Spoken out for the First Time Since the military takeover gun guar has said in a statement that mugabe should resign immediately well zimbabwes parliament will start the process of removing the president Robert Mugabe from office in a few hours time and the powerful war veterans are warning that m. P. s not to stand in the way of impeachment kristopher. Says anyone discouraging mugabe from stepping down will be held to account. We want the unity between the two but where did you go by the war so that. You did so that he leaves office. But we as the people. We are not waiting for the constitutional process we. Know the the good job is gone. Saying on the continent a suicide bomber has killed at least twenty people in them being a suicide bomber has killed those in the north east of the state no group has claimed responsibility but back iran carries out regular attacks in the region and it interests is following developments from the capital abuja. The attack came as a washable those who are gathering for Early Morning prayers movie has been relatively calm since its occupation by boko haram and later they were chased after one month stay in the city so the city its obvious not wide away from the boundary with border state the epicenter of book insurgency weve seen in the last few weeks or so how but what are the fighters from the poorest the center the supporters have invaded communities like medically like. The headquarters of medical itself and have killed a lot of people they attempted in the last one week particularly to take the time but what repelled by the military so a lot of people still believe that fight is belonging to boko haram although the group has not claimed responsibility have infiltrated communities that are far away from the boundary with state so we probably will see the rise in the number of be people who died or who will die because of the severity of injuries this is still in the Early Morning said tag the Security Services state theyre stepping up their operations in the northeast of the country to calm things down and to find a little but over the last few months weve seen how bookworm has adapted and could doing to target soft targets in the northeast of nigeria syrias president bashar assad has held talks with russias leader Vladimir Putin in sochi. In the black sea resort city of monday the kremlin says thirteen told assad the site against armed groups in syria is close to finishing he said it was finding a peaceful political settlement will be the key issue. No it was my goodness you would never president assad knows and he told me during our talks that thanks to the efforts of the russian army syria is saved as a state much has been done to stabilize the situation in syria and i hope in the near future we will put a final stop to fighting terrorism in syria with a mother we just had a meeting with president Vladimir Putin and i passed greetings and gratitude to him and to the people of russia for the efforts which russia put in saving our country i particularly emphasized the role of the Russian Armed forces and the sacrifices you have made to reach this goal thanks to your efforts in the efforts of our allies many syrians could return to their homes and i would like to express gratitude to you for what you have done on behalf of all the Syrian People mean mass treatment of us Rohingya Muslims has been a likened to apartheid in a new report by Amnesty International the Rights Organization says me about has been segregating rohingya people in an open air prison by keeping them in their villages. Germanys president is holding talks with Party Leaders after talks to form a new Coalition Government collapsed president of francophile to stand by also holds power to call for new elections if the times political leaders to rethink their positions he said on monday that he was not in favor of a snap election three way talks involving chancellor Angela Merkel christian democrats the greens as well as the Free Democratic party broke down on sunday night those are the headlines on aljazeera be back with more in thirty minutes next its aljazeera after boko haram. Deloria northeastern nigeria a nearby refugee camp poses nearly twenty five thousand men women and children including this little girl named by one. Nigerian soldiers found her in the some piece of forest she was walking aimlessly in shock unable to speak. The soldiers took her to the refugee camp and entrusted her to a family. She was thinking of to plus you. Know it just seems like. That she would stand to get anybody who she still to want she was the what if somebody would kill one or you can be sure just like. The president is not. Going to keep still you it. Is gradually learning to live again she has lost a home and her entire family. Since twenty ten People Living in northeastern nigeria live in constant fear of being a time. Was. Right. In this recorded message boko haram swore allegiance to the Islamic State in the spring of twenty fifteen the Nigerian Group led by abu bakr chicago then took the name of the Islamic State of west africa. Boko haram provoked global outrage in april twenty fourth when the group kidnapped two hundred seventy six. Girls in chibok in northeastern nigeria the kidnapping received global condemnation. Michelle obama joined the Solidarity Campaign to demand the release. Of promised to sell them into slavery but i do not detect a lot more to how the how. Little or not elaborated. On and on since the start of the insurgency the violence has resulted in more than twenty three thousand dead and over two Million People displaced. To understand how the armed group has become so dangerous it is necessary to return to northeastern nigeria to the capital of the state of borno my to go to the birthplace of boko haram. Here islamic law has been practiced by the Muslim Community since the eleventh century but the degree of its implementation has fluctuated throughout the course of history with the return of democracy in one thousand nine hundred ninety nine the people hoped for an end to widespread