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, only somewhere next to him, so to get there, for example, we went on a yacht from sakhalin, well, for about days 10, and this photo was taken near the island of maniron, which is between the sea of ​​japan and the sea of ​​okhotsk, andrey narchuk, to photograph the nerb, he dived under the water for several hours, during the dive he changed his fins from yellow to blue, and did not wear scuba gear during the photo hunt, he sank to the bottom, holding his breath, and starts around you. Such circles, they try to swim up from behind, and well that is, when you dont seem to see them, they swim up behind you, they can touch the flippers, they are quite shy, in fact. The unique geographical position of maniron island in the tartary strait allows you to see underwater not only the beauty of the northern seas, but tropical species that come here with warm currents, and these are the yamsky islands in the sea of ​​okhotsk. This is the magadan nature reserve , together with the reserve and. Employees, we only had one day, we sailed on a boat, we had one exit to the boats, and there was only one opportunity to take pictures, when i saw these triangular peaks in the picture, i thought that it happened when ekaterinas husband Kirill Uyutnov was photographing the moon over the laptev sea, he was almost attacked by bull sheep on such extreme expeditions to the ends of the world not only professionals, but also amateur photographers go, i am a pediatric oncologist, morozov hospital, i work there with de. Volkonsky, sergey levashov, impressionism of the east siberian sea, inspire more and more people from all over the planet to travel. Maria saushkina, pavel channel one. Rum castro product of Stellar Group vodka veta product of Stellar Group cognac old barrel product of Stellar Group burbon сtirsman product of Stellar Group whiskey mankatcher product of Stellar Group. Gin сnop product of Stellar Group, cognac monte shococa, product of Stellar Group, l. O. Hello everyone, welcome to the show about those who know a lot about candy and those who know how much dental services cost, who dream of getting a puppy for their birthday, and those who will have two meals a day with him to walk in any weather, about those who complain that they are given a lot of homework and those who do it. This is the biggest show about the children of their parents, the best. There is no jury or competition in this studio, only pure pleasure from communicating with the most talented children, and the first participant is already flying to our sofa to prove that he is the best. She cant reach the stove yet, but if you give her a chair, she can easily cook any page from a cookbook. Our guest is a young chef. Amilia nabiulina, come on, youre young, come on , youre young, come on, youre young, on the road , youre young, on the road, youre young, on the way , hello beauty, hello, are you a girl or are you a doll, i girl, real girl, yeah, whats your name, amilia, where did you come to us from. Kazan from kazan, and i thought from narni, from a fairy tale, youre so fabulous, i smart, youre smart, thats why i didnt even ask, its obvious right away, yes, everyone knows it, everyone, but you go to kindergarten, i go, what do you like in kindergarten, play, play, at the doctors, you treat everyone, yes, i. They just play in kindergartens then i myself what dish do you like to cook the most i like to cook cookies cookies are your favorite well you are 4 years old you are of course a smart girl but how can you cook at 4 years old its very difficult well just my mother teach me. She taught you, yes, so that she could rest, and you would stand and cook and bring and feed my mother, well, i just dont seem to know how to cook yet, he just says, you can be a hot mile, of course, you can even steam yourself, what else do you like to do besides cook, well, i also like to play, what do you do you like to play with dolls, dolls, cars, what is your favorite doll . Masha, what does masha eat . Porridge. Is mom making porridge for her . No, i am. And when you grow up, you will be big, like your mother. When you have a prince, will you cook for him . Yes, then there will be a ledge, i will have three. Three children . Yes, one boy and two girls. Why is this ratio why not two boys and one girl . But after that the girls are more beautiful, so i knocked out two, who came with you today . Mom and dad, i came here, will you introduce me to them . Yes, hello, hello, yes, what is moms name, mia, and whats dads name . Sulfate, sulfate , sulfate, its true that you taught your child to cook, yes, shes been in our kitchen for a year and a half, as soon as she sees me coming into the kitchen, shes quicker to. Cut it there, arrange everything beautifully, make eyes everything is beautiful, she really loves it, what eyes, eyes on porridge, on a burger, from eggs, from tomatoes, from cucumbers, mom, hi, hi, you have a very active child, what does she do besides cooking, she goes to dances with us, i can dance, if you want ill show you, of course. I will repeat after you, the most harmonious dance, like this, dare your ear bravo guard it was a dance of little cooks who are happy that they cooked burgers, no, we just dance for a dance, a very beautiful dance, then you cook burgers, of course, after such dances only cook burgers, yes, you are ready to show us your talent, yes, feed everyone with burgers, yes, lets go, ill greet you, lets go, im tired of being with the little ones. Tired of being little little ones, tired of being with little ones, well, amilia, in this wonderful kitchen you and i will cook burgers, welcome to the burgercrumb, so where do we start, what is the base we have, the bun, the bottom of the buns, this is it, the first floor. So then cheese, then cheese, then a cutlet, take a cutlet, then again cheese, cheese again, yeah, cucumbers, this is a cheeseburger, yes, as much as you need, you need more cut it or thats enough, four and three, four and three, yes, it can be done in different ways, thats it, come on, lets have four, its better to have more there, further on, a tomato, here a piece of the tomato came off, we ll glue it into the holes too, yeah. Then there is lettuce, we have to hide the tomato, how many lettuce leaves are needed, it should also be like this, its delicious, you have to do it like that, well, its just delicious, that is, if they ask us why it was bitten off, well say, well, it was delicious , you can bite the cutlet or not, it is harmful. Why did we put it in the burger, what if its harmful . Well, its simple, you just have to do it like that, cover it with a bun on top or do we need to put Something Else here . Language, language . Lets not even bite the tongue . Let s take a longer