on the planet venus, and until this very moment they did not even know about each others existence. Ok ok. Men and women met for the first time on earth. Guys, did you manage to find out anything about women . I found out everything, but the most. The main thing is that there are scorpios among you, i can go home, and well see about that later, girls, wow, you dont have breasts, wow, you dont have breasts, maybe you want to drink tequila straight from my purchase, 07 . For once , the challenge has been accepted, listen, guys, its so cool, but lets go to the bar , lets celebrate, stand, and someone let you go , i mean, its okay, we had plans for tomorrow, we actually planned to buy dishes , what kind of dishes, youre a fool, i, no, none, i, theres only us, yes we, i dont understand whats going on, what are you doing, what are you doing, well everything, everything, what are you, oh, everything, oh, what, what, everything, yes, everything, well, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, not a damn thing, are you just . Talk in your intonations, no, guys, some kind of bullshit, lets fly out of here, wait, wait, well, lets at least try to be together, you think it will work out, well wait and see , some 2 hours have passed, how long can you repeat this face towel. dear, im full , finish it, please, oh, come on, and pasta, okay, come on, dessert isnt going to fit either, listen, nastya, let me sit down with a dragon instead of a bucket, guys, yeah flew out of here, tired of it, of course, yes , wait, wait, what are you doing, where are you going, yes, we are sick of this life together, when we lived separately, we were happy, yes, men, yes, yes, is this happiness, and what are you youre cringing with them , lets go . Dont interfere when the men are talking, why are you talking to me like that, why else is he talking to you, you hit me in front of everyone , ill have to hit you, all the time, shut up, this is happiness, go to car, understand, there are a lot of advantages for us to be together, go to the car, i say, this is mutual understanding, this is support and of course. Harmony, get in the car, we dont have a car, sick, no, guys, its complete nonsense, lets fly out of here, lets go, and what happens, you and i are left completely alone on earth, just you and me, but what about me, only you and i are alone in the whole world, it doesnt work out, then ill figure out that this is all . Hi, would you like some water . No, wine . So, how do you like the land . I made it myself with these hands in 7 days, you see, the mountains, i made it, i thought, do it, dont do it, did it, didnt do it, but took it, did it, well, what, guys, maybe for a housewarming party . Little one, come on, what is this . And you try it, youre so beautiful, it turns out, this is how vodka works, think about it, i came up with it, it turns out its actually from everything, look, it will be sad, drink vodka, it will be fun, drink vodka, the temperature has risen, vodka with pepper, your stomach is twisted , vodka with salt, and if you just want to drink vodka , stop here, what do you like about this girl , where did you get the idea, well, im not dark, i see a little, but what happens, youll be with her, well, and ill be with whoever i will be, ill go and invent russians, wait. Tell me, what is the meaning of life . Listen, everything is simple, love each other , never betray, you know, when your loved one gives you the feeling as if your arms were broken, you can forgive him, but never hug him again. Beautiful, you came up with it, no, amarahayam, exactly, i need to come up with amara khayama, its just difficult for me with wording, there are such moments, another question, its normal, but im hungry for something, oh, apple, no, friends, thats how it ended this story. But you and i know that exactly this moment in the history of mankind has just begun, friends, well, in conclusion, our love for this game does not freeze in winter, we hope that we can forever find ourselves in the major leagues, everyone here dreams of a championship, but it is simply impossible to live without this game, here you a dunce, what is he a dunce . Beautiful words, yes, pasha, beautiful, but i had to sing them, our love for you in winter is not for. A dream, we are in the major leagues, we will forever be able to find ourselves, in this game, everyone dreams of a champion, well how is it even possible for us to live . Towers without you, karakusy major league, karakusy major league, how far will we go, intrigue, karakusy major league, thank you, friends, we continue our musical homework on this stage kvn team leon killer, the city of kamyshlov. And i remind you that i will show the third competition myself. Garik will help me there, but its just a little bit. Never mind. And since i only watch cartoons, our homework will be dedicated to snow white. Work hard, get drunk, with the little animals, well clean up, my little animals, where are you, harry, where are my animals, lets go, lets go, let s stand here, listen to this girl. Karik, who are they . What . Did you need help . These are the most reliable people i know in moscow. Garik, well, this is my classmate. That they dont look like your classmates . Polina, what do you think your classmates should look like . Should they be in School Uniforms . Well, i have a school uniform. Yes, the class leader is still looking after