corruption within the elite and for fairer distribution of wealth. To bring an end to corruption in politics the muslim majority in the north of the country wanted to see islamic sharia law applied more strictly. Boko haram would take advantage of this popular demand. In two thousand and two a thirty two year old man started to gain hope youll arity in the town as my degree in some mosques his sermons were deemed to be too extreme but his personality and charisma increasingly made an impression i got at about one third when i can and i guess i would imagine that were to turn up in the hour and. Then. Less hour that unlikely. Mohammed use of the founder of boko haram quickly attracted following this. From a new show several times before instead this man claims to have direct contact with boko haram he has closely followed the evolution of the group and its leaders fallenness ruler is not his real name he would be a very. Lovely person to be around he was a nice fellow who was with a smile he was. A man what a gift in public speaking he had this. Ability to call in the minds of people ordinary people who are in support of him they were in support him not so much on the base of the adage you cant point out of them but they were to put him because they felt that use of present ideas that an ordinary person cannot express he did notice the Political Leadership the nose gear and the nose they want. To see the last film and video of many police in the desires of the people to get into power im doing screen the people hope. After after. He knows that art. Of the system is due to shows used. To see. A truck to have people. Really believe you dont know can last a good. Lie in the darkness you. Are going to get. It out of your. Pleasure i think when you have people to. Feel it just have to impress to pretty. Or as if the ballot. Bowl know if im a can also tell you. The pressure. Put on them out of the room. And establishment questioning the existing rules of society is present updated by the Political Class get it but given the just interpretations. At the time for that there are just befriended interested muslims in the us that has been one of the central themes that the status corrupt and therefore we need our own state where its going to be just and govern in a different way and. Social justice for all this happened around the time where. Maybe Socialism Communism collapsed if you remember campuses there were lots of socialist young people looking for an alternative system i think the collapse of that people became much more religious the poor of course. Section should receive. The. Benefit people who are poor be. Sure to watch the people who are most disadvantaged in the society. Uses message quickly resonated with people in the borno region where the level of poverty was as high as sixty nine percent in twenty eleven. The british colonise ation left the leaders of an independent nigeria with a deeply divided country the south rich in oil as a concentration of Christian Communities who benefited from Education Programs put in place by the former colonial power. In the poor and rural north the communities were majority muslim. In some traditional areas western education is still perceived as an extension of colonialism. Today nigeria is the leading economic power in africa however more than half of its population lives below the poverty line. Plagued by corruption which is endemic among nigerias elite politicians have gradually lost the trust of the people. Inside the school the school or up on them as a melody to supplement. The middle class and entice the new. Can from this is. The big one so who. In particular really was the rest of the must also important attacking us was the roof because when he speaks these distances and they feel that he is the presenting them and that was the starting point was adequate itself was to get it you who have joined the book i dont want to move out of the just much as an adult. Hard to want to hide on the basis of the fund that uses and miss what theyre satisfied and so the didnt have and yeah that is good and what it boko haram book or is western civilization is taboo or though some people say sack religion or is something taught for we did this some say in the western education is taboo is not there are not talking of western education they are talking of western civilization or. System this is forbidden how can a woman rule a man and how. The rule of law in was in you so this work to see the children of view politicians with children of only a few sources can bring on the policemen to two groups of people the Security Services who want to push some of the want to school. From those in the in the us. For city. And. Yousuf the more discipline was spinning like a typical digit it could lead to tell them i do believe theres also a new name in the race you diminished the moment that is the be. For the person can judge me know what i wanna do in the pinch i mean all. The yousuf. On the meaning of. Subtle is only a good girl use it is. That it is used. They all will mock and live with your kiss one guy the one of a. Let me. Tell you the message they take a cut which you know or they can leave you to a female can certainly official in law. And even. Go in front of the budget is that there was a did they say. That the building wont sit on opera yousuf them to boom a feast. More we see you. Dont give a new little is off the lawn is all for now its a day off hes griffith told us a mock us depressed consumption must get me. Back up on the floor under my deal. Im not come i didnt use any of them in the. Same way that i meet in the in the love your same good as you can be. On the pot im talking to your mom and one of us is then commit a prostitute or do you call. It what image and move on. And what about for a moment and he did it it does them all. Over not. Maybe. So whats a dozen law provides. For nothing when he joined. The club. Even if it dont want to do him in the. It. Skin it up a similar vision constitution and as you know i predicted on community. Then Mohammad Yousuf