tongue, come on, look, well have a long tongue, you can lick it, uh huh, okay, lick it and. Put it back, thats what i understand, the cook we have to insert cucumbers into these holes, lets take these, yes, come on, put them in, yeah, what else needs to be done, goat, we need to add more olives, we have a frog ready, now we need to raise it turn to the audience and show, i myself , this is such a frog, what did she do, i helped , ill do it, well done, the next one was done , the next one, uh, hold the frog, hold it, lord, let me, im holding it, just dont tell anyone that we licked it, so, the next burger we will have is speck, speck also starts with a bun, cheese, cheese, success, didnt have time, and then cutlet, cutlet. I managed, i got it, again, youre quick , yes, i see, and then cucumbers look, you know how to cut cucumbers yourself, i know how, of course, lets cut a cucumber ourselves, you have a piece cut it into a cucumber, show it to me, let it wait , of course, oh, wow, what do we put next in the crab . Crab, tomato. This one might be big. Come on, lettuce leaves, lettuce leaves. For a traditional bite, well done would you like to take a bite . Very, mind you, delicious . Very chic, lets close it or the crab is ready, put the lid on, chick, this is not a lid, this is a crab shell, insert the eyes, claws, this is a crab, i forgot, they can bite, no, im afraid, please, look how hes rustling, come on, give me, give me, gentlemen, clap. With its claws to our crab, now we have it ready, our next hook, hook, so for the pig we need the first floor is a bun, then cheese, then we have a cutlet, i just learned it, tomato, carefully, and shosolata, a chefs mark, such a signature, and its normal that we have different piggy ears, ill give her plastic surgery, no, im alone, dont, seriously . Yes, i didnt know, its delicious, i washed the eyes, ate the wash, if you want, but wait, then well have a pig without eyes, we cant, here it will be like this, dont connect your eyes , they shouldnt look in different directions, just a little bit like that, this is a snout, thats right, it s been lying there for a long time, come on, do another one, just please, make two holes there so that he can breathe, hes grunting, and not breathing , oh, grunting, of course, like that, yes, yes , thats it, little burger crumb, let me support you, yes, just dont drop me, im helping, yours, applause for our young chef, queen. Well done, its time to reward you, give me a pen, a pen distant, tired of being small, tired of being small, so, medal of our show, gold best of all, backpack. With sweets, and this bunny is a souvenir for you, thank you, thank you, he will help you make burgers, mom, a talented chef, amilia nabiurina, created in our kitchen, the best of all, the best of everything. For Yuri Gagarins ninetieth birthday , i would love to visit everywhere, but im afraid that there wont be enough time to visit everywhere. Gagarin is a flash, a smile, communication. This was the face of the soviet union, which suddenly appeared to the whole world. Simplicity, relationships, sincerity, this is the most important thing, sincerity. He really wanted him to be godfather, he is around me. Neptune, and Yuri Alekseevich was the king of the seas of the oceans , it all happened very funny, he kept a boat on bear lakes, kabzon came, yura, drove the boat, sailed out to the lake, kabzon sang songs, and we were delighted, im an ordinary russian person, like that the same as dozens of soviet boys and girls, a star named gagarin. Premiere, today on the first. Women in kologa wore a shirt with a sundress and a shirt with a paneva. Choose some modern shoes, maybe with a narrow toe or something to make it look edgy. As for the mens suit, we will make a red wedding shirt. Kaluga dough, in essence, turns out to be a gingerbread that is eaten with a spoon, all for the sake of sweetness, so that there is happiness. Tili dough, bride and groom. Hurray, heres mom, the money is copper. So that you people are not poor, happiness, for health, for a long life, we are playing a wedding, the premiere, tomorrow at the first, the whole world knows the lion of the writer, the lion of the goalkeeper, is about to find out about the lion of the musician, meet lev sumin, well the road is young, and well, the road is young, well, the road is young. Lets road young on the road young on the road young, lets road young, lets road young hi hi hi where did you come, i came with you. Tell me, please, what do you do, besides school, besides school, i study percussion instruments, that is , after school you go drumming, well, yes, i study at a music school, that is, there are both general education and musical education there, and then you dont have to eat and go anywhere when you bought your first personal musical instrument, and by the way, i four bought a drum set, so your parents had a lot of faith in you at the age of 4, right . Or are they just tired of broken furniture . Well, no, well, my grandmother didnt exactly give me my parents, well, my parents probably paid extra, lets hurry up, its unlikely, i think my grandmother managed it herself, what other Musical Instruments are there at home at the moment, which are the ones i play, theres also a piano xellophone, and my brother also has two guitars, and your neighbors, like your friends, communicate with you, say good morning, greet you in the morning, well if it plays in the evening, then its not very good, they dont say hello, who would you recommend listening to in order to discover this wonderful instrument, me, we will definitely listen to you, the whole country will hear, with whom you came to us, mom, dad and brother , introduce them by name, by name, andrey, marina, ilya, hello, dad, andrey, are you somehow connected with music . Well, a little bit, i m a ballet master, why doesnt your child dance , he knocks, well, its his choice, we tried him in childhood to make him dance, he didnt want to, he went straight to the music, and the younger one dances, he dances or plays the guitar, he dances and plays the guitar, why did you choose a guitar, my grandmother gave me such a toy guitar, it is absolutely clear that my grandmother does not live with you, well, yes, that is, she gave you all the instruments and. Left, what else does lev and your bet do . After all, he will be a musician or will develop some other talent, he remembers languages ​​well, learns english, but he just recently took chinese, he also chose it, he wanted to, well, honestly we see that he will be a musician, we support this as much as possible, yes, you have a wonderful creative family, we want the children to become very famous in any field, no matter what, bring everything you can get your hands on, we need a real band, for this i would like the same