Khrushchev, a crime has been committed, he is a criminal, this will be the solution to this issue, if we do this, i believe it will be like this, our historical justice for crimeans will be restored. In particular, i want to remind you that the Supreme Council of russia, back in 1992, adopted a resolution, according to which that decision of 1954 was called illegal, taken in violation of the peace. Well , well talk about this, about this, but heres the question no one paid attention to the National Composition of the republic of crimea, not to mention the fact that in fact no one asked the crimeans, but this was not accepted in the soviet union do this, but the composition the national one was 71. 4 russians, 22 ukrainians, 6 others, uh, well, some historians, he thinks that so, so what, so what, and no one cared about this, heres roy medvedev, for example, who belongs to ukraine or russia, it was indifferent to the population, because in real life nothing actually changed, well, other historians do not think so, for example, oleg valobuev, so he writes that he was very worried, protest could not be expressed openly, since the country had just emerged from stalins rule, but the mood was the peninsula were alarming, one might say, panicky, from time to time street signs appeared, indicating a hidden protest in society, even more precisely, this was evidenced by conversations, after all, at the time of the transfer of crimea, the majority of its population were russians, the state of affairs began to depend on each specific leader of ukraine, on whether the policy pursued by kiev led to greater ukrainization or to greater russification of crimea . Sergei pavlovich, i just this was just the period when i was at school, this is exactly sixtieth. Kingdom, it is clear that there was no reunification of lands or hetmanate into the moscow structure , to know that this was the entry of little russian ukraine with russia, since there was no ukraine as an object or subject of annexation, it is clear that this was a political construct, and you are absolutely right, that in crimea they always opposed ukrainization, which, by the way, was very. Actively going on during the time of pyotr iefimovich shilist, who hid the ukrainian nationalist and who, during his tenure as first secretary from 603 to seventysecond year. If you attack us and prepare an attack again, we will attack you so much that you wont do it again. Another decision is associated with the name of khrushchev, perhaps even more monstrous than the surrender of crimea to ukraine. On september 17, 1955, the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr adopted a decree on amnesty for soviet citizens who collaborated with the occupiers during the great patriotic war. They were released. Hitler, on whose hands was the blood of millions of soviet citizens, russians, ukrainians, belarusians, jews, everyone. To be honest, i did not find any signs of a discussion of this issue at the presidium of the central committee, as the politburo was then called , the same traitors and nazi murderers who are now organizing marches in kiev or lvov of supposed war veterans, whose names the kiev authorities call streets, those who raised in hatred. The soviet people have already received more than one generation of their grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. The question is no less acute than in crimea why did khrushchev urgently need to rehabilitate nazi criminals, what price are we paying for this . Today . This is the decree. Taking into account the cessation of the state of war between the soviet union and germany and guided by the principle of humanity, the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr considers it possible to apply an amnesty in relation to those soviet citizens who during the great period. Patriotic war, out of cowardice or ignorance, they found themselves involved in cooperation with the occupiers, yes, yes, very seriously, and you know, the fact is that there was a background to the appearance of this decree, and it was also signed by marshal varoshilov, since it was legal the head of the soviet state, but it was khrushchev who initiated it, and the background was as follows, the then chairman of the kgb of the ussr, army general Ivan Aleksandrovich sirov. Shortly before the appearance of this decree, i sent a note to khrushchev, and it was quite long, well, the essence of the coup, the essence, which consisted in the following, they say, if another military conflict arises between us and the nato countries, then our enemy will actively use collaborators, those who found themselves in the territory of the central western europe, having escaped from. Persecution for crimes during the war, including collaboration with hitlers nazis, in order to protect ourselves from this, in order to remove this threat, we need to agree to an amnesty for these individuals, justifying the appearance of this decree , khrushchev referred primarily to sirovs note, as a result this completely homeless man appears. The military who shed blood for galicia, how come, we fought, we cant do this now, so she will poison and the bad guy turned out to be right, in the fourteenth year, a note that said, you cant pin it down, it will poison the whole of ukraine, and you know why this decision was made at the presidium on january 25, im about to score a goal against you, and because molotov left the smith session in fifty years, she just. These decisions , which were adopted back in the fifties, resonated in modern ukraine, after the collapse of the soviet union, after advertisements. There were only three women in hitlers life; no one really knew anything about them during the fuhrers life. Hitler wanted to remain vacant, and motivated this by the fact that he fate. Germany how hitlers relationship with the female sex was built, subsequently restored bit by bit, but only one thing is truly known all of hitlers women attempted suicide, note that his beloved germany, because of her great love for her fuhrer, committed suicide died slowly in agony. Premiere, ordinary fascism. Tomorrow on the first. In the soviet union, we rarely thought about which land belonged to whom, russia or ukraine. Russians felt at home anywhere in ukraine, almost. Ukrainians felt at home anywhere in russia. Changed when, during the years of gorbachevs perestroika, this terrible virus of nationalism was released, when we began to divide everything to please our worst enemies, whom too many mistook for friends, when ukraine separated, there were too few of those who, besides the crimeans themselves, thought about crimea, because for the sake of independence, kravchuk and his retinue were ready to give up crimea, because the crimeans more than once. It was a referendum on january 20, 1991, then there was a referendum on preserving the union, on in the referendum to preserve the union in crimea , 87 of citizens voted for it. Yes, the act of declaring the independence of ukraine was widely supported in ukraine after the famous putsch, including, by the way, in crimea, although support there was the least of all regions. But even then, in general, crimea absolutely clearly occupied a position different from what was thought not only in kiev, but in moscow. I wanted to say a few thoughts firstly, when we call manufactured things by their proper names, everything will be more or less clear in our heads, it was a crime was committed in belovezhskaya pushcha, where i was looking. And the Supreme Council, in fact, of the russian federation, already in the ninetysecond and ninety third years, made a decision that invalidated the decision of the Supreme Council of the rsfsr of 1954, in particular, there was a resolution that directly stated the resolution of the presidium of february 5 , 1954, as adopted in violation of the constitution of the fundamental law of the rfsr legislative procedure is recognized as having no legal force from the moment. Thats all that concerned the reconstruction of the crimean autonomy, we started in the nineties, here is the Election Campaign of the nineties , all the candidates for deputies who ran for both the Crimean Regional Council and the Supreme Council of ukraine, then peoples deputies of ukraine, they practically all proposed with proposed to recreate the crimean autonomous soviet socialist republic, that is, this process went from below for. The fourteenth year of the reunification of crimea with russia, especially since yes, he created, by the way, a legal basis, they made a request to the archives of the Supreme Council ussr, and from there came a certificate that the city of sevastopol, by decree of the year fortyeight, was withdrawn from the crimean region, made a city of republican subordination of the rsfsr, and then there were fifty more during the transfer of the crimea decree. A strategic fleet, which is controlled from moscow, there from kubinka, suddenly found itself on the territory of a state, which, in my assessment, a priori is bound to become at best a rival, at worst hostile, because of cains jealousy of kavel, you know, what i wanted would like to pay special attention attention, because why did kravchuk go to viskuli and why yeltsin began to dance to his tune, and kravchuk referred specifically to. The results of this very referendum on december 1, 1991, i seem to be for the union, but im the first president , i cant go against the will of the citizens of ukraine, they spoke out, you see, for the act of declaring independence and look at the substitution that was made, thats why ukraine is now collapsing, but because it began its modern history with deception, why . The fact is that according to the ukrainian constitution ussr, please note, this act of independence of ukraine, which was adopted on august 24, could be submitted to a referendum only no earlier than february 24, 1992, and no later than may 24, this was directly stated in the law, no earlier than six, no later than nine months, which means this. Referendum from the very beginning was anticonstitutional, antilegal, criminal, so yeltsin, as he referred to gorbachev, and we are what kind of union without ukraine, a referendum took place in ukraine, and they spoke out, they are the same referendum to what led up to the election of the first president of ukraine, therefore, as ukraine began, it means its supposed revival with a completely illegal act, so. And we will play according to it, which means a waste, already within the framework of legal procedures, god willing, but naturally, crimea as part of ukraine was just, well, a little step, at best, it was destroyed, thats what the head of the republic of crimea, Sergei Aksyonov wrote about it , lets listen, the relationship between kiev and crimea, how the motherinlaw treats her posture, in principle, the leadership of ukraine does not there was a desire to implement some in crimea. Crimea is a place where the authorities tried to equip themselves with dachas, a summer capital, seaside holidays, thats kievs whole program regarding crimea. Crimea was considered as a place for vodchina, it was given to one or the other, to all sorts of scoundrels of different stripes, sometimes orange, sometimes blue, and was considered