the girls like this guy. Garik, well, i dont want to show off with such animals snow white. Alina, thats it, this is the first channel, we need such animals here, theyre sitting in the first row, licking their lips. Someone even recognized someone. Thats it, the lineup is complete, lets show it. Well, lets try it. Work hard get drunk with the little animals well clean up were sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, im interrupting this performance, and paul, all the little animals are needed to clean up the gnomes house, yes, so what . Well, just chanterelles, you need to take matches, go to the blue sea , student three, so the saying goes, i dont like it, but well have. Poisoned apple, crystal coffin, oh , crystal coffin, i know, my relatives live in this city, i understand, i understand, well, this is the saying, the old evil witch, polina, and where can i get you the old evil witch, shes somewhere now then he interviews foreign agents abroad, first row, please, about your friend. Well, okay, will there at least be a prince . Yes, of course, it will be , polina, less words, more action, sing something already, now hell come, come on, work hard, get drunk, with the little animals, well clean up, heres the prince, running towards you, at full speed, tygydyk, tygydyk, here he is, karik, well , hes enchanted, govorik, yes, this is some kind of grandfather, exclusively before the kiss, yes gorik, what nonsense, i thought everything would be like in the movies, polina, what do you think , in the Russian Film Fund everything is smooth and sweet, these are the chips they gave out and then they shoot it, okay, garik, then we ll have fun with this lineup now, great mood, so women, man, you. Howl, grandpa, youre singing, lets , let go and forget, i wont return what happened. Well, of course, rehearse this kind of thing its necessary, saying, then i dont understand anything at all, but ill explain to you now, polina, so what do you think, who is the main character of our musical homework . Snow white, no, polina, you, you went through all the difficulties and in the end you didnt give up, you tried to do something cool, what do you think, i didnt find people in the costume of these little animals, but there they are standing behind the scenes, prince theres a handsome man there and an old woman with an apple, its all there. There is, well, why show it, its all tinsel, but we have a thought, a life lesson, and polin, well, we need to thank the people, they helped us out, because kvn is one big family, no, not you, not you, okay, lets go. For you, murmansk region, this year kvn celebrates its anniversary, exactly 10 years since no one spoiled ostrovskys great work without a dowry. So, the kvn team shows you their version. Traitor. Thats it, mama, its decided, i need a woman, well, finally, son, madam, please come to the table. Well, dimochka, choose. Oh, you want to see the new serf with me. What, a movie . No, my serf is giving birth. Its kind of boring here. Lets play some tincture games. Maybe, maybe on a tablet, after infusion. Katerina pavlovna, grandma dust, owner of the crematorium, katerina pavlovna, where did you get so much money, and it was my brother who raised a fortune for dogs. He was the first to reach the finish line, what did you say, what did you say there, its true, valera, its true, but really, dont swear, come to the table, yes, we would be happy, if only valera would go off the road somewhere, where everyone here goes somewhere, a furry bumblebee, for fragrant hops, gray bull in the reeds. And the gypsy daughter, hey, hey, dont tell me, began to be in the korysh, and whats going on here . And here i am choosing a bride for myself, oh, i wish i had someone to choose from, an inadequate, squeaky, skinny alcoholic. Why so rude . Oh, sorry, im just in such a bad mood today. Dimochka, you know , you and i will have very beautiful children, are you sure, well, i havent seen my children, oh, its kind of boring here, lets play darts, you know, im eager to pounce, he came to us , came to us, why are you on this side we left, but we no longer walk through the reeds. Dmitry kapitonovich, do you have so many books . Oh, let me read, of course, read it. You havent been ready for years, either medals, or a medal, or youre just overpowered , little pain, they threw gonos at our feet, its pain for us, theres no need to butt the economy, youre not catholics, youre not catholics, oh, we have it. Inadequate, she davicha jumped from the fifth floor to the seventh, dmitry kapitonovich, can i talk to you for a second, i have long wanted to confess to you, i love you, i want to become your wife for life, this is impossible, why . Dmitry kapitonovich, how can i explain it to you, galina kapitonovna, its impossible. Timochka, have you ever been told that you have very beautiful eyes, you too, its a pity theyre almost invisible, but what are you doing, you think theres no one to stand up for me, valera, who offended you, who offended you, who offended you, you you offended her, yes, but what do you want, do you want a fight, do you want a fight, you are more beautiful than her, what is this you wanted, this . You wanted, okay, calm down, i ll go on a date with your sister. Well, did you see whos here, mommy, you rubbish, hes mine, ladies, ladies, what are you doing, stop it, you are noble maidens, katerina balna, where are you