chic tshirt as yours, i have a personalized tshirt, give us the tools, you need to hit like this 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 so come quickly before i forget 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 come on, i have me i forgot that 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 yes thats what you got, they just gave you your salary, let s shake it 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 and you 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 and we wont give anything to the audience , look how many people all know chukovskys poem cockroach, cockroach, probably, yes, cockroach, yes, lets repeat, ill say the first line, you the second, bears rode, and behind them a cat, and behind him mosquitoes , and behind them are crayfish, beeches on a mare, it was gorgeous, now well entrust the music to a professional, the stage is the best of all lev sumin, im tired of being small. Lets sum it up, applause it was wonderful, amazing. She will never throw out old toys, because you can always make new ones out of them, she gives it gives things a second life and makes it much more interesting. Meet nastya zakharova, let s be young, lets be young, lets be young, lets be young, lets be young, lets be young, lets be the way, what kind of beauty is this . She came here to us , a gorgeous dress, most importantly, what an amazing range, white and pink, all fashionable colors, tell us what this piece is made of, its made from ordinary garbage bags, how to cut from bags, how to make it from fabric, i understand , you need to make a pattern, cut it off, and from the bags how, we take the bag, its we are straight, we first cut off the top and then bend it. Twice and cut off the edges, here it turns out i just tied a knot, yes, to make it easier to remove, i decided to do it with an elastic band, how easy it is. How brilliant, all you need is scissors, how many weeks of patience . It doesnt take a week, about a day or two, i also brought a handbag, made from a plastic bottle, yes, thats right, but what are the handles made of . From the package, you havent looked yet, whats inside, and whats inside, rubber bands, i can give you, but what are the rubber bands made of . From. From a toilet paper roll, thank you nastya, i gave it like that, clean, i dreamed of gifts made from toilet paper, the second one, come on, not even, not even from the toilet paper itself, but from a toilet paper roll , ive never had anything like this before, well, how does it suit you, another bracelet , i didnt know that bushings suit me so well, its a bracelet, right . Let me tie you up, i have a whole collection, its also the authors, that s not all, lets keep giving, dont stop, jewelry box, here are friends, dont throw away the ice cream sticks , dont throw away the sushi sticks, glamor, with who did you come to us today with your mother, irina, good afternoon, good afternoon, you are a happy mother, very. You absolutely do not need to deal with the garbage at home, nastya takes care of everything, as i understand it, yes, now the question that interests to all tv viewers, what is your dress made of, mine was bought in a store, oh, so banal, look at the decorations i have from chairs, how did nastya come to this, how did she become interested in the second life of things . Well, nastya, we have had a creative personality since childhood. You go into her room, scraps of paper, fabric, cardboard, sewing, gluing, cutting, embroiders, and it happened that you made some kind of fake out of something, and then it turned out that it was the right thing, moms skirt, for example, a dress, moms, yes, moms, just bought, that is, wait, moms dress would it turn into something terrible . Was it your inspiration or were you offended by your mother . No, inspiration, youre not hot in these bags, maybe well take them off, i understand that youre very beautiful, okay, okay, i persuaded you, oh, your dress here is so beautiful, yeah, so now i suggest testing your skills, we. We will show you have already created works of crafts from garbage, and you will tell us what they were before, okay, so this, this is from such huge bottles, this is your favorite resource, plastic bottles, bottles, and a tire, this is a legend of soviet yards, yeah. Swan from a car tire, youre great, what is this . These are cans, lids, you see , eyes, yes, yes, pencils and a record, yes, right, and what is this, this is a watch, well, the next slide, lids, yes, you see what a beautiful flower, yes, listen, thats all we saw it, its wonderful, but im just. Delighted with this bag, tell me, can we make me the same . Yes, hurray, then i invite you to our environmental workshop, okay, lets go, tired of being small, tired of being small, tired of being small, welcome to our workshop. But you and i wont be creating together, another wonderful guest will help us, i wont tell you who, lets just watch a video about him. Our guest is the founder of an educational project on the customary science of a brand of things made from recycled bags. Galina larina. Hello galina, hello. This is one of the prototypes of raincoats that i sew, how i adore fashion, girls, how i love it, and the most interesting thing is that this is a unique design, all the materials that we find for working with Recycled Materials can be combined in different ways, but by combining it will never be possible to lay out the same things, so the way the packages came together here were fused uniquely, they will never be fused again, and this is also from garbage, this is also from bags, there is. A car and a small present for you, thank you, the cover is made of fused bags, inside there is a block of printing waste, that is, i went to the place where books are printed and said give me your scraps, they were happy to support, nastya showed me an excellent handbag made of plastic bottles, everything glitters, and you did it yourself, cool, what a great guy you are, where can i get it . Where to buy . I propose to start with these elements, okay, look, well cut it like this, this needs to be thrown away, the question is where, this is a trash can, go there items that are recycled, well done, this green one, where they are not recycled , we cut off. Next we have to make the bottom, choose which one, i want to make red, but i want green, yellow, brown, i want pink, i dont want yours, these are the standard , but what suits you, soso, soso, oh, come on, blue, they fit, you measure it, you cut it off like that, the square is like that, yes, yes, good, and im done. Once, look, measure one , cut it, or this does not apply to ecology and scissors, seven times applies to ecology think about what you are buying and buy, but in reality this is a whole game, you have to come to the store, you