only as a platform on which one could earn money illegally. There were almost 150 factories around simferopol, but there are ten times fewer left. All this over the course of 20 years was systematically reduced, went descendingly, no one worked for growth, for the future, no one even set the same tasks. They were set, and of course, there was cultural degradation and the fight against the russian language, all this , of course, was done systematically, gradually, uh, the annotations were translated into including into the ukrainian language, broadcasts of russianlanguage films in cinemas were also translated into ukrainian, they tried to forcefully transfer education to. Well, later the police began, so they received answers in ukrainian, Court Decisions were sent in ukrainian, this is the feeling of a citizen , yes a citizen does not understand all these legal norms well, reading them in russian, but he also receives a decision in ukrainian, nothing at all. 10 years ago, the ukrainian maidan happened, an anticonstitutional coup supported by the west, the nazi regime planted by the west comes to power, people are being shot in kiev, stormtroopers are going to the east of ukraine, to crimea to restore their order, people are burning alive, in odessa, in donbass, there are already ukrainian troops. At that difficult time, the people of crimea took their fate into their own hands, the crimean spring has become a symbol of revival, and not only of crimea, but of our entire russia. We again felt the strength, as it always was, to solve issues on a global scale, and it was the crimeans who gave us faith in our own strength, of course, the crimean spring is an incredible event, its an outbreak when all the factors coincided, this happens in history extremely rare, and the president of the country, the people of russia and aksyon in crimea, the people of crimea, in general , everyone was in their place and did everything on time, we have always done this, we have a very a lot of things worked out, but there was a plan for the derussification of ukraine, there was one, and it was there in advance, thats what the coup detat, as a result of which the ukrainian nationalist community, formed in galicia in a very narrow part of it, took as a chance to destroy everything russian , this is the tragedy of all ukrainians, good russian ukrainians, what we understand. Statements by western leaders in recent months and days, they, well, are striking, of course, with their cynicism and their lack of understanding of what happened there and their understanding of reality too, heres boris johnson, Prime Minister of great britain, lets listen to what he says. I think that crimea is a very interesting prospect, because before everyone thought that putin would never let go of crimea, there was no need to even try. Now people say that, firstly, it is possible to return crimea, and secondly, putin is very vulnerable. In crimea, if you look at the infrastructure, logistics, there are great opportunities there, so i think peoples attitude towards crimea has changed. Now lets listen to the talking head of the white house, john kirby. We we do not undertake to determine the legitimacy or illegitimacy of the targets that were struck by the ukrainians. They are fighting for their country. Crimea is ukraine, and we dont tell them what is the law and the goal and what is not, they themselves determine their goals. According to our estimates, with additional assistance , ukraine will be able to independently hold the front line during 2024 and until the beginning of 2025, thus ukraine will be able to weaken russia not only through penetrating strikes on crimea, but also through attacks on the black sea fleet. Well, thats it, thats it the anglosaxons repeat, remember the crimean war, you understand, here. The times newspaper, which writes, until sevastopol belongs to russia and is not taken, there will be no final victory in this war, and i immediately predicted, i say, the eastern question did not remain in xix century, everything will now be revived again, and they ignore the democratic, absolutely flawlessly conducted referendum, at one time we invited professor tournafon, a lawyer, international specialist, to paris, who examines in detail the concept of the right of a nation to. Years must be cancelled, lets listen, the decision in 1954 was made with gross violations of the three constitutions of the ussr, the rsfsr and the ukrainian ssr. Today the ukrainian authorities can fix it. We will create optimal conditions for peoples lives. You can often hear that history teaches that it has never taught anyone anything. And often this is true, but history should teach, and it does. In any case , she taught us all a lot and taught us the most important things. She taught us that we should not scatter lands that are Sacred Symbols of our faith, like crimea, where he was baptized saint prince vladimir, where. The main base of the Russian Black Sea fleet is the city of russian sailors, sevastopol, you cannot throw away lands conquered and abundantly watered with the blood of the russian soviet soldier, like donbass, novorossiya, and all of ukraine. We must not throw away our ancient civilizational centers of kievan rus. You cannot throw away the heritage of your ancestors. We must all be worthy of the great legacy they left us. The khrushchevs come and go. Russia remains forever, our godprotected native land. This there was a big story, see you on the first one. Crimea, russia forever. Russia, russia, russia, russia. Hello, this is a podcast 20 years later and we are its hosts, Konstantin Mikhailov and Alexander Anatolyevich. Today we have a wonderful guest, whom we are so pleased to introduce, Zhanna Bichevskaya, legendary, magnificent, mysterious and famous, different, and gennady panomariov, husband, composer. The author, nadezhda and opora, in general, your everything, the sound engineer is my everything, and by the way, Zhanna Bichevskaya performs bulats songs akudzhava, a whole album has been released. Her performances, his songs, and bulatov kudzhava turns 100 this year, it seems to me that you were the most traveled artist, that is , you traveled to more than 30 countries, i was very popular, i received a prize at the polish festival in the eightieth year, knowledge, the poles very rarely give this title to their own, when i was in the polishlithuanian commonwealth, uhhuh, they had lunch. Years, my father took me away from my relatives, and i was actually alone with my father on the reservation, but then someone other than my own came into my life mom, she was very good, but she couldnt protect me from my fathers monster, however, my father gave you your first guitar, in which when i was 17 years old, he himself was a very, very melodious person, and he wanted me to play and sing with the guitar , that means i accompanied him to sing my songs, well, there was such a personal interest, then i already taught. Yes, she in fact, she herself was once associated with a large theater and had her own studio, and she stretched out my tositura, now i have almost five octaves, she brought many to tears, it is known, with her singing of romances, but what it was, this is some kind of special manner or meaning of romances, because romances , plus or minus, all have some kind of very bad ending. The most difficult song genre is romance, yeah. Because on the verge of vulgarity, on the verge of this overflow, this spiritual, romances must be sung very strictly, restrained, in general, and i generally dont know how to sing songs differently, and you know, they really didnt sound like before we sang with tears, there we were sniffling, because this is very, so serious that. In different ways, but everything was very interesting, and you i even went as far as the urals, you know, you know everything, i have to tell you, i gentlemen in general, in short, i traveled a lot, i thank god that in my life after my father, in general, such a monster, he sent me a lot good people, it consoled me so much, it encouraged me in life and gave me meaning in my life, and i realized that there are a lot more good people in life than bad people, this is natural, and then i realized one more thing. Thing, this is purely philosophical in life, i realized that the way you are with a person is the way he is with you, but the fact is that sometimes it happens that you stumble upon such blackness. That its even scary to enter it, you want to run away from this person, probably the young bride felt the same blackness in her husband, well, the tragedy of the song, there was a carriage, but the fact is that her young woman is being passed off as an old man, lets then turn to this work. A carriage parked near the church. There was a magnificent wedding, all the guests were smartly dressed, the bride was the most beautiful of all, all the guests were smartly dressed, the bride was all beautiful. She was wearing a white dress, there was a joke from the dew, she was on sacred the crucifix looked through a rainbow of tears, burning, burning. Candles, the bride stood pale , she didnt want to say an oath to the priest, when the priest put the ring on her finger, bitter tears flowed from her eyes like a stream onto her face, i. Heard in the crowd, they said the groom unsightly peace, the girl was ruined for nothing, and i went out after the crowd, there was a carriage at the church, i was in a magnificent state, all the guests were smartly dressed, the bride was the most beautiful of all, all the guests were smartly dressed, the bride was the most beautiful of all. We continue the conversation about music and life with Zhanna Bichevskaya and gennady ponomarev. Konstantin aleksandrovich mikhailov and Alexander Anatolyevich belonogov are still in the studio. Can i tell . First time. Tell us how you met bulat makudzhava . Oh, this, this, this is a separate song. It was in the house of writers, and before that i sang bulat takujavas song. Some songs are also from bards, and they brought me to bulat and put me in front of him, i say, hello, its me, im singing your songs, he says, im saying, im zhana bichevskaya, im singing your songs. With a guitar, he he says, yes, but its interesting to listen, and next to him stood his wife olga, a wonderful person, generally a beauty, i say, here i am, i can call you, he says, yes, of course, olya gave me okudzhavas phone number, then time passed, i told him i called, we became friends, then we met many times, he gave me his collection of poems, once upon a time, his prose, a breath of freedom, in general, this was a special page in my life, it was such a shame that he rarely praised anyone, it was so. Khujava, but jean zhanni on her record with his songs, he wrote that she is a master, she argues with me, and what is your Favorite Song of his, yes, yes, they are all wonderful, ask me what is my favorite, folk song, they all came out of me like children, it was so cool, i i after all , she also accepted him into herself, into her soul, so the horror did not have a single bad song, they are all, they are equal, regarding the numerous, endless, probably joyful journeys, both for you and for the public, in paris to you a certain lady came up and sang a novel from