going, how to stop this, thats it, everyone , champagne, champagne, yes, champagne, cold one, rejoice, youre on antibiotics, you cant, so dont get it from anyone this story ended like this dmitry kapitonovich liked all the girls, and he rated them five, or i dont know how to hint at all, we are making noise again, we are making noise again, e, for you burodsky, this is kvn, e he is inside us, he is inside us, he will make noise together, so that you can hear others, against the clamps, try in one cart, there is not a legend yet, but we will be on stage until we reach the goal, this is a northern beat, which does not age like a roaster, we are comedians no worse than benkiller, we are the audience, for you, for you. Murmansk, thank you. The kvn team would like to thank the governor of the murmansk region , Andrei Vladimirovich chibes, as well as the Youth Policy Committee represented by egor sergeevich khatsenko and Leonid Leonidovich mostovoy. Murmansk, live in the north. Kvn team. The chulym film studio together with the nursing home imagine that someday will be in different buildings, but for now in one, from the creators of such masterpieces as king lev valeryanich u. Fall asleep in 60 seconds and get a living, presents to you his version of the famous film desperado, so, somewhere in the bar. Dont you know where to find it . I dont know where your wild ben is, so drink and get out of here. Are you kila without salt . Its not like that in chulyi; we finish our food without salt. Drink and get lost. Listen to me here, you freak, its me, your heart, if you beat this crap out again, ill personally jump out of the whole cabin and crucify you. And to visit ben tizikov, go to police station, my heart tells me , i need to go to the police station, you re not going anywhere, because the whole city is working for wild ben, but its better to do so in a duel from a bullet than to live to old age to save up for medicine, thats right, otherwise alacardil then its already 600 rubles. In the lair of wild ben, wild ben, wild ben, thats enough, youve been torturing me with this song for the third day now, and dont shut my mouth, im in your lair, i sing whatever i want, of course, wild bendvat. My husband will save me, no one will ever know where i am, no one finds out where you are, what are you, chubais, ugh, chubais, red devil, and in general i only love guitarists, bring me my guitar, boss, it hasnt grown up yet, damn it, you have to do everything yourself. At the police station, by the power given to me by the state , i sentence you to death, or you go get some cookies, ill go, ill go, the same thing, wait , they wont sell you without it, hey, boss, there are two giants before you and. Where is wild ben, why are you looking for him, havent you seen him, he just stole my guitar, and secondly, he also kidnapped my wife, okay, ill tell you where is he, but only if you dance with me , hes shorter there and to get there faster, take one of my fillies, jessica, started, at least for two, have fun, eat with me, y. Weve arrived, thanks for bringing me , what a strange prostitute, she went, she went, she was a painted mare. Damn, where is this wild ben, hey, desperate, yes, you cleverly hit mine, yes and cleverly you fell into mine , in short, cleverly, you fell into my trap, you re finished, you think i dont have friends with guns, thats a huge flute, seriously, and what will he do to us with his flute, thats all, thats enough, flay. Get away, idiots, he didnt even hit you, so what else do you want from me, i ve already defeated you, ha, defeated, desperate, i still have your guitar and wife, thats right, you have 5 minutes, because i mined them, you need to have time to save at least one, but in 5 minutes you wont be able to do it, because thats very little time, you managed to do everything, damn it, i lost, wait, at least take the guitar. Seriously, this is for me, no one has ever given me anything in my life, but now i have a guitar and i can fulfill my old dream, i will form a band, ill call it astudio, and ill travel all over the country, this story ended well, wild ben fulfilled his dream, the desperate man and his wife lived happily ever after, all this. Thanks to love, lyubov semyonovna uzhakhova, the director of this work, so that the film is ours it turned out not banal, cool, we mixed being shulymsky with mexican sharpness, but in russia, unfortunately, there is an eternal problem, if you want us. Century voronezh was the capital of the russian state for 500 days, why . Because peter i built here is your fleet. You test pilot . Yes. What is the difference from a regular pilot . The flying machine was just iron. After the test pilot takes it into the sky, it already becomes an airplane. After so many years of communicating with beavers, have you learned . At least a fraction of their language , a dissatisfied beaver, as it sounds, we cook cheese, we make ricotta, mozzarella, this is what mine says, when we didnt have a drill in the machine, we beat butter, im always shocked in our country, because people here make up things anything, the life of your own, the premiere, tomorrow on the first, archangel, meet, this is the first one. Port of russia, peter i , when he saw our city, fell in love with it , ordered to build the first shipwreck, an ice carousel, do you want to try it, its warm, without a roe and a holiday is not a holiday, a