want to eat ice cream, for example, but in order not to just buy ice cream and run away, you look at the packaging, can this packaging be returned to that the yellowest tank, girls, lets glue the bottom, i need another one, look, glue the gun just carefully. Like mine or some other accessories, accessories, well no, of course there are no such things at all, this is something completely new , some kind of cool invention, but we decorate it, so we take it, it means decoration its a flight of fancy to decorate, and then its either some kind of rule or you can do anything, anything, anything is possible, oh, when they tell me anything, then i keep crying, i ll stick flowers, i have this one here where the banks are. Oh, it will be such a flower , something is missing from my imagination, girls, for these things of yours, so, well, ready, lets go to dayfiles, more ecology in our walks, girls, back, one of the most common waste these are plastic cups, can you use them . Make something beautiful or at least useful, but we will make a lampshade for the archer, but where did you find so many different glasses . In our trash can, thats right, that is, these are used cups, thats how we connect the places with each other, yeah, and also with each other, so oh, im not tired anymore, you know, im just thinking, you know, we need to find the cups, wash them , uh, then counting, then a stapler, here the question arises, girls, is it more important to save water or a glass, or make floor lamps from plastic cups, by the way, i would say to save water, because water, clean water, is just gold, look, that is, we have done one layer, then we have done what . A layer needs to be made, and that is, every time you make less, less, you get, yes, yes, yes, such, such a dome, great, like rounded, thats it, we already have dolls ready, well, here we go should be attached like this, so, if i get an electric shock now, it means i turned it on, so, one, ill move away, two, three, oh, what a beauty, wow, medal show, best to go to the studio. Youre great, keep it up. And a backpack with sweets. And of course, this bunny. For memory. So, our guest was a friend of our show, galina larina. The car of the first cosmonaut was lifted and carried in their arms interestingly true nikolaich such a performance by children sports performances sports performances by children very interesting dances, we flew to havana in a wild tropical downpour, so we drove in open cars together with fidel through crowds of people flooded with water. Gagarin saw people bathing in the lake elephants, and he became not just an observer, but an active participant in the process. The queen invited Yuri Alekseevich to take a photo as a souvenir, although this is not provided for by etiquette, she explained, i took a photo with an unearthly person. Gagarin, the man who came down from heaven. Premiere, today on the first. They say astana is a fashionable modern city, but how do people dress here . I still dont understand, because its very cold outside, what does a local woman in astana look like . Yes, the head is warm, Everything Else is cold. Male ballet dancers are in uniform and should love women in uniform. I like a woman to be natural in her body. If it s too thin, then its not for me either. Yeah, probably, when you lift it, its very much yours. We are local models. What are you talking about . Yes, we show it. National clothes , i take out the meat and take gold leaf, i cut up some kind of goat, cut up seafood, nothing has ever been covered with gold before, the lives of others, the premiere, tomorrow is the first, a year on mars lasts 687 winter days, which means im on mars only 24 years old, in order to understand when i could finally move there, i invited studio expert. In the field of space, meet gleb belogortsev, on the road you are young , on the road you are young, well on the road you are young, on the road you are young, on the road you are young, on the road you are young, on the road you are young, on the road, hello gleb, hello, answer the most important question , aliens exist, it seems to me that yes, and it seems so to me too. Why do you need it . Because even in our galaxy there are about billions of planetary systems, and there are billions of such galaxies, if no one lived on one of these objects, then there would be no such thing maybe, but this cannot be, i think so too. Tell me, if you meet aliens, what is the most important thing you will tell them about people . Earth is a planet. On which water, living organisms and plants exist, why shouldnt we destroy you, who are you people . People whats good about you . We create spacecraft, we study you, are you smart, of course, who are the smartest on the planet, jellyfish, jellyfish, the smartest on your planet, this is what you guys have achieved, they will say so, and who do you want to become, i want become an astronaut, astronomer and designer, but the profession of an astronomer is very dangerous. Its just that they used to think that all the planets and the earth do not revolve around the sun, around the earth, so even many such astronomers were killed for this, for example, jordana bruno, galileo galilei, nicolaus copernicus, now its safe to be an astronomer, of course, but when do you want to fly into space , i want. At 27 years old, why at this age . Well, i have a lot of knowledge and at the same time im not full of holes or anything like that, but that is, im so middleaged, and youre already doing rockets . Yes, launch the whole rocket using gunpowder, where does it fly . The fastest, biggest takeoff was a winter rocket. Right, well, it is still unknown whether it is infinite or not. What do you think is the main ability an astronomer should have . Must know a lot, firstly, about the solar system in which we live. And i thought that the main ability of an astronomer is to be able to determine what is in front of him a cosmic object or the bottom of an old frying pan. Its not as easy as it seems, so. I suggest you play play this challenging game right now, are you ready . Ready, show us the first slide, how many planets are there, how many frying pans, one frying pan, two frying pans, three after all, an astronomer, maybe youll still determine the planets, not the frying pans, okay, then ill planets, two planets, a computer, show us the correct answer, right, well done, yes question are there any planets here at all . There is still only one planet, which one . Well, over there, it seems to me, over there, where is it . Extreme corner, tender, but it looks like blue cheese to me, is cheese blue . Well, yes, with blue mold. Lets decide how many planets there are here . Ill say one, one, so your bet is one planet. You made a mistake, you made a mistake, and you know why . Why . Because there