a couple of heads, was it so, was it so, listen to me carefully, firstly, she came up, after one of the concerts in olympia, i dont remember after which, in olympia in paris, a white guard officer approached, very old, with a cane, grayhaired, thin, and that means a woman was standing with him. He said, heres a song, this is a song of my youth, defame golitsin, a song, what a romance, heres a woman, he told me, she sang a melody to me, i have very good words, i remembered everything the first time and said the text, like that, this it was eighty two, what year, i dont remember, yes, here i am was the first performer of this song, and then what happened to it, who did it, its on the conscience of everyone who did something with it, i didnt imagine that this was your song, you brought it here because it got to to you first hand. Yes, you know what i have to tell you, that uh, when i sing it, this white guard, a white flock, stands before my eyes, dont remember that officer, no, there was just something connected with the bell, thats what i dont remember, but what kind of audience was there in paris, it was immigration, you see, the thing is that this audience was purely french, well, they accepted zhanna as their own, because the musical language in which she. Sang songs was very close to them and for some reason the french love russia very much, some kind of magic happens here, because the countries are similar , yes, everyone loves folk songs, all our russians, because in them, you know, they, they, you cant deceive people, because from these songs they radiate such love, such kindness and divinity, because russia brought orthodoxy, and thats all included in these songs, entered spiritually, they are we felt, you know, the village has been burning for four days, its sweating with rain, the danish viasna, dont lose heart, a couple of galitsen, carnet, and valensky, pour carne wine. Ovalensky pours wine, we lead squadrons over the gloomy don, the russian country blesses us, lieutenant, golitsin, distribute cartridges, carnet, abalet. They are treating arbak, familiar faces, a naughty girl, a gypsy woman flashing through dreams, everything will be fine, lieutenant golitsyn for everything, the commissars will receive in full, the commissars for everything. They will receive in full, but somewhere nearby there are troikas rushing by, alas, but we dont know what our fault is, porochik, golitsyn, so be strong, cornet, abolensky, pour it. Sun, why do we, my friend, need a foreign land . Why do we, my friend, need a foreign land . Its been four days, the village is burning, its sweating with rain, its all danish spring. Throw the cartridges, it will soon be the border for all officers to put on orders, throw the cartridges to everyone, it will soon be the border for all officers, but there are orders. When you traveled around the world, a beautiful, russian girl, who sings beautifully, plays the guitar wonderfully, there were probably just hundreds of thousands of fans and no one proposed, never there was even some thought about how Vladimir Semyonovich vysotsky married marina vladey, the fact is that i arrived in eightythree. I met in omsk by this complete miracle, he is gennady panomariov, he worked at the omsk philharmonic, he himself is from the city of tola, he has been a fan of mine since 1974, the first disc that came out was from gennady, he came up to me and said that he sings songs based on the poetry of the silver age, and i was carried away so far, i say, well, lets listen to this interestingly, he says, well, you you know, well, these are songs, i say, i love poetry, just like i. I love reading, then we met in tula, i arrived in tula, somehow out of the blue, i had mishenka as an administrator, i say , mishenka, lets move the chair out of the blue, well, well, god, when he leads, its a bell, of course, of course, everything is from there, everything good is from there, i arrive at the tula philharmonic, go to the rehearsal, theres this miracle of mine, with huge roses, like feathers, i think. Help, well, play, of course, ive now mastered this guitar, its accompaniment, so ive become like this my assistant, then not only songs, but song cycles began to appear, based on our, so to speak, primordial history, everything about the way of life. Zhana sang this song not only in russian folk songs, we have a cycle, a russian cycle, with russian songs, a song that was blessed by patriarch alexy ii himself. You see, this is also worth a lot. The song about the holy royal family was written in 3 years, forgive me, so some priests said that it made a significant contribution to the glorification of the holy royal family, you know, i thank god that the lord sent me such wonderful people as gennady, vysotsky, who once said well, whoever has many friends has no friend, this is very, very important. Yes, yes, i understand him very much, yes, lets sing a song, yesterday i saw you in a dream, yesterday i saw you in a dream and enjoyed complete happiness. If it were possible for me, i would never wake up, trustingly on my chest, you gently bowed your head, and i whispered, i love you, i love you, you repeated quietly. Today i see in reality, alas, i see you, completely different, no, i will not deceive myself again, i am with a selfwilled dream, a mockery, an evil gaze glitters, and your speech. Prepares torment, as if he wants to separate us, to prepare separation for us, and i thought that i dont live, that my soul strives for heaven, alas , it cannot, it will never come true. The dream will come true, your gaze is capable of blinding, everything in me is empty and insignificant, why is it destined to love, what is impossible to achieve. Why is it destined to love, what is impossible to achieve . Yesterday i saw you in a dream and enjoyed complete happiness. This is a podcast 20 years later and we and its host Alexander Anatolyevich. Our guest is peoples artist of russia, zhanna byuchevskaya and her husband, composer, poet gennady panomariov. Young performers are probably watching and listening to us, they are very different now, very different. Please, on their behalf, please give them some advice, to those performers who think that a song is a product, that a recording is a track, that you need to write a hit, not even a hit, thats what they. Need understand and hear from you firsthand, in order to become more interesting, more serious, better, you know, lets continue the topic love, many young people dream of beautiful, good love, not only on the emotional, spiritual, but on the mental level, but for this they themselves must work a lot for this, so that the lord will unite them, so that there is an equal union, you know, before you look for how. Listen to bards, read classical poetry, if you dont do this, then you will be unhappy in your personal life, you will have bad children, because you will not have a meeting of love, you will not have understanding each other, but most importantly against the backdrop of this terrible tragic life of mine, i always tried to be a cheerful person, i tried to make them laugh, even in childhood i made my friends laugh, i said, let me make you laugh , and you give me a treat, and i made them laugh. They treated me, since childhood i learned to make people laugh, not for candy, not for cookies, to make people laugh, because peoples lives are very difficult, you still need to brighten it up somehow, when you joke with a person, its kind of like me smiles, something has already thawed in him, you know, something has already revived in him, people are dead now, they are afraid to breathe in and exhale, they are afraid of everything in fear, fear rules the world now, and. And where there is fear, yes, absolutely true, and fear suppresses a persons free will, fear kills, so i try to be simpler with people, because thats why i say, what he calls me, no, he calls me simpler, im zhanna, im zhanochka for everyone, i can say whats my Favorite Song performed by you, in the film of the year seventysix in the documentary, find your song, its called, yes, the film, if i remember, this is a concert that was filmed in ostank on. If failure has befallen you, if you are unable to dispel the melancholy, in the soft autumn, in the quiet autumn, come quickly to my spring, in the soft autumn, in the autumn. Yutihoy, come quickly to my relatives, behind the spring, white temple, cemetery, old, this is a forgotten land. Russia left us, if your eyes are clouded with moisture, splash some water on your eyes from the spring, you can cry, cry calmly, whoever will understand. Where is the water, where is the tear, you can cry, cry calmly, who can tell where the water is, where the tear is, behind the spring, the white temple, the cemetery, the old one. This one is forgotten cut, russia left us, you see, it is there, the cranes flew by, at the horizon, arranged them in a cry, and if you are. Poulen, bedridden, then let you dream, a healthy spring, and if you are sick, bedridden , may you dream of healing relatives, behind the spring, hello, you are watching the triggers podcast on channel one, its leading psychologist tatyana krasnovskaya is with you, psychologist psychotherapist sergei nasebyan, our guest today is tatyana, tatyana, hello, hello, well, tell me tatyana, with than you to. Come, its quite difficult for me to clearly formulate a request, i have rather painful reactions in family conflicts, i am married, every time we have some kind of quarrel with my husband on a domestic basis, there are just some little things, usually they hurt me very much, then i , internally, somehow share this for myself, that is, there is some kind of rational part of me that explains everything, calms me down, there is some emotional part that is probably in the shadow of this rational part, which hurts, especially painful when my husband, for example, was late at work. It could even be for a small amount of time, 15 minutes, and for me its, well , inside, the drama already hurts, it already hurts , lets say our agreements were not followed , well, that is, we initially agreed , for example, for some time, and for me it s like this blow, what does my word mean , it doesnt mean anything, im not needed at all, and i dont know these 15 minutes for me, they are very painful and the worst. Situations that happen in our relationship, when, for example, he leaves somewhere that or me im leaving somewhere, and at the same time there is some kind of conflict, well, just go, this is from the region, and im starting to get sick, physically sick, that is, even literally last week there was a situation, he went there for the weekend , it was a planned trip, everything is fine, he left, im starting to get sick, i have a fever, Something Else, that is, im physically and somehow apparently experiencing it. Such a situation, and this is your first marriage, no, this is your second marriage, yeah, you have a child, i have two children, a daughter from my first marriage, now my husband and i have a son together, it turns out the second one, small, small, he is one and a half years old, or maybe its banal jealousy, i thought about it, this way and how, but no, well, that is, no, well, i admit that yes, i kind of, of course, this its