goat is a symbol of fertility in the north for a wellfed, rich life, thats me ill take two, arkhangelsk loves fish, and ill cook for them what i love, i love meat, just souls, vasya, i answer, it will be delicious for you, but i. I want to make warm soup, the most sincere person is coming there, it was very unusual, i wont say whats most youll see the best, the premiere, cooks on wheels, tomorrow at the first, well, friends, the end of this game is close, the last performance for today, the nuclear team, the pine board. In russian cinema, in order to make something new, original, they reshoot something old, soviet, who are we to break this tradition, look, maybe we offended someone, in vain, the calendar will close this page, cheburashka, what a rat , and if someone finds out that it was us who failed the shipoklyak, i wont know. If anything, i have my own little person in the organs, who . I, thats it, keep my mouth shut, lets go, lets go, lets go, lets go. My name is detective crocodile gena, and it was a very bad day, i would even say, the bottom. Pedestrians ran clumsily through puddles, and water flowed like a river along the asphalt, washing away all traces of the crime scene. But my old friend, shapoklyak, was killed. Detective, the body was found at a bus stop, theres a guess as to where she was going. Hmm, its early morning, shes a grandma. No one knows where she was going. Where did you two study . Synergy. Department of court medical examination and cybersports. Well, of course. So, wheres my fucking partner . Skip it, detective. Cheburashka. Gena, im here. Where are they taking you . We have a corpse, perhaps a crime, lets smoke. Okay, it doesnt give me peace of mind. Who benefited from the death of the old woman . Pension fund. You moron . Not their handwriting, yes, i feel sorry for her, she was a good person, good people dont carry rats with them in their bags, just like a rat, but she had no motive, well, i dont know, if i had lived under my grandmothers armpit for 20 years, i would definitely go berserk, interrogate the rat, slowly the minutes floated into the distance, you could no longer wait to meet them, but it all ended, like with a photographer at evleevas party, our rat. Quickly enough, at least ask a question, just behind the metro station is dostoevskaya, well wait, you see, he doesnt know anything, okay, get out of here, but remember, if you deceived us, we we will attract you under another article , under which, well, under which you are a man, and your name is larisa, it looks like we are at a dead end, yes, this is. A sauerkraut maniac, we didnt immediately understand why in a village where no one lives, we need postman, remember calson, yes, he was tough, yeah, all threes for the warmup, wow, okay, get out of here, i need to think, to penetrate the palaces of consciousness, Sherloch Holmes played the violin, and i played the. And what a strange question, what is a rat doing at the bus stop, you homeless person, you took my house away from me like an eternal dog, hello, genes, these are forensic experts. We ran the crime scene fingerprints through the database. And whos there . This is shepoklyak. Ill burn your fucking synergy, i know it. Wait, wait, we also found paw prints. Paw prints . Yes, yes, we are from chibur. So its you, the killer. Well done, you could have done it earlier somehow. You fucking intellectual, where are you crawling, well where all the characters of soviet cartoons die, on the wall in the childrens clinic, why did you kill shepoklyak, the rat asked me, i couldnt refuse her, because im kind, dont explain, okay, she blackmailed me, the house of friendship that we built, in the nineties it worked as a house of love, but i was there too when. A strange nameless toy, you know what your problem is, cheburashka, you dont care about anyone, weve been working together for so many years, and you dont even know what your problem is my last name, and whats your last name, little bastard, that you are a gene shapaklyak, it turns out that you and the old woman, dont call her that, we loved each other, and you took her from me. I didnt understand that you were a couple, you wore wedding suits all the time, and now youll shoot your only friend, why not, and how will you explain to the others, you shot at a rat, the rat shot at you, then put on gloves, strange, that i shot, and you have a powder burn, what do you want me to do now . You help, but still you are my only friend, but you remember our first case, but then they failed the patch when they took it. And blame . Vini poudo after 3 years came out, now he lives somewhere with a woman beyond the urals. It turns out that we can start all over again . We dont. Do you know whats most offensive . The synergy guys will think its suicide. Shoot no this fucking day is over , during which i lost my love, my best friend and my life, and it could have been much better if a cheburashka bullet had hit the flask, which i always carry in my inner pocket, but unfortunately birthdays only come once a day. Year. Wait, did we show a musical homework assignment in which evil won . No, we showed that no matter what battles evil enters, it is obviously doomed to defeat, we showed it, motherfucker, how good we are maybe we offended someone in vain, the calendar will close this page, we are in a hurry to new adventures, friends, hey, add a driver, a driver, a