is not a single planet here, all the pans here are all mine. Its not easy to be an astronomer, you see, of course, well, im everything, so not very, of course, no, no, youre great, so three, three planets, yes, computer, this is the correct answer, you guessed it, youre great, its true , three planets. We have already visited the zelenchuk observatory, perhaps this is exactly what the visit became so fundamental, then we visited various museums, exhibitions, excursions, we have one, one might say, and. Astronomical travel happens periodically, even now we didnt waste time; we went to kaluga, visited the tsolkovsky museum, and today we were at the planetarium, at vdnkh, at the museum of cosmonautics , in general, we visited everything we could, we hope that you will raise a real genius, a scientist, an astronomer, about whom the whole world will talk, i also hope, thank you very much, thank you very much, well, now the moment has come when we. Go straight into space, where a story about the planets in the solar system awaits us, lets fly you and i are in flying interstellar umbrellas, im so dizzy that. Its already impossible, were parking, theres no more strength than mine, tell me about the sun, its right above us, its a yellow dwarf, why is it a dwarf, there is, for example , far from us is the star stevenson 218, which is 2150 times larger than our sun, what are you talking about, its no longer a dwarf, of course, of course not a dwarf, the giant sun is. Very hot, the temperature in the atmosphere is 6,000, inside the sun up to 15 million celsius, really, we were rowing, its very hot here, we jump into the umbrellas, lets fly further, where are we flying . To mercury, gleb, you are the first, otherwise i dont know the way, to mercury, mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, on mercury. There are the largest temperature differences from 430 celsius during the day to 180 at night. Mercury has no satellites, but it was once thought to be a satellite of venus until its solar gravity erased its own orbit. Yes. Wait, hes earlier orbited venus . Later. Is this a theory or has it been proven . This is a theory. And, well, you see, thats not a fact. So, well, lets fly on. Its gotten a little cold here. Here somehow, yes, it would be very convenient if there was a navigator and it would say, after mercury, turn right. Venus is the second planet from the sun. She is named after the ancient roman goddess of love, spring. Beauty, it has spring beauty, it is inhabited, in other words, no, even the temperature is higher than on mercury, although further, 470 celsius, with such lead melts at a temperature, how can this be, it is further from the sun, it is warmer, well, because there are clouds there that maintain the heat. And the clouds consist mainly of Carbon Dioxide and nitrogen, so there is acid rain there, which even burns through iron, this is dangerous, of course , for a spaceship, our ship will not burn through, not yet, we are in orbit, i dont want to linger long, but so am i, im with you, i wont be left alone either, i dont understand anything here at all, its very hot here, lets go, fly, where are you, i dont see you, i here to the ground. Earth is the third planet from the sun, the first creatures that lived on earth were microbes, they still live, of course, tenacious, we fly further to mars, the fourth planet from the sun, why is mars red, wait, i didnt understand, that is, the sun i see, but what about mars . Mars is red because it contains martian rust. So, well, we flew, its somehow dusty in my throat, okay, come on, we flew to jupiter, but why do we have such old, in general, flying machines, i cant, theyre not old, theyre not the old ones, its coming out of all the cracks, you understand, they were simply made incorrectly, but they are new, jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, ill sit on the meteorite for now, nothing will burn me. Nothing yet, its probably nazireya, its a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt, that is, ill fit on a dwarf planet, but youre on a dwarf planet . Which is 900 km in diameter, but 900 km is not enough. Mercury, venus, earth and mars are terrestrial planets, these are those that have a solid surface, and jupiter, saturn, uranus and neptune are gas giants that do not have a solid surface. Jupiter has the strongest Magnetic Field and the largest number of moons. We flew to saturn. The space odyssey continues, i just sat down comfortably, saturn s rings are very unique, they can be seen even with an amateur telescope, they consist of fragments that can be the size of a grain of sand to a threestory building, so well, lets fly on, and to uranus , oh, gleb, how smart you are, how can you know everything, youre the main thing dont accelerate, i dont accelerate. Its cool that uranus has steps, its very convenient. Uranus is the Third Largest planet in the solar system, where the temperature is 224. Oh, well, this is absolutely freezing, im not ready for such cold. Did you fly to neptune . Of course, maybe its warmer there . Oh, well, somehow we get there quickly, these ships are not bad after all, i can tell you, i shouldnt have been slandering them. Tuni experiences strong winds that reach 2,000 km h. We flew to search for kuiper, and pluto is located there. No, wait, lets look at him from here, where is he, what is he flying, and so you can see him, we are practically nearby. Pluto was once considered the ninth planet from the sun, but lost this title in 2006. I bet, how did he lose it . They used to think that it was huge , every year they made it smaller, smaller , they thought, well, why consider it a planet, lets call it a dwarf planet, that is, you also think that it is dwarf, yes, of course, they flew to our planet better than anyone else, amazing astronomer from. Thank you, you wear the medal better than anyone, tired of being small, tired of being small, tired be small, so this is a medal for your astronomical knowledge, thank you, and the end. You dont need to read 200 volumes about russia or attend one concert of the berezka ensemble. The audience keeps saying, well, thats how they are, they dont walk, they float, its always a mystery, and its your secret. And it is not revealed secretly. Folk character dance in the form in which we teach is not taught anywhere in the world. So, sometimes you have to work. This is dancing for the viewer, these are smiles, nadezhdina finds out that the ring romance of prima beryozka and solis moisievsky, and naturally, this is a scandal, this is a nightmare, these are screams, you will have my wish, now we just remember goosebumps, and of course, i said yes, birch, beauty in russian, premiere. Documentary film, tomorrow on the first, transfer it through the maidan, premiere from