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It out. The intensity of air traffic should increase by one and a half times in the next 6 years. Before the government has a specific task to modernize the infrastructure of at least 75 airports within 6 years. That is, more than a third of all airports in russia will cost at least 250 billion. Naturally, purchases of new domestic aircraft are planned, but they still need to be produced. We bought too much outside the borders of air transport. Production was not developed. In the message, Russian Railways were instructed to develop highspeed communications, and the capacity of the Transsiberian Railway and bama will continue to be expanded. In its time, we, sorry for my concrete, yawned a little. They didnt do something on time. Okay, now we have to catch up. The same is true at border checkpoints; any delays must be eliminated. In reality, almost every truck driver often waits at the border for hours. And our colleagues from the ministry of transport are faced with a specific task the typical inspection time for freight transport at the border should not exceed 10 minutes. The total cost of the president s address 2024, after which the ministry of finance will begin to determine sources of funding. And since all about this in the same message, Vladimir Putin invited those gathered to think through an approach to modernizing the fiscal system. Dividing the tax burden towards those with higher personal and corporate incomes. And on the contrary, it is necessary to reduce the tax burden on families and stimulate businesses that invest in development and the implementation of infrastructure social projects. At the same time, it is, of course, necessary to close all sorts of loopholes that are used by some companies to evade taxes or understate their tax payments. Im asking for the government one. The duma and the government will soon present a specific set of proposals in this regard. Konstantin, nika vishnikova. Channel one. How to put into practice what Vladimir Putin spoke about in his address to the federal assembly. Already on friday, the day after the leaders address, the government discussed it. A key area in the social sphere is supporting families with children, especially large families. Among the priorities are assistance to the participants of the special operation and their relatives, increasing real incomes citizens, training of qualified personnel, one of the areas of work. Materials, chemical compounds, develop products that are competitive in the global market, relying on our unique capabilities in areas such as space, nuclear power, and new energy sources. The largest event on the planet for the young, active and purposeful. Sirius hosts the world Youth Festival. Vladimir putin gave the start. 20 thousand participants came to the south of russia, 10 thousand from our country and the same number from abroad. Submitted. 190 countries, that is, almost all, reporting by ivan prozurovov. The city of the worlds youth wakes up with champions, the sisters are overconfident, the stars of world rhythmic gymnastics give charge for a new day. And here is also a kind of world record an open storage of books in sirius, it is replenished by festival participants, contemporary classics in different languages. Which, according to the program, falls under the School Education program, after the festival she will go to new russian regions, liberated russian regions, that is, these books will end up in schools and libraries donbass and new russia. Of course, new regions are talked about very loudly here; guests from canada and france even learned an old miners saying, which today has acquired a new meaning. It seems that for this reason it was worth gathering the whole world at one point. A fascist country, but this is not true, real fascists are in power in italy in other states, my works are an attempt to restore the destroyed bridges between our states, to show that russia is open to the whole world. Two dozen more artists from sochi and sirius create great britain, spain, mexico, other countries, new forms of conveying the main meanings that are understandable to anyone from anywhere on the planet; more than two dozen facades in sochi and sirius are being transformed by artists from different countries. We are sure that russia cannot be canceled or erased from world culture. The power of unity at the opening ceremony. The twelve thousandth arena stood up for the russian anthem, moved in unison with honest, understandable storylines and with hope for a new future , all participants. It is up to you to create it. The festival will give you an opportunity to discuss it with your peers. And i am sure that your discussions will be interesting and useful to the widest audience. Just like your impressions of the events that will take place at the festival sites. And of course, about russia itself, about the people who live here. A lot of discussions