received the unexpected support of the governor of borno. This man from a wealthy family was an important figure in local politics. The governor of borno presented an unnatural lines to Mohammad Yousuf also shockingly books you will yet look for discord. There was a fair idea dont you the middle class from shia who present on the. Song like them want to show the nation of the. Good. People dont really paul this is the Democratic Party on this if you dont anybody else i feel that in the south. They are needed where you should put in power to walk more power. Why would you should. Immediately move the sheriff to run interference for him would be government money of course. The big group in. The family would shareef. Im with you so their security will decide. A particular over the limit yousuf it up when you consume it yes but was your. Point to be ignored because someone with a number of what i say almost commit on the middle east on paper. And i want you like i was about a lot of times im not but i dont want you know if i wanted. To hear you i think in that im going fact i want to call you question do you. Have your long name or a place you. Remember. And made pastika corkey fossil i countered companies that i think are effective what concerns. Us and hang on us out of and thats going to make a run is only going to cut it im going to take a look at what im going to. Take on time but. Thats why need i need not about any country in the i need go but. You never have and im. Going to let you get ready when i dont do i deny they were going to struggle when i. Was sitting just that way so to see extremists. Use it and then when. I just became. The government of the day he became bitter and then he has been that is to come with you for so i still dont think your problem. Could be with you see. If you were to. Look you know to work with me to how does your viewpoint. So that the rest seem so you making not. Just big. Just in. The federal government actively. Acted out this strategy to. In june two thousand and nine a federal Government Task force called operation flush stopped a group of boko haram members then known as yunnan yourself here they were riding motorcycles as part of a funeral procession the task force sought to enforce a law that required the wearing of helmets the motorcyclists refused to comply the task force opened fire on. The traditional polish. Trail must. Have been a kisser. No wonder we had to be we we were you would think you had to be needin kind of really big and then me by this image of the lad he didnt like and now. Hes singing it in rap i love because. I learned it could be because its. Ok covered in the you had a big deal i was singing jewish and i actually run i will kill them. In any penis i will you can do him finish. That. Decade so i dont need to. Play someone like the. States but from that moment of trimming here and im not on the clock i think. The outpouring of emotion triggered by the shooting provoked a real tension among the followers of the group. The sermons of muhammad use of were fierce but behind the scenes the leaders of boko haram urged caution. His position however became untenable to the hardliners of the movement who led by abu bakar chicago called for immediate revenge why would you want to commit jihad it just was not true that you folks the time was too early but. The statements of people there because chicago. People forced. You should find. Because she taught field v time to act is now you will be struck while a movie i only supports you dont. Want to if you can some place unless you know how to go and you have legs you have hands when you study jihad is its more awesome when i saw this in our. Film a. Garden i do believe it. But. Dont last on the levee secretary but you know could lead to some pointless use it this time it was so attentive. The book or around. Stick for almost a week now is the genesis. We dont know what had happened anyway but on the whole can now turn upside down there was no look i was numb was what. I thought. All of the. Civil society. Who went to him rampage basically. From the army which ordered to do just to kill destruction you could do to. Tell your children of the owner of the real madrid. If you do good. In the desert marshall second incident. But also what is he. Not always im not. Sure. What you look at. One. Time but. I did. Not tell you got it. The trouble started in the sky lit it was military opposition was taken and by the family knew that was between it in from monday to thursday when as if it would this dismissal injuries are so bad after the military engagement some of them have that somehow escaped you suppose. The what happened in the but you know. What i mean nanda. Q you. Don. Well there were two. But i dont get the fabric. In this industry. Because when youre young and and i lead a dog in industry. Context dont usually on the context of mr moss because you me on that that when you remember he said i mean. To my comment you dont buy the. Book. This is the first time that i will buckle chicago the man who would become the successor to Mohammad Yousuf was designated as second. By reaching this is what are some of the ideals or dream a removal of a continued there you. Go your point just trying to manage it on the other why you think that. You know more as us mean i doubt it a priori use of. Truth even if. Over a hundred and sixty years ago. And started a band in an r. T. Should treat in cairo. The brass band was so popular it gave birth to an entire musical genre. A century and a half later the sound still resonates with many egyptians today house of allah the peoples music at this time on aljazeera. Al jazeera. Where ever you. One day fidel castro arrive into the country club and they decide to play god. And suddenly if you can cast just to show you right now gee if we could. Bring his office cubans over are in this magnificent state a chronicle of the revolution and its aspirations through the prism of its architecture cubas unfinished space at this time on aljazeera. Youre watching ill just there im so ho rob and