march 11 on the first. The magic page in the show is the best. Our guest is a kind sorceress who works her miracles under circus puppets, the gifted aerialist vera kornilova. Ill give you the way, youre young, and youll give way, youll be young, and youll give me the way, youll be young, and ill give you the way, youll be young, and ill give you the way youre young, lets be young , lets be young, hello, take a seat, hello, verochka, hello, where did you come to us from, from tula, from tula, yes, how did you become interested in aerial gymnastics, how did you get there, well, we went first artistic gymnastics, yeah, then we switched to aerial gymnastics, how it happened, well , at first i liked aerial gymnastics, because there. They first taught me there how to do the correct warmup, how you had to do the correct warmup with your head, then with your hands , then with your pelvis, show me warmup . I have the neck, you see, is stiff , show me, knead me already, come on, lets start with the neck, so to speak, oh, uhhuh, oh, this is for me, oh, so, so, further, then then, then to the side, do it, gentlemen, why are you sitting just like that , repeat as directed, you see, well done, circular movements, uhhuh, not for long, otherwise your head is already spinning, then, and then a little bit, thats what youre doing, but youre bending, bending yourself, yes exactly, bow, bow, now i understand why you wanted to fly after the first lesson, its surprisingly boring, what is happening, is it a person who came with you, or did you bring a dog, tell me who you came with, what kind of wolf this is, well, i came with my mom, my dad, lisa, my friend , my coach, the circus director, ugh, with the director, so maybe the circus director brought the wolf cub with him, who is it, tell us, its alice, alice, i thought so, but who is alice . Mm, well, this is the daughter of the director, school or circus, school, ear, is there a translation for this . This is delight, and this is delight, thats all, alice is great, whats your mothers name . Polina, polinochka, tell me, are you not worried that your daughter flies, its, well, dangerous, well, in general, when you initially send your child to circus art, you need to be prepared for this, and if you havent prepared yourself for this from the beginning, then its better not to send your child there. Lets talk to the coach. Hello. How in a nutshell is the success of a 7 year old child of the highest class . Well, there is always something to strive for. Lets tell all the spectators what equipment you perform with . With a neighbor, with hair, with a noose. Clarification is needed here, believe, usually aerial gymnastics, it is in a ring, on a square on some kind, on some kind of stand. Nets under the circus big top, yes, hair, i can use it on them, wait , on these ones, on these ones, you use your hair, yes, in the aerial gymnastics act, yes, and you hang on your hair, yes, like thats logical, thats all, and, yes, really , how did it come to your mind about. And how do you cling to the equipment with your hair, we wrap it up first, some kind of ring is woven into you here, and woven right into this tail, well, right here in this tail you are ready to show us your talent yes. An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea, they lived in a dilapidated dugout for exactly 30 years and 3 years, the old man was catching fish with a net, the old woman was spinning her yarn, since he threw the net into the sea, the net came with. I want to be the mistress of the sea, so that i could live in the sea, so that a golden fish could serve me and be with me. The fish said nothing, only splashed its tail in the water and went into the deep sea. If you havent had time to visit ancient rome, dont worry, right now well go there on an excursion, and it will be led by an expert on roman numerals, specialist in ancient civilizations, expert on emperors and gladiators, platon ulikov. Well , well done, well done, well done, well done, welcome plato, greets you, hello, this is the right way to greet emperors , emperors, i dont know, probably bows. Sorry, ava, plato, i bow at your feet. Normal, right . Yes. Okay, can i sit down . Yes. Thank you. Oh. How are you doing plato . Fine. My name is ulyakov plato. I am 7 years old. I am from the city of chabaksari. I study at the thirtyfirst school, in the first a class. I have a younger brother gordey. Hes 2 years old. Plateau. Tell me, with whom did you learn this text . Well, with dad, we taught. How many days did you study this text . Well, well, at first we read books, and information that is not in books. What if now everything goes wrong . How will dad react . Dont know. In adult language this is called breaking patterns. Where did you come from, you say . Im from shubors. I study at the thirtyfirst school in the first class, boxar wait wait plat wait a second chiyboksar this is where it is in italy and where it is in russia this is correct in chuvashia yes well yes and you know the chuvash language no we dont learn it at school but not all of it yet but how will it be hello rest of the world hello salaam goodbye, goodbye, i dont know, we didnt study, thank you, thank you, we didnt study either, we studied vegetables, a girl, a boy, and what about a boy, a boy, arshinacha, and a girl, seracha, and a cucumber, cucumber, i didnt have time to write in my notebook, but what vegetable do you know, well. I go to karate for my friend at school , can you show me some exercise, lets do a regular punch like this. Wow, normal , this is such a serious blow already, a kick , yeah, but you definitely have to kick like that, well, yes, you definitely have to shout or in the fifth , you have to shout, shiracha, no, haya, haya, yes, there is also such a blow with your foot, sometimes you shouldnt crawl through the air like that, you need to pull yourself together and back, look, is my leg crawling or not, so here it is, no, you see, im not crawling, i just crawled for the last time, you have ever traveled before, well, well, i havent traveled much, but just now i flew from seabokshar to moscow by plane, we arrived in moscow at 3 00 in the morning, we first flew by plane, then by bus, then we wanted to take the train , driving, no , it doesnt work, and you flew on a plane for the first time, yes, for the first time, and how did you like it, well, okay , cool, not scary, didnt block your ears, no, what did you like about the plane, well, did you like the sound of the plane , thats what everyone doesnt like, yes, you liked it, well, yes, such a sound when you are flying, and the pilot announced , said something, hello, ladies and gentlemen, the commander of the ship greets you, no, there, he said, there, and this one, hello, ladies and gentlemen, he is there, for your