have already taken place at the festival sites. National challenge award that can be received. Student Youth Festival in moscow in 1957, which left the capital with the avenue of peace and the alley of friendship, at the height of the thaw between the soviet union and the west, well in todays it is difficult to overestimate the significance of the festival in its setting, russia, russia, russia, russia, the city of the worlds youth in the olympic park, the territory of equality and solidarity, where the Festival Logo came to life a circle of young people who together solve common problems , a circle of nezam. This is an invitation to everyone to dialogue. Well, the russian folk mascot of the festival won the hearts of the participants. Cheburashka, part of our cultural code, symbol. Kindness, openness and friendship, welcome to russia, we remember these emotions well when russia organized the historic olympics in 2014, the vibrant Youth Festival 2017, the triumphant world cup 2018 again hospitably welcomes the entire planet, although many participants were openly intimidated by Horror Stories in the western press about our country, threats from the official authorities, and yet 10,000 foreign guests who are not welcome here. Into friendly or unfriendly camps. Since we come from a country that is on the other side of the conflict, we are interested in knowing russias point of view. A trip to russia is a Good Opportunity to learn more about your country. You cant listen to only one side. And, perhaps, the most important thing is that not just random people came to russia, but Young Leaders in all directions who passed a strict selection process, because there were 32 times more applications for participation than there were places. And about the composition, its enough to say one thing in the un. Thats all, keep an eye on the time, stay up to date with events, right now on channel one there is the premiere of obrek, a parable film about the power of love and true friendship. Episode four. Halit, halit, did you come for the wolf, but your wolf is gone, i killed him, where are you going . Hello, sit down, sit down, im listening to you, im a sapper, 512. Redid , i saved many lives, i myself am a domsky grandfather, i was alone all my life, i thought it was easier, then i met rita, and she has a tumor, i myself cant remove this mine i can, but you can, but you completely neutralized everything there, you cant neutralize everything. This is the queue for surgery for 2 years in advance, this is the list of those we will operate on within a month, take yours, why . Well, talk . With someone in line, suddenly gives in, i understand that this is not easy, but it the only thing i can offer you, i speak as a sapper to a sapper, thank you, thank you, you yourself, yes, pass, mr. Thompson. Have a drink , lets find it, pour it for me. I didnt want to go to the plant, i was forced by who . There are very big people behind me, they always get their way, i came to scare you, to save you, you wont be able to cope with them, there will be a lot of dirt, but they will take the plant, i dont want that, you are my friend, what do you offer, friend, i dont care. Half of the plant lies, i can paralyze its work and you will not get anything, sell me your share, i will not pay 100, and 150, you will live like a human being, you will see the world, you will start a family, my family is the whole city, andrey, im serious, step aside, this skating rink will give you away, thank you for. Sincerity, fred, but im not trading my homeland , well fight again, pawns dont dance against queens, but some pawns pass in the queen, you wont be allowed into the plant, i gave orders. The story of its incarnation in the First Channel blockbuster union of salvation. For some reason, the decavrists thought that they knew better than the emperor what russia needed. Take troops, go somewhere outside the city, stand in some kind of camp. The conspirators themselves could not clearly formulate. What was the plan . Nikolai understood the dilemma well, they want to make me. Tyrant or coward , who is this person, the one who broke the neck of reforms or the person who saved from bloodshed and this famous question that the emperor asked pushkin, what would you do if you were in st. Petersburg on december 14, 25 . Pushkin before Senate Square and pushkin after, about two different pushkins. Premiere, big story. Decembrists, union of salvation. Today is the first one. The first most populous country. The Third Economy on the planet with a good prospect of becoming the second, pushing aside the united states. This is india. One of the civilizations that determined the development of mankind. The main driver of the Indian Economy now is information technology. India exports its Software Products to more than 90 countries. This is a country of paradoxes. One day we land on the moon, and the next day. India to create the most modern education and healthcare