these are all top stories a suicide bomber has killed at least fifty people in mumbai in nigerias North Eastern adama was state police say a teenage while the targeted a mosque as people were arriving for morning prayers no group has claimed responsibility but boko haram carries out regular attacks in the region. Zimbabwes parliament is starting the process of removing president Robert Mugabe from office and the powerful war veterans awarding and pays not to stand in the way of impeachment christopher says anyone discouraging mugabe from stepping down will be held to account. We want that there is unity between the two but where did you go by the thought that the judge an op. Ed. That you did good so that he leaves office but we as the people whose work we do we are not with the we said you got this you know the quote of the good guys quote in. The mountains it is most likely to replace Robert Mugabe and our zimbabwean president has reportedly spoken out for the First Time Since the military takeover and isnt a bunch of under has said in a statement that mugabe should resign immediately. Syrias president bashar assad has held talks with russias leader Vladimir Putin in sochi the person of the black sea resort city on monday the kremlin says putin told assad to the fight against armed groups in syria is close to finishing he said once thats over finding a peaceful political settlement will be the key issue. We amass treatment obvious or think of ourselves as being a like into apartheid in a new report by Amnesty International the Rights Organization says me a man has been segregating range of people in an open air prison by keeping them in their villages. Germanys president is holding talks with Party Leaders after talks to form a new Coalition Government collapsed president frank of understand who holds the power to call for new elections once political leaders to rethink their positions he said on monday that he was not in favor of a snap election through a talks involving chancellor Angela Merkel christian democrats and the greens as well as the Free Democratic party broke down on sunday night those were the headlines of a bag of more use of thirty minutes next on aljazeera we returned to boca rob. When you suppose at rest he would have you also to go to court and but that and that would that is this feeling of democracy it would have been taken to court then the court would now we want to provide it and then if used to be its get is lets get it it is to me that in physics and let me was meant to get it but unfortunately we learned that there was a back to from the ins and to government the government of the day to just shoot yourself sitting. Up in phuket in terms of a trip to the court on the there was a victory also morally most that you want to go to. Theres i think a little departed city go to newman it can this you know it particularly for quinn to provide a Political Choice of addition of them enough so personally the other son the moment you saw i think theres a negotiator doris said look you can hope to always the negotiation it occur yousuf read of iniquity menfolk it its really the most live at the core of this uniform if you want to be a public good if in a Moment Energy other than gail or summit see yourself on it until you know. If. After the death of muhammad use of the survivors of the battle of my do goody gathered in the to prepare their revenge in july twenty ten boko haram launched their first attacks in the state of borno now a clandestine Group Boko Haram communicated by posting video messages of its new leader abu bakar chicago. Well i thought we. Should offer you study all order we have come. Yeah i. See more than a historically. Or as i understood them when. They began ending concretions in feeding us. Those who worship many gods so they should come back to worship one god ill. Do the book i want to see and also this is how men. Go about exposing themselves and people drink beer people small people gamble so this is it is christians that do this. I think there are some of the excuses we hear them see the targeting of the christians was mostly influenced by the perception should within the ranks of the insurance but be Krista Marshall solution of majority go orchestrated the news blue talk policy off. The shelf Groups Associated with the show called bottom movement. So basically it was a case of. All of history to be mourned awfully nice. We mourn over civilians too only pretty upset that ben. Jealous and it is adequate to pass i suppose. I could. Use your knees dieties minister of or the it may lessen the do open about said if a security enabled it is in the limits of. This linear way to cut income etc fifty more visit then. Why did. The attacks against christians provoked a widespread outpouring of emotion in the country this added to the targeted murders of Security Forces traditional leaders and politicians considered to be corrupt by the Group Boko Haram carried out a Suicide Attack on the headquarters of the National Police in a bhutto the Federal Capital president jonathan was forced to send the army to the northeast an army that was ill prepared and poorly educated. Us we are seen to be full force he seemed to be straight through to for mean cristin e. T. S. Not to becoming generally speaking a lot about ordering process in the region which was for any sort of ducking away a combat board well no they dont look ok to them on your limited or complained budget only but in our telethons. For today not a complete immediate it is always almost a minute. This partnership of obama. As an adult got here on that. These people can with ignore us on down. Perceived all people resident in me do what he would resident in a lot east for people who are ill be treated everybody the same would be christians and the muslims if i didnt be the one believe that way so there was a substantial minority of christians in ballistics the fillets that everybody in one of those did because it would be women it would be Christian Women with the hate job to be degrading live in muslim women be