safety , we are taking off now, for your safety. Do you have a lot of memory allocated for ancient rome in your head, of course a lot, are you interested or is someone forcing you to learn . Well, its just interesting, at first i wanted to give the best talk about space, but then i finally chose the ancient one. Rome, are you still interested in space . Well yes, still im interested in dinosaurs, ancient greece, ancient egypt, and space. But if you choose between ancient rome and space, which do you like better . Of course, ancient rome. And between ancient rome and karate . Rome is also rome, right . Tell me, who did you come with today . I came with my aunt and mother, also my grandfather ulyakov, my. Dad, dad, grandfather, whats his name . Ulyakov vladimir, whats your mothers name . Anastasia. Christina. Hello, anastasia, vladimir and christina. Hello. Tell me, are you also interested in ancient rome . No, its she and dad are studying more. Plato began to show his abilities early. At the age of 3 he was already reading human evolution. Rome, like rome, rome, is sometimes shocked, well , plato, tell me, at school they already know that their history teacher will soon change, they will have a new teacher plato, we dont have history yet, but very soon it will be, right . Now we want to ask you to share your knowledge with our viewers and teach a lesson on the topic of ancient rome and gladiator fights, will you help us all . Become smarter, yes, then welcome to the gladiator lesson management, lets go, tired of being small, tired of being small, sit down, hello lets talk about how ancient rome ended. In 476 bc, ancient rome was invaded by barbarian hordes, they captured ancient rome, the last ruler managed to sit on the throne for only one day, then he was overthrown by his own troops. Robe, cloak, cloak, of course, cloak , i forget, sorry, im late, can i, i stroked my what is it called, this red nonsense, i can sit down, yes, thank you, battles with barbarians were held in the colise, captured barbarians they were sentenced to death and forced to fight, what, why couldnt the captive barbarians make us desks so that i could put my sandals, notebooks, pens, phone there, and there was nowhere to stick the gum, there were no desks in gladiator schools, we write down, there was a lake under the colosseum, but then, pumps were installed there, helping to turn the arena into an artificial lake where naval battles were held. The longest battle in the coliseum lasted 2 whole days. Where did they store the pickles if the basement was flooded . There were spaces without water, that is, there was place, yeah. Did they give the commandment a jar of pickles . No. If the gladiator fought beautifully, then the residents turned to the emperor and asked him to give him more. Money, i fight very beautifully, yeah, and look, what a cool coat i have, when will they pay me extra for my beauty . Well, for, well, for beauty, they mostly didnt pay, as always, tell me, what Construction Company built the colosseum . Construction of the colosseum began by order of emperor vespasian, flavius. In the seventysecond year bc construction continued on 8 years, but how did the colosseum welcome the gladiators . At first one gladiator came out, or several, for example, then the emperor himself introduced him, thats his name, his achievements are all sorts. Did the emperors themselves take part in the battles . Well, yes, for example, the emperors chest of drawers. Participated in 735 fights in the arena, did everyone succumb to him, or was he really the strongest . Perhaps there were different gladiators, well, lets say, someone was stronger than him, someone was weaker than him, the gladiators were given weapons only as a helmet for armor, a dagger for a weapon, ordinary, well, unfair competition turns out, but why . Gladiator fights were banned, well , christianity banned gladiator fights because it is too cruel, platon matveevich, that its time to sing the gladiatorial anthem, lets repeat it to ours. Gladiator , gladiator, platon matveevich, you are the best teacher, you told us so many interesting and useful things about ancient rome and gladiators that we are simply delighted with your stories, and we cannot help but reward you for this, this is a reward, of course, cant compare with yours. With a golden laurel wreath, but she too made of gold, this is a medal, the best. With all due respect, this is your medal, and of course, a backpack with sweets, such a wonderful bunny for. 10 million pounds, put it on, you will be a wolf, we will have a house, i promise you, your wife was kidnapped by very dangerous people, they they can kill her, come tomorrow at 10 am to the arena with the wolf, why do you need a wolf, are you afraid of me, shoot, you are the culprit of all the troubles, 5, 6, 7, 8, doomed, final. Tomorrow, after the program time, from of all civilizations living on the planet today, the most ancient chinese, china has almost always been both the most populous country and the first economy in the world. We can recall the famous travel book of marco pola, an italian merchant, with great amazement described the power and level of Economic Development that he observed in chinese cities in. 13th century, crushed monochrome painting, chinese poetry, refined literature, china, of course, was ahead in sophistication of, well, almost all countries. After the end of world war ii, the soviet union immediately took patronage over china. More than 10,000 specialists from the soviet union worked in china and created almost the entire modern chinese economy. One of his first decisions after becoming the leader of china was to create an institute for the study of buharis ideas. So in china there is a sinicized model of nepa. Premiere of civilization. The seventh film. China. On wednesday on the first. When it. Gathers at the festive table, they always make the tv quiet, because he sings better than any stars, said galliulin in our studio, one way are young, young, come on the way are young, come on the way are young, well young people, lets go, young people, lets go, young people, lets go, ive been waiting for you. Cool guys, who was your mother telling you . Yes, how did you start studying vocals . My mother is a music and singing teacher, did she force you to . No , i myself, my mother just sang, sang, and you think , yes, i wanted to, i will continue the family tradition, so to speak, yes, you study at school, how great, you can just sing to them for the teachers, its beautiful, they give you credit for your eyes fine. I am hypnotized by my singing, i am the winner of the grand prix of international allrussian competitions, and im also a scholarship recipient of the raisa republic of tatarstan, what are you talking about, you should have