mine, but no, i dont connect this with jealousy, because. Well , i calmly let go there, we agree somewhere, he has some of his own events, i dont know, some mens affairs, trips , there is no problem in this, the problem arises when there is some kind of conflict, for example, well, i dont know, for example, we had a fight, he can leave out of emotions, uhhuh, and he will leave the house there for a short while, so that, well, apparently, well, calm down, that moment when a person leaves, and i even know that he will come there, everything is fine, everything, i feel well inside. Well, i i dont know, its sickeningly bad, that is, its Something Like this, and what exactly is happening at this moment, well, he went away to breathe, so that i dont know, not to kill you, yes, yeah, what kind of nausea is this, why is it so bad, what are you afraid of at this moment, that he wont come back or that he will do something while hes walking, rather, whats wrong with me . The feeling that, well, i didnt want to cry, but something, well, what am i. Its so bad now that i feel like im going to die, and hes gone, well, okay, youll die, hell come, so, thats it, you have to die in his presence or you have to do something, or you have to not die, i want not to die, not to die, okay, it somehow depends on whether hes around or not, whether you die or not, no, not at all on this, well, it doesnt depend in any way, just some painful moments in life in general that happened, and i. Lived alone, i didnt die, thats how i i would understand this, but what moments are you talking about, if we take the super Early Childhood there, for example, i was in intensive care twice, i had problems with my lungs and they always took me away, my parents werent allowed there, of course, that is, i went there , lets say in the ambulance, one came to the hospital, alone and i remember it very well, then there was anesthesia, well, of course you dont remember, but you also wake up alone, but you are very scared, well, for example, how old were you about three, so this is not for example, this is exactly the place that hurts, this the feeling now is similar to the one you experience when your husband leaves, similar to the feeling when you woke up in intensive care, it seems, yes, well, that is, the point is not in him, the point is that this fear has not gone away, its just most importantly, why do you calm yourself down, because calmness is easier, calmness can be easier . But it will be more difficult to live through what we are now trying to understand, sort out, experience, just the last very moment like this, well, emotionally similar to what was there when i was 3 years old, this is exactly when there was the moment of the birth of our son, moreover, we had to have a partner birth, that is, the husband had to be present, but he was not in the city at that moment, that is , nothing depended on him, its still a word. No, well, although it should have been, he was just all like that, well , that is, everything that happened, he was talking about very quickly, that is, he was born very quickly, in general somehow super quickly, and the husband appeared when everything had already passed, in fact, everything came ready, the very moment was such that just when they also lifted me into the ward it turns out. There, well, the nurse just looked and well, she also left, and already everything seemed to be going on with some irreversible processes, and so did i, yes, and im just at that moment very. The dinosaur that is in the hospital, seemed to remind me that im not alone, of course, maybe i need to get myself such a dinosaur, this dinosaur was more like a distraction, of course you can get it now, but. It will still be some part of such analgesia for the pain that you are experiencing, but what if you dont analge it, what if you live it . Here you go now you were scared too, you did nt feel at ease before filming started, yes, well, its exactly the same fear as when you give birth or when youre in intensive care, the fear is the same, and theres no one around like you you live in fear, i want to strangle him. Inside yourself, and what will remain if you strangle it . Well, i hope that nothing will be somehow empty and calm, im afraid that in the emptiness it wont be calmer, thats the thing, because this fear, it always seems to tell you that you are alive, he protects you, its new, i didnt think about the fact that fear could be a signal that im alive, such a thought, and most importantly, its recognizable, its like a signal that a reminder that there were so many situations with you. Which could have ended, yes, badly, lets call it that, but you went through them, you know how to deal with it, and this is fear again, that is, in essence, this fear that was born there in the hospital, in the intensive care unit, when you stayed there ambulance, alone without parents, and if only at 3 years old someone could teach you what you need just interact with this fear, and not with a dinosaur, then this. Fear tells you, it shows you the fact that you are alive, its so simple, well, on the one hand its simple, and you cant, well, reject it, for sure there is no need to strangle him, you should stay in contact with him, well, you have children now, if god forbid the child has something with his health, you are like a normal mother accordingly, you will also give him to the ambulance there, they will take him to the hospital and he will be alone, and at that moment, what will you feel when he is there alone, so youre like mom, what will you do . I dont know, i think it would break my heart, okay, so your parents were heartbroken too, well, i think so, so we can assume that your husbands heart breaks when he leaves to breathe, i guess , if this is so, then what then, then it turns out that everything is fine, good or not, i dont know, but at least you have something in common that you can experience together, love, for example, well, because. Well, youll still quarrel when yours is in these quarrels the husband leaves, he leaves because he cannot bear the pain that you cause him, or he does not want to cause you any severe pain, he leaves in order to breathe, but the moment he leaves, he feels exactly just like you, this same fear, his heart is also breaking, but instead of joining in this sympathy for his emotions, his experiences, at this moment we, of course, believe that the partner is a bastard. Does not understand that i feel bad here, of course, he feels good, at this moment your mind begins come up with different kinds of explanations for you, why you should be sure that you are right and he is wrong, because there seems to be an idea that it is more difficult for me, that if there is a conflict in a couple, then it is more difficult for someone else, but in the second, of course, its great, he s breathing, everythings fine, at this moment , our attunement really forces us to concentrate our attention on ourselves and this is the highest form. Selfishness, well, because it hurts me more than everyone else at this moment, but this is not entirely true, because at that moment when we its bad, others around are also feeling bad, but it doesnt seem possible to direct your attention to the fact that others feel bad, in fact, its possible to think, i have this fear, im afraid of him there, that im going to die, and him no, that im alone again and no one is protecting me, and he feels the same, experiences the same thing, just on the street, lets say, somewhere. I think that our conversation would not have happened if he had come back drunk after that, because he went there to get drunk with friends, returned 2 days later, yes, well, most likely we wouldnt talk about this, we are still talking about Something Else , that your relationship today has value for both of you, in this value you need to find commonality, this is an experience that can to be yours in common, and yes, it will give birth to love, because well. As soon as love remains. Are you watching the triggers podcast, our guest today is tatyana, with whom we talk about how to cope with the fear of loneliness in family relationships . It turns out that at the moment of such a situation, in order to cope with it, you need to switch your focus on the experience of another person. First, you should not look for a dinosaur, but direct your attention to fear. How. Which signals to you that you are alive here, now, and this is the first thing that will relieve, well , such a strong, unbearable anxiety regarding, well, because im going to die, that is, im afraid, which means im alive, right here now, when this removes such tension from the fear of death, you will have the opportunity to shift your attention to what your husband feels, to admit that perhaps he too now. What he feels now this is indifference, perhaps he also feels unnecessary. Sergei said that i know what im talking about, its true. Yes, we are really married, of course, we, despite the fact that we are psychologists, we just quarrel very masterfully, and not we, of course, of course not, and that, and that really helps me when i at the moment of anger, anger, resentment, the feeling that i am not needed, i admit such a thought to me. Yes, it succeeds, but when it succeeds, its great, i admit that maybe hes not doing so well now either, as i imagine, perhaps we are in the same boat, this is an experience, it is common, then if he feels bad too, then this evens out our positions, then i start to think, okay, so im not the only one whose world has collapsed, probably the same thing happens to him, it allows me to come out in some constructive way. Absolutely exactly, well, after a fight, when all the emotions have gone away, if there is some kind of conversation that is already constructive, this is usually what happens, that is, he also says that it hurts, i feel bad, i left there, of course, just this moment you get emotions, as if you dont see it when everything has already passed, well, of course, because we immediately run away into the tunnel, im not needed, yes, but if we assume. After all, this is an equal situation, yes, its neutral, were not we know whether im needed or not, then maybe its worth choosing, but what if we need each other, we need each other, but we have such a conflict, then a lot of pain is relieved, then you want to meet halfway, theres also such an important and the moment you are talking about, tatyanka, yes you say that if he doesnt arrive on time, i start thinking about that i am not important, my word is not important, does not mean anything, and you are not important. About injustice, what kind of injustice it is, well, if you just exaggerate it like that, well, i keep our agreements, but he doesnt, always, as well , of course in my head it seems to me that its always, yeah, but in reality probably not, well, i mean , if you remember something now, then he will also have something to say, of course he will have something to say 100 , but what kind of agreement is it to come at 7 00 in the evening or be there at home at 7 . In the evening there might be something from the area i ill be leaving work in an hour, for example, by this time im there, for example, preparing dinner, well, theres something there that were