tablecloth, a tablecloth, the long journey is settled, right in my brain, everyone, everyone believes in the best, rolls on, rolling, blue carriage, nuclear team, thank you. Well, friends, thats all, the teams have only one last time to compete in this stage to see the jurys scores for the third competition. So, stage commands. And unfortunately, for one of the teams, this will be the last outing this season, for which team we will soon find out, but for now, dear members of the jury, you were silent the whole game, now is a great opportunity to speak out, and misha, misha, how are you . Im ready to speak out, people are waiting, i need to explain about the c grades, good evening , hello, what about the c grades should i explain, i gave everyone a c grade, dont be offended, guys, i could have given them differently, but i gave them to everyone, i im glad that the game is going on so well, and the teams are like this, congratulations to everyone on the start of the season, separately i want to mention the table chulym, you are just a plague, in general, and not some kind of team, i dont know, guys. Thank you very much for a good kvn , thank you all, thank you, alla mikheva, vazik, vadim golygin, im very glad that the next season has started, and this is a bright start, lets applaud all the teams, by the way, im very glad that in more in the classic form we have a warmup this time, it was lively, get ready for the competition improvisational, which is called warmup, but what about funny girls with northern humor . Guys, in general, i cant imagine how the two of them are, in fact, i can already imagine, but how they will walk, god willing, they will go further there, well , it will be difficult, but nevertheless worthy of applause, because they withstood the blow today, my friends , a good start to the season, good luck to everyone, thank you very much for the game, thank you vazik, thank you for the encouraging words of an experienced kven player, Sergei Sergeevich zhilin. Sszh, i want to say the first thing, first of all, today the first game, and if today is the first game, then what year will it be and what will the final be . The game is simply magnificent , in greeting, everyone really liked it, but of course, of course, i singled out karacus and leon killer with pluses, of course, but i dont even know what to do in the last performance from the music competition, again its very difficult for me, because everything is very interesting and bright in their own way, thank you all very much for. Thank you, thank you, valdis, as the most experienced, please give me the floor, i want to note, of course, a great greeting, it was impossible to single out a single team there, because you were at their best, and i wish those who go further into the season to remain at this level, thank you very much, thank you valdis, but you still have to single out someone, because now they will scores that will decide everything, they. The total amount for three competitions is 13 points exactly the kvn team for you murmansk region 4 4 4 5 4 4. 2 points and the total score is 12. 8 points, scores for this competition for the kvn team lionki. 4 5 5 5 5 points, the average score for this competition is 4. 8 and the total for all three competitions is 13. 6 points, scores for the kvn team stolik , chulym city, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4. 4. 8 and the total amount 13. 6 points, and finally, the kvn team, the nuclear team with the base bor, 5, 4, 4, 5, 5 points, and a total of 13. 8 points, the winner. Todays game is the atomic team with the basis of bor. Kvn teams also advance to the quarterfinals. The table is chulym. Leon killer kamyshlov. And karakusalmetyevsk. Unfortunately, we say goodbye to the kvn team for you in the murmansk region until the next season. The first 1 8 is complete. We are waiting for you. Theres a big story on the air, a program for those who wants to know the past in order to understand the present and see the future, one of the most outstanding answers that i have ever heard over many years of attending lomanosov Moscow State University was answered to a completely harmless question about when the decembrist uprising took place, the answer was this at night, why at night i was surprised, because they woke up hertsin, indeed, when else could it be possible to wake up Young Alexander hertsin if not at night, every schoolchild in the soviet union knew lenins passage about how the decembrists woke up hertsin, who in in turn, launched revolutionary agitation, executing five. Nicholas i echoed storms of indignation in many hearts. I felt that i. His comrades had finally awakened the childhood sleep of my soul. Decembrists, who are they . Heroes and revolutionary romantics or traitors . Nicholas the first, who is he, a bloody executioner and loser or a courageous and wise ruler . Today there is a big story about the decembrists and nikolai pavlych, because there is a big premiere on channel one, a multipart film. Union of salvation on channel one is one of the main creators of our film Nikita Vladimirovich vysotsky, im glad to see you in the studio of a big story, heres the idea of ​​the film, the dramaturgy of the film, what worried me most was not the historical component, which i knew, probably not enough at the time when we started making the picture, but i wanted and i everyone who started. Work and producers