started with this, they say you also do judo, yes, yeah, like that, or something, yes, like that, no, you need to quit there, but its throwing, huh . Yes, i dont know what it is, do you only sing in russian . No, i sing in different languages, what a great fellow you are, but most of all i like to sing in the tatar language, of course, this is your native language, yes, who did you come to us with, with your dad and mom, introduce me to them, mom name is elvira elgizarovna, and dad name is ayrat rinatovich, hello, and is your dad . No, i do farming and you dont know how to sing, i like to listen, oh, just in general, here, my friend, youre not upset, lets just say that said chose the creative concert path, whatever profession or whatever path in life he wants didnt choose, i think the song will, in principle, always be his traveling companion, where do you get such nostalgic love for those . At times, we were pioneers, it was a good time, well, everything is clear, last year was the centenary of pioneering, and said participated in the allrussian at the competition, the eagle learns to fly , so he won the grand prize there, and what pioneer songs do you know, cheerful wind, wings, swings, let s sing it, lets start with cheerful wind, and then sing us a song cheerful wind, cheerful wind. Cheerful wind, seas and mountains, you have scoured the whole world and heard songs all over the world, sing to the wind about wild mountains, about the deep tan of the seas, about birds, conversations, about bold spaces, about strong big people, be up, well done, me too there is a shame, this is a hit that sounds at all discos. Natalie, the wind blew from the sea, the wind blew from the sea, the wind from the sea brought trouble, brought trouble, i wont come again, behold. You see, here they are, pioneers, bravo, i love you, so, the second song. Reg gurler. Dillari, dillari, dillari, kullari, sen menikan mensiniki deymadim, bitgari idilari, edilar. Well, yes, i know how to answer you, wait, another hit, guys, get ready, save as best you can, lets go, the best day, i came yesterday, on the best day to drive in, its falling until the morning, lets get on the road. And okay, let the best pioneer, maybe only a whole choir of pioneers, so i invite you to the stage, you will sing along with the large childrens choir named after viktor popov, tired of being small, tired of being small. In the young month of april , the snow melts in the old park and the cheerful swings begin their run, everything is forgotten light, my heart froze in my chest, only the sky, only the wind, only joy ahead. Only the sky, only the wind, only joy ahead, washing away, higher than the spruce, the wrong barrier, winged swings , flying, flying, flying, wings, swings flying, flying, flying, childhood will end someday, because it wont last forever, the kids will become adults and scatter in all directions, but for now we are just children, we have to grow, continue to grow, only the sky, only the wind. Only joy is ahead, only the sky, only the wind, only joy is ahead, washing away, rising above, without knowing any barriers, wing swings, flying, flying, flying, wings. Young swings are flying, flying, flying, twirling, from the spring, the birds are singing to us, maenka, we are birds, everything in the world is forgotten, the heart froze in the chest, only the sky, only the wind, only joy ahead. Only the sky, only the wind, only joy is ahead, washing away, higher than the spruce, the wrong barrier, the winged swing, flying, flying, flying, winged. Bring the show medal to the best of all, tired of being with the cute little ones. Tired of being small kibili, tired of being small, and of course , a backpack with sweets, and a talisman for the road, as a keepsake, take anatoly lvovich into your choir, well definitely take you, said, well done, you sing great, said galliulin, the best alas, its time for us to say goodbye, so that exactly a week later we can meet on this very sofa with new amazing children who regardless of your talents, best of all, see you on channel one, and dont rush to grow up transmitting a message from a man in flight minute readiness outer space one ignition lets go feeling good mood cheerful cumminator observing the earth the task is only 27 years old, 3 days ago almost no one knew about him, now hundreds of millions of people are looking at him, he is going to the head of government with a report , the path seems endless, the audience watches with bated breath, gagarin has treacherously come untied lace, god forbid he stumbles , the cosmonaut later admits that during the flight he was less worried than during this ceremony, the worlds first space flight was carried out on the soviet spaceship vostok on april 12, 601, all the ships Equipment Systems worked flawlessly, the state of health was excellent , ready to carry out any new task of our party and government, major gagarin. Even during the first flight into space. Gagarin went through fire and water, but ahead of him were copper pipes, tests of glory, which are sometimes more difficult, not its so simple when you live, essentially, under the guns of the whole world, as the cosmonaut withstood the glory that fell upon him, it was always a lot of fun with him, lying around, running, making some kind of jokes. Suddenly one jumps out from the crowd and touches his shoe with his hand, which is very unusual, i am an ordinary russian person, the same as tens of hundreds of thousands of soviet boys and girls, as he was, the real, unposterous yuri gagarin. April 12, 1961 divided the life of yuri gagarin into two parts; back on april 11, he was one of one of. The first detachment. Boris volynov today is the only one from that Legendary Group of cosmonauts. From the moment of their first meeting until their last days, volynov and gagarin were friends. They met for the first time on march 7, 1960, the day they were enrolled as cosmonauts. There was yura gagarin, he seemed to everyone that he served in the north, he didnt call anything else, he was also a fighter pilot, all fighter pilots, the first detachment was formed from fighter pilots, but why . Because you are alone on the plane, performing. Spaceship. To the first squad the cosmonauts were recruited by 20 pilots, of whom the main six applicants for the first flight were formed. Gagarin, titov, nelyubov, nikolaev, bykovsky, popovich. But by the time of the flight there were two candidates left, gagarin and titov. The path is ready, always ready, like gagain and titov, twice hero of the soviet union, pyotr klemuk, was accepted into the third cosmonaut squad in 1965, the members of the first squad were already senior comrades for them, he said, and i immediately realized that probably

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