all there now. With the whole family, and he can stay there for a while, everything will cool down, everything is already there, the whole mood has already ended, while you are already waiting, this is some kind of injustice, well, we kind of agreed, well, for example, its just that is, you can imagine that he sits there at work and thinks, well, yes, i promised, but no, its okay, itll come later, well, its more likely that he happens there like that. That he arrives there, then oh, im there on the way, i also decided this, this, this, this, there that i didnt warn, and there are some times when i give up my plans, for example, some at this moment, because hes waiting now, this is important for me, that right now were going to have dinner, and i, for example, could have some kind of call there, well, or about work, something, well, some little things, yeah, there, which im cleaning up for these there half an hour of time, because first the family, then this, lets say. But it turns out that first he chooses this, then his family, well, it seems to me that this is just ok, why do you choose the opposite . Well , why do you, between a call, which is for work, as i understand it, and preparing dinner and sitting, waiting for him, because he might be late at this moment, choose to sit and wait, well, for example, you agreed that he at 7 00 at home, yes, you prepared dinner by 7 oclock, but there is no person at home at 7 oclock, well, you had dinner and went to call, for example, uhhuh, he came, finished eating, whats left . Maybe you are working at this time, lets say, or you are taking care of children there, why is there such a picture . Impossible, it is possible, but in reality it is, if such situations develop, that is, when i, say, okay, then it will still turn into rubbish, but lets say, because he comes, he demands attention to himself, that is i came, you couldnt do all your business there while i was gone, here i am, Pay Attention to me, yes, how can i Pay Attention to you . If at a time when i could do all my business, i was waiting for you, there is a feeling that i am waiting for you this is some kind of your business, so i call and say tanya, what are you doing . Im waiting for my husband, well, its kind of stupid, yes, no, its definitely stupid, but you can answer that way, thats the thing, im wondering how youre waiting for him, how do you go out around the house like, where are you, where you, look out the window , where, where, its cold outside, there s a blizzard, whats there, no, im doing, my beloved owner is coming, and she did nt care that the house was full of people, someone might be there to give him food give or Something Else, he was not distracted, he was waiting, well, try to wait like this, sit down on the little one now tell your husband, look, we are with you we agreed, you come at 7, just know whether you will come or not, i sit down opposite the door at 7, but you dont need to say anything, 20 minutes, im waiting, you dont need to say anything to your husband, you need to sit down and wait so that you can see . And in general, the stupidity of this activity, the absurdity of the situation, the absurdity of this situation, and you stopped doing it, then you will do all the things that you usually do, but you just stop waiting for this, i asked exactly the same question to my son, when he was still at school, what were you doing at school, i study at school, what does that mean, i go to school, well , you can go to school and not study, in general, what he succeeded in, its possible, im sitting in class, its possible to sit in class and not study, its possible, im listening to the teacher, can i listen to the teacher . You can not study there, i answer, you can answer and you can not study, well, that is, when you little by little take away just these countermeanings from there, you suddenly see that you are committing absolutely meaningless actions, unfortunately, most people go to school, not study, but goes to school in order to sit there, and the teachers listen, usually, well, they sort of listen, but they dont hear, in most cases, this is, of course, a question for the teachers, not for the children, and here its exactly the same. Take, isolate these 15 minutes of such stupid waiting from your ordinary life, but dont say that im waiting and at the same time preparing dinner, or im waiting for something. What do you mean waiting for your husband . Now she s been waiting for him for six years, how can she wait . Shes there at that time giving birth to children there, i dont know, shes Walking Around feeding the cow, shes looking at Something Else there, waiting for something, because that im waiting for this state, it seems to have appeared, it has some kind of meaning, in fact, when i try to ask the question, what is the meaning of this, im waiting, its not there, and if you do it without. Im waiting some new life that will begin later, something will happen, ill wake up, im looking for a job, which means im looking for a job, you walk around, look under the bushes, no, im looking for mushrooms, of course, yes, im Walking Around, looking for mushrooms, it doesnt matter not to be found, but for the whole day to enjoy the activity so much, because it is an activity, it is meaningful when we if we remove this meaningfulness from there, then we begin to engage in absolutely nonsense, this disrespect for ourselves for the fact that i am so. Aimlessly, meaninglessly, carelessly wasting my life in general, makes us transfer this act of not disrespect to another person, so the conflict, i now imagined myself in the place of your husband, and when this expectation went away, i just wanted to come home, i wanted to come home, because you have some kind of interesting life there, because you feel good about it there , actually. It is true in general, when you take all this away, and even sergei said that one situation alone would be enough to wait for Something Like this, even in my, in my, in my head, ive already imagined it and i dont really want to do it anymore play, come on, so the next time he asks you, like, what are you doing, and you say, im waiting for you, well, i think that this answer will already cause heartburn, thank you, thats straight. Such a discovery, yes, because its like, well, unfortunately, i say, it was loaded into the consciousness of various kinds, and elements when i have to wait for someone, or what am i waiting for, well, its fine, youre waiting, that is, hell come joyfully, he wont come, well, well, he wont come, but youre busy with your own life at this time, thats when it makes sense to wait , then this waiter, remember, there was such a thing, there was such a waiter doll, well. It will be hot, what, where, when, the summer series of games from may 19, on the first. You are watching the triggers podcast, our guest today is tatyana, with whom we are talking. How to deal with the fear of loneliness in family relationships . In this loneliness there is fear, we isolated, there is this waiter, waiter, and im not important, what else is there, how do you feel it . Well , ive already described it in principle, i just dont know how to say it in even more detail, if its about fear itself, how i feel it, that it seems like im about to die, how it feels in my body. Or whats it like in the body in general, well, theres this feeling, theres this expression, like the earth disappears from under your feet, it s so banal, but it really reflects in principle, that is, it seems that you have no strength in your legs at all that its kind of cold here and thats it, right now you will fall and die, Something Like this, well, that is, there is some kind of feeling, it is clear that you will not die, that is, i say, this rational part, it is so calm, everything is fine, but these are the sensations they are like, well, this is loneliness, after all, this is such an intellectual construct, because inside of it and no one needs me, this is this meaninglessness and disrespect for me and. Because this is the loneliness with which we come, with which we leave and it never goes anywhere, its very pleasant unity, i also encounter it, well , that is, in this loneliness you cope with some challenges that happen to you, that is, it turns out yes, if so, lets say in some time period there is not i know, for example, well , a person, for example, is leaving there for 3 days, well, if were talking about this, then the first day there i feel bad, im really sick. Something like that, then everything, well, its already sort of normal, the third everything is generally fine, without arriving, everything is fine, that is, it happens like this, its simple and i say, im in my head i understand very clearly that this is cool and i feel very good about one thing, and as a mother and two children , i really want to be alone without everyone , without my husband, including, but for some reason this moment, well, i now understand why i saw this, why what. Its just that somehow he seems to tear you up, so he returns you there to that intensive care unit, where you are alone, but as we have already found out, you are coping, you are very tenacious, very tenacious, well, in general, it becomes clear that the first fear is is always a good indicator that you are alive, but im still okay, yes, yes, second, switch attention to the fact that the partner is now feeling not the most positive positive emotions, and third, snatch the focus of your spear of your attention, snatch it. From this expectation, that is, to make this expectation, and with a very conscious action in order to see its absoluteness, i realized, this is very, this is very, this is very strong, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you very much, well, i its just that everything fits the puzzle a little bit in general, what you said just now, and here i am lets say, i also remembered a painful situation there for me, as i. There was a period of time when i didnt communicate with my dad, we didnt talk for 4 years, and i now remembered that in general in the case when it was difficult for me there as a child i was sick, well, not in intensive care, i mean at home, for example, something was happening, the person who was nearby, dad always, he just canceled all his affairs, at that moment he was, it wasnt often, well, i i mean, i didnt get sick often, but it was more of a situation when he gave up everything, there he cooked me this chicken soup, with me was. Next, lets say, this is how love is born for you, well, including , yes, of course, well, necessity, and necessity, but why havent you talked to your dad for 4 years, and this is generally a big, long story, also absurd , my parents separated, and this , well, somehow affected both of them, so how old were you at some point, 25, that is, it was, no, and you didnt talk to your dad . After twentyfive . Yes, it was, it was yes, and he about well, i think that he experienced this the breakup in his own way, and i apparently i also somehow experienced this breakup, and my mother there, well, in general, uh, its just that at some point he, well, i think that he just decided to be alone, so there were some attempts to get in touch with him , but they dont, uhhuh. With