system. This in sanskrit means one land, one family, one future. Premiere, civilization. Film six. India, tuesday. On the first. Dear tv viewers, today with us is mr. Fred thompson, ceo of the London Hedge Fund and the new coowner of the druzhba plant. Mr. Thompson, the plant is really on the verge of bankruptcy, is that true . Unfortunately yes. Why did this happen, who is to blame . Coowner andrei arlov is to blame. Andryukha, at the moment we are trying to buy it out in order to save the rich, what stage are the negotiations in . People have broken out, wait a minute, whats wrong . Hes interested in preservation, he needs to figure it out, hes interested in selling it off piece by piece, as he put it, tearing it apart, no, tell me, how would a foreigner get a word torn apart, but anyway, andryukha knocked it out, every week. He loses millions of dollars on bets , this is a strong statement, you have evidence, there is, here are seven, seven grand per krel, he is a gambler, he is an addicted person, he must be saved, otherwise he. Will destroy himself, the plant and the whole city. Can i contact andrey through your broadcast . Certainly. Andrey orlov. Hear me, sell us your share, give us a chance to save jobs and raise peoples wages. Stop putting pressure on the team, stop deceiving yourself. And let us into the plant, we are the same legal owners as you. The plant can still be saved. Hes on tv now, this is an interview, with whom is the interview, with this, whats his name, a foreigner , who is he, hes this, they got it together , and you know him, hes close to you, yes, i dont know him, but what do you think about him then youre cutting yourself off, youve glued women to acids with him, youve stood at the machine, in the bathhouse was worried, who is he to you, wait, andryuk , but hes not who to me, well, of course, you dont know him, but you know me, but no, well, we know you, andryuk, thats not what im talking about, you too, after all understand, people change over the years, especially if there is big money floating around, as they say, the rich are not the poors friend, if you believe him, hit him here. That you dont know him, but you believe him like little children, he gave you a lift, they came running, that means, if youre not sure, go and help, i ll wait here, i wont run away to london. While i am alive, i wont let you ruin the friendship, neither him nor you, everything , everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, lets go, come on, guys, lets go, let s go, lets go, lets go, hello, this is andrey, sorry if something s wrong so, come on, come on, lets go, lets go. Well, are you going to shoot . They wont shoot everyone, guys, im the rightful owner, they wont let me in. You support him, he will leave you without a job, dont strain your ligaments, they made their choice, can you and i talk . What we are going to do . Sell ​​me your share. You have no money. Eat. I came to an agreement with the state. They will help. I wont sell my life i wont give it to you. You will have nothing to pay with. They will lift you up themselves. Lets do it like in the old days. Lets decide with our fists. Lets go to the clicks, i ll put up a terminator, you, anyone, ill defeat. The plant is mine, you are winning , the plant is yours, ill think about it, first the bandits, now this is how you could take it, whats wrong with you, youre with me, i have to save you, lets try, what shall we try . Talk to lena mikhailovna karpova, why with her . Because shes 60, wishing thats enough, explain to me your logic, and the logic is very simple the doctor said there are windows, what if someone one of the patients is ready to wait for the operation, and in the meantime i will find the person money, where does such confidence come from, this is a chance, young one, but i know you, you are not capable of this, thats why i love you, you are good, please dont go, you you dont know anything, im capable of anything. For your sake, hello, yeah, hello, Elena Mikhailovna karpova, yes, who are you . Children , be careful, its slippery, walk carefully , grandma, im hungry, lets go home, i cant, i need to wash, take some money, ill give it to you now, look, go to the dining room, buy some for yourself bun, what kind of uncle is this, i dont know, uncle, what kind of uncle are you, and im a new physical education teacher, you. You, come on, im home, ah, go have lunch, im home, hurray, lets go. My robber, i must do this, otherwise he will buy himself, frith. I wish you good health to the elders, my wife disappeared this morning, the search can only be carried out two days after the disappearance, according to the law, register the sixtyfirst in 12, ignatiev, you, forgive me for my bass voice , whoever mentions the old one, look out, okay , weve passed the crap, my wife is missing. Girl, girl, margarita, margarita the terrible wolf scared the residents of kuntsevo, and it was heard from the apartment on the second