and editors wanted to talk about things that concern us today, which are very difficult to talk about, about love for the country, but about duty, about freedom, and it was such a time, we started working in twelfth year on the picture, that is , quite a lot of time has passed, a time when such ideological pathos was replaced, yes. So, but the further i went into it, the more the idea was refracted, because of course history itself, this is it mysterious, she is also very contradictory, she is incredibly beautiful, she is amazing in herself, and it seems to me that we did, well, we, im not just talking about myself, im saying because a lot of people worked on the painting, we made this a fairly balanced story in which there is a very respectful, serious attitude to history, to details, to this time, to this era, to the language that existed then and so on, to the concepts of honor, about the homeland, about love that then existed and at the same time everything yet, it seems to me that this is not an illustrated history textbook, this is an artistic painting, where the main thing was to create images, where the main thing was to create artistic truth, and whose main idea was, well, ours . General producer of this film konstantin lvovich ernst, this is his idea and anatoriy vladimirovich maksimov, with which i have been working on for many years, so this is this, this is a producers idea, so i was lucky , and not only me, but many who carried out this production idea, and i was the scriptwriter and director of this eightepisode film, well, i. Played a small role, but what about the idea, ernst maximov . Well, indeed, the plan was grandiose, and the implementation was also grandiose, just as those events were grandiose in their influence on our history and even on our modernity. The film begins with the napoleonic theme, with our great victory in patriotic war of 812, and from the stage , when ours. Puts his head on the chopping block for the sake of his convictions, he truly loves his fatherland, another thing is that they acted, maybe not at that moment, you know, the decembrists are really part of them were from highranking families, there were eight princes, three barons, three counts, but. You see, later, even alexander i, when he received lists from the bosniak, from may beard, from sherwood, with the names of the conspirators, he would say , its not for me to judge them, because he he himself aimed society at reforms, because it is no coincidence that pushkins phrase, yes, the days of the alexandrovs were a wonderful beginning, this is precisely the beginning of the reign of alexander i. Another thing is that he would later change everything upon his return to russia, especially in the twenties, when all of europe would be be shaken by revolutions, and pestel will say that each time has its own, our own spirit, which is designated precisely by revolutions. Alexander i, he really came to the throne as a reformer tsar. Then he really changed his position, but what didnt suit him actually the decembrists, in that he was not radical enough, but he, too , was going to abolish serfdom, he had such plans, in fact, the film even shows this, his conversation is spiranian, in which, probably not the first time, he proposes to develop a plan liberation of serfs, many believe that he did not have time to do this. By the way, lets see how this is depicted in the film. And if i suggested that you start preparing a law right now to eliminate peasants from fair possession. What would you do . Began your majesty. So get started. Your term is no more than a year. And i will sign it and submit it to the senate for approval. Can you imagine what a storm will arise, you will probably lose, and i will retreat, but a start will be made, the wall will begin to crack, kibovsky was, among other things, a scientific consultant for this blockbuster, i must say, a lot depends on scientific consulting, because the most attentive people who we watched the film the Decembrist Movement of secret societies, because before that, well, i dont take the early ones there soviet films such as svd and the decembrists of 25, but if we take , lets take the picture. Vladimir matal, the star of the plinary participation, there the task was simpler, there is actually a small one episode about the political views of the decembrists, where they sit and are not indignant about serfdom, but vladimir matal acted very carefully at that moment, because even the film begins with credits dedicated to the women of russia, its like a story not about the decembrists as such, but about women, theres the wonderful kostolevsky, wonderful songs about kudzhavy, and this is also a kind of legend of decembrism , in fact, this is what we grew up with, we are. So that everyone is actually found, of them meaningfully, that is, those people who were convicted, about whom there were later various trials in other places, those who were left unattended nevertheless know about their participation, this is about half of this number, but for comparison, on the borodino field in the russian army there were 4,500 officers, here we are talking about a number somewhere about 300 people who were somehow included in the Survival Secret societies, which also experienced very strong changes in the course of history, starting from. The first predecembrist organizations, when we were all for everything