success, plus it was the period when i moved to moscow, that is, it was only 4 years ago, and he stayed in my hometown in chelyabinsk, so we didnt see each other, yeah, with him, that is, were fine began to communicate, restored relations, when i arrived there, when i met him in person, we we talked to him somehow, something happened there, well, some kind of chemistry, i dont know, in a good way, now we maintain a very warm, good relationship. Well, that is, in essence, dad just needed to be alone, but i think so, something was going on there and you dont know, but these 4 years, as i understand it, werent very good for you either, they were very painful for me , very much, i also tried and went to some kind of constellations, i tried something with this with a coach , we tried to figure it out and, as it were, rationally, you understand everything that you allow a persons choice to communicate with you or not, but inside, i would like, well, like a child there , like. What did i do there, well, it seems like everything was fine, that is if you knew that dad had gone, for example, on a roundtheworld voyage, then it wouldnt have been so difficult, of course not, internally, what did not a single coach offer to send you . They are watching us, they discover something new about themselves, because, for example, about making the waiting meaningful action, believe me, you wont be able to stand it for more than 15 minutes, yes, i think now it will help a huge number of people who suffer from waiting for someone who, for example, is late, in this context, when we talk about dad, this is the same thing, i know that its really not simple, its not simple, when a person suddenly dies and breaks off contact, you. Start to think what i did wrong, what happened to me, why, how did he could, because of what, but do i really deserve such an attitude, yes, but all this is meaningless, because the person just doesnt communicate, well, you can do it the way you did in the end, they took it, came back four years later and talked, that too, its a pity that not earlier, yes, yes, well, it was the triggers lab podcast, and its presenter, tatyana krasnovskaya, and sergey nasebyan, we spoke with tatyana. About how to make the process of waiting a conscious activity, and how, in general, to cope with the fear that we experience in moments when our loved ones cannot be near us, because we want it that way. All episodes of the podcast triggers you you can watch it on the website of the First Channel 1tv. Ru. And if you are interested in analyzing your situation or solving some of your issues with us in this studio, you can fill out the form that you will find on the website. Tv. Ru. Well, today we have Alexander Nevsky, a largely mythologized figure. Well, a classic example whoever comes to us with a sword will die by marking the sword. This is the grand duke, the natural one did not say this, this is from the film esenstein. And a lot of things, so to speak, that do not coincide with real history, in the past times, in general, Alexander Nevsky was first of all glorified by the church, not as a warrior, naturally, no one denies his valor, but first of all his wisdom, patience and even humility were valued, so yes, this figure must be dealt with, well indeed around Alexander Nevsky. There are discussions among historians and not only historians, a lot of myths exist, and these myths are difficult to separate from the truth, especially since there are not many sources, this is our task, i think this is the task of historians, first of all, yes, this is to compare all these few data, choose something to draw some kind of consistent picture, such a puzzle, with missing details, as usually happens with historians, but to figure it out, try to figure out where it is. Hello, this is a historical russiawest podcast on the swing of history. Pyotr romanov and Sergei Solovyov are with you, today we are talking about Alexander Nevsky. Well, the times of Alexander Nevsky were the most difficult and difficult times for the russian people, because there was disunity, there was a numerous principality, civil strife, a lot of bloody events. This disunity that existed then, of course, helped a lot with various kinds of intervention, because the russians knew how to fight. No worse than others, but they beat one by one, thats why there were a lot of difficult events of that period, the threat was from two sides, now we mostly remember the threat of the west and the fact that it was advancing towards russia, so to speak, they were advancing forces inspired by the vatican, but an even more terrible danger threatened from the east, this is the horde. Principality he had to solve these two problems, two threats that were approaching russia, west and east, he solved differently, he had an approach, if in the west he could resist this and he did it with a sword in his hands, then in the east he had to conduct a very flexible, heavy , a humiliating policy, because he was. This is from the time of peter the great, because peter forbade depicting Alexander Nevsky on icons, like others, so humble, he needed a holy warrior, well, of course, in the context of the fight against the swedes, the threat is from the west, so, so to speak, since then times, strictly speaking, Alexander Nevsky with us, first of all, is a warrior, although if you remember. Real history, then of course, even more important, probably, what we are not aware of now is how he resolved issues of relationship with the horde, lets talk about this, of course, but in the beginning, probably about the context associated with western europe, the struggle was going on for the baltic lands then, but before this struggle began, it must be said that the west, the germans, actually. Considered the territory of estonia, the territory of latvia, livonia, in fact, the sphere of influence of the russian princes, the russian princes took tribute there, maybe not regularly, but nevertheless they took tribute, when catholic missionaries appeared there, initially this did not bring with it any conflict, it was not challenge by the russian principality, they actually asked to preach the word of god on these lands, and the russian princes who influenced these lands, who. Took tribute from them, they, in general , did not particularly object, the conflict arose after this penetration acquired more aggressive character, bishop meingard, who was appointed by the pope to the bishopric, interestingly, exkull in russia, that is, this territory was considered as if already russia, there is ruthenium, to be precise, who brought christianity to livonia, he was at first he concluded an agreement with the livs, yes, accordingly, he began to build a stone castle there. Uh in the territory of christianized tribes, but he was not satisfied with the christian zeal of these tribes, uh, they even threatened to kill him, and his successor , Bishop Berthold schulte, was even more distinguished zeal, which ended with him being killed 2 years after he became a bishop after the death of his successor in 1698, which in turn led to the First Crusade in the baltic lands, against the pagans, of course, these are not the same crusades who are against. And in 1224 estonia was ceded by the knight. In addition, the danes were still advancing there from the north of estonia, who were then very actively moving into these lands. And actually revel, the future tallinn, yes it was originally a danish fortress. In 1233 a new northern crusade is being organized, as it was called, but this campaign was unsuccessful. In 1234, near yuriev, the troops of the swordsmen were defeated, and by whom . Prince of novgorod . That is, by the father of our hero Alexander Nevsky in 1237, the remnants of the order of the sword, literally the remnants, there were several dozen knights left, in total, together with their assistants, they ended up in the role of the livonian order of the levonsky branch of the order of tefton, and the new order initially began to seek an alliance with the new prince alexander yaroslavovich, who would later become Alexander Nevsky, against a common enemy. This is a serious alliance of tribes, which competed with the russian princes, which opposed, this is an alliance of pagan tribes, opposed the movement from the west, respectively, catholicism, and the alliance against it seemed very relevant for the livonian order, but it did not work out. There is another very important point, how the livonians and the livonian order moved east. Were to introduce christianity, but first of all, in those days such Material Interests dominated, tribute, tribute, before total. Well, in relation to the crusaders, in those days these two things are very difficult to separate, in fact, yes, they are difficult to separate, of course, one must still understand that there is not a single evidence that the vatican at that time proclaimed what its a crusade against russia, against russia. The levon order, which had just emerged, tried to come to an agreement with alexander yaroslavovich to fight against lithuania. Russian principalities right up to the right bank of the dnieper, they were subject to constant raids from lithuania. We know more about raids from east, there were the pechenegs, the polovtsians, then the horde itself, but there were also raids from the northwest, this is actually lithuania. And the main merit of Alexander Nevsky from the point of view of his life, oddly enough, was the fight against lithuania. This was definitely more important for contemporaries. The lithuanians seemed to come from nowhere, from the forest, along some paths, attacked cities, wiped cities off the face of the earth, the principality of poltsk was literally bursting at the seams, the lithuanians by that time had captured smolensk, and the first thing alexander yaroslavovich did was build along the shilon river, it would later become famous in connection with the battles of the novgorodians with the moscow prince at the end of the 15th century, but along this river he built towns to protect novgorod from lithuania, and this was more important than the fight with the swedes and for which he later it began to be called nevsky, well, in general, many times for contemporaries, of course, but it was also important with the swedes, the swedes colonized the territory from the north in several waves about. The forties was due to the fact that the swedes tried to build on this place what that fortification, we dont know exactly which one, yes, which could control the ivoryaks path to the greeks, because this path had, as it were , two northern branches, one through the western dvina in vusti, where the germans put riga, that is, they had already plugged it with a cork, and through neva with volkhov, where, accordingly, where st. Petersburg is now, accordingly, the swedes could also take control of this very important trade route there, in fact for. Did not miss it this time and stopped this opportunity if the swedes had taken root there, then perhaps history would have gone differently, this very battle itself is not very numerous, you can even call it. I pay more attention to some details they fell through the ice, they didnt fall through the ice, there were knights with horns, they