floor, right behind me, and we found the owner of the apartment. Tamara nikolaevna, please tell me who lives in your apartment . Ours, vladimir and margarita and their dog alarm. Yes, but the point is that we are audible, not doglike. That is, it works. Do you know that it is absolutely prohibited to keep wild animals in the city . What do i have to do with it . Well, lets ask the owner. Volodya, volodya, hello, you are vladimir ignatiev. Yes, please tell me where you got the wolf from, he pretty scared the residents with his howl. Hes a pet, i took him from the nursery , he wont howl from loneliness anymore, wait, can we take a look too, we really want to make sure that hes absolutely safe for the townspeople, safe, safe, i gave him chicken heads, come in , im safe, so were in the apartment, vladimir, and you see, hes kind, good, and wont harm anyone. Can i pet him . Better not. What the hell, read it out loud, we are chechens. Bites, bites, ill sit down. You will, come on, let s shudder. Something didnt go well, lets have one more, why would we drink . Give me some zarita, i can have a snack, but im already in trouble myself. My plant will arm you if i lose this dog fight, its for everyone, its for the sake of the people, what you need, man, youll take your wolf to fight, and ill pay for your rita, and ill pay for the walkietalkie. Get out of here, there are 10 thousand dollars here, you dont give a damn about your wife, i love her more than life, but if they tear her into pieces, she will never forgive me for this, i understand you. What if there is another offer . Tomorrow well go to my plant for an excursion, and the money is yours. Hello, andrey petrovich, hello, great, hello, well think over everything, call me, they will take you, pick you up, they are yours, volodya, i keep my word. How long have you been training wolves . They dont train wolves, okay, but have you been working for a bandit for a long time . What, andrei petrovich, arent you a bandit, whos the boss, dad, if you knew before how lousy it was, now are the salaries . They give me apartments, they even built a palace of culture, my niece plays the piano there, its all petrovichs merit, everything is free, i understand, everything is for the people, everything is humane, listen to you like some kind of angel, but no, well, shes just fighting for her city, for the common, not just for her own, by the way, she has a motto, you know what, try, were all trying here. This is how we live, brother. Go to your room, is bolodit okay . You will live, where is this from . One good person helped us, just like that . Yes, simple. Thank you. See you, i understand everything, i, i have changed , honestly, i love you, i, i dont know how to live with this, help me, minute, eternity, hour, we will meet now, in one of a thousand moments, paths crossed, to catch your breath, there are no accidents in the fate of insights. A minute, an eternity, an hour, surround us again, flashing in the abyss of reflections, to come to our senses, to have time, to look with all our eyes. A few days ago the work of the plant was suspended, the workers were sent on unpaid leave, tell us what is happening, the second owner paralyzed the work of the plant with lawsuits, and we cannot pay the suppliers , who saved you, the plant is facing bankruptcy, this is our plant, our home, our city, and we will fight to the end, good man, its a pity we cant help him, to understand the reasons for the conflict, we will talk with the second owner, fred thompson. Hello, hello, our foundation owns half of the plant, lord, but we are not allowed to manage it. There is no way to save the plant from bankruptcy, hello, in short, rit and i want to help you, its true, but theres no hatred in him, hes already lost one fight, he didnt finish it off, yes, i saw it. Lets think about what he will fight for . For loved ones, for your home. Volodya, can we make the arena abreks home . And theyll let us in there, theyll let us in, ill buy it out arena listen, fred, we are accepting a battle, a wolf will come out against the terminator, just no buy , sell, winner takes all. Well, hello abu, i come to you with good news, i greet you, what happened, in 4 days, your wolf will fight with the terminator, an invincible dog, where will the fight be, in moscow in serebryany bor, evenings, maybe you want to place a bet, no , i dont play this anymore. You dont play, for your sins, who will repent, i see you have already started, and you, that i am judging, means you are participating, yes, there were, are and will be fights with or without me, but then so its better with me, why . Yes , because i am the best judge, thats who you are, abu, pray tell. Whats wrong with him, he doesnt like something, can we . Good morning, good, how are you doing . Now lets check, just go in carefully, if he recognizes the new house, he will attack you. Do we have a plan b

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