good, against everything bad, ala masonic style of organization, to such specific, structured, secret societies who came to the uprising, and within this movement itself, out of this number of these 300 people, lets call them the decembrists, although, for example, the same idiot he believed that i, who wrote a book called notes of a decembrist, refused call yourself a decembrist, believing that the decembrists are those who failed everything, those who deceived them. Soldiers to Senate Square and ruined the whole thing, this is the longestliving of the decembrists, who, by the way, is a decembrist who was expelled from siberia, first sent there, then they all got so tired of him there that they returned him back, but we must understand that when we talk about the decembrists as a movement, we should not talk about who was accidentally involved in the uprising, there is generally the same shchepinrostovsky, who is the most 14 december, waving a saber, it turned out that he had nothing to do with secret societies at all, he just really thought that he was betraying konstantin out of. Disbelief in alexander, and not only alexander, in this movement from below, and this is us this was not included in the picture, but lets say , here is the story of chiodaev, yes, chiodaev, who brought alexander, well, a report on what happened in semenovs history and some further transformation, how this can be used , how this can be done for the benefit of russia, and alexander already had a different point of view. Years after the outbreak of the military rebellion, which grew into a successful revolution in spain, they began to set themselves, this is a significant difference. With the provisions of this oath, i soandso , named, swear, to be faithful, to carry out all the decisions of his imperial majesty that followed, and that will follow in the future, it is i in relation to whether they were right or wrong, accepting or not making a decision regarding the throne of heritage, as military men who took the oath, i remind you that in addition there was a corporate oath of the nobility, then. Exactly the same, they were violators of this oath they took. The third part of the oath, it clearly states that if any thoughts arise in the interests of his imperial majesty, i will obey and report this, i will resist with all my might, so they were traitors to the oath, if we follow the traditions of the law school. Speaking from a romantic point of view, perhaps any path you like. As for alexander i, Alexander Pavlovich after the war of the twelfth year faced a lot of problems, this is a deep financial crisis, yes, we need first of all, here is the fact that alexander i, history is a complex thing, but the decembrists, heroes or traitors, we will talk about this later, but first about what they actually wanted, about that later. General sirsky, the new head of the armed forces of ukraine, who is also called general 200. The situation at the moment can be assessed as difficult, the enemy is now actually advancing along the entire front line. Syrsky will kill us all. Ukrainian soldiers are mincemeat in syrskys career ambitions. The main thing is a career, but money doesnt smell, im just. Know tsirsky personally because i have him last name, he is my report, my brother does not communicate with him, well, he is his family, it is written everywhere that he has one wife, one child, his parents live in vladimir, his father always said, and my sashka wants to become a general, to be its a little easier to be a general in a small country, his parents try to refrain from commenting, because a man who betrayed his homeland, god forbid, would raise his hand against his parents, he had a chance to continue his career in russia, in the thirteenth year he was still eating cake with our flags, why do i have mom separated, i didnt bother. In foreign countries, in short, a translator , he decided to hook up with one of the translators, well, go to hell, traitors are not born, they become traitors, alexander sirsky, general 200, dolls of the heir tutti, on monday, on the first, according to the will, the throne russian is not inherited, whoever was waiting for such a gift, im glad that i have to kill him. Great, guys, konstantin pavlovich, write a renunciation, what a blast, im the sovereign, the allrussian emperor, do you think they can start outrage, i would start, the time is right, i ask for your daughters hand in marriage, what did she say, she blessed us, and you and i are service people. And our duty is to serve the sovereign and russia did you think the senate would not sit down, did you want to see a revolution . Yes, you are a coward you are crazy, kondraty fedorovich put out the fire before it burns all around. What will happen now . Kat . What about our dream . They can forgive me for cruelty stop glory union of salvation, big premiere from monday on the first. Theres a big story on the air, the decembrists, who they are, traitors or heroes . Well, to answer this question, you need to know exactly what they actually wanted in the film union of salvation. The main characters of the uprising talk about this kryleev, pestel, murovyov apostol, trubetskoy. Lets remember how it was in the film, it will be like in france, although for me its better. This is salvation, to cut down the top and take power with one blow

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