perceived that everybody was most in many fewer muslim go supportable whatever it will do and are supportable fully one of the beyond thought. Treats disobedience the cmos are treated water is sus of o. C. D. Knowledge on the book on who does all the wars only whooper but dont ask. Was it there before the moment yusuf did it its a swim or maybe ask his old girl the other question the military could take if it was an all the evil or not i do more please i want to tell me a move into the its a no show we could turn up the book. For this you could do this you know. So that they could be dust from more ammo or a bone to defy the law sure to sell and to see that. Its not what i had i dont. Know but im very. Well you would. Look at it as if youre stroppy a complete no prude amitabh surely would please and sorcery for you they can buy the book on for about a successful so you dont look too cocky for systematical make home or go liz of course if he could means. I think is that course it did come east palo me without police open because im suing for obstruction this is hoarsely. In may twenty thirty president jonathan declared a state of emergency. Is committed by the army and greatly weakened the support of the people however support of the military was still indispensable in the fight against this elusive enemy. Then promoted the establishment of a local militia the civilian joint task force c j t f civilians recruited in towns and villages in the north east were used at Security Check to identify members of the group. Why. It was justified. On the bases got these villages. Little the people believed by even soldiers it will be spying for the federal government. And the official small. Started that the way they did to this is it in this you know. This read it this is the warm up leave home without us from what ive said this you know must get the bulk of. Hunker down and out of. I do not only assassinate if i sometimes even if you i might one day be a salute to all your loved ones even you and your sheep and if you have it big youve got big kid believe your life to get to do with trouble afterwards sure oh sure. The summer of twenty fourteen marked book year of territorial expansion the group seized several times in the north east of the country the Nigerian Army was on the verge of defeat in addition to the arsenal the group procured on the black market boko haram regularly recovered weapons and vehicles abandoned by nigerian soldiers. In the south of the state of borno. Took the town halls without any resistance. To collapse happened i found. The book or. Anything to tell yer. Somebody before the service accomplished what i mean the pressure time was kinda goes up. To health. Not only a question of a fantastic day i forgot it was a pleasure. He felt special not. Sure what to do why didnt you more of your own pain on his. Hands has picked. That. Point. I for one thing one ending in any time i didnt get in one and i knew that he bought it. Because sometimes when i use a. Lot of the young ones out there well. You know you know the last one i want to do and im willing to do it im not. Going to. Like you. Thank you i. Am going to get you. Writing to you but you can do it i was willing to do it i mean im going to make you good to go back you know were going to get that you know you hear a good thank you but it was fear that was imposed on all of the areas controlled by boko haram in the north east of the country. The purging of what they called. The hunting of christians got worse. What is happening is that in just that fact it is this is just like what i thought of just what you want to get what you want what you want to establish in the region is if is this organization gets in. This isnt all there is a distinct. Unfortunately the media and. Thats the thing is that. The civilians who fled the fighting and the massacre crowded into camps in the region. More than two Million People forcibly displaced have lost almost everything. They wait with little hope for change they came from all over the state or born. Most are some feeling traumatized. I did you can feel. My year she. She. You. And. Me. But im not going to. Get on with. This question much. So that. You know what you saw just because. You wanted to get a wedding. Look at teaching me say im for. Years who could teach me say i can. Yeah you know that and you know. So the question really hard one. But in terms. Of i mean to me there wasnt a doubt and so. On me and i can. Learn kind of what so then i mean for me since i want to be better if i want to challenge it and i. Was as well or get out i can learn elaine. And whatever he does and thats something. That when you talk about one. Guy or you go with that and then had to get a lot of that are kind of language and then to indicate im a good intermediate guy that i have. It and. You can lie linda and never did anyone about. Our ideas about what. Some of our so enjoy the water and humanity the enemy that you and i get if you havent done it yet and. Since the beginning of the insurgency boko haram has used local resources to finance their activities they still cattle raid crops and kidnap hostages for ransom. The region shares its borders with three countries cameroon chad and. They can cross borders easily out of the reach of the nigerian military. Would be nice a little must i didnt become indians would not own our breasts our talk all the ways and pete would be insurgents. Using. A base for supplies and training to go back to the injury and fight us long as the insurgency did not talk. The same understanding which the hardwoods from i dont know this was a similar study they had with the mission of us navy has always been. To see buthelezi to recuperate on the rest they keep their families in the shade of business and machine the machine for possible you know stuff. From libya traditionally will push through. Back to nigeria as boko haram continued to advance fronts at the request of then nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan organized a summit to discuss security in the region nigeria needed