were without horns, there are a lot of arguments about this, in fact, of course, these are all interesting details, you can delve into it, well, lets say its very similar, for example, that this story with the fact that they fell through the ice, this is such a transfer in memory, because. In the chronicles there is an episode even before Alexander Nevsky, when two sides fought somewhere on the spring ice, on some river, both sides began to fall through the ice, in the end they separated, because the cold water cooled the warlike ardor, it was necessary to warm up, change clothes and falling through the ice, you are absolutely right, it was actually during the battle of yaroslav vsevlovich with the swordsmen, yes, yes. The fact is that if, according to statistics, yes, we know from german chronicles that about thirty knights took part in the campaign, it would seem that this is not a lot, but a knight in the middle ages is an analogue of a tank, yes, next to him there are squires, there is infantry, this infantry and local tribes who collaborated with the order, no one counted them, so the knights counted, and the guards summed up the results with the accuracy of a knight, yes, where so many were lost, every knight it was Something Like a tank. Well, Something Like that, but here a chronicler who wrote 60 years later, that is , several generations passed after these events, notes that 24 knights died in the battle with the russians, and this has never happened, 24 people, 24 of these the most knights, which were singled out, by the way, with difficulty, because the order waged war in lithuania, the teftons conquered prussia, prusia had not yet been completely conquered by that time, and accordingly these were terrible losses for the vassals of the order. Infantry, the local population, thats all was not considered, and what is important to say is that indeed this defeat forced the knights to concentrate on other directions, that is, not to interfere anymore with where they received so much from the novgorod residents and from the novgorod prince, and we continue, today our topic is Alexander Nevsky, come on now lets talk about what happened in the east, because. For russia, of course, it was a terrible tragedy, this is how chroniclers, say, describe the then situation in russia, i quote the chronicle. Batu, like a fierce beast, devoured entire areas, tearing at the remnants with his claws. The bravest russian princes fell in battle, others wandered in foreign lands, looked for intercessors between nonbelievers and found none. Mothers cried for their children, trampled before their eyes by tatar horses, and virgins for their innocence, how many of them, wanting to save it, rushed to spicy. Theres this logic, ive heard it many times and i cant help but cite it, although i dont completely agree with it, but it lines up roughly like this the choice was terrible, but it had to be made, because. From the horde, he rode into this horde, received a direction label there, fulfilled, in general , the requirements of the horde in almost all respects, well, this is actually a serious problem about the onslaught from the west, because many historians are discussing here , they believe that the onslaught from the west was much smaller, but it really was smaller, yes what can we say than the onslaught from the horde, and the hordes conquest should not be. Should be underestimated, because archaeologists actually know very well that a number of cities simply did not arise anymore, after it was wiped off the face of the earth, by the ardyn conquests , it is enough to remember that there is old ryazan, yes, there is ryazan, yes, these are two different places, there is a large distance between them, because old ryazan did not recover after the ardyn invasion, and in general there are quite a lot of such examples, there is a real danger of inculcating catholicism, this is controversial the question is how strong she was, how strong she was. This gradual slow advancement with ideological coverage with the help of denmark and with the help of the construction of fortresses of the local population, baptism by fire and sword, yes, this still took place, but nevertheless the horde. Novgorod also paid a total tribute. Hero nevsky, once a zealous champion of the novgorod honor of freedom, had to take such an unpleasant task with grief and persuade a proud, ardent people, who were still famous for their exceptional independence. Well, in fact, in addition to novgorod, you can remember tver, and torzhok, old russia, punishment for disobedience. To survive, as for faith, he also achieved some success, of course, during the invasion itself, many monasteries were plundered and destroyed. Churches, but then there was still some kind of certain religious tolerance and he succeeded even in 2000 1261 in sarai, and this was the capital of the golden horde, an Orthodox Diocese was even established, because by that time there were already many russian prisoners there and so next, therefore it means he cared about this and he managed to come to an agreement with the horde on this matter, there is of course a very debatable topic related to. With the behavior of alexander yaroslavovich in relation to korda, you actually already touched on it, i will refer to the opinion of academician valentin lavrentievich yanin, and he literally wrote the following about Alexander Nevsky Alexander Nevsky, having concluded an alliance with the horde, subjugated novgorod to horde influence, he extended it to novgorod, which was never conquered, thats what you were talking about, by the tatars, he extended it to novgorod tatar power, and gouged out the eyes of dissenting novgorodians, he had many sins of all kinds, despite the fact that he was the winner of the germans. From the great khan, and allegedly gave his word to the catholic monk karpin to accept the latin faith, he would have fulfilled his promise if he had not died suddenly, and that the son is obliged to follow the good example of his father if he wants spiritual salvation and worldly happiness, and so on. Alexander, according to the chronicle, called upon wise people, consulted with them and wrote to the pope we know the true teaching church, but yours is not. Acceptable and we dont want to know, and there were several similar attempts, but this does not mean at all, as we often imagine, that Alexander Nevsky had hostile relations with the vatican, he was a great politician, a great diplomat , and judging by the correspondence, such relationships are absolutely correct, let me remind you that many, of course, do not know this, that. In fact, Alexander Nevsky is a saint for the Catholic Church too. This is a historical podcast russiawest on the swing of history. Today we are dealing with the figure of Alexander Nevsky. In what kind of religious situation was russia at that time . Many people dont know about this either. This means that at this moment the byzantine empire was fragmented after the attacks of the crusaders. That is, there is no patriarch of constantinople. There is a patriarch in nicaea and his legitimacy there is generally somewhat questionable. There is also no kiev metropolitan after the tatar invasion, and the new kiev metropolitan, by the way, on the initiative of the galetic prince, goes to nicaea for a corresponding blessing for his own powers, receives them, but he returns to the northwest to alexander, because actually the support, the kiev metropolitan, he is with alexander, and with the prince, later the prince, the grand duke of vladimir, and he acts together with alexander. And alexander at this moment, when there is no patriarch, when the fate of orthodoxy is, in general, questionable in this situation, he had the option of either submitting to rome, quite a politically possible advantageous path at that time, or continuing orthodoxy, he made a choice in favor of the second, the initiative of the Western Church in an attempt to annex these possessions by so to speak, a union, yes, some kind, some kind, which had not yet taken place, was quite large. Church, such a historical situation was very confusing, and Alexander Yaroslavich showed here the quality of a diplomat, of course, the quality of a subtle politician, who stayed, as they say, on the cutting edge and did from the point of view of the potential further development of russia, in general, in hindsight we now understand that he did the right thing the right choice, well, in the history of Alexander Nevsky there is a kind of such antipo. Resist the golden horde, but lost, so he showed very great courage there , the tatars themselves respected him, when he was once in the horde, he was perhaps the only prince who was really received with honor, respected precisely for his courage, but nevertheless he fought all his life just with the horde, unlike Alexander Nevsky, he did not agree. There are also two approaches to relations with the vatican, if alexander immediately dismissed how, even without talking, any cooperation in this sense with the vatican, and daniil galletsky , on the contrary, maneuvered, yes, he maneuvered and it means that he was seduced there by the crown, they also promised an army, in the end it ended with. Uh, a little less than our batyevs from one point of view, but alexanders position can also be understood, because russia then, at least , the lands under his control could not resist the horde, that is, they simply did not have the strength, this was very clearly shown by batus invasion itself. Lithuania more or less succeeded, but it also temporarily fell under the power of the horde, and of course there the power of the horde was weaker due to the fact that russia resisted in russia spent a lot of effort. There is also a complex political issue here. A plot that needs to be understood, which is very easy to swing ideologically in one direction or the other, yes, discarding very important fundamental details, from gorskys point of view, alexanders activity, on the contrary, contributed to the local, somehow limited, yes, nature of the attack this unruly army, that is, alexandrov here appears not quite as an accomplice of the mongols, yes, but as such a compromise figure who tried to look for the least options traumatic for russia, this is also one of the points of view, and this is a complex problem, i think that there will still be researchers of this problem . I think that the most important thing is this history, of course, proved that Alexander Nevsky was right, because he turned out to be more perspicacious, he managed to endure a lot, forced the russian people to endure, but in the end the russians managed to survive. Created a great russia, this ambivalence of Alexander Nevsky must be kept in mind, because on the one hand there was indeed success in the fight against levonsky order, success in preserving orthodoxy in russia, which from the point of view of many historians was the key to the independence of the subsequent moscow state, on the other hand, this is really the suppression, the bloody suppression of antiardyn uprisings, and this is very really. Difficult to fit into one figure, which, of course, became the banner of the fight against the west in moments of aggravated