the help of paris to convince its francophone neighbors to commit to the fight against boko haram an International Military coalition was formed the armies of child and know had the right to pursue into nigerian territory. Responded yeah. I mean i will was shocked well then why. Not who are not. My family you know cause all kind of on iran. You know cause look at our door and our Current Employer yes it is surely to be focused on was an unusual like this middle class. More limited event you back to only get us from each other they can usually get the charter so they say yes one hour because i am vacuum or sat a kid only people on my seat more pawnees i dont us are shit and im in other capital they charge me to pick a song as i dont i dont i dont defile you janet its hard to tell it was all luke i wouldnt have you on the fly it cuz i thought prescott preschool in the yard. He said the president if he was a. Pleasure to see dont do said his short on a circus in his own class after several months of fierce fighting the coalition managed to drive boko haram from the largest cities in the state to bomb. In december twenty fifth mohammad behati the new nigerian president strengthened by recent military successes declared that boko haram was technically defeated technical defeats. Its its its for me for forty four persons two it will come out and see should it be seen i mean if you if you if you if you leave for example now you want to become a fox. If you have to if you hold. On the night of january the thirtieth twenty sixteen. Once again challenge the claim a victory by the nigerian authorities in the lorry on the outskirts of my do goody they retaliated. The next morning the inhabitants who had fled returned to find their village burned to the ground. Eighty six people died that night many of them children. Suffering. The low. Pressure. Day and. Let me tell you this is going. On the logs and then. By the day and some my message is. Get ahead of the rope on the. Political guy let alone look at the factories open circuit on the floor and the people night and out of my company i am the bus driver can relate to you. And my usa in this world or so what are your company. Sorts of what i think. A lot. Members of boko haram are hiding out in the sun bisa forest a National Park situated just sixty kilometers southeast of my do good in. The park covers an area roughly one and a half times the size of switzerland there based in the dense forest with several hundred hostages mostly women. Even though boko haram has suffered a number of military setbacks against the International Coalition the group still threatens isolated villages in the region. It may take more than bullets and bombs and nigeria to eliminate. The training iraqi capital its about as close Observer Force it on a ship of. Lettuce cocoa butter cup of tea you. Can fuck over. Our western half of it. Frankly i believe that becoming. Because initially all the pop are aimed. The army is held accountable as an institution im going to show us all individually x. P. To be making music videos and want you to give us i hope you are caught. On to justice is gold. But from the easy to inside we can use easiest to have to be held to account and dental because me its a bitch of the police to have to be able to account. I dont see. Knowledge is the key weve got to understand where the connections are and why that narrative resonates so much with young people because a lot of people that do join these groups start out when they young. Weve got a provide alternative platform for youth its not enough to say as a state well im going to provide you with an education a state has to be responsible for a lot more youve got to provide a child an opportunity for self actualization on many fronts. What should your citizens be they see beyond being educated they must have a life and a life consists of many things if you dont have platforms to shine you look for it and sometimes you look for a very tough basis. By the skyline of asian harbor or off the coast of the italian riviera. Hello its been raining heavily again in southern brazil but the clouds moved out recently to be sitting near rio were going to belle commuters the far south pretty more especially in europe wide enough on the walls of argentina these are things you expect to happen this time of year the rain can get quite intense running in the middle of brazil through believe youre perri but at the moment its running most steadily and most heavily nereus so something brazil will be the case the next two days i think its not going very far as there is briefly gets wet and then gets dry and fine once more north of the continent we see fairly steady rain here for haiti to make a republic jamaica eastern cuba recently haiti in texas had probably about four or five days of steady rain is just a few shots from the country and you see this big enough to to cause at least wading depth in places now that rain appears to be drifting slowly west with an eye towards cuba jamaica and less so over hispania also less on the southern line it was a proper line and a couple days ago the whole lot seems to be moving i would the breeze up towards the gulf of mexico in fact that southern part of the u. S. Could well see some significant rain in the next day or so in the form of biggish showers but of course the still winter in the far north. The weather sponsored by qatar and race. Show if i have. Whats up. Slightly shes itll be all right for then. Its. Like. I said ive done a good show for us to. See if you like kids hyperfocus it or is it a listen when theyre on line we were in hurricane winds for almost like thirty six hours these are the things that new york it has to address or if you join us on set if a member of the ku klux klan but we struck up a relationship based is a dialogue tweet us with hostile into a stream and one of your pitches might make the next show join the global conversation at this time on aljazeera. Aljazeera. Where ever you are. Told this is aljazeera

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