relations. The nickname nevsky appears at the end of the 15th century, but along with others, and. Takes root precisely under ivan the terrible, under in which, in fact, Alexander Nevsky was canonized in 1547, this is the beginning of the reign, the independent reign of ivan iv, he was elevated to the kingdom at that moment, in the context of deteriorating relations with livonia, then the future, of course, livonian war, in which the livonian order will be destroyed. The cult of Alexander Nevsky intensifies during the livonian war; he rises to the shield under peter i; of course, it is no coincidence that he is named after him. From Alexander Nevsky lavra, where his relics are transferred. In the 19th century, relations with the germans calm, uh, prussia and austria are allies of the russian empire, the attitude towards Alexander Nevsky is calm, in the church they dont name him in his honor. But when the First World War approaches, relations with the germans deteriorate, and during the First World War, again Alexander Nevsky, the man who fought against the germans, again fell into disrepute, and of course, the actualization during the second world war, you mentioned at the very beginning. Film, a brilliant film by sergei ezenstein with cherkassov, respectively, in the title role, which, by the way, the order of Alexander Nevsky depicts an actual actor, we dont know what Alexander Nevsky looked like, and, accordingly, the main character of the film is from einstein, and its completely a myth from historical truth, especially taking into account the insufficient number of sources in the mass consciousness to separate, i think , which is practically impossible, here the task of the historian is still to understand further, but in the mass consciousness Alexander Nevsky will remain who he is. Today we dealt with the figure of the famous grand Duke Alexander yaroslavovich, Alexander Nevsky. This was a historical podcast russiawest on the swing of history. Pyotr romanov and Sergei Solovyov were with you. Study history with us. You can watch all episodes of the historical podcast russia and the west on the swing of history on the channel one website. 1tv. Ru. Dear friends, on the air of the Creative Industry podcast with you, as always, elena kiper, producer and music video director. And roman karmanov, general director of the president ial fund for cultural initiatives. And we are visiting today. Director, yes, the person from whom suddenly there was such energy, director konstantin bogomolov, artistic director of the theater on malaya bronnaya, hello, hello, i think whoever turned on the broadcast just now, they are experiencing storms of emotions, i think, mantises or mantises, or god, mantises , well, in general, different emotions, how do you manage to evoke such emotions in people around you . I just work a lot, i work a lot, i work a lot, everything, well, im not, im not concerned with evoking any special emotions, im just doing my job, im doing it as i see fit, and maybe its good that the work that i do, it evokes different emotions, very different and joyful and sometimes some negative and controversial, in any case, i always say that the best. The effect of the performance is when a person continues to think and think and think about it after watching it, the performance is cool, cool, not when it immediately at the moment of its implementation causes happiness in the auditorium, although this is also wonderful, but the coolest reaction is when a person does not maybe about to forget the performance when he turns it over in his head all the time, when he returns to it. I met that you dont be offended, even if in general the person left, no, im not offended, but this is normal, listen, this is normal, and people should not accept absolutely everything and agree with everything, i am engaged in the art in which it is very important to remain, as it were, balance between the desire to please, because neither theater, nor cinema, directing, acting, they are impossible without desire. And there was a moment of some slow groping interaction with the audience, when you begin to understand what a person breathes. Behind the walls of the theater, what he is looking for, what he wants to talk about and how he wants to talk about it, and you professionally, as if like a child who is slowly with his parents and the world around him, groping for this way of conversation, mastering the language, trying to do so that he is understood, trying to understand the world around him, trying to establish contact with him, and so are you in your. When you have found this unity in the room, slowly shake it up and subordinate it to your tasks, make the audience suddenly cheer up, or a cheerful hall, on the contrary, become sad, if the story is sad and requires thinking, and so on, and the same thing in directing, you basically try to feel what it is that it is not a specific hall that wants today, but society as a whole, how does it live, what does the viewer live in general, can you predict . You stage a play, you start rehearsing it sometimes six months before the premiere, sometimes you conceive it a year before the premiere, and you try to predict what the audience will be like there in six months, in 3 months or in a year, this, well, this is probably still experience, and intuition, this year, if im not mistaken, it will be 5 years since you took charge, that is, in 9 this happened, the theater on the armored, the theater on the small armor, yes, you can. To say that the audience has already formed, here is yours, over these 5 years, yes, i think yes, over these 5 years the repertoire has completely changed, a lot of new performances have been created, the troupe has changed, a lot of new Young Artists have come, i every year i watch a lot of courses and take several young people into the troupe. They come, they try themselves, and if everything is fine, they stay in the theater, they linger, in fact , tobakov also acted, once upon a time, when the moscow art theater, he even had such an intern group of people, the people he took, he first directed the intern group, they seemed to test themselves, then they moved to the theater staff if they proved themselves, we dont have a trainee group, but still people have to prove themselves, young people have to prove themselves, at the same time there is. With the older generation as well, that s why the repertoire has completely changed , and accordingly, probably, of course , the audience was very renewed, especially since we stayed in the palace on the yauza for a couple of years during the reconstruction of the theater on malaya bronnaya, and of course, when we returned, the old spectator again wanted to see us, but also a new viewer has arrived. Youth, they received an education, they were more or less determined by their profession, their marital status, in this regard, this is such a bourgeois theater in a good sense, a theater for people with a defined value range, this is a mirror image with the director theater from art theaters, well, i think that the director of the theater has already decided a long time ago. More or less with a range of values, you know, this is such a strategy, on the one hand, it, of course, coincides with my worldview, and over the years i have developed some kind of balance radicalism and traditionalism, and it is important for me to maintain this balance, look for a new language, but at the same time talk with people about some eternal things. Which you will remember with sentiments, but to which you will not return, you will not return there to that value series, to those places, its cool, its cool, its crazy, its some kind of delusion, but you wont go back there, and the theater is a place where a person should come and come and come, this is very important for me, so to the theater, which only young, advanced audiences come to, they will then forget about this theater. Yeah, they will be 2730 years old, they will forget about this theater, they will change their values, i hope people will come to our theater at 27, at 30, will come at 50 and 60 and so on, they will come all their lives , who are you anastasia morozova, forensic medical expert, continue, forensic medical expert morozova, where can i stay in the morgue, well, in the sense of conducting an examination. And in the evening, in the evening, im going for a run, ilya asked me not to miss him, but why are you standing there, lets go, i found out everything, ilya didnt come for this reason, but for what reason . Bloodhound, new episodes, tomorrow after the program time. On the air of the Creative Industry podcast with us today is the director and artistic director of the malaya bronnaya theater konstantin bogolov. Tell us about the manifesto, what . It means they suddenly said, oh you think so, yes i think so, oh thats what you are, oh that s what you are, well, well, well, well, but i said. There is what i accumulated in myself for a certain time, i uh, for tenths i worked a lot in europe for years, and while working there, i quite often came across the situation that i describe in this manifesto, when i am trying to work with the value agenda of the european viewer, and from the producers. I received some kind of feedback during the rehearsal process, theres no need to talk about this, ohohoh, uhhuh, no, no, no, theres no need to talk about this, well get punished for this, what are you talking about, you you want to never work for us again, you want us not to work, from whom will it come, but will it come from the conditional leaders of opinion in this society, yeah, that is, as if from those people who are in the networks, in society, right . I freely say what i think, but if what i think does not correspond to certain given things, then you will be a certain given one, i am not breaking the law, i am simply subject to cancellation, and in order not to be subject to cancellation, the producers of this themselves afraid. They told me in advance dont, please, we beg you, dont, categorically no need, what happened next . Well, it was an emigrant agenda, it was a story in poland connected with the poles nazism, and its impossible, theres no need to talk about how strong, for example, antisemitic sentiments are in poland. To what extent in poland, that means, during the war years, how many poles collaborated with the nazis, there is no need to talk about this, there is no need in italy to talk about the emigrant agenda about the degradation of, as it were, the european, such an old european population, and the aging of the european population, about that europe is trying to make up for its. Which will correspond to the agenda, then everything is wonderful, then everything is fine, then you are on horseback, then you are greeted, then you are great, so i saw it all, and returning to russia, every time i was convinced that i work here in russia in a much more freer conditions than in free europe, in fact. An environment, yes, powerful, with a huge culture, with huge complex traditions, stratification of society, with incredible breakthroughs in art, in intelligence, in science, no, its kind of slow some kind of degrading environment

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